PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Proposed Tariff Changes Electric Service Schedule Ill. C. C. No.1 COUNTY OF HENRY) To the Electric STATE OF ILLINOIS ) Patrons of Ameren Illinois Company d/b/a The undersigned hereby certifies that the Ameren Illinois: STAR COURIER is a daily public secular Ameren Illinois (or Company) newspaper of general circulation, printed hereby gives notice to the public that on and published once each and every day, March 29, 2019, it except Sunday and Monday, in the County filed with the Illinois Commerce Commis­ Of Henry, in the State of Illinois, for a period sion evidence (direct testimony) regarding of more than six months prior to the first the reconciliation of revenues collected publication of the annexed notice; and, that from its electric cus­ said newspaper as defined in Notice By tomers under the I Company's Electric Publication Act (715 ILCS 5/1 and 715 ILCS Environmental Ad­ justment (Rider 5/5); and further certifies that the notice EEA), with costs in­ curred in connection whereof the annexed printed notice is a with certain environ­ true copy, was printed and published in mental remediation activities associated said newspaper on the following dates: with its manufac­ tured gas plant sites in Illinois from Janu­ ary 1, 2018 through 4/4/2019 December 31, 2018. 4/11/2019 Rider EEA is appli· cable to Rate Zones I and Ill only (for­ merly the Ameren­ In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my CIPS and AmerenlP services territories, hand this 11th day of April A.D., 2019. respectively). This reconciliation may result in changes to the Company's rates and charges with re­ spect to electric de­ livery services Publication cost: $171.50 throughout the Com­ Paid by: Illinois Press Advertising Service pany's territories in Illinois. The This 11th day of April 2019. changes in rates and charges will take effect after hearings and after THE STAR COURIER NEWSPAPER the Commission is· sues its final Order. A copy of the evidence may be inspected at the Ameren Illinois of­ fices located at 300 Liberty Street, Peo­ ria, Illinois or Online at ~-www.icc.Ulinois.gov/ All par- ties interested in this 1 matt_!lr may obtain information with re­ spect thereto either directly from Ameren Illinois or by addressing the Chief Clerk of the Illinois Commerce Commis- ! sion, 527 East Capi­ tol Avenue, Spring­ field, Illinois 62706. AMEREN ILLINOIS COMPANY d/b/a Ameren Illinois By: Richard J. Mark, I President .. Certificate ofPublication This is to certify that the "Notice of Proposed Tariff Changes Electric Service Schedule Ill. C.C. No. 1 filed on March 29, 2019 with the Illinois Commerce Commission regarding the ... Company's Electric Environmental Adjustment (Rider EEA) ... ran in the following newspaper: Name of Newspaper Ci y I State on ~ '( Jo19 and ---~~ P"--1"~.......... li,....+-, --- on Q,_{ _Q ____;,o f_._9 ~11 ;-/,_o~_ lllinois Press Advertising Representative Today's Date Illinois Press Advertising Service 900 Community Drive Springfield, Illinois 62703 Phone: 217-241-1700 Fax: 217-241-1701 .. Certificate ofPublication This is to certify that the "Notice of Proposed Tariff Changes Electric Service Schedule Ill. C.C. No. 1 filed on March 29, 2019 with the Illinois Commerce Commission regarding the ... Company's Electric Environmental Adjustment (Rider EEA) ... ran in the following newspaper: on ___.......... Gfl.,...__.IJI.J .........· J2 ----"4_,_ -=-J ____O/ -=- q ____ and 1 """---llf--4-+( , ............ on ------'a"""'""'~""-"""' J0............ (9.....____ __ GAA&ii&t~- lllinois Press Advertising Representative Today's Date Illinois Press Advertising Service 900 Community Drive Springfield, Illinois 62703 Phone: 217-241-1700 Fax: 217-241-1701 Certificate ofPublication This is to certify that the "Notice of Proposed Tariff Changes Electric Service Schedule Ill. C.C. No. 1 filed on March 29, 2019 with the Illinois Commerce Commission regarding the ... Company's Electric Environmental Adjustment (Rider EEA) ... ran in the following newspaper: Name of Newspaper City I St~te and Read The Went Ads,,Tben Co Sen ~ £A4R ~ ){u- lllinois Press Advertising Representative Today's Date Illinois Press Advertising Service 900 Community Drive Springfield, Illinois 62703 Phone: 217-241-1700 Fax: 217-241-1701 Certificate ofPublication This is to certify that the "Notice of Proposed Tariff Changes Electric Service Schedule Ill. C.C. No. 1 filed on March 29, 2019 with the Illinois Commerce Commission regarding the ... Company's Electric Environmental Adjustment (Rider EEA) ... ran in the following newspaper: City I State' and on~~~~~-~~M~i~IO-J~~~-o~r~q~~~~ on __....._. Of__.iil............... / ~............. , --"""f;)JJ~(__._9 ___ Illinois Press Advertising Representative Illinois Press Advertising Service 900 Community Drive Springfield, Illinois 62703 Phone: 217-241-1700 Fax: 217-241-1701 - ' ~ IWNOIS PRESS ---•ASSOCIATION Serving newspapers sinoo 1865 Official Certificate of Publication as Required by State Law and IPA By-Laws Certificate of the Publisher Swinford Publications LLC certifies that it is the publisher of the Marion Star. Marion Star is a secular newspaper, has been continuously published weekly for more than fifty (50) weeks prior to the first publication of the attached notice, is published in the City/Village of Marion, County of Williamson, State of Illinois, is of general circulation throughout that county and surrounding area, and is a newspaper as defined by 715 ILCS 5/5. A notice, a true copy of which is attached, was published 2 times in The Marion Star, namely one time per week for 2 successive weeks. The first publication of the notice was made in the newspaper, dated and published on April 4, 2019 and the last publication of the notice was made in the newspaper dated and published on April 11, 2019. The notice was also placed on a statewide public notice website as required by 715 ILCS 5/2.1. In witness, Swinford Publications LLC has signed this certificate by William R. Swinford, its publisher, at Marion, Illinois, on April 11, 2019. Swinford Publications LLC By: Melanie J. Craig Legals/Classified Clerk (Note: Unless otherwise ordered, notarization of this document is not required.) * * * Proof of Publication * * * 38676 PUBLIC NOTICE JOURNAL GAZETTE-TIMES COURIER Notice of Proposed Tariff 700 Broadway Ave East, Ste 9A Changes Mattoon, IL 61938-4617 Electric Service Schedule Ill. C. C. No. 1 Ph: 800-453-2527 To the Electric Patrons of Ameren Illinois Company d/b/a Ameren Illinois: Ameren Illinois (or Company) STATE OF ILLINOIS hereby gives notice to the public that on March 29, 2019, COUNTY OF COLES }SS: ,t filed with the Illinois Com· merce Commission evidence CITY OF MATTOON (direct testimony) regarding the reconciliation of revenues col· lected from its electric custom· IL PRESS ASSN ers under the Company's Elec· Irie Environmental AdJustmen1 (Rider EEA), with costs incur· red in connection with certain environmental remediation ac­ 900 COMMUNITY DRIVE tivities associated with its man­ ufactured gas plant sites in SPRINGFIELD, IL 62703 Illinois from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018. Aider EEA is applicable to Rate Zones I and Ill only (former1y the AmerenCIPS and Amere­ ORDER NUMBER 38676 nlP services territories, respec­ tively). This reconciliation may resulf 1n changes to the Company's rates and charges LEE ENTERPRISES, INC hereby certifies that it is now and has been with respect to electric delivery for more than one year continuously, d/b/a Journal Gazette-Times services throughout the Com· pany's territories in Illinois. The Courier, a daily secular newspaper of general circulation in said changes in rates and charges will take effect after hearings County, published in the City, County and State aforesaid, and further and after the Commission certifies that said newspaper has been continuously published at issues its final Order. A copy of the evidence may be regular intervals of more than once each week with more than a inspected at the Ameren Illinois offices located at 300 Liberty minimum of fifty issues per year for more than one year prior to the Street, Peoria, Illinois or online first publication of the notice, and further certifies that the Journal at www .ice. illinois. gov/e-docket I. Gazette-Times Courier is a newspaper as defined by the Statutes of All parties interested in this the State of Illinois in such cases made and provided, and further matter may ob1ain information with respect thereto either hereby certifies that a notice of which the annexed notice is a true directly from Ameren Illinois or by addressing the Chief Clerk copy, has been regularly published in said paper. or the Illinois Commerce Com­ mission, 527 East Capitol Avenue, Springfield, Illinois 62706. AMEREN ILLINOIS COMPA· NY d/b/a Ameren Illinois Bv: Richard J. Mark. President Section: Legals Category: 0997 Legat Outside PUBLISHED ON: 04/03/2019, 04/10/2019 TOTAL AD COST: 205.32 FILED ON: 4/10/2019 By~ Date 26 W. Side Square Macomb, JL61455 Name: 111inois Press 900 Community Dr Springfield, IL62604 Ad: Public Notice PO#t9043RA2 CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION STATE OF ILLINOIS, )ss. County of McDonough This is to certify that a printed notice, of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in the McDonough County Voice, two times, being once each week for two consecutive week, the first publication of said notice being in the issue of said paper dated and issued on 04/04/ l 9 and the last publication of said notice being in the issue of said paper dated and issued on the 04/11/19, that said McDonough County Voice is a secular paper published in the city of Macomb, McDonough County, Illinois, and has been regularly published in said city of Macomb for at least six. months immediately prior to the said first publication of said notice.
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