IPTC SpectrumNo 18 December 2003 IPTC - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR NEWS EventsML ProgramGuideML SportsML Weather Data NewsML NITF Putting IPTC Standards Together Nominating Members Agence France Presse - afp - (France) - www.afp.com Agence Télégraphique Suisse S.A - SDA/ATS - (Switzerland) - www.sda-ats.ch ANSA (Italy) - www.ansa.it Associated Mediabase Limited (UK) - www.mediabase.co.uk Associated Press - AP - (USA) - www.ap.org Austria Presse Agentur - APA - (Austria) - www.apa.at Business Wire (USA) - www.businesswire.com Canada NewsWire Ltd (Canada) - www.newswire.ca Canadian Press (Canada) - www.cp.org CINTEC (Hong Kong) - www.cintec.cuhk.edu.hk Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH - dpa - (Germany) - www.dpa.de Dialog/NewsEdge Inc (USA) - www.newsedge.com Dow Jones & Company (USA) - www.dowjones.com European Alliance of Press Agencies (Sweden) - www.pressalliance.com Japan Newspaper Publishers & Editors Association - NSK - (Japan) - www.pressnet.or.jp Keystone (Switzerland) - www.keystone.ch Kyodo News Services (Japan) - www.kyodo.co.jp Newspaper Association of America - NAA - (USA) - www.naa.org New York Times Company (USA) - www.nytimes.com PA News Ltd (UK) - www.pa.press.net Pinnacor (USA) - www.pinnacor.com PR Newswire (UK) - www.prnewswire.co.uk Reuters Limited (UK) - www.reuters.com Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå - TT - (Sweden) - www.tt.se TMNEWS-APCOM (Italy) - www.apcom.it United Press International - UPI - (USA) - www.upi.com World Association of Newspapers - WAN - (France) - www.wan-press.org Associate Members AFX News Ltd (UK) - www.afxnews.com Agence Belga (Belgium) - www.belga.be Agencia EFE (Spain) - www.efe.es Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau - ANP - (The Netherlands) - www.anp.nl ANA, Athens News Agency (Greece) - www.ana.gr Atex Media Command (Australia) - www.atex.com BearingPoint, Inc (USA) - www.bearingpoint.com CCI Europe (Denmark) - www.ccieurope.com EAST Co Ltd (Japan) - www.est.co.jp/english/index.html Fingerpost Ltd (UK) - www.fingerpost.co.uk Harris and Baseview (USA) - www.harrisbaseview.com HINA (Croatia) - www.hina.hr IBM - Japan (Japan) - www.jp.ibm.com IFRA (Germany) - www.ifra.com Inxight Software (USA) - www.inxight.com ITAR-TASS (Russia) - www.itar-tass.com La Reppublica (Italy) - www.repubblica.it Magyar Távírati Iroda Rt - MTI - (Hungary) - www.mti.hu Media Content Market - MCM - (Sweden) - www.mcon.com NewsLink (UK) - www.wire2.com Norsk Telegrambyrå AB (Norway) - www.ntb.no Nstein Technologies Inc (Canada) - www.nstein.com Oy Suomen Tietotoimisto (Finland) - www.stt.fi/ IPTC Members 2003 RelaxNews (France) - www.relaxnews.com Ritzau Bureau I's (Denmark) - www.ritzau.dk RivCom (UK) - www.rivcom.com XML Team Solutions Inc (USA) - www.xmlteam.com International Press Telecommunications Council Contents Chairman: Organisation John Iobst A Year Of Change 4 Honorary Treasurer: Management Commitee 4 Henrik Stadler Vice Chairmen: IPTC Membership 5 Stéphane Guérillot; Naoshi Hashimoto; Pressure Group 5 Geoffrey Haynes; Rudi Horvath; Peter Müller; IPTC Directory 6 Klaus Sprick. Adding New Colours To IPTC’s Work 6 Managing Director: Open Discussion 8 Michael Steidl Editor: Final Farewell 8 Hugh Johnstone PR Committee Published by the Spreading The Message 9 International Press Telecommunications Council Standards Royal Albert House Sheet Street Putting It All Together 10 Windsor News Standards Survey 11 Berkshire SL4 1BE IPTC Namespace 12 England News Summit 2003 13 Tel: +44(0)1753 705051 Fax: +44(0)1753 831541 NewsML Support E-mail: [email protected] Improving The Appeal 14 [email protected] NewsML Requirements 14 Web Pages: www.iptc.org NewsML V2 Documentation 15 www.newsml.org www.nitf.org Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå 15 www.sportsml.com www. programguideml.org News Metadata What The News Is About 16 Criteria For New SRS Entries 16 Scene TopicSet 17 NITF Incremental Improvements 18 Ruby 19 CCI Europe 19 Special Content Dedicated News Structures 20 SportsML 21 ProgramGuideML 22 Fantasy Sports 23 Cover: Development Ritzau Bureau I’s 23 of an integrated IPTC Standards Suite will bring all News Management the existing XML- based standards together. Under Control 24 ORGANISATION Management Committee A Year of Board of Directors of IPTC (as a company) with responsibility for Change management and development of the organisation. The launch of a major work programme with the aim of producing an Web site: www.iptc.org integrated family of standards for the news industry, the release of new and updated standards, and changes associated with the John Iobst appointment of a new Managing Director have made the past year (NAA) particularly busy and productive. Chairman he main activity of IPTC remains the de- Standards Committee session to Tvelopment of standards for the news in- summarise the achievements and give for- dustry and a thorough reappraisal of the mal approval to agreed actions - such as re- Henrik Stadler aims and scope of this work has resulted in lease of a new standard. In addition the (TT) a challenging new programme. This envis- Public Relations Committee meets to dis- Honorary Treasurer ages the development of a new family of cuss the promotion of IPTC in general, and standards - generally based on the existing the current activities in particular. standards and projects but with a high level These additional activities have placed a of integration. significant burden on the delegates, and Stéphane Guérillot, To date three XML-based standards especially on the Working Party Chairmen. (afp) have been formally approved and released: The success of IPTC’s activities very much Vice-Chairman NewsML; the NITF; and SportsML. In addi- depends on the work put in by individual tion ProgramGuideML has been made delegates - and the willingness of their available in draft form, while work is in hand companies to let them make the commit- on programs to handle structured content ment is an indication of the importance Naoshi Hashimoto covering various interest areas. It is envis- placed on the results. However, particular (NSK) aged that the core of the new standards problems can arise if a Chairman is unable Vice-Chairnman family will be a revised NewsML. The other to attend a Meeting, and to help with this it standards will have a consistent design for was decided to appoint Vice-Chairs for use with NewsML and a high level of com- each of the Working Parties. Geoffrey Haynes monality - though they will remain inde- Since the deputies have to work closely (AP) pendent programs that can also be used in with the Chairmen the incumbents were en- Vice-Chairman a stand-alone mode. couraged to make their own nominations, subject to approval by the Standards Com- Standards Steering mittee. This resulted in appointment of a A new Standards Steering Committee has first group of Vice-Chairs being appointed Rudi Horvath been formed to plan and oversee the devel- at the Autumn Meeting - details of the dele- (APA) Vice-Chairman opment process and consists of the Chair- gates who have taken on these responsi- men of the Individual Working Parties, bilities are given in the Working Party along with the IPTC Chairman, the Chair- reports on the following pages. men of the Standards and Public Relations Peter Müller Committees and the IPTC Managing Direc- Continuing support (STS/ATS) tor. Meetings of this group are held (in per- Although the development activity is now Vice-Chairman son or by teleconference) prior to the main being focused on the new standards family, IPTC Meetings - and at other times as ap- it is recognised that existing standards and propriate - to work on the overall plan and projects need continuing support to meet establish priorities for the forthcoming ses- industry requirements. This work remains a Klaus Sprick (dpa) sions. significant feature of the three main Meet- Vice-Chairman Associated with this, a review of working ings, and of the efforts put in by delegates practices resulted in a revised structure for in preparing proposals for discussion at the the three main Meetings. These now start Meetings. with an initial Standards Committee ses- The 2003 Spring Meeting was held in Michael Steidl sion which provides an outline of the work it Nice and saw the formal approval and re- IPTC Managing is hoped to carry out and an overview of lease of SportsML V.1, which had been re- Director how these activities fit into the general stan- leased in draft form at the Autumn 2002 dards development plan. Individual Work- Meeting. This standard has gained rapid ing Party meetings follow, with a concluding acceptance, with some users launching 4 IPTC Spectrum 2003 ORGANISATION systems based on the draft release. It supplier CCI Europe (see page 19), the on metadata (which will also form a major seems likely that SportsML will become Danish News Agency Ritzau I’s (page 23) element of the new family of standards). one of the more widely-used IPTC stan- and the Swedish Newsagency Tidningar- This included a substantial set of additions dards, having applications beyond the nass Telegraymbyrå (page 15). The hospi- and enhancements to the IPTC Subject news industry - it may even become used tality of the hosts and the efficient Reference System (SRS), implementation by the general public. organisation made the meeting both pro- of revised working practices designed to Structured content - like SportsML - is ductive and very enjoyable. simplify and speed up additions to the SRS, proving a major area of interest. The NSK Welcoming delegates to Aarhus, Mr Uffe and the production of a new NewsML Top- (Nihon Shinbun Kyokai - the Japan News- Riis Sorensen, Managing Director and icSet for describing pictures paper Publishers & Editors Association) Editor-in-Chief of Ritzaus Bureau high- Following established practice, working has undertaken a major initiative to develop lighted the importance of technical devel- sessions at the Meetings were comple- a television and radio programme listings opment for the news industry, with smaller mented by a series of guest speakers and system.
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