UNITED NATIONS arneral Assembly Diatr. GENERAL A/43/605 15 Srgtomter 1988 ORIGINALI ENGLISH Forty-third rresaion Item 94 of the proviaionel agenda* ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN on the of A11.Farmr rLi.rem Rwort of S m Nnud CONTENTS - ma 1 - 10 2 11 - 13 4 Convention -- ..- - * A/43/150, 88-22528 0489i (E) / , I A/43/605 Englirh Page 2 I. IblTIODUCTIO~ 1CI , The General Arrrmbly, by it8 rorolution 34/180 of 111 Daaombor 1919, adopted the Convention on the Elimination of All Forma of Dirarimination againrt Womrn and opened it for rignaturo , rr:ifiaationor l aaa~8ion~ Sinao 1980, the Aarombly har annually adopted roaolutionr in which it invited or urged all Rater that had not yet done 80 to rip, ratify or aaardo to thr Convention (rrrolutionr 35/140, 361131, 37/64, 35/109, 40/39, 41/100 and 42/60), In aaaordanaa with thovo rorolutiona, the Ioarotary-Gonaral ha8 annually rubmittrd roportr on the rtatu8 of the Convention on th8 Elimination of All Form8 of Dirarimination againrt Women since the thirty-fifth roarion of the Graarrl &88ombly in 1950 (A/35/425, A/36/295 and Add.1, A/37/349 and Add.1, A/30/338, A/39/416, A/40/623, A/41/600 and Add,1 and A/42/627), Sinlao the inaoption of the Committoo on the Elimination of Diacriminntion againat Wornon, th8 A88wnbly ha8 8180 regularly oonridwed the Committee'8 roportr on it8 aativiti88, A/ rubmittod in aaaordanao with article 21 of the Convention, 2, In it8 rrrolutionr SO/130 of 14 Dooombrr 1984, 40/39 of 29 Novombor 1985, 41/108 of 4 Docombor 1966 and 42/60 of 24 lrrbruary 1955, the Cirnoral Arrembly rmphrrioed thr impOrt8naO of thr rtriotart aomplianar by Itator parti with their obliqrtionr under the Convention, By rorolutionr 40/39, 41/100 and 42/60, the Arsrmbly roqursted th8 Ioarotary-Qonrral to trralmit the Committoo' roportr to the Commiwion on thr Btatur of Womon, for information, 3, The G8n8ral A88amblyr by it8 r88OlUtiOa 41)/M, WOlaOm@fl the ratification Of or acaerrion to the Convention by an haroaring II\ Jr of Mombor Itatrr, The Axsembl y urged State8 partirr to maka all poariblr rffc .a to rubmit thair initial report8 on the imglrmrntation of the Convrntion in aaaordaaao with article 18 and with the guideliner of the Committoo, Thr Aorombly doaidod that no action would be taken on decision 4 adoptrd by the Committoo rrquorting the United Nation8 to promote or undertake rtudier on the rtatur of womon under 18lamia law8 and cu8tom8, The Committee war rrqurrted to raviow that drairion, taking into account the viewr expressed by dolegation at the firrt regular rorriorr of 1957 of the Economic and Social Council and in the Third Committoo of the General A88rmbly at it8 forty-recond ueaaion, 4, The Arrembly furthor wolaomod thr, offortr mado by the Committee to rationalise ite procrduroa and oxpodito the aon#idaration of periodic raportr, rnd oncouraged it to continue its l ndewoura, The A88embly l l8o decided, on an l xcoptional basis, that thr Committoe may hold no moro than might additional mruting8 during itr sersionr in 1988 in order to advance OOa8ideratbOa of report8 already rubmitted, It invited the Committoo and the Stator parti. to conridrr holding future rrrrions of the Committoe at Vi8nna and rOquO8tad the Ioarotary-08neral to make every effort to onsure adoqurtr rwvicing, within l xlrtiag ro8ource8, for the affwtive functioning of the Committee. 5, The attention of the Gsnwal Arambly i8 drawn to Eaonomia and Social Council rerolution 1905/26 of 26 May 1968, whiah wa8 adopted on the recommendation of the Comnlrrmion on thr Statur of Women, The Council, noting the dor;isione of the fourth A/43/605 English Page 3 mooting a/ of 8tat.8 partion to the Conveation , took aoto of the articles of the Convention that providrd the mandata of thr Committoo, recalled the rob of the Committoo purruant to l rtialo 21, paragraph 1, of tha Convention and rocogniaed the rpraiai rrlovanar of pwiodia rwporta of Btator partion to the Convention to the l ifortr of the Commirrion to roviow and apprai80 the implrmrntation of the Forward-looking Stratagiar for tha Advanoamaat of Woman in those countries. 6, By rarolution lW6/46 of 27 May 1988, the Eaoaomia and Social Council, hav in9 aonridrred the report of the CommittOO On it8 rovonth 8088ion, reiterated the drainion of the Qonoral A880mblyr ia paragraph 9 of rorolution 42/60, that no aCtiOn bo t&km oa doairioa 4 adopted by the Committoo at it8 Birth 8o88ion and r@quOBtad the Srarotary-Qrnorrl to tranrmit the report of thr Committee to the Commirrion oa the Statue of Womon, for inform&tion. 7, Gn th@ di,r.minatiOn Of iafOrm@tiOn, the Q8aoral )r88rmbly, in it8 tO8OlUtiOn 42/60, roquortod the Soarrtary-Qonoral, within l xiating ro8ourae8, to provide, facilitate and ancourage publie information aativitioa relating to the Committee and the Convention in the official laqu@gO8 of the United Nationr, The Economic rnd Social Cauaail, in rcmolutioa 1988/48, roitoratod that rrqurrt in the 88nw WOlFdO, and in rorolution 1960/26, it l pha8i8Od the rrquart for diaremination of information oaao more with a view to promoting further ratificationa or l cceaaions to the Convention, 8, The Council, in rorolutioa 198W49, noted with deep conaorn the prOblOm8 rnaountorod by the Committoo a8 a rorult of the laok of roaourooar including toahniaal and 8ub8taativr rupport, l d the baoklog of rogort8 awaiting rxmination, It roqurrtod the Seoratary-Qeaeral, in proparing the programme budget for the biennium 1990-1991, to take dur account of article 17, paragraph 9, of the Convention by providing the nrcorrary rtaff and facilitier for the effective performance of tho function8 of the Committoo in order to enable it to carry out it8 mandate an l ffiaiently an other human right8 treaty bodies. In resolution 1968/26, the Council alro noted the problomr with con8ider8ble concrrn, It roaffirmrd that raaourcaa of thr Branch for the Advancement of Women of the Centre for Social Dovalopmont and Humanitarian Affair8 rhould be reinforced through variour moana, including rodeploymont, to l nablo it to keep pace with it8 increased work-load and to guarrntoo proper rerviaing of all bodirr concerned with the advaucenlont of tho 8tatu8 of wOrnoar 9, In rsrolution 1988/48 the Council raaommondod that tho General A88ombly, at it8 forty-third 8e8ai0n, conrider the reqW8t mado by the Committee for addition‘l’l meetings. on an l raoptionrl baDiD, in order to advance conrideration of reports already rubmittod to the Committoo, PO. At their fourth mooting, the Itator parti. to the Convention roquestrd the Sexotary-General, M, to bring to the attention of thm General A8rembly the relevant dOCi8iOnB taken at their meetingr, The document CEDAW/SP/lQ containing the doOi8iOn8 takw at the fourth mooting ha8 been dirtributrd to all Member Iltatoa, A/43/505 EnglP8h Page 4 II, STATUS OF THE CONVENTION 11, Thr Convention, opened for riqnature in New York on 1 March 1980, entered into force on 3 September 1981, the thirtieth day aftrr the date of deposit with the Soorotrry-Qonrral ot the United Nation8 of the twentieth inrtrumrnt of ratification or acco88ion. Strtor that had ratified or acceded to the Convention atter the deporit of the twentfoth inrtrument of ratificatian or acce8sion became parties to tho Convention, in l ocordanca with article 27, paragraph 2, on the thirtieth day after the date of the deporit of their own inrtrumrnt of rstifcation or accresion, 12, A8 at 31 Augurt 1988, 94 oountrier had rigned the Convention, 74 State8 had ratified it and 20 States had acceded to it, which brought the total number of ratification8 and aacrrrionr to 94. 13, The list of Strtrr that have rigned and ratified or acceded to the Convention, a8 well a8 the dater of their signature8 and thr dater of receipt of the inrtrumentr of ratifioation or l aae8rion, ir contained in annax I to tho prrsent report, Since the lart progrerr report, datrd 7 September 1987, Burkina Fare han acceded to the Convention, Objrctionr to rrrervationr made upon ratification or accarrion are preronted in annex II, A/ biFicial.- of thr.danaral # -Na. (A/38/4S)l w., Thirtv-ninth (A/39/45), ~018, I and 111 mar, Edrtirth Suwt Nu (A/40/45)~ ihLd* I &&pfirat SIlljoh Sm No. 45 (A/41/45 and Corr.1) and u,, on. Ss 38 (A/42/38), 21 CEDAW/SP/14, A/43/605 Enylirh Page 5 ANNEX I -ied or acceard at lQ&& Angola 17 September 1986 a/ Afghanirtsn 14 Auqurt 1980 Argentina 17 July 1980 15 July 1985 AUBtralia 17 July 1980 28 July 1983 Auotria 17 July 1980 31 March 1982 Bangladesh 6 November 1984 B/ Barbados 24 July 1980 16 October 1980 Belgium 17 July 1980 10 July 1985 Benin 11 Novrmbrr 1981 Bhutan 17 July 1980 31 .iuguet 1981 Bolivia 30 May 1980 Braail 31 March 1981 1 February 1984 Bulgaria 17 July 1980 8 February 1982 Burkina Far0 14 Octobw 1987 A/ Burundi 17 July 1980 Byelorue8ian Soviet SOCieliBt Republic 17 July 1980 4 February 1981 Cameroon 6 June 1983 Canada 17 July 1980 10 December 1981 Cape Verde 5 December 1980 a/ Chile 17 July 1980 China 17 July 1980 4 November 1980 Colombia 17 July 1980 19 January 1982 Congo 29 July 1980 26 July 1982 Costa Rica 17 Culy 1980 4 April 1986 C&r d’Ivoire 17 duly 1980 Cuba 6 March 1980 17 July 1980 Cyprus 23 July 1985 a/ Caechoelovakia 17 July ioao 16 February 1982 Democratic Kampuchea 17 October 1980 Democratic Yemen 30 May 1984 41 Denmark 17 July 1980 21 April 1983 Dominica 15 September 1980 15 September 1980 Dominican Republic 17 July 1980 2 September 1982 Ecuador 17 July 1980 9 November 1981 E9YN 16 July 1980 18 Septrmber 1981 El Salvador 14 November 1980 19 AugUBt 1981
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