Co. Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Replay Match Programme 1982 CLUICHE CHEANNAIS SINSIR THIOBRAID, ARANN 3;«J I.N

Co. Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Replay Match Programme 1982 CLUICHE CHEANNAIS SINSIR THIOBRAID, ARANN 3;«J I.N

Co. Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Replay Match Programme 1982 CLUICHE CHEANNAIS SINSIR THIOBRAID, ARANN 3;«J i.n. ad ...., .... D6Hot IilIe 1lIhJ..,Ma 1912. CJuIahe~ ' ....... 21 1.IOLn. , , . CLUICHE LEATH-CHEANNAIS IOMANA FE 21 (Under 21 County Semi -final) Cluain an Ultaigh-Ros Mar Glas is 6rga Green and gold (1) Aindreas Fryday Andrew Fryday (2) Niall 0 Riain (3) M. 0 Cathain (4) P. 0 Cearnaigh Niall Ryan Michael Keane Pat Kearney (5) P. 0 Riain (6) D. 0 Riain (7) S. Hammersley Pat Ryan David Ryan Seamus Hammersley (8) T. 0 Riain (9) s. 0 h-Aodha T. J. Ryan, capt. Joe Hayes (10) S. Mac Gearailt (11) M. 0 h·lfearnain (12) s. 0 Cinneide Joe Fitzgerald Michael Heffernan John Kennedy (13) S. 0 h-Ilearnain (14) P. 0 h-Aodha (15) P. 0 Riain Seamus Heffernan Pat Hayes Padraig Ryan Fir lonaid: 16. Pat Bourke; 17. Sean Slattery; 18. Liam Maher; 19. P. J . Shanahan; 20. Joe Slattery; 21. Garry Maher; 22. Denis Quirke; 23.John Dwyer; 24. Michael Ryan. Ealaf Charraig na Siuire Dubh is Ban Black and white (1) M. 0 Ruiseal, capt. Michael John Russell (2) A. de Rbiste (3) S. 0 Lonargain (4) S. de Gras Tony Roche Sean Lonergan Joe Grace (5) P. Breathnach (6) L. 0 h·Aitheassaigh (7) R. 0 Lonargain Paul Walsh Willie Hahessy Bobby Lonergan (8) B. de Faoite (9) S. 0 Tuairisc Brendan White Joh n Waters (10) Micheal Faulkner (11) T. 0 Tuaraisc (12) B. 0 Tuaraisc Michael Faulkner T om Waters Bernard Waters (13) T. 0 Duinn (14) A. 0 Tuaraisc (15) Tomas Torpey Tommy Dunne Anthony Waters Thomas Torpey Fir lonaid: 16. Seamus 0 58; 17. Michael Aoche; 18. Joe Walsh; 19. Ken Shortess; 20. Jim Clelry; 21. Kevin Nugent; 23. Kevin Water$. ~ !if ~ UfJUj ':Jowl ~ from North to Mid following Holycross' « historic minor victory and Moy~rk8.Y's ~ !if, senior display? etc. etc. A faSCinating ~ Ti Wlte romhat go Staid Semple go Ii encounter and one that has gratefully "'.~<~ m6r iomina. Shi cluiche beacht. briomh­ put hurling again on the lips of many " I!J' ar againn an Oomhnach seo calle agIJs Tipperary folk this week. ~ ~-L ta muid uile 89 sui! lena leithlHd aris Today's winners will also be given urn thrathOOna. Shi an caighdean sa 4$ ?' the right and responsibility of nominating ~ ~ chluiche Mionur agus Sinsir sasuil go our five Senior Hurling Selectors for the ~ "'•• <~ leor- 90 h-jirithe nuair a cuirtear mild fast·approaching National League cam· ". na h-aimsire san aireamh. paign and for next year's championship. ~. ~ Bh choir go mheadh an chbd chluiche Their nominees will come before the . 'ff go maith freisin. Chas na h·Ea!al' agu5 County Board for ratification. Cluam an Uhaigh lena ch'lle sa chluiche ~ Our curtain-raiser finds a Carrick '~ ;. leath-cheannais de na mionuif imblialTa Swan side on this historic pitch for their ..­ agus bhi an hi sin ag n8 h-Eala! 8ch ta second Sunday in succession. Today, A an iomaint i gCluain an Ultaigh ag dul i they play Clonoulty·Rossmore in the -~~ i':lf dtrei!e i gc6nai. ~ CountY Under·21 seni·final. Hurling has ~ ,r- A welcome to one and a~1 to w.hat improved in Clonoulty in leaps and ~ promises to be a great day s hurling. bounds and their team includes many of S A draw in any final is a subject for those who won the countY minor title great conversation and comment and « iust a year ago. ~reat progress. ha~ also .J.: ~ during this past week many questions been made in Carrick, who are bIdding to 9.. have been asked. Did Moycarkey loose appear in their second countY hurling ~ their chance by not taking full advantage of their brilliant last quarter display? f;n.' :~~t ~ t~ Have loopholes been found in what th;, V2h';22: ~ looked a sound Roscrea defance? 15 i Tipperary's hurling pendulum swinging Prog,-.,."m. Editor "" DRAWS FOR MUNSTER CHAMPIONSHIP Cork will meet Llme..lck in the Munster $enlor C. Kerry; D. Limerick v TIpper.ry. Semi· Hurling Championship Mlmi·final "'''t Vlar and fin.I$- A. v S.: C. v D. Waterford will meet the winner5 of the fir1t MinOt" Football-=- A.; S. Cork v Kerry; round game belween and Tipperary. C. Tipperary; O. W.terford v Limerick. $emi· This emerged when the ch.mpionshlp dnlws A. v S.; C. v D. were made at • meeting of the Munster Council In Limerick. NATIONAL LEAGUE DRAWS In $Inlor football, Cork will meet or Waterford in the semi·fln.1 and Kerry will The following ere the draws lor Ihe NetiO~al meet tha winners of Limerick and Tipperary. League 1982-83- involving Tipperary senIor hurling team It home end aw.v venues:- The draws are: Senior Hurting- A. Cork; NHL Division 1- Tipperary v Cork (awIY), B. Limerick; C. Weterford; D. Clere v Tipperary October 17th. Round 2: Tipperary v W."rford Semi·flnels- A. v B.; C. v O. Minor hurllng­ Ihome) October 31$t. Round 3: Tipperary v A. Cork; B. Limerick v Kerry; C. Waterford; Galway' (away), November 14th. Round 4: O. Clare v Tlpperery. Seml·flnal- A. v S.; Tipperary v Kilkenny (homel. November 28th. Round 5: Tipperary v Wedord (home), Feb­ C.v O. ru.ry 20th, 1983. Round 6: Tipperery v u·21 Hurllng- A. Clara; B. Waterford v Cork: (away), March 6th. Round 7: Tlpper.ry C. Kerry; D. Tipper.ry v Limerick. Semi·flnaI5- v Qffaly (homel. March 201h . Merch 27th A.vB.;C.vO. NHL play·of1$; April 3rd NHL seml·fln.l; Senior Football- A. Cork; B. Clare v Waterford April 17th: NHL fin.l. 3 The Roscrell Team which drew wirh Moycllrkey on Sunday BlICk row: (plaYfJt"$ onlyl: EddifJ Hogen, 8rtmdan Maher, Liam SpOOf/fJr, Richard DunnfJ, Joe Ro/and, Jody SpooMr, Purdy Loughnane. Front row; Tedhg O'Connor, Ger O'Connor. KfJvin Brady, Ptladsr OU(J8ly capt., Joe Burler, Knin O'Connor, Paul O'Connor, Fnmcil LoughnallfJ. Dearg is Biin Red and white (1) Seosamh 0 Roilan Joe Roland (2) C. 0 Sradaigh (3) B. 0 Meachair 14) E. 0 h·Og;\in Kevin Brady Brendan Maher Eddie Hogan (5) c. 0 Conchubhair 16) T. 0 Conchubhar (7) S. 0 Spuainear Kevin O'Connor Tadhg O'Connor Jody Spooner 18) R. 0 Duinn 19) P. 0 Leachtnain Richard Dunne Purdy Loughnane (10) G. 0 Conchubhair Ill) P. 0 Caola (capt.) (12) L. 0 Spuainear Ger O'Connor Peadar Quealy liam Spooner (13) PolO Conchubhair 114) P. 0 Leachtnain 115) S. de Paul O'Connor Francis Loughnane Joe Butler Fir lonaid: 16. Michael Scully; 17. Francis Fletcher; 18. Joe Bergin; 19. John Stone 20. Joe Tynan; 21. Donal Kealy; 22. Aidan Shanahan; 23. Jimmy Brady. Roghn6ir( (Selectors)- Pauy Roland, Bertie Fitzpatrick, Tadhg O'Connor. Oiliun6ir (coach)- Patsy Roland. Masseur- Danny Moloney. Photo: O'Shea Thurle$ The Moycllrkey·Borris team which drew with RoscrtNJ lasr Sunday. Back (ow: John HlICkerr, Willie RY8f!, Michfl8l Clohessy, Tom Mullins, Jim Fillnagan, LiMn Dempsey, Robert HaYfJs, Tom OOl7ln, Bill GoonfJY, John McCormack, David F0f}8(ry, Lillm BfJrgin, Merry Bourh. Fronr row;Jimmy Leahy. Nioclas Bergin, Eamonn Oarmody, Tommy Quigley, John Flanagan, JlICk Bergin, Dick Quigley, Eddie Clancy, Jack Caesar. Dearg is Sui Red and Yel low (I) T. 0 Dorain Tom Doran (2) T. 0 Maolain (3) L. 0 Riain (4) R. 0 h-Aodha Tom Mullins Willie Ryan Robert Hayes (5) S. 0 Laochdha (6) S. 0 Beirgin (7) E. 0 Diarmada Jimmy Leahy Jack Bergin (capt.) Eamonn Darmody (S) L. 0 Beirgin (9) S. 0 Flanagain Liam Bergin Jim Flanagan (10) T. 0 Coigligh (11) S. Mac Cormaic (12) D. 0 Fogartaigh Tommy Quigley John McCormack David Fogarty (13) S. Caesar (14) R. 0 Coigligh (15) S. 0 Flanagain Jack Caesar Di ck Quigley John Flanagan Fir lonaid : 16. John Hackett, 17. Matty Ryan, lB. Matty Bourke, 19. MiChael Clohessy, 20. John Ryan. 21. Nioclas Bergin, 22. Liam Demp$fly, 23. Uam Hackett, 24. Pat Flanagan. 25. Michael Oemp$ey, 26. Bill Gooney. 27. Eddie Clancy. 2B. Greg Cutlagh, 29. Padralg Maher, 30. Joe Kirwan, 31. Tom Kirwan. Abuhooirf (Selector$\- Sean Barry. Peddy Coman, Jimmy Fogarty, Gus Ryan, Larry Ryan. Trainer & Coach: Len Gaynor {Kilruane McDonagh); AuiSlant trainer & coach: Eddie Ryan. A fintl artrmdanctlat 5t1rr1pltl Stadium watr;htls rhfl outr;omlt of this clash btltWHn Roscres's Richard Dunnfl and Moyca'*fll"s Bill Goonfll'. Tommy Quiglfll' (10) watr;hes for die break. SUAITHEANTAS NUA It glv&$ me much pleasure to announce that a ~ple with "a spirit of hurling", "the spirit of new Cr&$t has been designed and will be avail· Tipperary" and a lova lor Knockna-gow. able 10 ell lovers of hurting, of Charles J. lat only those who seek to acquire or Kickham, and of Tipperary, The Badge, of have acquired this spirit get or wear this Badge. cloth, Is 94 x 74 cm. and can be sewn on to Let them take pride in the Blue end Gold Blazers, Jerseys, Track-suils or Togs. and when great deeds are to be done let It be Too often have we bemoaned Ihe facl thet done for God and Mary and- we have 1'101 got badges or stickers to metch "For the Credit 01 the Little Village". foreign Influences. Now a start has been made and we hope there will be more to follow. __,-:--:7.===::;:-:_ ..::-B'. 5.6 Pai,cfn The motto: "For the Credit 01 the little Village" is taken Irom Kickham'$ "Knock· r n)£ ([felllt of If, nagow".

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