Jr Cf) ~ 0 I 31'TQ'C) q~tilGI, =q=qifl?l, q~tiqlG q m~mmt~ +1I~tfl 1) Statement showing the particulars regarding conferences, seminars etc. attended by the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor & papers presented. t.J o Sr.No. Name Conferences/Seminars Place Duration Particulars o 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. oA ;; 01. Dr.S.N.Patil Seminar to guide the handicapped persons Saint Gadge 9.7.2001 Chief Guest of the o o for their employment avenues and self- Maharaj Seminar t.J employment organised by Apang Jeevan Junior College, Vikas Sanstha,Amravati. Badnera Road, Amravati. 02: Workshop on Energizing curriculm for Seminar Hall of 14.7.2001 Presided over upgradation of standards organ!sed Department of the Workshop I by'Departmentofphysics. Botany of Amravati University. 03. Two day workshop on "Empowerment N.S.S.Hall at 19.10.2001 Chaired the I of Women" organized by National University inaugural function. Service Scheme Department of Campus Arnravati University. t 04. Seminar organised by the Post Graduate Rajura Bhiltek, 9.11.2001 Chaired the Teaching Department of Law of Amravati Tq.Chandur Rly., Seminar. University to make aware of the legal aids Distt.Amravati. i to the citizen on the eve of legal service day. oA os. XVI National Convention ofIndian Amolakchand 23.11.2001 Presided over oc: Association of Physics Teachers organised Mahavidyalaya, the inaugural by Amolakchand Mahavidyalaya, Yeotmal Yeotmal function. " on "Multidimentional Impact of Physics in Agdculture" 06. Special National Service Scheme Seminar Kuralpuma, 25.11.2001 Chief Guest at the organised by Vidyabharati Vidnyan Tq.Chandur valedictory function Mahavidyalaya, Amravati Bazar, and addressed Distt.Amravati. the students. 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. m. 76th Annual Meeting and National Panjab University, 8.l2.2001 Attended Seminar Seminar organised by Association of Chandigarh and Presented Indian Universities, New Delhi on the a paper. theme''Technology Enabled Flexible Education and Development(TEFED) IJ 08. Special Seminar and three day workshop Mata Jagdamba 17.12.2001 Chaired the valedictory 0 on tribals development organised by Sansthan, function and 0 .D N.S.S. UnitofShivramji Moghe Arts, Kelapur, addressed the I IJ Commerce and Science College,Kelapur, Distt.Yeotmal. staff and students. 0 Distt.Yeotmal. 0 IJ 09. Workshop on Assessment & Accreditation Auditorium of 23.12.2001 Chaired the of Colleges affiliated to Amravati University Amravati University workshop organised by Government of Maharashtra in Higher & Technical Education Department, Mantralaya,Mumbai. I 10. Workshop on Techniquest in Modem Biology Senate Hall of 26.l2.2001 Presided over organised by the Department of Biotechnology Amravati University the inauguaral of Amravati University function 11. Mahila pradhyapak Parishad organised by L.B.Aney Mahila 3.1.2002 Inaugurated I L.B.Aney Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Yawatmal Mahavidyalaya, & addressed Yawatmal the parishad 12. Workshop on National Language Publicity Senate Hall of 5.1.2002 Presided over t Centre under TRDE Programme organised by Amravati University the workshop P.G.T.D.ofHindi,Amravati University. 13. University Grants Commission sponsored Dr.Ambedkar 6.1.2002 Chief Guest of I State Level Seminar on the theme- CoIlege,Nagpur the inaugural function .D "Applications of Genetic Engineering" oc: organized by Department of Botany of ...0 Dr.Ambedkar College,Nagpur. 14. Two day University Grants Commission Saint 12.1.2002 Guest of Honour sponsored national seminar on Information Dnyaneshewar at valedictory function Technology organised by the Department of Sanskrit Management Studies of Vidyabharti Bhavan, Mahavidyalaya, Amravati. MorshiRd, Amravati. 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 15. Workshop jointly organised by Nagpur Auditorium 2.2.2002 Presided over University and Amravati University on of Amravati the workshop reservation policy. University 16. Annual Conference of the Amravati Adarsha Shri 3.2.2002 Presided over University Chemistry Teachers' Association lamanadas the inaugural function ~ organised by Adarsha Vidnyan, Shri lamanadas Bhagchand 0 0 Bhagchand Arts and Birla Commerce Arts and Birla .A Mahavidyalaya, Dhamangaon Rly., Commerce I ~ Dist.Arnravati. Mahavidyalaya, 0 Dhamangaon Rly., 0 ~ Dist.Amravati. 17. National Seminar on Ecofriendly Chemical Amravati 7.2.2002 Presided over Technologies in new millennium organised University the inaugural function by Department of Chemical Technology of Auditorium Arnravati University. i 18. National Seminar on Ecofriendly Chemical Amravati 8.2.2002 Presided over the . Technologies in New millennium organised University valedictory function . by Department of Chemical Technology I of Arnravati University. 19. All India Seminar on Physical Education Teachers Degree College 23.2.2002 Presided over Training Programme organised by the Degree of physical the inaugural t College of Physical Education, Amravati Education, Arnravati function 20. XIII Maharashtra State Commerce Conference organised by 24.2.2002 Presided over organised by Smt.L.R.T.Commerce College,Akola. Smt.L.R.T.Commerce the inaugural i College,Akola. function. 21. Workshop/Seminar of principals of Smt.L.R.T. 8.6.2002 Presided over .A affiliated colleges and concerned Commerce the workshop/ ~ Presidents/Secretaries of the College,Akola, seminar. 0 Managementsnnstitutions in Akola District to have proper coordination between affiliated colleges for educational development and information on various University Administrative Works organised by Amravati University at Smt.L.R.T.Comrnerce College, Akola, 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 22. Workshop/Seminar of principals of affiliated G.S.College 9.6.2002 Presided over colleges and concerned Presidents/Secretaries Science, Arts & the workshop/seminar of the ManagementslInstitutions in Buldhana Commerce College, District to have proper coordination between Khamgaon affiliated colleges for educational development ,p and information on various University 0 Administrative works organised by Amravati 0 University at G.S.Science, Arts & Commerce ,D I College Khamgaon ,p 0 23. Workshop/Seminar of Principals of affiliated Loknayak Bapuji 15.6.2002 Presided over 0 ,p colleges and concerned Presidents/Secretaries Aney Mahila the Workshop/ of the ManagementslInstitutions in Yavatmal a Mahavidyalaya, seminar District to have proper coordination between Yavatmal. affiliated colleges for educational development and information on various University Administrative Works organised by Amravati University at Loknayak I Bapuji Aney Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Yavatmal. 24. Workshop/Seminar of principals of affiliated colleges R.A.Arts, 16.6.2002 Presided over and concerned Presidents/Secretaries of the M.K.Commerce the workshop/ I ManagementslInstitutions in Washim District to and Shri S.R. seminar have proper coordination between affiliated R.Science colleges for educational development and Mahavidyalaya, t information on various University Administrative Washim. Works organised by AmravatbUniversity 25. Workshop/Seminar of principals of affiliated Shri Shivaji 17.6.2002 Presided over i colleges and concerned Presidents/Secretaries Science the workshop/ ,D of the Managements/Institutions in Amravati College, seminar ~ District to have proper coordination between Amravati. ,D affiliated colleges for educational development and information on various University Administrative Works organised by Amravati University at Shri Shivaji Science College,Amravati. '\ 2) Statement showing the particulars of appointments of Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor on different Committees. Sr.No. Name Name of the Committee Appointed by Year 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 1. Dr.S.N.Patil Member,Western Regional Committee, All India Council 20C1J1 ,p AI.C.T.E,Regional Office, Mumbai. for Technical Education, 27. 12.2CXXl o New Delhi o ..D Member,Study Group Committee to prepare Government of 20011 I 2 ,p draft of development plan under 10th Maharashtra, 5.9.2001 o o Quinquinnial Plan of the State. in Finance and ,p Planning Department, Mantralaya, Mumbai. 3. Member, Steering Committee Maharashtra University of 20C1J1 I State Eligibiligy Test (SET) Pune 3.10.2(XX) I 3) Statement showing the particulars of papers / reports of the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor t published in recognised journals. Sr.No. Name Particulars of the papers/reports Published in Journals Date of Publication i 1 2 3 4 5 ..D ~ ,p Nil 'd-3T) 31ictHI~lI. ~ q ~1'TlH~:lflll-~/~~i~?l/q~~ClIC:/q;llf~lIoolct m~ s:l1~~1 ~!II!fto fu~ ~ 3l.w. ~I&I<tli~ -;:rtcr ~-;:rtcr q~~~'ql fcrm ~fucnrurq~ 9 =? ~ ~ ~ 1. Dr.Ku.P.N.Roodkar Deptt.of Home-Science (i) UGC Confidential Workshop New Delhi p Amravati University Dt. 30.10. 2.11.2001. 0 (ii) UGC Confidential Workshop New Delhi 0 .D Dt. 29.4, 2.5.2002 . I (iii) Biotechnology in Agriculture industry & Karad p Environment Dt. 28- 30.12.2001. 0 0 2. Dr.Mrs.A.G.Mane Deptt.of Home Science (i) XXIV Biennial Conf.of Home Science Delhi p Amravati University Association of India Dt. 3-5.10.2001. (ii) National Seminar on Ecofriendly Amravati Chemical Technologies in New Millenium Dt. 7-8.2.2002. (iii) XXXIV Conference of Nutrition Society Bhopal of India Dt. 5-6.12.2001. I (iv) Conference on Human Rights & Amravati Peace Dt. 29.9.2001. (v) Conference on Women Empowerment Amravati , Dt. 7.8.2001. 3. Dr.Mrs.Manisha Kale Deptt.of Home Science (i) "Empowerment of Women and human New Delhi Amravati University rights" 24th biennial Conference of Ot. 3-5.10.2001. Home Science Association of India i (ii) 34th Annual Conference of N.S.I., Bhopal Hyderabad Dt. 5-6.12.2001. (iii) National Seminar on I.T.Revolution Amravati & HRM Dt. 11-12.1.2002. i (iv) National Workshop on 'Preparation Amravati of research project proposal' Dt. 18-20.3.2002. .D (v) Womens Conference Amravati ~ Dt.5.8.2001. IN (vi) Womens Conference Amravati Sept.2001. 4. K.C.Jain,S.V.Dudul, Deptt.of "Energizing Curriculum for upgradation Amravati Mrs.R.D.Raut, AppliedElectronics of standard's" Dt.14-15.7.2001. Mrs.S.N.Kale Amravati University 9 :( ~ 'd ~ 5. Mrs.R.D.Raut, Deptt.of "Womens Conference" Amravati Mrs.S.N.Kale Applied Electronics Dt. 5.8.2001. Amravati University 6. Mrs.R.D.Raut Deptt.of "National Symposium on Instrumentation" Dehradun p Applied Electronics Dt.
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