The National Union PEACE-UNITY-LIBERTY AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE PEOPLE OF THE FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA Volume 11 Palikir, Pohnpei, September 30,1990 Number 10 US Ambassador presents her credence Chief Executives PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFOR- Representative to the FSM Michael MATION SERVICE) - The first U.S. Wygant who left the U.S. Embassy in meet in Palikir Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni- May this year said," Our nations face an PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFOR- potentiary to the FSM, Her Excellency historic opportunity to help shape a firm, MATION SERVICE) - The 16TH FSM Aurelia Erskine Brazeal presented her more secure, and more prosperous Chief Executives Conference (CEC) met credentials to President John R. world, in which our shared ideals and at President's Cabinet Room Septem- Haglelgam during a formal ceremony our democratic way of life can flourish. ber 27-28 to discuss: the budget request held Sept. 18 at the President's Cabinet The energy, the faith, the devotion which for translation of and public education Room. we bring to this endeavor will deter- on the proposed amendments to the mine how the people of our two coun- Present at the ceremony were FSM FSM Constitution, the rotation of the Vice President Hirosi H. Ismael, Pohnpei tries prosper. President Bush seeks to strengthen even further the friendship Japanese Foreign Aid, FSM Immigra- State Governor Resio S. Moses, Acting tion problems with visitors, Copra Speaker Dohsis Halbert, Diplomatic between the United States and the Fed- Subsidy, FSM Group Health Insurance, erated States of Micronesia as we move Corps, Cabinet members, and other U.S. Federal Budget Sequestration, officials. The Ambassador was accom- down this path. For that reason both Control Document for Projects, Com- panied by Second Secretary Mary C. countries agreed to elevate representa- pact Funds Distribution, Second Five- Shoemaker. tives to ambassadorial level." Year Development Plan, and the U.S. Brazeal who replaces former U.S. (See CREDENTIAL, Page 2) Peace Corps in Micronesia. The Conference which was chaired by Vice President Hirosi H. Ismael comprised of the four State Governors, Petrus Tun of Yap; Sasao Gouland, Chuuk; Resio S. Moses, Pohnpei; and Yosiwo P. George, Kosrae; and other staff officials from the states and the National Governments. The CEC approved a proposal of $200,000 for Political Education Pro- gram on the proposed amendments to the FSM Constitution. A Central Coor- dinating Committee is to be appointed by the President, and the State Gover- nors are to appoint Task Forces in their states to carry out duties in educating CREDENCE PRESENTATION - The first U.S. Ambassador Extraordinary and the public of the amendments to the Plenipotentiary to the FSM, Her Excellency Aurelia Erskine Brazeal (standing at the Constitution beginning December this podium) presented her credentials to President John R. Haglelgam during a formal year to February next year. ceremony held Sept. 18 at the President's Cabinet Room. From left to right are: FSM The CEC also agreed upon the 1992 Congress Acting Speaker Dohsis Halbert, Pohnpei State Governor Resio S.Moses, FSM Foreign Aid from the Government of Vice President Hirosi H. Ismael, Acting Secretary of External Affairs J.Raglmar Subolmar, FSM President John R. Haglelgam, and Brazeal (See CHIEF EXECUTIVES, Page 2) 2 Credentials... Chief Executives (Continued from Page 1) "As Secretary of State Baker noted in (Continued from Page 1) agree to serve FSM Group Health In- June 1989, Americans believe we are Japan which its rotation started in 1987 surance subscribers appropriately and expeditiously. on the eve of a new era in international with Pohnpei State.Chuuk State in 1988, relations. President Bush has under- Kosrae State in 1989, and now Yap The CEC was discontented at both FSM and State personnel who check scored the post-cold war theme in re- State this year and the next year. The cent statements. The dominant trends Yap State project is with two phases documents and luggages at the airport upon arrival and departure, displays shaping the 21st century are the decline a which will take two years to be com- of communism as an economic and pleted. actions discourteously to the visitors in FSM and therefore requested the FSM political system, an increasingly inte- CEC proposed the establishment of a grated economy of global scale sparked 2 $ 1.7 million copra processing plant and Attorney General to initiate through by spectacular technological change and —< agreed to seek financial assistance from FSM President a specific communica- 2 tion to FSM personnel, and the Gover- a world wide trend toward democracy the FSM Congress or other outside and free enterprise. Pacific Basin Na- sources. According to statistics each of nors of the FSM states, to communicate specifically with their personnel, indi- tions are on the cutting edge of these the three states of Chuuk, Pohnpei, and trends. They have demonstrated to the 2 Yap could provide 2 million nuts to cating that all visitors and leaders espe- cially entering and departing the FSM world that the unleashing of market begin with. forces and human creativity is the strong- The agreement with Straub Hospital must be given due respects. est basis for sustained prosperity. Na- & Clinic in Honolulu had been termi- Discussion on U.S. Federal Budget 2 tional success in future world econo- nated as of September 15 this year due Sequestration, Control Document for mies will belong to societies that nur- to lack of personnel to take care of FSM Projects, Division of the Compact Fund, ture individual initiative, openness, the health insurance in Honolulu. CEC and the Gramm-Rudmann Act was free flow of information and fair com- during the discussion noted that the stressed and the CEC considered sev- petition," Brazeal said. $1.4 million of the FSM Group Health eral interpretations toward the Auto- Adding she said that she supports Insurance has $92,999.86 outstanding matic Budget cuts as it was briefed by Haglelgam's call, made earlier this year, debt as of Fiscal Year 1989-1990 . an FSM Budget Office personnel who "to make the decade of the 90's the The CEC further affirmed to reinstate reported that the Act will have effects decade of economic development. The the agreement on the basis that Straub on the U.S. Congress appropriations. movement toward international eco- Hospital & Clinic provides the sub- The CEC noted that FSM funds pro- nomic interdependence, I believe, is scribers with easy access to medical vided under the Compact and those inevitable and it would be wise to pre- care at its facilities, designed to monitor which covered by the U.S. Full Faith pare for this global market. The United their care with single source billing, and Credit will not be affected and those States wishes to work with your gov- extended a discount on services and to (See CHIEF EXECUTIVE, Page 7) ernment to achieve economic growth and to promote trade." She stated that, 'The path to be fol- lowed by the United States and the Federated States of Micronesia is set in the Compact of Free Association. It will be our guide - for our political, security, economic and cultural rela- tions - all aspects of our free associa- tion." Brazeal concluded saying, "Mr. Presi- dent, on this historic occasion I bring the friendship of the American people to the people of the Federated States of Micronesia. I look forward to working with the people and the government in a close, cordial and respectful way to promote mutual interests. Let us con- tinue to be constant and good friends." BRAZEAL PAID COURTESY CALL ON HAGLELGAM - The first U.S. Ambassador Haglelgam in his statement said, "The Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the FSM, Her Excellency Aurelia Erskine Brazeal people and government of the FSM (left), Sept. 18, paid courtesy call on FSM President John R. Haglelgam (right) at his have been looking forward to the day Office. (See CREDENTIALS, Page 3) Credentials_____ (Continued from Page 2) Adding, "I wish to express the grati- Micronesia." when the United States accredits its tude of the government and the people Brazeal who is from Georgia is a Ambassador to the FSM. That day has of the FSM to the United States Govern- career member of the Senior Foreign come to pass this afternoon when ment for its past assistance in our self- Service, class of Minister, and Coun- Ambassador Aurelia Erskine Brazeal determination efforts which led to our selor. presented her credentials to me as independence nearly four years ago and Since 1987, Brazeal has served as Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni- to the establishment of our close and Minister Counselor for Economic Af- potentiary of the United States to the friendly relations with the United States fairs for the American Embassy in 2 FSM." under the Compact of the Free Associa- Tokyo. Prior to this, she served as a He extends to Brazeal a very warm tion Treaty. Madam Ambassador, we member of the Senior Seminar from welcome to the Federated States of have come a long way to this point in 1986-1987; Deputy Director for Eco- Micronesia as well as the gratitude of our history. The FSM will continue to nomics at the Department of State, 1984- the people of the FSM to her Excellency seek the recognition of its sovereignty 1986; in the Economic Bureau of the 2 and to her esteemed government for the by members of the community of na- Office of Development Finance at the historic occasion in the relationship tions and by international organizations Department of State, 1982-1984; Eco- between the FSM and United States of including the United Nations.
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