Connecticut Daily Campus i co Serving Storrs Since 1896 •-3I VOL. CXVI, NO. 23 STORRS. CONNECTICUT MONDAY, OCTOBER 16. 1961 O USA, ISO Conventions Are Held USA Passes ISO Picks Motion; Open Student Senate Votes Candidates At Convention Convention By SOMIKV C»I.D By DIAN.VE KAIili; A unanimously passed motion To Publish Petition Mark Marcus told the 250 dele- which reestablished the belief in gates present at the Independent the Open Convention system The Senate passed a resolution pursue any course of action ing the rules were suspended to Students Organization convention highlighted the United Student last Wednesday night concerning that will benefit the student swear Senator Al Medieros Thursday night that this was a Association convention Thursday student participation in the fight body and the University. (USA) in as vice president of the "serious convention charged with night in the student Union ball- for students' rights. Senator Al This petition to be circulated Associated Student Government. a serious problem," that of wheth- Medieros was sworn in as vice throughout the entire campus Senator Ralph Palmesi (USA) room. The motion, introduced by gave the remainder of his report er student government in its pres- Robert E. Reilly and William E. president of the Associated Stu- with a goal of over 5000 sig- ent form will be able to continue Klein, Jr., read as follows: dent Government. Reports were natures. , on the past constitutions of the This petition to be preceded Associated Student Government. on the Uconn campus. He further heard from six of the senate com- stated that "each candidate nomi- I move that the United mittees. A motion was made con- by a few days of publicity I The Senate decided to let their Student Association reaffirm (Daily Campus, Will s and Stu- I lawyer decide as to whether or nated is charged with the respon- cerning the use of motorbikes for sibility to see that student gov- its belief in the Open Conven- class to class transportation. A dent Senators) for the purpose not they were a legal body. The tion system. Therefore be it representative of the independent of familiarizing the students fact remains that the Board of ernment is maintained." enacted that no delegation to paper, Nightshade, spoke before with it. This will minimize the JTrustees has not approved their Following the opening address. Hie United Student Association the senate. number of questions when the constitution as it was passed by Dave Stigburg as political chair- Convention, be bound to any At last week's Senate Meeting petition is circulated. a referendum vote of the student man of the ISO gave the rules for previous commitments. Senator Kevin Dunne (USA) The original copy of this pe- body last spring. Many senators nominating and voting to the rep- In his introductory remarks, made the following motion. This tition to be sent to the Gover- wondered If this approval was resentatives of the 36 men's and Dennis Lepak, president of the motion incorporates points in a nor of the State of Connecti- necessary. women's dorms present. The USA, stated that he hoped more motion made by Senator Ham- cut. Also photostatlc copies of Senator Mary Atsales, repre- tominating was to start wiih the people would vote independently. merman (ISO) at a previous sen- this petition to be sent to crit- sentative from WSGC, stated that 'presidency of the Senior Class He went on to say that "being re- 'and work down through each ate meeting. ical points in the state, such the Women's Student Government 1 alistic, I know this will never Move that the Student Sen- as newspapers, legislators, etc. Council passed the following res- .'lass until all officers were nonv happen because an Open Conven- ate initiate a petition stating: Senator Dunne stated a three- jolution: i lated. tion would make it harder to We the undersigned students fold purpose in the above peti- Resolved that Women's Stu- If only one nomination were get candidates nominated." of the University of Connecti- tion. It would show that a ma- ident Government is in favor of received for a certain office, that Guest speaker of the evening, cut firmly support oar Student jority of students, not a minori- 'student control of the allocation i person was accepted by the for- Al Medeiros, vice president of the Senate's fight to regain the be- ty were in the fight for students' land determination of the Student mality of the secretary "casting Student Senate, emphasized that low rights of students: rights. It would show that this ; Activity Fee through the Student a white ballot'' in the candidate's "before we complain about stu- a) Organize into governing , majority had the courage of its Senate with the stipulation that behalf. If no nominations were re- dent rights, we should deserve groups to govern themselves. Iconvictions. It would eliminate I there be professional advice con- ceived, the executive committee of them by getting rid of our repu- b) Control their finances. Isome of the confusion of the stu- Icerning the final budget as ap- the ISO would meet to nominate tation as a fixed party." Me- e) Meet to express vlows to dents' rights battle with the jsomone for that office. A candi- deiros asked for the creation of proved by the Student Senate. the administration, the faculty drinking problem. It was sug- A representative from the Na- date had to receive a half plus "a committee to inform political and the people of the state gested that perhaps the petition tional Students Association was one of the votes to win the nomi- chairmen every week of the ram- and nation. |could be circulated with the help . present at Wednesday night's sen- 'nation. ifications of any political action d) Operate communicative or- !of WSGC representatives. The jate meeting to tell the senators C. J. McGillecuddy read the on campus." gans. I motion as quoted above was something of the NSA and what I platform adopted by the ISO Senior Slate e) Organize social and cul- i passed unanimouslv by the Sen- ft was doing for the University party. Michael Shlafer, Phi Epsilon Pi, tural events. late. of Connecticut. Mr. Neal John- Senior Class won the nomination for Senior f) Follow their conscience to At the beginning of the meet- ston stated that "on the whole Skip Kenton was nominated for Class president by an overwhelm- vou have done an admirable job president of the Senior Class by ing majority over his opponent, here . .'* He stated the NSA's white ballot. He stated that he Brad Cagenello, Phi Sigma Kap- belief in the need for independent ,was running because "I am used pa. Shlafer's chief qualifications responsibility and organizational were: three years of member- I to work. I want to fight for autonomy. He stated that "I hope j rights, to reinstate the voice of ship in the IFC. two years of par- you can convince the Administra- ticipation in the Student Union ,the students." On the ticket with tion of the truth of the words I Skip as the ISO nomination for and Class Council, and two terms inscribed over the door to the as president of his fraternity. ivice president is Lucia An/uini, Student Union." I also nominated by white ballot. "I will lead the Senior Class to Mr. Johnston said that the make this one of the finest years 'No nominations were put forth NSA could probably help in the for secretary and treasurer of It has ever had; and I convey following ways: my deep concern over the stu- 1) News to member schools. the Senior Class. dent rights issue," Shlafer told 2) Fact - sheet to member Junior Class the Campus after his nomination. schools telling of protest. Herb Rosenberg was nominated The remaining three offices of 3' Inform the AAUP. for president of the Junior Class. the Senior Class were uncon- 4> Inform the Dean's Associa- He said that as a candidate he tested. Those receiving the nom- tion. ; fell obligated to "let people know inations were: vice president, Senator Schachter (ISO) called the basic facts, to know what they Louis St. Amant. Chi Phi: secre- for a united effort to help the are fighting for. for only then is tary. Katherine Bland, Kappa NSA help the students at Uconn. unity possible." Caroline Holland Kappa Gamma: and treasurer, Senator Kevin Dunne (USA) is to run with Herb, as the ISO Britt Unman. Alpha Delta Pi. announced that the Senate would nomination foi vice president of Kevin Dunne. Chi Phi. was not be able to sponsor Dad's Day the Junior Class. Bob Jordan was nominated for Junior Class presi- i this year as the Senate did not nominated for the post of treas- dent; there were no other nom- I have "the funds. He stated that urer. The secretary's position is inees for this post. Campaign- !a letter explaining why would he to be filled by a recommendation ing with Dunne will be Sheila sent to every father. 'from the ISO executive board. All Cnfltie, Kappa Theta, who won Senator Butt Goldfarb (USA) three candidates were elected by the vice presidential candidacy initiated the following motion white ballot. over Barbara Solton. Aloha Epsi- Which was passed by a vote of Sophomore Class lon Phi. Judy Tydor. Phi Sigma 17 10 1. The battle for nomination for Sigma, beat out Ann Carpenter, I move that a recommenda- the presidency of the Sophomore Alpha Delta Pi. in a close rice tion be made In the Universi- (."lass was between Tom bsliorne, for Hi- nomination for secretary.
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