29 December 2000 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 113(4):945-955. 2000. Calappa pokipoki, a new species of box crab (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Calappidae) from Hawaii Peter K. L. Ng Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore, Kent Ridge, Singapore 119260, Republic of Singapore Abstract.—A new species of box crab, Calappa pokipoki, is described from Hawaii. This new species resembles C. gallus (Herbst), but can easily be dis­ tinguished by several carapace features as well as color pattern. Calappa po­ kipoki also resembles C. bicornis (Miers), C. matsuzawa Galil, C sebastieni Galil and C. yamasitae Sakai, but can be separated from these by a suite of distinctive carapace characters. At present, seven species of calappids are Taxonomic Account known from Hawaii, Calappa calappa (Linnaeus 1758), C. gallus (Herbst 1803), Family Calappidae C. hepatica (Linnaeus 1758), C biconis Calappa pokipoki, new species (Miers 1884), Cycloes marierubri Galil & (Figs. 1, 2, 3a, 4a, 5a-g, 6) Clark, 1996, Mursia hawaiiensis Rathbun, Calappa bicornis.—Tinker, 1965: 74 (not 1893, and M. spinimanus Rathbun, 1906 Calappa bicornis Miers, 1884) (Rathbun 1906, Tinker 1965, Galil 1993, 1997; Galil & Clark 1996). Studies of the Material examined.—Holotype female brachyuran collections in the Barrice P. (87.8 by 64.5 mm) (BPBM 12073), Kona, Bishop Museum showed that Tinker's Hawaii, coll. research vessel Townsend (1965) record of C. bicornis is erroneous, Cromwell, TC 81-01 station 34, 16 Feb and the specimens which have been re­ 1981. ferred to this species actually represent a Paratypes: 1 female (78.8 by 58.8 mm) new species, described herein. This new (ZRC 2000.516), same data as holotype; 1 species, while most similar to C. gallus, dif­ male (43.5 by 33.5 mm) (BPBM SI 1259), fers from this species in several distinct TC 40 station 2, Penguin Banks, Molo- characters. kai, 21o09.9'-21°09.8'N, 157°24.1'- Specimens examined during this study 157°29.8'W, Hawaii, 182 m, coll. R/V are deposited in the Bernice P. Bishop Mu­ Townsend Cromwell, trawl, 6-7 Nov 1968; seum, Honolulu, Hawaii (BPBM); Zoolo- 1 juvenile (25.3 by 20.0 mm) (BPBM gisk Museum, University of Copenhagen SI 1255), TC 36 station 33, Penguin Banks, (ZMUC); and the Zoological Reference Molokai, 21°02.9'-21°01.6'N, 157°25.9'- Collection of the Raffles Museum, National 157°26.0'W, Hawaii, coll. R/V Townsend University of Singapore (ZRC). Numerous Cromwell, trawl, 5 Jun 1968; 1 female specimens of C. gallus, C. bicornis and C. (46.4 by 36.2 mm) (BPBM SI 1271), Bar­ galloides from BPBM, ZMUC and ZRC ber's Point, Oahu, 30 m, Hawaii, coll. 1963; have also been examined for the present 1 juvenile (13.3 by 11.0 mm) (BPBM comparisons. Measurements provided are SI 1146), Northwest End, Penguin Banks, listed as the carapace width by length. The Molokai, 21°02.8'N, 157°40.5'W, 182 m, abbreviations Gl and G2 are used for the Hawaii, coll. HURL 82-111, Makalii sub­ male first and second pleopods respectively. mersible, 20 Sep 1982; 1 male (42.4 by 946 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 31.6 mm) (ZRC 2000.1798), Molokai, Ha­ prominently swollen; outer part with 2 deep waii, coll. 14 Jun 1959; 1 female (right part narrow fissures. Eyes folding obliquely. Ex­ of carapace damaged) (BPBM S6688), Ha­ ternal orbital tooth very low, rounded. An­ waii, no other data; 1 male (49.6 by 36.4 terolateral margin arcuate, clearly demar­ mm) (BPBM S5422), 400 yards off Mok- cated from posterolateral margin by distinct ulua, Oahu, 36 m, Hawaii, coll. Brock, 14 cleft, lined with scattered long, stiff yellow Apr 1949. setae which partially obscure margin; first Diagnosis.—Carapace dorsal surface tooth (subhepatic tooth) large, low, conical; covered with relatively large, low, rounded, subsequent 5 teeth small but clearly dis­ submammillate granules on anterior half; cernible, with bicuspid tips, lateral margins posterior half with numerous oblique to with minute denticles; last 6 teeth ca. twice transverse raised strise; hepatic region as large as preceding teeth, with sharp tips, strongly depressed; from posterior view, lateral margins distinctly denticulate. Pos­ gastric region is highest point, with bran­ terolateral clypeiform extension well devel­ chial regions gradually sloping towards oped, lined with numerous long, stiff yel­ margins; frontal margin quadridentate; an­ low setae which almost completely obscure terolateral margin with 11 or 12 well margin; anterior part with 3 broadly trian­ marked teeth; clypeiform extension well de­ gular teeth (larger posteriorly), each tooth veloped, margin with numerous long, stiff with denticulate margins and median ridge; yellow setae which almost completely ob­ posterior part with 3 low, broadly triangular scure margin; basal antennal segment with teeth, first tooth longest, second tooth distal margin gently concave; outer surface slightly shorter than first, third tooth (near­ of manus with well spaced granules; Gl est posterior carapace margin) ca. 0.5 times with distal \b slightly sinuous; G2 subequal length of second tooth; each tooth with in length to Gl, distal segment relatively strongly denticulated margins and median short, tip of flange between distal and basal ridge, margin appearing prominently serrat­ segments faintly tricuspid. ed; margins lined with long, stiff yellow se­ Description.—Carapace subtriangular in tae which almost obscure margin. Posterior shape; dorsal surface distinctly convex; an­ carapace margin convex, margin distinctly terior half covered with relatively large, denticulated, appears serrated, lateral parts low, rounded, submammillate granules lined with long, stiff yellow setae. Basal an­ which are closely appressed basally; pos­ tennal segment subtriangular, surface finely terior half with numerous oblique to trans­ granulated, distal margin gently concave. verse raised striae which are longer towards Longitudinal endostomial septum with shal­ lateral margins; striae near margins more low concavity on anterior border, edge just prominent, beaded, appearing almost ser­ visible when first maxillipeds closed. rated. Hepatic region strongly depressed. Minor left chela (without cutting tooth) Epigastric region with 2 distinct transverse with prominent dorsal crest, with 6 lamel- tubercles. Gastric region strongly raised, liform teeth, first bilobed, low, next 5 high, median part especially high. Gastric and acutely triangular; outer surface of manus cardiac regions separated from branchial re­ granulated, granules not arranged in distinct gions by deep longitudinal groove. Subor­ rows; upper half with several large gran­ bital region with 2 large transverse gran­ ules; lower Vz surface with numerous subs- ules, rest of surface finely granulated. Fron­ quamose granules, becoming smaller to­ tal margin thickened, quadridentate, median wards tip of pollex; subsquamiform gran­ part prominently produced anteriorly, me­ ules on proximal lower surface of manus dian teeth separated by distinct U-shaped becoming larger and fewer towards carpus; sulcus. Supraorbital margin with small but ventral outer margin lined with row of lat­ distinct inner tooth; inner half of margin erally directed granules, appears distinctly VOLUME 113. NUMBER 4 947 Fig. 1. Calappa pokipoki, new species, holotype female (87.8 by 64.5 mm) (BPBM S5422). a, dorsal view b, posterior carapace margin (dorsal view): c, right chela (outer view). 948 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Fig. 2. Calappa pokipoki, new species, paratype male (42.4 by 31.6 mm) (ZRC 2000.1798). a. dorsal view; b, posterior carapace margin (dorsal view); c, chelipeds (outer view). VOLUME 113. NUMBER 4 949 Fig. 3. Carapace showing degree of convexity (posterior view), a, Calappa pokipoki, new species, paratype male (42.4 by 31.6 mm) (ZRC 2000.1798): b. C. gallus, male (48.4 by 36.4 mm) (ZRC). serrated, tooth adjacent to carpus low but stiff setae; subproximal part of ventral mar­ distinct, subtruncate, sublamelliform; dac­ gin of merus with short row of long stiff tylus very slender, recurved, distal half pig­ setae. mented, smooth; proximal part of dactylus Abdomen narrowly triangular. First seg­ granulated. Major right chela (with special ment with proximal margin lined with sub- cutting tooth) similar in shape and features median low granules, appearing gently ser­ to minor chela, but dorsal crest, with 7 la- rated, with long, stiff yellow setae, outer­ melliform teeth, first bilobed, low, next 6 most parts smooth, glabrous. Second seg­ high, acutely triangular; entire dactylus pig­ ment with distinct granules on outer and mented, proximal surface granulated, with median parts, lined with long, stiff yellow subtruncate tooth proximally. setae, intermediate areas unarmed, gla­ Ambulatory legs relatively slender, un­ brous. Third to fifth segments fused, but lat­ armed, smooth; second pair longest. Dac­ eral clefts separating segments still discern­ tylus very slender, styliform, gently curved. ible; third segment subrectangular, outer Last leg with subdistal part of ventral mar­ submarginal part with scalloped features, gin of fused basis-ischium with tuft of long fourth segment trapezoidal, lateral margins 950 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Fig. 4. Posterior carapace margin, first two male abdominal segments and base of last pair of ambulatory legs, a, Calappa pokipoki, new species, paratype male (42.4 by 31.6 mm) (ZRC 2000.1798); b, C. gallus, male (48.4 by 36.4 mm) (ZRC). deeply concave; fifth segment almost squar­ in larger specimens, regardless of sex. One ish, with deeply concave lateral margins; paratype female (78.8 by 58.8 mm, ZRC sixth segment slightly elongate, lateral mar­ 2000.516) is very unusual in that the spe­ gin sinuous. Telson acutely triangular, lat­ cial cutting tooth is on the left chela rather eral margin gently concave to almost than the right. In all known specimens of straight. all other species of Calappa Weber, 1795, Gl relatively stout, almost straight, distal as well as all the other specimens of C.
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