rr in. Jr.iih'/if-vrj AND VALIANT FOB THB PUBLIC LIBBBTIIB. BE TBTJS, AND FAITHFUL, H I FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 1866. NUMBER 37. VOLUME XXII. BIDDEFORD, ME., MORNING, 7, Mb. Plkbun Boa its.—Carl a Boston Commercial Bulletin fires Johnson's lied been within Uie hour. Ikn- Botta thus Medical Uiki or lea. To parson burn- iy The captoored Tat New Party.—John M. the Detroit well remarks of * mote or bona bUtt in its 8cliurz of Post, AID MEDICAL. mr: with internal fever it isa comfort bo- off a string of 6*nf THE UIIOI JOUMAL. My Pollissy." described, in • Fourth of ing up allusions to hia vividly July epeerh at the eminent Mr. Johnson*)* numerous J. B. BOTLBB, Editor, gtfrtig. moved to hous of IJfe" column The pereeshun the meetin at llaltiniore, the consequence of support- jrotul expression. "Spice is art in the follow- humble origin: takin a meet- •* ice in Mnall professor of the culinary and Deekin Pogrom the chair tho new »be Swallowing freely lumpa m on all THE AB8ENAL AT 8PBJN0FIELD. ing party," contemplated l»y "A man like Mr. Johnson E. BUTLER 3a OO. treatment of the who, J". t mHMl »l>fc ln wu to wust the chief iu inflammation in* etyle. ***. rfL at p«r»|H ratio* , organized. Philadelphia Convention: that he is • IW The we are a few occaxiOM reminding people plc- Tmm |1M p* >1— It p*M aUfcla JTW sv ■. *. itisrantv. that wua the stomarch. following, understand, The Deekin remarked thia "In lite condition of things tberc of it lie baa ILM It rii aili V««IIm4i w«« wjwk iSSEl present of the to Blot for bian, and that in spite (ought af lf» ■** mHarrlW*, mI !aJ?aS?.gj; u The constant of ice, applicants profcasor pri- Hf r*** f*Umg *p I dab moment uv hie He wuz ia to be a effort made to a new application pow to hia tl la ThU M Um ArmtL frwa Soar la (wOlas, proudest liphe. great get up his own eiertiona pres- •ntal| |ICMIliM la Ml* Mnnl MJ paHAM »• Mhl ■Mrtwi u the head with vate instruction. hia way up by m at or hia esteem- dered fine, ami lk« Hull fa* af LiL* * hug* nrfmit. riM 1)m hurnlabrd ; gratified the appointment and a convention ia called to meet enveloping of what party," The hashfld man who wishes the best ent with the cucrption w» it means of a cushion or other contri- position, ( Wk Itai Uaair aSaaft >l>" aalkMi paattaf ed bekoa he the noble aoine next I by WaM*,MM kf all Dragstota. friend, appreciated in Philadelphia time montb, * did for him, which he taraMHM* K^l'l wak tkm. for that method of the ladies. John Wilkes Booth aurtta Um *kmm mtmo wu* ao onto vances, is the most reliable remedy toasting* qualitiea wicb oonspicuous believe. It ban for his littleness of embarraasing question man 'boiled with in- nerer win War wild u4 inflammation on tbo The whose Wood mentions,) betrays All! wWl a iml rfaa, tony, him, and becoi hia vuoui eg price* in the me to know, not na We hater where dangerous malady, low Mr. said, to that bis VkN UM lnl> H|il VaocNcs Ifcaaa rrUt krjn! so victim to the how to learn simmer down. soul in tbey regard Bit- co* of emkled him to the brain, often sends its grave dignation' presuming la iwhi I & T«—««#.—X -Tka imuI af FlaitoUaa Dimokrasy posi- am 1 to but bow am 1 to vote. No, it ia WWl tend kMl aad dtaaaal Mlaarwt go, to know bow Ho as a which bia prodig- la «aa la «»«aaka» tWy a few or to the A by m m iar»* vr» - m m!4 ;«f «>»rttlig tion. All these was aaide av and was a in days, that living death, young scapegrace origin disgrace, T**".BMIH ■ ■■ to WU wMk (Mr awftal ! entirely not an That A^VtfUfNMHw wnM til Bnadwajr •<» Ml kl*k troa tta fkrfc tfMphoajlaa einharraaaing question. without a baist* efforts be baa overcome. to aaa•! U»»»• mad-house!" sauce the old man* getting ious At raa •( »• 4U MmL Drakal MMhitor; disconnected from the (act that thare would no ember* tok* Mr ww — lt> 1mm of (lie tongue. I ■hall have hia •tltatWM of N«w Y»rt. I» to wH. to*1 I U>»IM. ikiraa, a!ip or himself. The man that in this country parades •"*****,' kto now be • uv his back a lit la all iuflsmmations, whether external ing JOB PRINTING, pti.lW all U» raaka la Um ImJ«« "to!" TW ariaa rf ar*wy, Ika mUmi !»■■> probability gtttin raaament altout it. I ahall vote for the un- there are **•• the size of The who has been 'done that pa- a k<« *• aaa« F"*» »• *• «akaItotto"«.T.-lt*>-X."aa4 VIM ll*i—ll Um •(« that hat* gum MN a*, tie matter nine dollar* and intamal, ioa diminishes rapidly speculstor plebian origin, presumes _r kMi, a 4>»- of sixty-two conditional Union of this nation.— rraaay iMtototora U pmm tow *>ewaaUaf party families, to wktofc a«a*- 1m RTwtvfiikni ivack ow ava, and thus relieves the brown' tn know how to in' without trician houses and aristocratic ■tvriBf Um Im* •'^tora.* Ini cents bear! bear wicb be had loaned There be a the blood-vessels, pain "dip aak ka»w haw Utogl^W* to. toil w» do [" !'*] [Immense applause.] msy he baa at- wZfmlf. Wa4« aaaaaaaaaa when swollen the his whose and magnificence kJT. iL. FUsiailoe Biiltrihum m iUw about months afore he hed ileal of radicalism in but 1 never they give by pressing burning Angers. pride eighteen ago, greet it, trait in the iltU «rtr 4\4. Th*r M« iwl *>r all tlMMl7lW the nerves which are in Um The the latest of tained. This is a common poor —'— TV taaaah af aack Mckad an>1 Wralsf vflhf* t alwaya Fenians, tendering style 4«aU •• knowd him wall or learned to lore him. saw a in which there was not radical- against TRAVEL. r fltoeywto-wrtala. party man who recog- aa* waak. TW aknai lhai arary prayrr to Marry drown* | of the arteries of the an Irish stew, and asking how to get along whites of the South. A Thay "• "nr la*»«a«a»tog w*alaifkto But thare wuz anuther reeson he met not to a little radicalism. neighborhood system. iml In Ik* bUk af why ism. I do object and is en- TW mUM' (Uap t and some of the worst other without a mess of it. nizee his own merits as genuine, fcjr all Drag**)* to to-nite. and Diptheria, making NSW fiUJ5titSI653VATMtoaM TW waM at Mm la kaWcarad Maaa | rrjois Radicalism is sometimes a little too fast, knows that in the forms of sore throats' have been arrested in The man who has no reputation at steak tirely reliant upon them, It showed that A. Johnson meant biz- is a little too slow. Hut Um bvnMii Ika gaimf wwkad aaaaiif| coneervatism you democratic of the country, LINE a short time a of how to get one. truly portion STEAM TW aamtwg wa tiny. Mm alaakkig Ma4a neas A. Jobnsoo was troo to the Dimok- have a medium between the two that will very by powdering piece not recruit to know what is the hia birth is no and that it has UIIW m» m< aw—. la Iwa af ice in a then the bead tak- A 'raw' disgrace, And Uaafir, and thet be bed made hi* it. bag, laying back, rasy, fblty up regulate to a drawback or 8A00 AID B08T0HI TW illai—M af tka waawUi the and them contin- right dress* snd thst if when he is mus- been, and ought not be, EIDDEFORD, mind to hirl the bolts of oflUhul thunder 1 ain not to abandon thoee who agree with ing lumps awallowing to tha in career." War* katf Um pawar kkat Ika Um wtwld viUi tartar, them to be tered into the srmjr he ought pepper hindrance bia which be held in his Preeidenshal at on the restoration uously until relieved, allowing " hands, me this great question of ■ TImIm A I INTER- ££ W—WlflW waakk haafciwtd aaaawpiaWaaftt, or await aasualt. Propel** as as ii_ ffSarSwSSi and made in that are detsined iu the throat long jtoasible, enemy »*0a tor Irat to hia enemies fight earnest, of this Union because there radicals in NUSK" trip Olraaa Id ninai tka kaau Mlad kaaa mtar, mm the JUdw to A indiriduat who dislikes loafing Don't ErnuTAcuiiT.—If poor- ttoki laat. or fgrta he wus to reward his them sz the anil when if I do not agree with there melt. hungry CatoaMtS*? Sgftfaaa. TWra wmnaiNalW annate { goin friend*, party, for nerer jaa w^eSS and how to become a 'well bred man' house has any tenors you, buy inPUl DAT! OMTIL rCITtO NOTICB. ^ *•»'■«. he cood trust Our friend's bein them, I have to go into another where All forms of diarrhaoa dysentery, Tka warrlarS aaaaa anM ha a naaM ahhorrad! venerable party, •to. attkar apM M« „ man has needed much in his what don't need. Before you pay •r3r!^!i.£ to mere and a more obnox- where tltern is the A who life, you Bi 1 l*f >"l 4 *mo. I T™m r"*~ Ami anrjr nation that akaaM MA a|ali in condiahon to pay the confldin there is radicalism, great thirst, gratification Froai yzzzzi put presi- cents for a aacer- A TVarW'a. on lu hwhol which increases to know if yeast will make him three jewsharp, my boy, Tiriip ft rriJajfc I Mui<Ujn Ila Wnd again* lU brutkar, uv Corners the little sums he owes ious than 1 And in the Un- of by drinking auy liquid drinking dents the radicalism, great as wtar Ike cum af Cain ! cannot make ■ af Dhu Biaaa * O, Naw Would fairiiaMn are and in rise any farther.
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