E1568 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 19, 2012 your religious beliefs? When did religion be- As a civilian, Mr. Linn married Betty Linn, Throughout its history, Colby College has come such a bad thing that people want to de- Publisher of the Sierra Star Newspaper. He fostered a culture of social justice at its very lete it from our nation’s history? I am discour- received a Bachelor of Science Degree from core. In 1833, students launched the first col- aged when I see anti-religion groups forming Purdue University, a Master’s Degree in Busi- lege-based anti-slavery society. In 1871, Colby throughout the nation, working hard to remove ness Administration from California State Uni- College became the first all-male college in any mention or symbol of God or religion in versity, Dominguez Hills, and a Juris Doc- New England to admit women, the first of our public spaces and resources. These torate from Pepperdine University. whom was Mary Caffrey Low, valedictorian of groups claim their work is about the separa- Mr. Linn has practiced law for the past thir- the Class of 1875 and one of the five founding tion of church and state, but the government ty-seven years and is currently the senior part- members of the Sigma Kappa sorority. In is not forcing anyone into religion or to pay ner at the law firm of Linn Law Offices in 1985, students successfully protested for Col- tithes to any particular religious establishment. Oakhurst, California. He is licensed to practice lege divestment in South Africa in protest of Religion, specifically the Judeo-Christian reli- in California and has also been admitted to apartheid. More recently, Colby has made gion, is just simply part of our heritage, and the Bar by the United States Court of Appeals ever increasing strides to attract students with the Constitution says this is a nation with free- for the Federal Circuit, the United States diverse cultural and economic backgrounds, to dom of religion, not freedom from religion. Claims Court, and the United States Supreme reduce the college’s carbon footprint, and to I introduced this resolution because we are Court. develop new partnerships with the community. a nation of people with the right to freely exer- A sense of volunteerism has driven much of The College will kick off its bicentennial cise our religion and many in our nation are Mr. Linn’s life. He has served as President of celebration this October. Special lectures, religious. A 2007 PEW survey shows that 92 the Oakhurst Community Fund and Oakhurst panel discussions, and festivities will be held percent of Americans believe in God. I also in- Community Park Association since 1984. He throughout the year both on campus, as well troduced this resolution because I believe the is a former President of the Oakhurst Sierra as in downtown Waterville. I am pleased to religious beliefs of Americans inspire them to Rotary Club, the Eastern Madera County Bar have the opportunity to join the community’s do good for others, not harm. For instance, in Association, and the Eastern Madera County celebration of Colby, and I look forward to 2010, $298.42 billion of charitable contribu- Chamber of Commerce. watching the College continue its growth dur- tions were made in the United States and 32 Mr. Linn has remained politically active ing the years to come. throughout his career and in his private life. percent, or $95.88 billion, went to religious or- Mr. Speaker, please join me again in con- He has served on many councils, including ganizations according to the National Park gratulating the students, alumni, faculty, staff, Congressional Advisory Councils, the Con- Service. From September 2010 to September and friends of Colby College as they celebrate gressional Business Council, and Congres- 2011, 64.3 million people in the United States their bicentennial. volunteered and 33.2 percent did so for reli- sional Service Academy Selection Boards for gious organizations, the highest percentage of the past eighteen years. He was the Repub- all volunteer categories according to the Bu- lican nominee for the 18th Congressional Dis- f reau of Labor Statistics. trict in 1988; and in 1989, he was the Eastern CELEBRATING THE 101ST ANNI- The freedom to exercise religious beliefs is Madera County Man of the Year. He has been VERSARY OF DOUBLE TEN DAY vital to our nation’s citizens and an important a member of the California Republican State FOR THE PEOPLE OF TAIWAN part of our heritage. That’s why I am honored Central Committee for fourteen years and cur- to introduce the Affirming Religious Heritage rently is a Madera County Civil Service Com- and Freedom in the United States Act. missioner. HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO f Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring OF GUAM David A. Linn for his outstanding service to his TRIBUTE TO DAVID A. LINN country and community. His expertise as a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Naval Officer, strong academic background, Wednesday, September 19, 2012 HON. JEFF DENHAM and life experiences have made his contribu- Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today OF CALIFORNIA tions on the Academy Selection Board for to congratulate the people of Taiwan on the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES former Representative George Radanovich and myself invaluable. He is a true public upcoming celebration of the 101st anniversary Wednesday, September 19, 2012 servant, and I wish him continued success in of ‘‘Double Ten Day.’’ Double Ten Day traces Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to his future endeavors. its roots to the Wuchang Uprising that oc- curred on October 10, 1911. The Wuchang recognize and thank Mr. David A. Linn for the f time and energy he has dedicated to the Mili- Uprising signaled the end of the Qing Dynasty tary Academy Nomination process by serving HONORING COLBY COLLEGE ON and the start of a democratic movement that the constituents of the 19th Congressional ITS BICENTENNIAL we continue to celebrate and recognize. Dou- District as a member of our Academy Selec- ble Ten Day is a celebration of the birth of de- tion Board. HON. MICHAEL H. MICHAUD mocracy and the Republic of China. David A. Linn was born in Pittsburgh, Penn- OF MAINE I want to especially recognize the people of sylvania on August 8, 1948. In June of 1970, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Taiwan on this important occasion. The Mr. Linn was commissioned an Ensign in the strength of the relationship between the peo- United States Naval Reserve through Purdue Wednesday, September 19, 2012 ple of Taiwan and the people of the United Universities’ NROTC Program. Mr. Linn Mr. MICHAUD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to States is strong and this is evidenced by the served his country honorably in Vietnam congratulate Colby College as it prepares to expansion of the U.S. visa waiver program to aboard the USS Virgo ammunition ship. Later, celebrate its bicentennial in 2013. include Taiwan. Inclusion of Taiwan in the while still on active duty, Mr. Linn was trained Nearly 200 years ago, residents of Ken- U.S. visa waiver program is a significant de- and certified as a terrier missile systems offi- nebec County raised over $4,000 to secure velopment in the relationship between both cer by the Department of Defense. He then land for a locally-based theological institution. countries. This announcement will help to ex- served aboard the USS Dahlgren, a guided The petition establishing what was then the pand business opportunities as well as deep- missile frigate, and the USS Dale of the stand- Maine Literary and Theological Institution was en our mutual appreciation for each other’s ing NATO forces in the Atlantic. formally adopted by the Massachusetts Legis- unique cultures. Exchange of our cultures is After leaving active duty in 1973, Mr. Linn lature on February 27, 1813, making it the clearly evidenced on Guam, which is home to continued to serve as part of the Naval Re- 33rd chartered college in the country. Today, many people of Chinese ancestry. Guam con- serve. During his reserve years, he served on Colby College enrolls over 1,800 students tinues to benefit from their cultural contribu- numerous ships, participated in exercises at from 46 states and 76 countries. As one of the tions to our community and the promotion of the Naval War College in Newport Rhode Is- finest liberal arts colleges in the country, its trade and economic opportunities. I congratu- land, and served on the staff of Commander graduates have gone on to become inter- late the people of Taiwan on the 101st anni- and Chief of the Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor, national business leaders, critically acclaimed versary of Double Ten Day. We celebrate this Hawaii. He retired with the rank of Com- writers, noted statesmen, and even members historic occasion with them and we honor their mander. of my Congressional staff. friendship with the American people. VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:18 Sep 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19SE8.036 E19SEPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS September 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1569 HONORING CHANDLER ELEMEN- and the state of Arizona. She launched the cide there, but Hutu-Tutsi animosity also TARY SCHOOL AS A 2012 BLUE Mesa-Phoenix and Flagstaff councils of the spilled over into the DRC. Hutu militiamen, RIBBON SCHOOL League of United Latin American Citizens, or who fled Rwanda after the genocide, have re- LULAC, and served as LULAC’s regional gov- peatedly attacked Rwanda, and fighting involv- HON. JEB HENSARLING ernor.
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