Modern Immersion Final v3B_Modern Immersion Final.qxd 23 January 2012 12:21 Page 1 MODERN IMMERSION NOT SCRIPTURE BAPTISM WILLIAM THORN ! Modern Immersion Final v3B_Modern Immersion Final.qxd 23 January 2012 12:21 Page 2 " Modern Immersion Final v3B_Modern Immersion Final.qxd 23 January 2012 12:21 Page 3 MODERN IMMERSION NOT SCRIPTURE BAPTISM BY WILLIAM THORN, AUTHOR OF ‘LECTURES ON THE CHRISTIAN SABBATH,’ &c. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY HOLDSWORTH AND BALL, !#, ST. PAUL’S CHURCH YARD !#$! $ Modern Immersion Final v3B_Modern Immersion Final.qxd 23 January 2012 12:21 Page 4 % Modern Immersion Final v3B_Modern Immersion Final.qxd 23 January 2012 12:21 Page 5 TO THE REV. JOHN GRIFFIN, PASTOR OF THE INDEPENDENT CHURCH AND CONGREGATION, PORTSEA, AND SENIOR MEMBER OF THE ‘HAMPSHIRE ASSOCIATION;’ AND TO ALL THE OTHER MINISTERS AND GENTLEMEN COMPOSING THAT RESPECTABLE BODY; THE FOLLOWING TREATISE, ENTITLED ‘MODERN IMMERSION NOT SCRIPTURE BAPTISM,’ IS INSCRIBED BY THEIR VERY OBEDIENT HUMBLE SERVANT, WILLIAM THORN. & Modern Immersion Final v3B_Modern Immersion Final.qxd 23 January 2012 12:21 Page 6 ' ()*+,- .((+,/.)- -)0 /1,.203,+ 4520./( v ANALYSIS OF THE WORK PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS I. Respecting religious controversies in general. II. Respecting the Baptist controversy in particular. THE QUESTION AT ISSUE STATED PART FIRST.—A statement, examination, and refutation, of the arguments employed in support of the EXCLUSIVE system of immersion-baptism. ........................................................................Page A summary of the Baptists’ arguments ....................................%" A few preparatory and explanatory remarks ............................ib. SECTION I—THE NATURAL CONCLUSIONS OF COMMON READERS The remarks of the Baptists on this head. ................................%6 !. But most common readers decide against them........................%# ". Their judgement depends on the words of the learned ............%7 $. If their decisions are valid, learning is useless ..........................&! %. The doctrines of scripture plainer than ceremonies ..................&$ &. Our positions accord with divine benevolence ........................&% '. Human testimonies condemned and referred to ......................&& 6. Reference to the Old Testament necessary and proper ............&' #. Gospel precepts harmonize with our views..............................&6 SECTION II—THE CONCESSIONS OF NUMEROUS PAEDOBAPTISTS The reasonings of the Baptists on this point ............................&# !. Several postulates on arguments ad hominem..........................&7 ". The quotations themselves subject to correction......................'8 $. The Baptists regard these writers as strangely inconsistent ........'! %. They renounce the principle of such evidence ........................'$ Modern Immersion Final v3B_Modern Immersion Final.qxd 23 January 2012 12:22 Page 7 2,))9-,+5*.-: *,590 6 vi ANALYSIS OF THE WORK &. The concessions in accordance with sprinkling........................'% '. Pædobaptist writers not honestly treated ................................'& 6. Such a mode of reasoning very objectionable ..........................'6 #. The Baptists make them concede too much ............................'# 7. Open communionists concede the validity of sprinkling ..........'7 !8. Close communionists strangely inconsistent ............................68 !!. Wherein our citations differ from theirs ..................................6" SECTION III—THE HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH The arguments of the Baptists on this subject ..........................6% !. They do not know how baptism was administered ..................ib. ". —do not follow the ancient modes ........................................6& $. —disclaim all historical evidence ............................................66 %. Antiquity favours pouring as well as dipping ..........................#8 &. Baptismal regeneration, &c. old as dipping..............................#" '. The concessions of Pædobaptists accounted for ......................#$ 6. Instances of aspersion baptism in early times............................#% #. Why dipping was first introduced ..........................................#' 7. The Greek church opposed to the Baptists ..............................#7 !8. The Church of England no rule for their guidance ..................7$ SECTION III—THE MEANING OF THE GREEK WORD BAPTIZO The sentiments of the Baptists on its import............................7& They make this the hinge of the debate ..................................76 !. The primary sense of words examined ....................................7# ". Baptizo might not be used in its primary sense ........................77 $. Dipping not the primary meaning of it..................................!88 %. Bapto never used for Christian baptism ..................................!8" &. Lexicographers on the word baptize......................................!8$ '. Baptists translation of it in Greek writers ..............................!8% 6. Different applications of the word ........................................!8' # More extended translations of it............................................!86 7. Other passages in Greek authors ..........................................!8# vii !8. Deductions, and Mr Booth’s assumptions ..............................!87 Modern Immersion Final v3B_Modern Immersion Final.qxd 23 January 2012 12:22 Page 8 # ()*+,- .((+,/.)- -)0 /1,.203,+ 4520./( !!. The sense of it in the Septuagint and Apocrypha ..................!!! !". The texts where it occurs examined ......................................!!$ !$. Inferences from these expositions..........................................!!7 !%. Baptizo Synonymous with tabal and tingo ..............................!"8 !&. The sense of the term in the New Testament ........................!"" !'. The verb translated by the word to plunge ............................!"' !6. Objections respecting cheo and rhantizo answered ..................!"# !#. The Cyro-Chaldaic translation of baptize ..............................!"7 !7. Vague terms employed for dipping........................................!$8 "8. These terms examined and proved defective..........................!$" "!. This topic further illustrated ................................................!$% "". The folly of such phraseology exposed ..................................!$' "$. Conclusions from the above enquiry ....................................!$6 SECTION V—THE IMPORT OF FOUR GREEK PREPOSITIONS The prepositions, and arguments founded on them ................!$7 !. The Baptists make them express too much ..............................ib. ". Total submersion not proved by them ..................................!%8 $. Nor immersion in any degree ..............................................!%" %. Schleusner’s definitions of them............................................!%$ &. Their various translations in the English Bible ......................!%% '. Several passages rendered on Baptist principles ......................!%& 6. The versatile character of them established ............................!%& #. Conclusions, with Cox and Robinson’s remarks ....................!%7 SECTION VI—THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE FIRST N.T. BAPTISMS Baptists’ inference from baptism in Jordan and Enon..............!&8 !. This a departure from positive precepts, &c...........................!&! ". John’s baptism not a Christian rite ..........................................ib. $. No proof of his dipping into Jordan ......................................!&$ %. No proof of immersion in Enon ..........................................!&% &. Great waters very unsuitable for dipping ..............................!'8 viii SECTION VII—CERTAIN ALLUSIONS TO SCRIPTURE BAPTISM !. Of the Hebrews in the Red Sea............................................!'$ ". Of Noah and his family in the ark ........................................!'% $. The sufferings of Christ and his disciples ..............................!'& Modern Immersion Final v3B_Modern Immersion Final.qxd 23 January 2012 12:22 Page 9 2,))9-,+5*.-: *,590 7 %. The virtual sufferings of believers in Christ ..........................!'# SECTION VIII—THE IMMUTABLE NATURE OF SCRIPTURE PRECEDENTS Declaration of the Baptists on this head ................................!#$ l They know not the original mode of baptism ........................!#% ". Their assertions on a definitive mode considered ..................!#' God the only judge how plain to render it ............................!#6 Has granted a latitude in other institutions ............................!## The Lord’s Supper not minutely modified ............................!#7 The conjectures of the Baptists considered ..............................ib. $. They omit many positive institutions ....................................!78 %. They do many things not commanded ..................................!7$ &. Their vindication of these things examined ..........................!7& '. Deductions from the preceding remarks ................................!7# PART SECOND.—A variety of circumstantial evidence, proving that pouring or sprinkling is the ONLY proper mode of scripture baptism A particular view of the question in debate............................!77 Circumstantial evidence alone available ................................"88 Summary of the subsequent arguments.................................."8" SECTION I—THE CONTRADICTIONS AND DIFFICULTIES OF THE BAPTISTS Reasons
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