1 Bed + Den L 1 Bath 1 945 Sq.Ft

1 Bed + Den L 1 Bath 1 945 Sq.Ft

COPPERSMITH - One Bedroom + Den Flat 1 bed + den I 1 bath I 945 Sq.ft Tile Hardwood Carpet Ground Floor Upper Floors Copper-Copper- smithsmith P: 781.815.2111 CopperworksCondos.com 104 Revere St. Canton, MA 02021 Updated: 2.27.20 7KHVH̎RRUSODQVDUHLOOXVWUDWLYHRQO\$OOGLPHQVLRQVDUHDSSUR[LPDWH%XLOGHUUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRPDNHPLQRUPRGL̍FDWLRQV 6TXDUH IRRWDJH VKRZQ LV FDOFXODWHG IURP IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO WR IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO DV SHU 0DVVDFKXVHWWV FRQGRPLQLXP SURWRFROV Ironsmith I - One Bedroom + Den Flat 1 bed + den I 1 bath I 1,041 Sq.ft Tile Hardwood Carpet Ground Floor Upper Floors IronsmithIronsmith I P: 781.815.2111 CopperworksCondos.com 104 Revere St. Canton, MA 02021 Updated: 2.27.20 7KHVH̎RRUSODQVDUHLOOXVWUDWLYHRQO\$OOGLPHQVLRQVDUHDSSUR[LPDWH%XLOGHUUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRPDNHPLQRUPRGL̍FDWLRQV 6TXDUH IRRWDJH VKRZQ LV FDOFXODWHG IURP IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO WR IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO DV SHU 0DVVDFKXVHWWV FRQGRPLQLXP SURWRFROV Ironsmith II - One Bedroom + Den Flat 1 bed + den I 1 bath I 1,176 Sq.ft Tile Hardwood Carpet Ground Floor Upper Floors IronsmithIronsmith II P: 781.815.2111 CopperworksCondos.com 104 Revere St. Canton, MA 02021 Updated: 2.27.20 7KHVH̎RRUSODQVDUHLOOXVWUDWLYHRQO\$OOGLPHQVLRQVDUHDSSUR[LPDWH%XLOGHUUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRPDNHPLQRUPRGL̍FDWLRQV 6TXDUH IRRWDJH VKRZQ LV FDOFXODWHG IURP IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO WR IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO DV SHU 0DVVDFKXVHWWV FRQGRPLQLXP SURWRFROV Silversmith - Two Bedroom + Den Flat 2 bed + den I 2 bath I 1,266 Sq.ft Tile Hardwood Carpet Ground Floor Upper Floors Silversmith Silversmith P: 781.815.2111 CopperworksCondos.com 104 Revere St. Canton, MA 02021 Updated: 2.27.20 7KHVH̎RRUSODQVDUHLOOXVWUDWLYHRQO\$OOGLPHQVLRQVDUHDSSUR[LPDWH%XLOGHUUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRPDNHPLQRUPRGL̍FDWLRQV 6TXDUH IRRWDJH VKRZQ LV FDOFXODWHG IURP IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO WR IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO DV SHU 0DVVDFKXVHWWV FRQGRPLQLXP SURWRFROV Bladesmith - Two Bedroom + Den Flat 2 bed + den I 2 bath I 1,522 Sq.ft Tile Hardwood Carpet Ground Floor Upper Floors Bladesmith P: 781.815.2111 CopperworksCondos.com 104 Revere St. Canton, MA 02021 Updated: 2.27.20 7KHVH̎RRUSODQVDUHLOOXVWUDWLYHRQO\$OOGLPHQVLRQVDUHDSSUR[LPDWH%XLOGHUUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRPDNHPLQRUPRGL̍FDWLRQV 6TXDUH IRRWDJH VKRZQ LV FDOFXODWHG IURP IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO WR IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO DV SHU 0DVVDFKXVHWWV FRQGRPLQLXP SURWRFROV %ODGHVPLWK0RGLǦHG7ZR%HGURRP'HQ 2 bed + den I 2 bath I 1,535 Sq.ft Tile Hardwood Carpet Ground Floor Upper Floors Modified Bladesmith P: 781.815.2111 CopperworksCondos.com 104 Revere St. Canton, MA 02021 Updated: 2.27.20 7KHVH̎RRUSODQVDUHLOOXVWUDWLYHRQO\$OOGLPHQVLRQVDUHDSSUR[LPDWH%XLOGHUUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRPDNHPLQRUPRGL̍FDWLRQV 6TXDUH IRRWDJH VKRZQ LV FDOFXODWHG IURP IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO WR IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO DV SHU 0DVVDFKXVHWWV FRQGRPLQLXP SURWRFROV Copper III - One Bedroom + Den 1 bed + den I 1 bath I 859 Sq.ft Tile Hardwood Carpet Ground Floor Upper Floors CopperCopper CopperCopper III III P: 781.815.2111 CopperworksCondos.com 104 Revere St. Canton, MA 02021 Updated: 2.27.20 7KHVH̎RRUSODQVDUHLOOXVWUDWLYHRQO\$OOGLPHQVLRQVDUHDSSUR[LPDWH%XLOGHUUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRPDNHPLQRUPRGL̍FDWLRQV 6TXDUH IRRWDJH VKRZQ LV FDOFXODWHG IURP IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO WR IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO DV SHU 0DVVDFKXVHWWV FRQGRPLQLXP SURWRFROV Iron III - One Bedroom + Den 1 bed + den I 1 bath I 1,249 Sq.ft Tile Hardwood Carpet Ground Floor Upper Floors IronIron III P: 781.815.2111 CopperworksCondos.com 104 Revere St. Canton, MA 02021 Updated: 2.27.20 7KHVH̎RRUSODQVDUHLOOXVWUDWLYHRQO\$OOGLPHQVLRQVDUHDSSUR[LPDWH%XLOGHUUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRPDNHPLQRUPRGL̍FDWLRQV 6TXDUH IRRWDJH VKRZQ LV FDOFXODWHG IURP IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO WR IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO DV SHU 0DVVDFKXVHWWV FRQGRPLQLXP SURWRFROV Nickel IV - Two Bedroom 2 bed I 2 bath I 1,233 Sq.ft Tile Hardwood Carpet Ground Floor Upper Floors Nickel IV P: 781.815.2111 CopperworksCondos.com 104 Revere St. Canton, MA 02021 Updated: 2.27.20 7KHVH̎RRUSODQVDUHLOOXVWUDWLYHRQO\$OOGLPHQVLRQVDUHDSSUR[LPDWH%XLOGHUUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRPDNHPLQRUPRGL̍FDWLRQV 6TXDUH IRRWDJH VKRZQ LV FDOFXODWHG IURP IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO WR IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO DV SHU 0DVVDFKXVHWWV FRQGRPLQLXP SURWRFROV Mercury - Two Bedroom + Den 2 bed + den I 2 bath I 1,402 Sq.ft Tile Hardwood Carpet Ground Floor Upper Floors MercuryMercury P: 781.815.2111 CopperworksCondos.com 104 Revere St. Canton, MA 02021 Updated: 2.27.20 7KHVH̎RRUSODQVDUHLOOXVWUDWLYHRQO\$OOGLPHQVLRQVDUHDSSUR[LPDWH%XLOGHUUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRPDNHPLQRUPRGL̍FDWLRQV 6TXDUH IRRWDJH VKRZQ LV FDOFXODWHG IURP IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO WR IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO DV SHU 0DVVDFKXVHWWV FRQGRPLQLXP SURWRFROV Exp. Mercury - Two Bedroom + Den 2 bed + den I 2 bath I 1,414 Sq.ft Tile Hardwood Carpet Ground Floor Upper Floors Exp.Exp. MercuryMercury P: 781.815.2111 CopperworksCondos.com 104 Revere St. Canton, MA 02021 Updated: 2.27.20 7KHVH̎RRUSODQVDUHLOOXVWUDWLYHRQO\$OOGLPHQVLRQVDUHDSSUR[LPDWH%XLOGHUUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRPDNHPLQRUPRGL̍FDWLRQV 6TXDUH IRRWDJH VKRZQ LV FDOFXODWHG IURP IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO WR IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO DV SHU 0DVVDFKXVHWWV FRQGRPLQLXP SURWRFROV Gallium - Two Bedroom + Den 2 bed + den I 2 bath I 1,538 Sq.ft Tile Hardwood Carpet Ground Floor Upper Floors GalliumGallium P: 781.815.2111 CopperworksCondos.com 104 Revere St. Canton, MA 02021 Updated: 2.27.20 7KHVH̎RRUSODQVDUHLOOXVWUDWLYHRQO\$OOGLPHQVLRQVDUHDSSUR[LPDWH%XLOGHUUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRPDNHPLQRUPRGL̍FDWLRQV 6TXDUH IRRWDJH VKRZQ LV FDOFXODWHG IURP IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO WR IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO DV SHU 0DVVDFKXVHWWV FRQGRPLQLXP SURWRFROV Zinc II - Two Bedroom + Den 2 bed + den I 2 bath I 1,596 Sq.ft Tile Hardwood Carpet Ground Floor Upper Floors ZincZinc IIII ZincZinc IIII P: 781.815.2111 CopperworksCondos.com 104 Revere St. Canton, MA 02021 Updated: 2.27.20 7KHVH̎RRUSODQVDUHLOOXVWUDWLYHRQO\$OOGLPHQVLRQVDUHDSSUR[LPDWH%XLOGHUUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRPDNHPLQRUPRGL̍FDWLRQV 6TXDUH IRRWDJH VKRZQ LV FDOFXODWHG IURP IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO WR IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO DV SHU 0DVVDFKXVHWWV FRQGRPLQLXP SURWRFROV Zinc - Two Bedroom + Den 2 bed + den I 2 bath I 1,667 Sq.ft Tile Hardwood Carpet Ground Floor Upper Floors ZincZinc ZincZinc P: 781.815.2111 CopperworksCondos.com 104 Revere St. Canton, MA 02021 Updated: 2.27.20 7KHVH̎RRUSODQVDUHLOOXVWUDWLYHRQO\$OOGLPHQVLRQVDUHDSSUR[LPDWH%XLOGHUUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRPDNHPLQRUPRGL̍FDWLRQV 6TXDUH IRRWDJH VKRZQ LV FDOFXODWHG IURP IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO WR IDFH RI VWXG ZDOO DV SHU 0DVVDFKXVHWWV FRQGRPLQLXP SURWRFROV BUILDING 2 LAYOUT PLAN G1 G2 G3G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 013 12 3 4 5 Ironsmith II 011 Ground Floor STORAGE 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Ironsmith I 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 Modified Copper- Bladesmith Silversmith smith Silversmith Bladesmith 001 003 005 007 009 104 106 108 110 Zinc Gallium Nickel IV Zinc 102 112 Exp. First Floor Copper IIIMercury Iron III Mercury Copper III 103 105 Zinc II 107 Zinc II 101 109 204 206 208 210 Zinc Gallium Nickel IV Zinc 202 212 Second Floor Exp. Copper IIIMercury Iron III Mercury Copper III 203 205 Zinc II 207 Zinc II 201 209 304 306 308 310 Zinc Gallium Nickel IV Zinc 302 312 Third Floor Exp. Copper IIIMercury Iron III Mercury Copper III 303 305 Zinc II 307 Zinc II 301 309 P: 781.815.2111 CopperworksCondos.com 104 Revere St. Canton, MA 02021 Updated: 2.3.20.

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