32 OFFICIAL BULLETIN WILLIAM FORCE WHITAKER, Elizabeth, N. J. (19595). Great-grandson BULLETIN Thomas Forse, or Force, Corporal Second Regt. Essex County New Jer..._ OFFICIAL Militia. -• 01" ALFRED EDGAR WHITE, Mobile, Ala. (19631). Great-grandson of C White, private, Colonel Noyes's Rhode Island Regt., pensioned. THE NATIONAL SOCIETY CHARLES AUGUSTINE WHITE, Greeley, Colo. (20102). Great-grandson John White, private Mass. Militia at Lexington Alarm; great-grandson OF THE!: Miles Flint, Lieutenant, Spaulding's and Reed's Mass. Regts. DORMAN EATON WHITE, Greeley, Colo. (2o1o3). Great-grandson of loh" White, private Mass. Militia at Lexington Alarm; great-grandson of Mil SONS oF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Flint, Lieutenant, Spaulding's and Reed's Mass. Regts. • Oraanized April 30, I 889 HOWARD HARPER WHITNEY, New York, N. Y. (19921). Great-~r.andson of Incorporated by Act ol Conaress June 9, 1906 Josiah Whitney, Colonel Second Worcester County Regt. Mass. M1htia, M:t~~~ her Mass. Legislature. DECEMBER, 1908 Number 3 EMMET M. WICKHAM, Delaware, Ohio (19665). (Supplemental.) Groat grandson of Joseph Woods, Corporal Worcester County Mass. Militia· grandson of Dat•id Adams, private New Jersey troops, pensioned. DANIEL A. WILLIAMS, Antioch, Ill. (19799). Great-grandson of lames Boot Captain Conn. Militia; great-grandson of Curtis Beardsley, Corporal Con Militia; great'-grandson of Abraham Beardsley, private Conn. Militia. LEWIS ROBERT WILLIAMS, Louisville, Ky. (19679). Great-grandson Nicholas Blanl~enbaker, private Virginia Line, pensioned. OFFICAL BuLLETIN records action by the General O~cers, ~e FRANK GRIMES WILLIS, Cripple Creek, Colo. (19854). Great2-grandsan B Th~ of Trustees the Executive and other National Commltte~s, hst~ Amaziah Sanderson, private Mass. troops, pensioned. oar hers decea~ed and of new members, and important domgs o ELMER ELLSWORTH WOOD, New Orleans, La. (17464). Great•-grandson of of me~l . t' By vote of the Buffalo Congress the OFFICIAL BuLLtTIN Hugh Alexander, Jr., private Second Battalion Cumberland County Penna, ~tate ocl:~:~· member at the expense of the National Society. State Militia; great3-grandson of Hugh Alexander, Sr., Member First Assembly of Penna., 1886; great-grandson of William Gilson, private Maryland Militia ~ sen:a;~es ar: requested to communicate to the Secretary Gene~al ac- great'-grandson of David Boyd, private First Penna. Line; great2-grandson of ecret of meetings or celebrations by their Societies, and any c anges Le·w·is Humphre)'S, private, Colonel Haslett's Delaware Rcgt. conn s in addresses of members. JOHN FLEET WOOD, Huntington, N. Y. (19913). Great2-grandson mial• Wood, private First Regt. Suffolk County New York Militia. WILLIAM HENRY WOOD, Burlington, Vt. (19210). Great-grandson OFFICIAL NOTICES. Hooker, private, Col. David Wells's Mass. Regt. JOHN AUSTIN WOODS, Youngstown, Ohio (19668). Great-grandson of Robtrt THE TwF.NTIF.TH ANNUAL CoNGRESS of the Sons ~f the American McLain, private Cumberland County Penna. Militia; grandson of Daftll Revolution will be held in the City _of Baltimore, Apnl 3~ and May I: Sheehy, Corporal Eleventh Regt. Penna. Line. The Committee on Arrangements for the Congress IS as follows - YORK AMOS WOODWARD, New Orleans, La. (17465). ~~~;mander John H. Moore, U. S. N., chairman, 1755 P street, ~ash~ William Woodward, private Sixth Battalion Conn. troops. ~ D c . George R. Gaither, III N. Charles street, Baltimore, ROBERT ALI,EN WRIGHT, Carroll, Iowa (19467). Great2-grandson mgton, . , . !eel Wright, private Mass. Militia. Gen. Clinton L. Riggs, 903 N. Charles street, Baltimore. EDDIE WYLIE YATES, Globe, Arizona (18789). Great2-grandson M \RBLF. HEADSTONES, suitably inscribed fo: marking the graves of Ghristian, Captain Virginia Militia. oldicrs or sailors of the Revolution, are furn1shed free of charg~ upon CHARLES SHERMAN YEOMANS, New Haven, Conn. (19967). Great-gran.UO.. application to the Quartermaster General, U. S. Army, \Vashmgton, of Acariah Brown, private Conn. Militia. LAUREL ELMER YOUMANS, Mukwonago, Wis. (20054). D. C. Josef>/• Andrews, private, Colonel Carpenter's Mass. Regt. State Societies Chapters and individual members bare h~rgef ~~ ALFRED WHEELOCK YOUNG, Chicago, Ill. (19792). Great'·grandson and inc:ease their efforts to add to the mem ers 1p o Benjamin Curtis, Surgeon First Regt. New York Continental troops. DE WITT CLINTON YOUNG, Smethport, Pa. (19494). Great-grandson Jacob Stull, Stall, Captain, Second Regt. Sussex County New Jersey Militia. 2 OFFICIAL BULLETIN KATIONAL SOCIETY, S . .A. R. RoSETTES and che Society ribbon are furnished direct on order of State Societies by Annin & Co., corner Fulton and William streets, FLAG COMMITTEE. New York City. en. Thomas i\I. Vincent, U.S. A., chairm.an of the National. F~ag BADGES are made by J . E. Caldwell & Co., 902 Chestnut street, Phila. G ·ttee has communicated with the Presidents of State Soc1et1es, delphia, and are sold to members on permits issued by the Registrar ;,.~~:~l att~ntion to the flag bill ( S. 565, printed below) , W~1i.ch passed Ceneral, countersigned by the Registrar or Secretary of a State Society. ' S t May 20 I9o8 and is now pendmg before the Jud1c1ary Com- the ena e ' ' . d' 'd l · f the House of Representatives. Soc1et1es and 111 1v1 ua mem- CeRTIFICATES OF MEMBERSHIP, size I9 by 2-1- inches, engraved by the mtttee o ttrged to use their influence to secure the passage of this American Bank Note Company, and engrossed in the Registrar Gen. bers are · G 1 V" eral's office with member's name and name of Revolutionary ancestor patriotic measure duri.ng the present sessiOn of Congress. enera 111- are issued on order of State Societies at one dollar each. They ar~ cent's letter, in part, ts as follows: signed by the President General, the Secretary and Registrar General CoMPATRIOT: At the meeting of the _Executive Committee, National and the President, Secretary, and Registrar of the State Society. ' · t Sons of the American RevolutiOn, September 26, I9o8, It was Soc:el that the Flao· Committee would use every effort to sect~re the THE MeDAL OF HoNOR AND DIPLOMA for service in the War with Spain rect ~ nt by the House of Representatives, of the Senate btll 565, in r898 is awarded to new members upon filing with the Secretary Gen. ct~~~~~:as~ed the S enate May 20, rgo8-to prevent and pu~ish the dese­ w tion mutilation, or improper use of the Flag o! the Umted StatesNof era] evidence of enlistment in the service of the United States during era · ' * * * The President General was 111structed by the a­ that war. AmeltC~no-ress at the Buffalo meeting, to send a suitable message to OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT GENERAL." thonJudici;ry Committee of the House of Representatives-in charge ~/the bill before that body. It was believed that the messag~ wouli be RECOMMENDATIO NS IN REGARD TO WEARING INSIGNIA. otent in its influence; and it is now the .duty of the N atwnal lag PC 'ttee S A R to use its best effort, 1.11 order to the speedy pas- ommi , · · ., · * * * In order to secure greater uniformity in wearing of the insignia of ~age of Senate bill 565, by the House of Representatives. the Society, the following suggestions are made, as supplemental to I have in person, placed before the House of Rep~esent~ttves. Judi­ Article XV of the By-Laws: ciary C~mmittee, considerable literature on the subject, mclus1ve of I.-The rosette should be worn in the left lapel of the coat with * * * the action of the U. S. Supreme Court, favorable to the con­ ordinary house or street dress, but never in the overcoat. No rosette of stitutionality of Flag legislation, in the case of Halter and. Heywoodi\r· State of Nebraska. The decision, March 4, 1907, was deltvered by r. any order or Society should be worn at the same time with the insignia. Justice Harlan. * * * · If a compatriot belongs to several orders, selection should be made of Let us continue to labor that the soul of the Flag may not be taken one rosette, two should not be worn at the same time. 1 * * * Every member should put forth earnest personal effort H.-Insignia should be worn on the left breast, but when the insignia ~'it~{· Senators and Representatives in Congress-particularly! when of this Society is used at the same time with those of other orders, it is acquainted with them-and urge the enactment of a law dur111g the present Congress. recommended that the regulations of the United States Government for * * * Our membership, of the Sons of the American ~evolution,. is .about army officers be observed, which is as follows: !2 ooo divided among 42 State Societies, includmg the ptsh:tct of The badges are to be worn on the left breast of the coat, the top of C~lu~bia, France, and Hawaii. The President General. 111 hts last the ribbons forming a horizontal line, the outer end of which shall be annual report contemplates 25,000 at a date not remote,. tf State So­ from two to four inches (according to the height of the wearer) below cieties are energetic. Thus there will be. al?ng natw.nal. !tnes a greatly the upper line of the shoulder. effective and influential force-nati~mal 111 1t~ o;gam~atwn, scope, and purposes The most cherished des1re, at thts t1me, IS t.? ~ave. a pure III.-Present or past officers who, under Article XV of the By-Laws, Flag; and, to that end, the Society has unification and coord111atwn as a are entitled to wear the insignia at the collar, are recommended to so whole * * * wear it for the dignity of the Society. But this should only be done On .pages I8 and 19 of the Senate. 57th. C~ngres~, ,h.earing, will. be found the "Regulations of Foreign Countnes proh1b1t111g desecratiOn with a dress suit or dress uniform.
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