DOCUMENT RESUME A CE 04l 755 . ED 259'131 TITLE'. Metal Working and Welding Operations. INSTITUTION Marine Corps Inst., Washington, DC. REPORT-NO ' MCI,13.32 PUB DATE 22. Apr 8v3 NOTE' 213p. PUB TYPE Guides).- Classroom Use Materials (Fpr Learner) (051) r EDRS-PRICE MF01/PC09 Plus postage.' * DESCRIPTORS Correspondence Study; 'Equipment Maintenance; *Equipment Utilization; Hand Toolsv Independent. a Stpdy;MAchine gaols; Metals; *Metal Working; Militaty Personnel; *Militiry Trilning; Postsecondary Education; *Trade and Industrial'Education; 1. *Welding ' . f ABSTRACT This student guide, one of a series of correspondence training courses designed to improve-the job lierformence of members- of the Marirr Corps, deals with-the skills nAded by metal norkers and welders. Addressed in the six individual unit's of the course are the following topics: weldable\metals and their Alloys, arcwelding, gas welding, mefalworkibg machines and tools,repair of equipment an I. interpretation of welding sympols, and welding symbols: Each unit contains a general objective, "a series,of work units addressing- different sub ]ectives,.study questions, and answers to th4'study quest ions. g ta ** * Reproductions,supplied by EDRS are the begt that can be made * * from the original docUMent. * ***************************************************fA****************** 14t .k a. UNITED STATES MARINE C RVS pAARINE CORrS INSTITUTE,MARIN ARRACKS BOX 1775 A ARLINGTON. VA. 1122211 13-.32f 22 Apr 1983 1. ORIGIN MCI course 13.32f, Metalworking and Weldin9.0perations, has been , prepared 1:$3, the Marine Corps Inititute. 2. APPLICABILITY This cqprse is for instructionalpurposes only. J. M. D. HOLLADAY Lieutenant Iblonel, U. S. Marine Corps Deputy Director p .r 3 Own S MCI7R241:NRL INFORMATION FOR ,MCI STUDENTS I Welcome to the Ma rine Corps Institute trainingprogram. Your interest in self7improvement and increased professional competence is commendable, Infor'lliation is provided below to assistyou in 'completing the,course. Please read this guidance before proceeding with yoOristudie,§: 401 I.' MATERIALS 4 -Check your course materials. You should have all the materials listed in the "Course Introduction.° In addition you should have.an envelope to mail your review lesson back to MCI for grading unless your review lessonanswer sheet is_of the self-mailing type. if your answer sheet is the pre-prihted type, check ,to see that,your,name, rank, and social security numberare correct. Check closely, your MCI records are kept on .a computer andany ,discrepancy in the above information may causeyour subsequent activity t.9 go unrecorded. You may correct the information directly on theanswer sheet. If you did not reeeive pll your materials, notify your training NCO. If you are mit attached to a Marino Corps unit, request them through the Hotline (autiovon 288-4175 or commercial'202-433-4175).- 2. LESSON SUBMISSION The self-graded exercises contained in yourcourse are not to be returned to MCI. Only the completed review 'lesson answer sheet shouldbe mailed to Md. The answer sheet is to be completed and mailed pnly after you have finished all of the study units in thecourse booklet. The review'lesson has been designed to prepare you for the finallilleination. It is important that you provide-the required information at the bottom your review lesson answer.::sheet if it does not have your Dame.aftd addre$s .10, printed on.it. In courses in w the wdrk is submitted on blank paper or printed forms, identify eao eet in the following manner: DOE,*John 4. ,Sgt332-11-9999 08.4g, Forward Observtition Review Lesson ' Military or officeaddress (RUC number, if available) Submit your revkw lesson,on the answer sheet and/or forms provided. Complete all blocks and follow the directions on the answer shpet for mailing. Otherwise, your answer sheet may beldelayed or lost. If you have to -ibtercupt your ttudies for any reason and find that you cannot completeyour course in one year, you may reqUest a single-six month extension by contacting your training NCO, at least oneTmonth prior to your course completion deadline date. If you.are not attached to a Marine Corps unit you may make this request'by letter. Your commanding officer is notified monthly of your status through *monthly Unit 'Activity Report. In the event of difficulty, contact your training NCO or MCI immediately. L . / 1.,'IMAIL-TIME. DELAY ..h. # 1 /. ,. l ) ' Prese'nt420pbelow arl the mail-time delays that'you may e4erience' between / . , . the mailin of your review lessonslidits rettrrn.to you.- ' .. F 4 ° TURNAROUND .. MCI.PROCES.SING TOTALNUMBlii . -' MAIL TIME . TIME DAYS ! 7 6* * 21 EAST COAST, 16 , WE'sj-COAST 16 .5. ^ 21 , FPO NEW YORK 18 . 5 ' 23 , FPO SAN FRANCISCO 22. .. 5 27 i You may also experience,a shortdelay in receiving your final e0oinatiop due to adTinistrative screening required. at MCI. -4 4. GRADING'SISTEM LESSONS EXAMS. GRADE PERCENT MEANING 1 GRADE PERCENT 94-100 EXCELLENT A 94-100 B 86-93 ABOVE AVERAGE B 86-93` C 78-85. AVERAGE C 78-85 BELOW AVERAGE D 65 -77 70177 . NL BELOW 70 1-FAILING ' f BELOW 65 You will receive a'percentage grade for your review.lbsson and for the final examination. A review lesson Which receives a score below.70 is given a grade of NL (no lesson). It must be 'resubmitted and PASSED before you will , - receive air examination. The ghde attained on the final exam is your course grade, unless you fail your first exam. Those who fail.their first exam will be sent an alternate exam in which the hilihest grade possible is 65%. Failure of the alternate will result in failure of the. course: 5. FINAL EXAMINATION ACTIVE DUTY PERSONNEL: When you pass your REVIEW LESSON, your examination will be mailed automatically to your commanding officer. The administration of MCI final examinations must be supervised by a coruissioned or warrant officer or a staff NCO. A I 5 OTHER PERSONNEL: Your examination may be administeredand,l'upervised by your supervisor. -, 6 COMPLETION- CERTIFICATE The'completion certificate will be mailed to your commanding officer and .your official records will beupdated automatically, ror nen Marines, your completion certificate is mailed to your supervisor. 1, 2 ti I 3 4 As 4 C 1 7. RESERVE:RETIREMtNT1rDITS )'( kinei-ve retirement midits.are awarded to inactive duty personnel only. ,Civdtts award9d.for each course are,listed in the ,"Course Introduction." Crdidits are 6nly'awarded-upon Sucrftssful, completion of thecourse. Reserve - retirement:credits are not awarded MCI study performed during drill pe)-iodsjf cre4,its. are dlso:awarded for drill'attendance. A, ,P . oisENRaLmENT, 4 - Only labr commanding officer can request your disenrollment froman MCI course._- however, an automatic 04senrollment occurs if the course is not completed (including' the final exam) by the time you reach the CO (course completion- deadline) or the ACCD (adjusted course completion deadline) date. This action wt1T adversely affect the unit's completion rate. 9. ASSISTANCE. Consult your training NtO if,you have questions concerning course content. Should he/she bNunablesto assist youMCI is ready to help you -whenever you need it. Please use the Student Course Content Assistance Kerquest"FormA* (ISD-1) attached to the end of your course bookleeor call one of "-,*the AUTOVON telephone numbers liite'd below for the appr4riate'course writer. PERSONNEL/ADMINISTRATION 288-3259 COMMUNICATIONS/ELECTRONICS/AVIATION NBC /INTELLIGENCE 288-3604 INFANTRY 288-3611 ENGINEER /MOTOR TRANSPORT 288-2275 SUPPLY/FOOD SERVICES/FISCAL 288-2285 TANKS/ARTILLERY/INFANTRY WEAPONS REPAIR LOGISTICS/EMBARKATION/MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT/ 'ASSAULT AMPHIBIAN VEHICLES 288 -2290 For administrative problems use the UAR oWcall.the MCI HOTLINE: 288L4175. For commercial phone lines, use area code 202 and prefix 433 jnstead of 288. p t * q.n t f PREFACE k Metalworking and Welding Operations Was been designed to provide metalworkers, machinists, and welders4MOSIS 1316, 2.161, and 3513, sergeants and below, with a source of study material on the operitioland maintenance' of welding equipment and sheetetalmachinesused in the.. Marine Corps. 'The Arse provides-broad coverage, of the welding processes and identification. and heat treatment of Metals, and their alloys.The courlie also provides stoverage on repair. and restoration of damaged sheet metal and Maine Corps equipment: F .SQURCE MATERIALS At NAVPERS 10645-D Construction Mechanic 1 & C, Department of the Navy, Bureau of tlavar Personnel, 1970 - NAVPERS 10308-B Structural Mechanic S 3 & 2, Department of the Navy;_tureau of Naval PerSonnel,1969 TM 5-4940-201-12 Shop Equ ipment, Organizational Repair, Light Truct 145unted, TM 5-4940-20412 ShortguiVment, General PurpseRepair, SeMitrailer FIounfecli Set Flo. T, 1962 T 9-237/TO 34W4-1-5 Weldini Theory and Adtlication, NNo'67 TM -243 . Use ac-Care of Han ols and Measuring Devices, 1960 0.4055A- p We 'raid-Set Arct Trailer Mounted, Model LM-67, 19k TM 040558-15 Welding Machine Arc Ltik2a, Apr 70 SL-4-04055A Welding Machines Arc,l4odelLM-6?, 1963 'SL-4-04076A Welding Medi ine, Hard-Surfacing, del HSM-62, 2 . I lk -1 PP Course Introddetion METALWORKING AND WEAING OPERATIONS isa basic course of particular value to Marines -.working, in or towards the MOS's of 1316, 2161, and 3513.'In addition- to the fundament sUbjeciimItter of the come,thereAre Instructions on identification of metals.anefieir '<- alloys; electric arc welding;.weldi g with gases; metalworking machines and tools; weldivg : equipment and welding procedures._ t A in the Marine Cdrfs. ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION 41/1 MIER OF STUDIES ir. ,... Study Unit Study , , Number Hourli.;, Subject Mater T ' )4 -.ye.. - 1 3 Weldable Metals and Their Atloys' 4 " 2 4 Arc Welding PeOcess . ..',e' ,r ,3 .. 3 Gas Welding Pr9cess . -v.* - 1 4 3 Metalworking M'achines,,Tools - g 5 2 Repairing Equipment and Interpreting-MAielng -$ymbni , -zip, 6 2 Weldlng Symbols , 2 REVIEW LESSON 2 FINAL EXAMINATION RESERVE RETIREMENT 7.
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