"yy#y .:/--'*f'7^'v.'7;^,:7: . .*.., 7;. '\\.'-*&'' <*s*V '-) i$M*m: tv. • ' > Mrm •;: "7»-*''.#-_i. .-is?.;.; •-_.-7.... "' 7 ',.'•.' ' **•'•' - "' ''" - • ••'•' '7 ",:. '• .;'• • :>7 .:jQ^a^_j*^S*«-«^s_f''__--<^-5->;.*._:A-.. - . ..*-*-^;*'.--a,*4 K^ai_)ti'*x'*yi<e^r*T*>»^««- »»>.*.,.•.»>< ..>^.^>—oy.,--*.--.*^—*.4iV_V^.^. "-"---*-^-y*. i'^* ».*."**!*l HP -V'* • OHXO sT/its ttuscun Liaiuat • • THE OHIO THE OHIO 15TH ft -.XCIH 3T* •• •- tmtimmm*\ iMWill i il SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1959 THI P-OPLi'S 1 • CHAMPION 7" SENTINEL ^^^^^^^aa^^^^^aaa^^^^sm^^^^^B^g] ^*-*7 Hooks And Slices i IT iissSSSaSSa VOL. 10, No. 44 SATURDAY. APRIL 11, 1959 20 CENTO COLUMBUS, Qgl$ NAT'L VGA voted to held experience he needed . » • Its lttt convention and tourna­ Should see the form Mattie ment In Atlanta . George Turner has while trying to get Cartwrlght aad A. D. V, Cros­ the bait oft the mat , by are members of national FROM A. D. V. CROSBY, tournament planning, recom­ midwest tournament director: mendation _std study commit­ Tbe following tourn a m e n t s tee' . '. Seemingly, Columbus wilt be sanctioned by the dis­ b becoming tbe "Madison" trict for tbe season: June 13- capital of tbe world as Millie .14: Douglas club, Indianapo­ Cartwrlght, Marianne Laws lis; eO-SI: Ky-Ana and Louis­ and the delegation from C.o* ville golfers, Louisville; 27-28: lumbrss took Washington by Cap City Mid-Iron, Columbus; storm ,' . ; CCM1 got* eltntc at Jstfy'lI-t-J: Akron; lt-»: Pipe Beatty Center will hold out­ of Peace,"Chicago; 25-tS: Par door classes st Olenta-jry Makers club, Gary: Aug. 1-3: driving range each Tuesday. Junior tournament, Dayton; 8- Those lacking transportation 9; Fairway club, Dayton; 15- should contact Bill Rosemond, 16: Midwestern, Toledo; 21- Ca. 1*55*76, or Thomas Larry, 28: national tournament, CI, ^-T*4, * Washington; Sept. 5-6: East •WTTH CLOSE OF the clinic Canton; 19-20: Detroit; Oct. 3- at Beatty, CC-M1 can boast or 4: Greater Cincinnati. on? of the most successful ses­ sions in hbtory. BesTdes Ibe CC CHIPPERS ARE having best junior groap in the mid­ a popularity contest at Beatty west, seven adults have Join­ Center soon. Each CC-MI ed. We welcome Beralce member will b* supporting Hampton. EsteUa Parker, Vir­ one of the contestants. Full ^BHI ginia McCimmon, Marianne details not available af press • : Laws. Pauline Johnson, Aionzo time but I understand tickets Shavers and Eugene Carter to are available and we are ask­ the group . Wonder what ing the public to help out on . SloryOnPam. Eli-abrth SUnfietd did to this worthwhile program . • stimulate Dou-flas golfers into Until next week, the Old Div­ activity* Accord-.-: to BUI oter says: "It may be a sin Canr. press relations director te tell a lie but tbe healthy JERRY COATES. 14, 453 E. 2ND AV., A MEMBER OF BOYS' CLUB, tutors their membership has soared part depends on who is trying Roscoe 3. Betsill, Jr., 8, 324 Woodland av.. in art of throwing a slider. Boys are sell­ to- 75 ... It is a pleasure to to make you take it bsck."— ing Jr. Jet badges which entitle holders to see most Columbus Jet home games free see Grace Skates of Detroit BREEDLOVE. when accompanied hy an adult. Badges -sill for SO cents. *» {day ber iron shots . Joseph Jones snd Oscar Dominirk of Dayton welcome the ion/- Ray­ mond course but admit it Is Two Negroes Officiate In Columbus High Cage Titles to-gtsv. J* ' 7— pri-jji^iind St. Dpmjrdc's and re- sity ^matches. University against CANEV JOHNSON .pratlic- ' "'--_ r By..LUCIUS E- LEE_. •»». ~ ,*"*., fered"*Catholic Youth ^gani_a- *BC up on the Divoter . The. past year something happened in Columbus JD„lawar*Y St. *" hidry'a against tion teams, high -school arid George Gibson of Louisville sports that-has gone almost unnoticed as two colored men University and Jan."_0 East vs. a*". <js> * young adult divisions. said he finally found out why became officials at basketball games by local high schools. Central contest, besides J© the Columbus {troop couldn't RAMSEUR HAS REFERRED games for Columbus Recreation Howard Ramseur and William play the small greens in Louis­ had vast experience officiating reserves games between East­ Dept. ville after looking at the Ray­ Fields had several assignments over the years. moor and South, North and Cen­ mond greens . Larry Ms- on basketball floors. Ramseur, Fields has been active with tral, Marion Sranklfn and East, Both officials said everything son should come into bis own a registered official with Ohio Catholic athletic activities, hav- St. Mary's and University. East went fine. Neither had ona lucl* this season alter acquiring the Hlgh School Athletic Ass'n, has j* ing coached teams for St. Cy- and West. He rcfereed three var­ ' dent to report. - WIIXiE MAYS, In a MEMBERS OF THE I_XEC*_rTtVE COMMITTEE. United sionai division; Paris B . Brown, tournament director. Stand- story in the current Sport Gaiters Ass'n, are at planning conference so offices ot Moss H. Ing: Florence Coleman, Maxwell Stanford, eastern vice prest- magazine, says he ss not Kendrix public relations orgs «- \tlo_, Washington. Front row dent; Robert Crawford, Joe Cole, Lather Mills, >V. D. Jones. ill When he goes to a hos­ -eft te right: II*. vey L. Koykin, UGA southern vice president; treasurer, Dzytes*; Anna M. Robinson, assistant tournament di* pital during « slump hut Gertrude Saber, president; Howard Anderson, midwest vice rector; A. D. V. Crosby, Columbus; Mary Campbell, secretary;, that the hospital is tha president, Toledo; Moss H. Kendrix (kneeling), Franklin T. Nat Jordan, central rice president; Lorraine Osborne, youth dl- only place he can get I t, UGA president; jack Ferguson, chairman, UGA profes* rector, Chicago, and Dr. tirorge "Adams. peace and rest, AUTO-CYCLE CRASH AT LEXINGTON AV. AND LONG ST. Monday afternoon sent two men to Grant hoar-Hal and caused cor^dat-tblf damage to the vehicles and fire-hydrant was uprooted in the accident/Pictured is motorcycle owned by Paul Davies Chevrolet on which Dona.4 Wade and Floyd Gibson wera riding when they were tossed to the pavement by tho impact—-Staff Photo By Combs. 'lf»f^»S-1lijiT wfer:.. !"a_ia*—w' .-?.'>..•-.-•*.aa. •'• • -*:**•'. >:; ji' ,• - ... '•-. ' . •' ••• . _.•*. ,'< -- • '- °*:' • ''*?t*. ,••'•' v!9^^"' '*• •* ;*•/' ' '-*•*** ,-V•'" '-_••.:••'•"». •-•_•»»''" -*;•'Ji-*-****-va_.i •, ••••-• •",'.;'_ ;'.v '' ' ' • •'- • ,*•.*-*"""' '* ••'•-'>•.:• -*." * ---v ••'.•'.'*"•>; J*\;. .;>"•" • *.' : *_. •"'swR'. •>• "M~; :.• •-- &Mo% ' M +>•:* ; te • *7 '•-„ • • ' ' ' • ' . MM;/ ^^^^fe^l^^^l?^^ , SATURDAY. APRIL 11. 195S* THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE S THK OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, APRIL II, 1959 PACK 2 Auto, Motorcycle Crash ' From Scholer In Injures Two On Eastside PHOTO ON PAGE I Two men were Injured in a cra«h between a motor­ cycle and an automobile at Lexington av. and Long* st. Monday. Case Of Columbus Taken to Grant hospilal were — : : '" * " — Donald Wade, _9, 189 E. 4th av., ter-ection. She ssid the etfleer m* ta street clothes snd failed to prove By TED CCrLEUVlAN aivd Floyd Ronald Gibson, 23, llochbuig. employee of the Sgt. Byron Clark, Columbus police officer accused of he was s policeman. 157*.E. I.OIU" st. Penrt.tylvania railroad, said he slapping sun Eastside mother for no reason at all, is still She said the assault ass unwarranted because she had vio­ Th* two were riding west on was on his way to work. He wai •working as usual, despite sua assault an-jt battery charge lated ae taw.. Long st. when the automobile. cited for f;ulure to yield at a hanging over hia bead. driven by Fred Hochburg, 64, stop sign. Farther, she stated, "h* smelted stroeg of alcehel." "CAR AT WATER TROUGH" SKI MS TO BE APPROPRIATE TITLE FOR THIS picture— Mrs. Phillips, mother of two was. 11 and 13, waa essrosste to 90$ Norton rd., traveling north Both Injured men ara employ­ on Lexington, collided at the In- ees of Paul Davies Chevrolet Co. but tills was no joke. It happened when a motorcycle carrlns; Donald Wade and Floyd Gibson See Editorial CH* Pag* 10 week at University hospital wher* she Is employed ss a sealor collided with an automobile driven by Fred Hoehborger at Lexington a v. and Long st. Monday, nurses' aide. causing car to swerve Into flro hydrant (left), uprooting It. Water gushed into street until fire­ Barbee William Durham, executive secretary of Co- Sh* has worked there IS J*eara sad has a reputation fer s*e- men arrived and turned tt off. Wade and <'lt.••••. were hospitalised. Hochburger, 30S Norton rJ., luniluis NAACP, in a letter 1-tst week asked Police Chief lUb'lJ'y aad e-ceflent performance. Ten NAACP Branches To was cited for failure to yield.—Staff Photo By Combs. George W. Scholer to remove the accused officer from TITE NAACP, IN AN EARLIER LETTER SIGNED BY Dur­ duty until the investigation ia completed. ham, osked Chief Scholer lo conduct a thorough investigation of The Scntjosei, in a pbcrve conversation with Chief Scholer Wed­ the officer and the charges. nesday, inquired sw to the stats-s of Officer dark at this tim* and Be Honored At Banquet Durham ssid Chief Scholer answered him with a statement It-Yourself Training what action had been taken in the matter. that "superior officers have been investigating Mrs. Jane Phillips' •Chief Scholer rcpi;*-d, "the status is the aV-ine." SCHOLER To further questions about procedur* in th* situatit-n he an­ case since Friday, March 27." For Outstanding Service In his request for Clsrk's removal, Durham stated: Program Offered BylLS. Army swered, "no comment-" . Relations Institute Serena E. Davis, NAACP national field secretary, an­ SGT. CLARK APPEARED IN -WBNICITAL COURT last ••Mrs. Phillips has charged that Officer Clark assaatted aeri nounced Monday that ten top branches in Ohio will re­ The Army Is now offering a new "Chooae-It-Yourself ' vocational training syntera CHARU)TTE, N.
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