Idaho, Illinois TV 83401. (208) 522 -5100. Licensee: KID Bcstg Corp. G. Moore 100 %. See Dale G. Moore stns. CBS, ABC, Ownership: LaVere A. & Lucille J. Ricks, 15.6%. CBS. NBC. Rep: Avery -Knodel. Wash atty: Haley, Bader & Rep: PGW; Moore. Wash atty: Wilkinson, Cragun & Potts. Doug Moore, pres & gen mgr; Lee Wagner, Barker. J. Allen Jensen, Ares & gen mgr; Dewain gen sis mgr; George Brown, prog dir, opns & prom Silvester, stn mgr & film buyer; Kim Southwick, opns mgr; Ken Rickey, news dir; Dennis Lowe, chief engr. dir; Ken Christensen, news dir; Carroll Secrist, chief On 11 CATV's- 19,700 subs. On 7 trans. Rates: Wailuku engr. On 8 CATV's- 22,000 subs. On 22 trans. Co- s170; 40; 35. KA$I -TV -ch 7, 29.8 kw vis, 5.9 kw aur, ant owned: KID- AM -FM. Rates: $60; 45; 30. 5,940t175g. Nov. 17, 1958. Licensee: Western Sun Inc. KIFI -TV -ch 8, 316 kw vis, 63.1 kw aur, ant (acq 6- 1 -79). Ownership: Des Moines Register & Tri- 1,520t/180g. Jan. 21, 1961. Box 2148, Idaho Falls, bune Co. NBC. Co -owned satellite of KHON -TV, 83401. (208) 523 -1171. TWX 910 -977 -5726. Illinois Honolulu. Licensee: The Post Co. Ownership: J. Robb Brady Avery - KGMV -ch 3, 14.1 kw vis, 2.69 kw aur, ant 5,950t /60g. Trust Co., 100 %. See Nwspr. NBC. Rep: April 24, 1955. Box 1574, Kahului, 96732. (808) Knodel; Hix. Wash atty: Midlen & Reddy. James M. 244 -5348. Licensee: Heftel Bcstg -Maui (acq 5 -74). Brady, pres, gen mgr & sis mgr; J. Robb Brady, sec; Bloomington Heftel, %; Heftel, Herman G. Haefele, opns & prog dir; Arnie Mason, Ownership: Cecil 50 Joyce 50. WBLN -ch 43, 1200 kw vis, 240 kw aur, 579t/608g. gen news dir; Cecil C. Cope Jr., chief engr. On 12 CBS. Cecil Heftel, pres; Earl McDaniel, mgr; Not on air, target date unknown. 2207 E. Washington Julius M. Vetter, stn mgr & engr. CATV's- 30,000 subs. On 16 trans. Rates: 5130; chief St. 61701. (309) 662 -4373. Licensee: Grace Corn - 75; 25. KMAU -ch 12, 27.5 kw vis, 4.36 kw aur, ant munications Corp. Wash atty: Midlen & Reddy. 5,910t/70g. Nov. 28, 1955. Box 1230, 96793. KPVI - (Pocatello) -ch 6, 100 kw vis, 17.4 kw aur, ant Bruce W. Dunn, pres; Sam B. Wagner, exec VP & gen Licensee: Western Telestations. Group owner: Starr 1530t/619g. April 26, 1974. Box 667, Pocatello, mgr; Bill Daniels, dir dev. Bcstg Group (acq 3- 27 -78). Satellite of KITV Honolulu. 83201. (208) 233 -6667. TWX 910 -977 -5756. ABC. Bruce Johnson, pres; Richard Grimm, gen Licensee: Futura Communication Corp. (acq 6- 22 -77). mgr; Jerry Frye, gen sis mgr; Larry Cazavan, prog dir; Ownership: Robert V. Hansberger, 100 %. ABC. Rep: Carbondale Spencer Shiraishi, chief engr; Chuck Hartman, dir of H -R Television; Tacher. Wash atty: McKenna, Wilkin- engrg. son & Kittner. R.V. Hansberger, pres; Michael Gee, gen mgr; Larry Chase, stn mgr; Joseph Emig, gen sis ADI No. 73; see Paducah, Ky. -Cape Girardeau, Mo. -Har- "KMEB 10, 30.9 kw vis, 6 kw aur, ant 5,940t/47g. -ch mgr; Tracy Thompson, prog dir & prom mgr; Albert risburg, Ill. market Sept. 22, 1966. TWX 723 -8553. Licensee: Hawaii Johnson, news dir; John Morand, chief engr. On 10 Public Bcstg Authority. Co -owned satellite of 'KHET, CATV's- 28,193 subs. On 3 trans. Rates: $120; 30; "WSIU -TV -ch 8, 316 kw vis, 40.7 kw aur, ant Honolulu. Mary G. F. Bitterman, exec dir; Cliff Eblen, 20. 890t/903g. November 1961. Southern Ill. U., 62901. prom mgr; Charles Stubblefield, prod mgr. (618) 453 -4343. Licensee: Bd of Trustees of Southern Ill. U. PBS. Wash atty: Dow, Lohnes & Albertson. Jim R. Moore, dir & gen mgr; Jane Fisher, assoc dir; Lewiston Ery Coppi, prom mgr; Ed Brown, news dir; Alan Pizzato, stn mgr; Jerry Kline, chief engr. On 30 Idaho ADI No. 70; see Spokane, Wash. market CATV's. Co- owned: *WSIU(FM). KLEW -TV -ch 3, 13.8 kw vis, 1.38 kw aur, ant 1,260t/303.5g. December 1956. 2626 17th St., 83501. (208) 746 -2636. Licensee: NWG Bcstg Co. CBS. Champaign Blackfoot Gerry Cornwell, gen mgr; Vanessa Gerwells, news dir; KPVI- Licensed to Pocatello. See Idaho Falls. Marlin Jackson, chief engr. Co -owned satellite of ADI No. 75; Springfield- Decatur -Champaign market KIMA -TV Yakima, Wash. WCIA -ch 3, 100 kw vis, 20 kw aur, ant 940t1981g. Nov. 14, 1953. 509 S. Neil, 61820. (217) 356 -8333. Boise Licensee: Midwest TV Inc. Ownership: See Midwest Moscow TV Stns. CBS. Rep: Peters, Griffin, Woodward. Wash atty: Covington & Burling. August C. Meyer Jr., pres; ADI No. 143; see Boise market R. Meyer, VP; E. Main, VP; ADI No. 70; see Spokane, Wash. market Clara Guy exec Jack "KAID -ch 4, 28.2 kw vis, 5.62 kw aur, ant Everette, exec VR treas & engrg dir; Dale Fleming, 2,474t/142g. Dec. 31, 1971. 1910 University Dr., Boise "KUID -TV -ch 12, 115 kw vis, 57.5 kw aur, ant chief engr; Gerald J. Johnson, sis mgr; Darrell Blue, State University, 83725. (208) 385 -3344. Licensee: 1,050t/154g. July 1, 1965. Radio-TV Ctr, U. of Idaho, prod mgr; Dick Adams, mgr, informational prog; Sheila Idaho State Bd of Ed. PBS. Jack A. Schlaefle, dir 83843. (208) 885 -6723. Licensee: Regents of U. of Hickman, prog dir; Dave Shaul, news dir. ETV; Myron Hisdel, prog dir; Vaun J. McArthur, chief Idaho. PBS. Arthur R. Hook, gen mgr; Bill Berg, 15, kw vis, aur, engr. prog dir; Susan Fishman, prom mgr; John Gray, chief WICD -ch 647 64.6 kw ant 1,300t/1,338g. April 24, 1959. 250 Fair Dr. engr. On 14 CATV's- 23,000 subs. On 4 trans. Co- County KBCI -TV -ch 2, 65 kw vis, 7.01 kw aur, ant (217) 351 -8500. Plains TV owned: "KUID -FM. 61820. Licensee: Corp. 2,550t/149g. Nov. 26, 1953. Box 2, 83707. (208) Ownership: See Plains Television Corp. NBC. Rep: 336 -5222. TWX 910-970 -5790. Licensee: Eugene Katz. Wash atty: McKenna, Wilkinson & Kittner. Television Inc. (group owner; acq 10- 21 -76). CBS. Elmer Balaban, pres; Milton Friedland, VP & gen mgr; Rep: Art Moore. Wash atty: Dow, Lohnes & Albertson. Nampa Joe Norris, stn mgr; Larry Walters, opns dir; Ed Mason, Robert P. Booth, pres; James Johntz, stn mgr; Paul New TV -ch 12, 166 kw vis, 18.2 kw aur, ant 2,720 ft. sis mgr; Robert Swan, nati sis mgr; Pam Dane, prom Greene, prog dir; Jack Sausman, asst mgr; Frank Not on air, target date unknown. Licensee: Peyton mgr; Larry Stirewalt, news dir; David Boyer, chief engr. Atkinson, prom & prod mgr; Paul Riess, news dir; Greg Bcstg Inc. On 33 CATV's -135,509 subs. Co -owned satellite of Johnson, chief engr. On 16 CATV's- 16,775 subs. WICS Springfield, Illinois. On 36 translators. Rates: $300; 130; 45. KIVI- Licensed to Nampa. See Boise. KIVI- (Nampa) -ch 6, 60.3 kw vis, 12.0 kw aur, ant 2,660t/210g. Feb. 1, 1974. 1866 E. Chisholm Dr., Nam- Chicago pa, 83651. (208) 336 -0500. TWX 910 -970 -5945. Pocatello Licensee: Futura Communications Corp. Ownership: ADI No. 3; see Chicago market R.V. Hansberger, 100 %. ABC. Rep: H -R. Wásh atty: ADI No. 157; see Idaho Falls- Pocatello market McKenna, Wilkinson & Kittner. Mike Gee, gen mgr; WBBM -TV -ch 2, 35.4 kw vis, 7.08 kw aur, ant Jim Barto, opns mgr; Steve Eyrse, prom mgr; Brink 'KBGL -TV -ch 10, 66.1 kw vis, 12.9 kw aur, ant 1350t/1456g. August 1940. 630 N. McClurg Court, Chipman, news dir; John Morand, dir engrg. On 3 1,450t187g. July 7, 1951. Idaho State University, 60611. (312) 944 -6000. Licensee: CBS Inc. Owner- CATV's -5,000 subs. On 17 trans. Rates: $300; 83209. (208) 236 -2857. Licensee: State Board of ship: See CBS -Owned Stns. CBS. Rep: CBS -TV Natl 100; 50. Education, acting as trustees for Idaho State Univer- Sales. Peter A. Lund, VP & gen mgr; Andrew Rogin, sity. PBS. Herbert Everitt, dir, radio -TV service, & sis dir; Ed Spray, dir of bcstg; Eric Ober, news dir; KTVB -ch 7, 166 kw vis, 26.9 kw aur, ant gen mgr; Don Rogers, prog dir; Jim Alexander, prod Alice Necker, mgr, film & tape svcs; Lilly Eide, com- 2,560t/223g. July 12, 1953. Box 7, 83707. (208) dir; Janet House, traf dir & prom mgr; Dick Siebe, chief munications dir; Charles Upton, dir tech opns. Co- 375 -7277. TWX 910- 970 -5779. Licensee: KTVB Inc. engr. Co- owned: *KBGL(FM). owned: WBBM- AM -FM. (acq 4- 17 -80). Ownership: See King Broadcasting Co. NBC. Rep: Avery -Knodel. Wash atty: Fletcher, Heald KID -TV -- Licensed to Idaho Falls. See Idaho Falls. WCFC -TV -ch 38, 1,260 kw vis, 25.1 kw aur, ant & Hildreth. E. 1,210t/1453g. May 31, 1976.20 N. Wacker Dr. 60606. Robert Krueger, VR gen mgr & film KIFI -TV- Licensed to Idaho Falls. See Idaho Falls. buyer; Rex McArthur, loc sis mgr; John Tischendorf, (312) 977 -3838. Permittee: Christian Communica- prog dir; Sal Celeski, news dir; Lem Allen, chief engr. KPVI- Licensed to Pocatello. See Idaho Falls. tions of Chicagoland. Sp 1 hr wkly. Wash atty: On 14 CATV's- 15,200 subs. On 37 trans. Rates: Cohen & Berfield. Jerry Rose, pres & gen mgr; Bren- S190; 170; 40. da Farmer, prom mgr; Mercedes Pressley, news dir; Twin Falls Harold Wheat, stn mgr; Lex Young, chief engr. Rates: $30; 45; 60.
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