U GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND FARMERS WELFARE OFFICE OF THE ADDL. DIRECTOR OF AGRICULTURE (HORTI) BOTANICAL GARDEN, PUDUCHERRY ABSTRACT ON DISBURSEMENT OF PRODUCTION INCENTIVE / BACK ENDEO SUBSIDY FOR CULTIVATION OF HORTICULTURE CROP DURING Thaipattam, 20l9-2o Pattern of No. of st. Area covered Crops assistance farmers Amount( I No. (Ha) ) (( /Ha) (Nos.) A Production incentive 1 Fru its- Ma ngo 72,250 2 1 .55 18987. 50 2 Fru its-Guava 5,830 8.7 0 50721.00 Tha ipattam,2019-20 3 s,000 20'l 66.73 333650.00 Hvbrid Veoetables Total 22L 76.94 403358.50 B Back Ended subsidy Thaipattam,2019-20 1 12,500 66 15.10 1887 50.00 Countrv Veoetables Thaipattam,2019-20 2 18,750 7 ]. 43 26812.50 Winter Veoetables Total 73 15.53 21s552.50 G.Total (A+B) 294 93.51 618921.,1O \(fr^*d..'***- ADDL. DIRECTOR OF AGRICUTTURE (HORTI) DIRECTOR, DEPT, OF AGRI, & FW BOTANICAL GARDEN, PUDUCHERRY PUDUCHERRY SECRETARY TO GOW. (AGRICULTURE) CH IEF SECRETARIAT, PUDUCHERRY t, ANNEXURE-I GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY OFFICE OF THE ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR OF AGRICULTURE (HORTI) BOTANICAL GARDEN, PUDUCHERRY Production incentive for cultivation of Mango @ t 12250/-per ha. under state sclreme Season : Thaipattam - 2CL9 - 20 st. Name of Extent Subsidy Farmers Name Farmers Address Commune R.S. No. No. the crop (Ha) Amo unt (< ) No. 24, Reddiar St, Prema W/o 1 Kariamaickam, Nettapakkam Mango 2OA/7 0.80 :)8OO.OO Gnanapragasam Puducherry. Kamala W/o No.118, Middle St, 2 Villia n u r Mango s/2, o.75 s,187.50 Kuppusamy Nallathur, Cudda lore TOTAL 1,55 18Ir87.50 Production incentive for cultivation of Guava @ <583o/-per ha. under state scheme Season : Thaipattam - 2CL9 - 20 sl. Extent Su bsidy Farmers Name Farmers Address Commune Crop R.S. No. No. (Ha) Amo unt (< ) No.1, Mariyamman Koil Chandirasekaran s4/3,ss/1, 1 St, San n iyasiku ppam, Mannadipet Guava 1.60 9328 S/o Balaraman 53/7 Puducherry. No.1, Mariyamman Koil Kala S/o 2 St, Sanniyasikuppam, Mannadipet Guava s3/2 o.70 4081 Chandirasekaran Puducherry. Kaliyamperumal @ No.25, Middle St, Narayanan S/o Kalitheerthalkuppam, Man nad ipet Guava 2O3/4,s o.50 29r5 Seenuvasan Puducherry Neelamegam S/o No.16, Pudhu Nagar, 216/5,2L5 4 Ma nnad ipet Guava o.7 5 4372.5 Radha Koochempet, Pud ucherry /s No.36, Mariyamman Koil Ponnambalam S/o ta/a,to,2t 5 St, Kuchipalayam, Mannad ipet Guava 1.20 6996 Velayutham Puducherry. /8,14/s, No.36, I'4ariyamman Koil Shanmugam S/o 6 St, Kuchipalayam, Mannad ipet Guava 46/tO,6 1.20 6996 Velayutham Puducherry. No.19, P.S. Nalloor Road, Azhaganantham 7 Kalmandapam, Nettapakkam Guava 3/r, 0.30 t7 49 S/o Arunachalam Puducherry. Gunrlskrran 3/o No,2a, flr.t 3t, Pudu N.ttapakkam G L44/ t4 o.13 e74.' a Vacruppan n19!r, Kalmrndapam, utva Puducherry. *r^N, \\s' Joint Dhectoi ol Agricutture lMCp! 0tFlCE 0t I}{E AD0r. I}nECTOR Or AGer ru PULr:;,_.. i.Iilt c sl. Extent Subsidy Farmers Name Farmers Address Commune Crop R.S. No, No. (Ha) Amount (( ) No.1, East St, Prabu @ Mohan 9 Kalmandapam, Nettapakkam Guava t5t/4 o-ao 4664 S/o Dhurairaj Puducherry. Arumugam S/o No.36, North St, Kizhur 35/7,3,4, 10 Villianur Guava 0.70 4081 M uth u linga m Puducherry. 4u3 56/9,8,60/ Seenuvasan S/o No.30, Main Road, 11 Villia n u r G uava 7,s9/8,s4/ o.40 2332 Kannan Kezhur, Puducherry 2 44/8,s6/7 Vijaiya Wo No.32, Main Road, 1,2 Villia n u r Guava 0,s8/3,s9 o,40 2332 Seenuvasan Kezhur, Puducherry / 4,6 TOTAL 8.70 50721 \o, AGRI, OFFICER (VEG) DY. DIRE FA H ORTI) JOINT DIRECTOR OF AGRI. (MCP) o/o ADA (HORI) O/o AD oRrr ) o/o ADA (HoRrI) \( ADDL. DIRECTOR OF AGRICULTURE (HORTI) DIRECTOR, DEPT. OF AGRI. & FW BOTANICAL GARDEN, PUDUCHERRY PUDUCHERRY SECRETARY TO GOVT. (AGRICULTURE) CHIEF SECRETARIAT, PUDUCHERRY ANNE:(URE - II Production incentive for cultivation of Hybrid vegetables @ t 5OOO/-per ha. under state scheme Season : Thaipattam - :!O19 - 20 Subsidy st, Name of the Extent Farmers Name Farmers Address Commune R.S. No. No. Crop (Ha) Amou nt No.70, Drowpathiamman Adhiseshan S/o 1 Koil St, Pooranankuppam, Ariyankuppam Ridge gourd 86/7C Ramanujam o.10 5o0 Puducherry, Alpher Wo No.22, Matha Koil St, 2 Ariyankuppam Chilly, Brinial 9s/7 o.10 500 Selvanathan Kattupalayam, Puducherry, No.24, Udaiyar St, Anandharaman S/o 3 Th imma naia kan pa layam Ariyankuppam Bhendi Chilly t77 o.20 lOOol Kannan /3 Puducherry. No.15, Middle St, Ridge Arjunan S/o a6/4,2, 4 Pooranankuppam, Ariyankuppam gourd,Snake o.25 12 50 Ku p p usamy 88/13 Puducherry. Gourd, No.72, Madukarai Road, Tomato, Lab- Balaraman S/o 5 Abishegapakkam, Ariyankuppam Lab, Chilly, 124/t o.30 1500 Purushothaman Puducherry. Bhendi Balaraman S/o No. 40, Mariyamman Koil cucumber, L32/r,2,7 6 St, Kattupalayam Ariyankuppam 0.35 1750 Ramasamy Gourds 27 A^in?ir^.1-t,-m /2 No. 19, Kamaraj Salai, Dhanalakshmi S/o Ridge gourd, 7 Pooranankuppam, Ariyankuppam lo9/24 o.10 5001 Moorthy Bottle gourd, Puducherry. Ridge gourd, No.62, Drowpathiamman gourd, Dhanasekaran S/o Bottle B Koil St, Pooranankuppam, Ariyan kuppam 3t/.3, o.30 1500 I.4egavarnam Cucumber, Puducherry. Snake gourd, No.41, Middle St, Ezhilraja S/o 9 Pooranankuppam, Ariyankuppam chilly 26/s, o.10 500 Ranganathan Puducherry No.78, Drowpathiyamman Ezhumalai S/o 34/8,tt,4 10 Koil St, Pooranankuppam, Ariyankuppam Cucumber, Chilly o.20 1000 Kodimuni 2/2,2pt Puducherry. Bitter gourd, No.1, Thidir naqar, Gandhiraj S/o Ridge 7Ut3,72/ 11 Pooranankuppam, Ariyankuppam o.25 1 2so Govindhasamy gourd,Snake 16 Puducherry. Gourd, Bottle gourd, Samiyar na9ar, Ridge Ganeshsan S/o 3013c,3u 72 Pooranankuppam, Ariyankuppam gou rd, Sna ke o.45 225or Nagarathinam 1B1 Puducherry Gourd, Cucumber, Chilly (tlEtnttownthrrl No.3e, Drowprthlrmman I 730 W/o Pandurangtn Koil St, Pooranankuppam, Ariyankuppam Chllly 112/r o,r5 Puducherry. No.76, Drowpathiamman Bitter Inbavalli W/o 9ourd, 74 Koil St, Poornankuppam, Ariyankuppam Ridge gourd, lab 22/3,4 o.27 13 50 Deivanayagam Puducherry, lab, chilly Lt\,*t \\P illr,Htr.l.i';l.i?Jl:ilH;;l[fll PUDUCTIERRY. Subsidy sl. Name of the Extent Farmers Name Farmers Address Commune R.S. No. Amount No. Crop (Ha) No.14, Middle, St, Iyyanarappan S/o Lab-Lab, Ridge 15 Pooranankuppam, Ariyankuppam 44/98/7 o. 15 750 Kuppusamy gourd, Puducherry. Ridge No.8, First Cross St, gourd,Snake layabalan S/o 16 Pooranankuppam Ariyankuppam Gourd, Bitter 3s/s o,15 750 Natarajan Puducherry. g ou rd, No.1, Middle St, 74/2,As/7 layarani Wo 17 Pooranankuppam, Ariyankuppam Cu cu m ber ,19, o.30 1500 Mayakrishnan Puducherry. 83/1s Kalivarathan S/o No. 33, Angalamman Koil Clusterbeans, 18 Ariyankuppam 39/3 o.20 1000 Veerasamy St, Pooranankuppam, Ridge gourd No. 1, Il Cross Kaliyamoorthy S/o Angalamman Koil St, 19 Ariyankuppam Bottle gourd 69/4 o.10 5oo Govindharasu Pooranankuppam, Puducherrv. No.22, Roja nagar, Kamachi S/o 20 Pooranankuppam, Ariyankuppam Ch illy 76/7 o. 10 500 Vaithiyanathan PuducherrY. No. 108, Drowpathiamman Bottle gourd, Kirubananthan S/o 27 Koil St, Pooranankuppam, Ariyankuppam Ridge gourd, 7O9/28 o.10 500 Ranganathan Puducherry. Bhendi Ridge gourd, No.27, Angatamman Koil 72217,2,8 Krishnan S,/o Bottle gourd, )) St, Ariyankuppam Ariyankuppam , !ra/t2, o,15 7SO Govindhasamy Cucumber, Puducherry. 137 to Bhendi / Bitter 9ourd, No.68, Angalamman Koil Kuzhanthaivel S/o Ridge 23 St, Pooranankuppam, Ariyankuppam 9/9s o.17 450 Sivasangaran gourd,Snake Puducherry. Gourd, Bhendi Bitter gourd, No. 60, Drowpathiyamman Ridge Mohan S/o 3U3,ra/3 24 Koil St, Pooranankuppam Ariyankuppam gourd,Snake o.40 2000 Vikiramathithan ,7t16 Puducherry- Gou rd, Cucumber Bitter gourd, No.51, Middle St, Murugesan S/o Ridge 28/s,29/r 25 Pooranankuppam, Ariyan kuppam o.15 750 Sambasivam gourd,Snake A Puducherry. Gou rd Bottle 9ourd, 67 /1,2 No.15, Middle St, Ridge Muthu S/o 64/1, 26 Pooranankuppam, Ariyankuppam gourd,Snake o.50 3000 ndira n 76/s, Cha Gourd, Puducherry. 75/5 Cucumber, Chilly Muthulakshml w/o No.5, Mlddle ST, Rldge gourd, t2/73,t,7 27 Poor!nankuppam Ariyankuppam o,20 10()0 Govlndharasu Snake Gourd, 1 No,1, Mlddl. st, BItt.r gourd, Muthuvel S/o 28 Pooranankuppam, Ariyankuppam Ridqe gourd, 30/5,7 o,10 500 Ramasamy Puducherry. Sna ke gourd No.7, South St, Nagammal Wo Snake gourd, 29 Pooranankuppam, Ariya nku ppam 68/s 0.09 450 Rathinasamy Chilly, Cucumber Puducherry, M^^ \\P Joint Dircctor ot Agriculture (MCP) ASRICULTURAt OFFICEH lVegetables\ (l1) 0f flcE 0f IllE AD0L. 0IRECToR 0F AGRI .' PONOICHEiTRY' PUDUCHERFX Subsidy sl. Name of the Extent Farmers Name Farmers Address Commune R.S. o. Amount No. Crop (Ha) No.54, Drowpathiamman Nagarathinam S/o Ridge 9ourd, 30 Koil St, Pooranankuppam, Ariyankuppam 2tl2,t6/7 o.09 450 Natesan cucumber Puducherrv. No.25, First Cross St, Ombalakandan S/o V.O.C. Nagar, 42/8, 31 Ariyankuppam Ash Gourd o.20 1000 Nagarajan Thavalakuppam, 4Us Puducherry. No.3, Angalamman Koil St, Bitter 9ourd, Parthiban S/o 32 Pooranankuppam, Ariyankuppam Snake Gourd, t9/7,77/3 o.t7 8s0 Balaraman Puducherry, Ridge gourd Ridge gourd, No.7, Middle St, Parthiban S/o Bottle gourd, 33 Poornankuppam, Ariyankuppam 23/4,7 o. 15 Tsol Rajaqopal Snake Gourd, Puducherry. chilly Chilly, No.17, Water Tank St, Pattammal W/o Cucumber, 272/3, 34 Manaveli Ariyankuppam, Ariyankuppam o.25 12 50 Narayanasamy Bottle gourd, 2t7 /7 Puducherry.
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