H2286 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 27, 2020 I am not blaming the Republicans for least danger while packing infected pa- to poverty. So how does it follow the what is happening. I am not blaming tients into nursing homes where it science to destroy the livelihoods of the Democrats for what is happening. I poses the greatest danger? millions of Americans, cut them off am blaming people who hold public Once epidemiologists began sur- from their social networks, force them trust and tolerate hate and invidious veying general populations, they dis- into isolation, and plunge them into discrimination. covered the disease isn’t nearly as se- poverty and despair? We are the people who can make a vere as the claims that set off the glob- Now, I don’t blame public health offi- difference, and we ought to make a dif- al panic. Researchers at Stanford Uni- cials. They have the luxury of ignoring ference. We ought to demand that the versity surveyed the population of the effect of their policies beyond their people running for public office make Santa Clara, California, and estimated area of expertise. The responsibility public statements about how they plan a fatality rate of seventeen one-hun- rests, rather, with public officials who to end invidious discrimination, not dredths of 1 percent. New York serol- failed to consider the catastrophic col- how they plan to tolerate it, how they ogy tests revealed a fatality rate of lateral damage that they have caused, plan to manage it. one-half of 1 percent. who became so drunk with power and How do you plan to end it? So, simply stated, if you get the flu, so besotted with self-righteousness How do you plan to end it in bank- your chance of survival is 99.9 percent; that they lost any reference to com- ing? and according to these studies, if you mon sense or any concern for the dam- How do you plan to end it in hiring get COVID–19, your chance of survival age they have done. and promotions? is better than 99.5 percent. f This is our time. If we don’t do it So how does this science justify now, when will we do it? No candidate throwing nearly 40 million Americans NEED FOR FIFTH CORONAVIRUS should be off limits. Every one of them into unemployment? STIMULUS BILL ought to have to tell us what they plan Does the science support population- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The to do. wide lockdowns? Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from And, finally, as my final comments: I In 2006, based upon an Albuquerque the District of Columbia (Ms. NORTON) love my country. And because I love teenager’s science paper, the Bush ad- for 5 minutes. my country, I feel that I have this ministration proposed mass lockdowns Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I come to duty, obligation, and responsibility to in the event of a severe flu pandemic. the floor to echo the rising chorus for speak up when these kinds of injustices Leading epidemiologists warned at the a fifth coronavirus bill and to applaud occur. time that: ‘‘The negative consequences three vital provisions addressed to the I love my country, Mr. Speaker. of large-scale quarantine are so ex- special circumstances of the District of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- treme that this mitigation measure Columbia in that bill. bers are reminded to refrain from en- should be eliminated from serious con- Speaker NANCY PELOSI and the gaging in personalities toward the sideration.’’ It wasn’t. Democrats have taken needed initia- President. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo tive in introducing the HEROES Act to f has now admitted that 84 percent of get ahead of this virus, instead of chas- COVID–19 hospitalizations in New York ing it. FOLLOW THE SCIENCE, FOR A are people who are either already quar- The first four bills have proven them- CHANGE antined at home or are at nursing selves. Jurisdictions following the CDC The SPEAKER pro tempore. The homes. guidelines, like the District of Colum- Chair recognizes the gentleman from Statistical analysts, including Stan- bia, are seeing deaths decrease. Across California (Mr. MCCLINTOCK) for 5 min- ford University’s Michael Levitt, Tel the country, careful reopenings are oc- utes. Aviv University’s Isaac Ben-Israel, curring. To be sure, scientists are Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, just Kentucky State University’s Wilfred warning of prolonging the virus unless a few months ago, America enjoyed the Reilly, and Cypress Semiconductor’s T. there is more social distancing and most promising economic expansion in J. Rodgers, are finding no significant masking, because that is far from uni- our lifetimes, lifting millions of Ameri- statistical difference in the infection versal. cans out of poverty, boosting wages for curves between those jurisdictions that But my Republican friends have American workers, and producing the have destroyed their economies and called for a pause. Of course, we have lowest unemployment rates in 50 years. those that haven’t. In fact, a study by seen unprecedented spending, but this Today, the American economy lies in J.P. Morgan has found an inverse rela- is an unprecedented virus. The virus rubble, with tens of millions of Ameri- tionship as economies began to open has shut down the entire world. cans thrown into unemployment, pov- back up. I am pleased that Republicans may erty, and despair. A study of 318 outbreaks involving be declaring the end of their pause Now, that damage was not done by a 1,245 cases in China found just one out- barely a week after House passage of virus. It was done by ordering entire break that occurred outdoors, involv- the HEROES Act. Yesterday, the Sen- populations into indefinite home de- ing just two cases. Eighty percent of ate majority leader said Congress will tention, shuttering countless busi- the outbreaks occurred in people’s probably have to pass a fifth bill. nesses, and desecrating the most funda- homes. So how does it follow the Thank you, Senator MCCONNELL. mental human rights that our Con- science to close outdoor venues and President Trump said—and I am stitution demands our government to order people indoors? quoting him—‘‘I think the United protect. Mr. Speaker, it is high time we con- States will need another round of stim- Now, we are told to follow the sidered how many Americans will die ulus.’’ science and data. That would be nice, because of the COVID–19 lockdowns. They may be following Federal Re- for a change. The Well Being Trust predicts up to serve Chairman Jerome Powell, who What does the science tell us about 75,000 ‘‘deaths of despair’’ due to sui- said more is needed for the economy the severity of COVID–19? Well, we cide and drug and alcohol abuse be- shortly after the April report showed a know that about 80 percent of those cause of the lockdown. 14.7 percent unemployment rate. who get it either have no symptoms at In March, the Epic Health Research Mr. MCCONNELL only wants to fund all or experience it as a mild res- Network warned of a 94 percent decline increased losses due to COVID–19, piratory infection. In New York, 74 per- in breast, colon, and cervical cancer whatever that means. But tailoring the cent of those who died were over age 65 screenings. The Rape, Abuse & Incest next bill based on whether COVID–19 or and six one-hundredths of 1 percent National Network reports a 22 percent something else caused the losses would were under the age of 18. Three-quar- increase in children calling for help. require an inexact calculus that itself ters of those who died had underlying A 2011 Columbia University study could bog down the next bill, particu- medical conditions. funded by the National Institutes of larly what I regard as the most essen- So how does it follow the science to Health estimated that 41⁄2 percent of all tial part of the HEROES Act, $1 tril- close the schools where it poses the deaths in the United States are related lion for State and local government. VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:02 May 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27MY7.002 H27MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE May 27, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2287 This is the government, State and For far too long, seniors have been Mr. O’HALLERAN. Mr. Speaker, I local government, that is closest to the subjected to escalating insulin prices. rise today to share with my colleagues people. This is the government that Now, Americans will save an average of in Washington—and all watching at funds first responders and healthcare $446 on insulin costs in just a year. home—the dire situation COVID–19 has workers in local hospitals. This is the I thank President Trump for con- created in the Navajo Nation and government that funds the workers tinuing to put the American people across our Nation. who pick up your garbage twice a first. But first, standing in this Chamber week. This is the government running ADMINISTRATION AIDING NORTH CAROLINA today, I want to recognize the nearly on fumes. Ms. FOXX of North Carolina. Mr. 100,000 lives lost thus far to the So are the American people who need Speaker, there is no substitute for coronavirus, a staggering number that another cash payment, an additional swift and decisive action. Since the ini- has affected families, communities, $1,200 per family member, up to $6,000 tial outbreak of COVID–19 in China, economy, frontline first responders, per household, and other essentials like President Trump and the administra- and many others.
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