J. Korean Math. Soc. 28(1991), No. 2, pp. 245-265 FUNCTIONS IN THE FRESNEL CLASS OF AN ABSTRACT WIENER SPACE J.M. AHN*, G.W. JOHNSON AND D.L. SKOUG o. Introduction Abstract Wiener spaces have been of interest since the work of Gross in the early 1960's (see [18]) and are currently being used as a frame­ work for the Malliavin calculus (see the first half of [20]) and in the study of the Fresnel and Feynman integrals. It is this last topic which concerns us in this paper. The Feynman integral arose in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics and has been studied, with a variety of different definitions, by math­ ematicians and, in recent years, an increasing number of theoretical physicists. The Fresnel integral has been defined in Hilbert space [1], classical Wiener space [2], and abstract Wiener space [13] settings and used as an approach to the Feynman integral. Such approaches have their shortcomings; for example, the class offunctions that can be dealt with is somewhat limited. However, these approaches also have some distinct advantages including the fact, seen most clearly in [14], that several different definitions of the Feynman integral exist and agree. A key hypothesis in most of the theorems about the Fresnel and Feynman integrals is that the functions involved are in the 'Fresnel class' of the Hilbert space being used. Theorem 2 below is a general result insuring membership in :F(B), the Fresnel class of an abstract Wiener space B. :F(B) consists of all 'stochastic Fourier transforms' of certain Borel measures of finite variation. (Precise definitions will be given in Section 1 below.) A surprising number ofconsequences follow from Theorem 2; indeed, the rest of this paper after Theorem 2 consists of eleven corollaries. Corollaries 3 through 7 are in the setting of classical Wiener space and show, in conjunction with Corollary 1, that various functions of Received August 23, 1990. *This research was supported by the Ministry of Education, Korea (1989). 245 246 J.M. Ahn, G.W. Johnson and D.L. Skoug interest in quantum mechanics, are in the Fresnel class of the classical abstract Wiener space. We should mention that all of the corollaries of [6] could have been included in this paper although they are not. Corollaries 9, 10, and 11 in Section 4 illustrate how Theorem 2 can be applied to abstract Wiener spaces and associated Gaussian stochastic processes other than the classical Wiener process. The processes in­ volved are, respectively, the n parameter Wiener process, the Brownian bridge, and a family of processes described in [20, pp.7-9]. We include, without proof, the necessary background information concerning these processes. Corollary 8, the first corollary of Section 4, is in the set­ ting of the classical abstract Wiener space but is very different from the other corollaries in this paper and from all of the corollaries in the earlier work [4;6]. We close this introduction by remarking that the results of [4] which are in the Hilbert space setting of [1] are less directly comparable to the present paper than are the results of [6]. The Hilbert space and Wiener space settings are closely related however as was shown in [10] and [13] in the classical and abstract Wiener space settings, respectively. 1. Definitions and preliminaries Let H be a real separable infinite dimensional Hilbert space with inner product h,} and norm 1·1. Let p be the cylinder set measure on H defined by p(A) = (21r)-n/2 Lexp {_1~2} dx, where A = P-1(E), E is a Borel set in the image of an n-dimensional projection P in H and dx is Lebesgue measure in P(H). A norm 1/·1/0 on H is called measurable if for every € > 0 there exists a finite dimensional projection Po such that p({x EH: IIpxllo > €}) < € whenever P is a finite dimensional projection orthogonal to Po. It is known (see [18]) that H is not complete with respect to .11 . 110' Let B denote the completion of H with respect to 11·110' Let i denote the natural injection from H into B. The adjoint operator i* is one-to-one and maps B* continuously onto a dense subset of H*. By identifying H* with H and B* with i*B*, we have a triple B* c H* == H C B and (x,y) = (x,y) for all x in H any y in B*, where (".) denotes the FUnctions in the Fresnel class of an abstract Wiener space 247 natural dual pairing between B and B*. By a well-known result of Gross, poi-I has a unique countably additive extension v to the Bore! O'-algebra B(B) of B. The triple (B,H,v) is called an abstract Wiener space, and the Hilbert space H is called the generator of (B,H,v). Given an arbitrary real separable Banach space B with norm 11·110, and a countably additive Gaussian measure von (B, B(B», it is known that there exists a Hilbert space H such that H ~ B, B is the completion of H under 11 ·110' the norm 11·110 is a {neasurable norm on H with respect to the canonical normal distribution p and v = po i-I. For more details, see Kuo [18]. Let {ej} denote a complete orthonormal system on H such that the e;'s are in B*. For each h E H and x E B, define a stochastic inner product (.,.)- between B and H as follows: if the limit exists otherwise. It is well-known that for every h E H, (x, h) exists for v-almost all x in B and is a Borel measurable function on B having a Gaussian 2 distribution with mean zero and variance Ih1 • Furthermore, it is easy to show that (x, hf equals (x, h) almost everywhere on B if h E B*. Note that if both h and x are in H, then (x, h) = {x, h}. Let M(H) denote the space of complex-valued countably additive measures defined on B(H), the Borel class of H. A complex-valued countably additive measure p necessarily has finite total variation IIpll [19, p.119]. Under the norm 11·11 and with convolution as multiplication, M(H) is a commutative Banach algebra with identity [1, p.17]. Given two complex-valued functions F and G on B, we say that F = G s-almost sw-ely (F ~ G) iffor ~h a > 0, v( {x E B IP(ax) 1= G(ax)}) = 0, where v is an abstract Wiener measure. For a function F on B, we will denote by [F] the equivalence class offunetions G which are equal to F s-a.e., i.e., [F] = {G IG = F s-a.s.} = {GI G ~ F}. We will now introduce the Fresnel class :F(B) offunctions on B. The space :F(B) is defined as the space of all stochastic Fourier transforms of elements of M(H), i.e., :F(B) = ([F] IF(x) = fH exp(i(x, h))dp(h), x E B, p E M(H)}. As is customary, we will often identify a nmc­ tion with its s-equivalence class and think of :F(B) as a collection of functions on B rather than as a collection of equivalence classes. 248 J.M. Ahn, G.W. Johnson and D.L. Skoug It is well-known (see [13, 14]) that :F(B) is a Banach algebra with the norm IIFII = IIplI and the mapping p 1-+ F is a Banach algebra isomorphism, where p is related to F by F(x) = Lexp{i(x, hf}dp(h), x E B, pE M(H). ~ Although it will not be a direct concern of this paper, we note that for each F in :F(B), the analytic Feynman integral, the sequential Feynman integral and the Fresnel integral of F all exist [14J and are given by fHexp{-ilhI2}dp(h). 2. Functions in :F(B): a general theorem We begin by quoting an Unsymmetric Fubini Theorem from [4, pp.310-311] which we use to prove our main theorem. THEOREM 1. Let (t'; Y, 77) be a measure space, where 77 is either a nonnegative, u-finite measure or a complex-valued measure, and let (Z,Z) be a measurable space. For 177I-a.e. y, let v y be a complex­ valued measure on (Z,Z). Suppose that for any E in Z, vy(E) is Y-measurable function of y. Then . A. for any E in Y x Z, vy(E(Y) is Y-measurable where E(y) is the y-section ofE, and B. for any bounded, complex-valued, Y x Z-measurable function 8 on Y X Z, fz 8(y, z)dvy(z) is a Y-measurable functions ofy. Ifwe add the assumption that IIVyll ::; hey), where h is in Ll(y,Y, 1771), and define p on Y x Z by the formula (2.1) then c. P is a complex-valued, countably additive measure on Y X Z with IIplI ::; IIhlh, and D. H8(y, z) is bounded andYxZ-measurable, then fz 8(y, z)dvy(z) is in L 1 (y, Y, \771), and we have Functions in the Fresnel class of an abstract Wiener space 249 (2.2) i [l O(y,Z)dVy(Z)] dTJ(Y) = ixz O(y,z)dp(y,z). We are now ready to establish the general theorem discussed in the introduction. This theorem shows (as we will see in the next section) that :F( B) contains many functions ofinterest in connection with Feyn­ man integration theory and quantum mechanics.
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