Ring in,.the Holiday Season at Trinity RepeJ,'tory Soccer Coach Named Coach of the Year ~Page8 Page 12 y., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1992 BRYANT COLLEGE BOX7 SMlTIlFlELD,R.l.02917 VOLUME60 NUMBER 26 Festival 01 Lights: Smokeoutlncreases Health "Tradition of Unity" Consciousness on Campus Reverend ~----------------.., where pamphlets. year at Bryant ilKhcated that 7.6% Philip Devens buuons, etc. were reportedsmok.ing on udaily basis in led lhecelebnl­ given OU I to It)' to comparison to the 12,7% of URI tion with an curb smokers from Students. This doesn't mclude any openingprayer continu ing 10 of those "once In a white smoken;" as students. smoke, or non ­ so we sti 11 are not sure how much or facul[y,andad­ smokers 10 start. In the Bryant populauon realJy smokes mi nistration addition. risk as­ in total. joincdtogelhcr sessment teSlS were Doris Herridge of Hea.Jth Ser· in song and given to determine vices commented, "It is imponaOl spirit in cel­ the poSSIble effeelS to remember that the health risk ebration of the smoking may have factors doe to smoking are com· holiday sea­ alreadyhadooooc's pletely reversible upon quitting, son. health as well as the starting even in as few as thirty The theme risks in the future. days. However, smok.mg is sull the of the even­ The event was leading cause of death." ing's celebr.1- successful in attract­ How can one quit smoking? Some lion was "A iog nOI only stu­ individuals are very sel r-dlSCipli neel Tradition of dcoLS.bulafcw fac­ and can quit cold turkey. If not, a Un i I Y ... ulty and school nicoti nep..1tch isavailable in Hea.J\h Truchcart re­ maintenance em- service.s to help one quit gradually. marked "TIl is '"DOov;cYXlaste ployces lOO. The in- Health services will also be more year's theme L __= ~l:::!LU:=.=......:.....:V V":='::"':"'=""--J roo.";oo ""Iable than happy to help those who want represents me In the new pam- to quit without using the patch. unity of dlITer­ KamlUJ Pfannk.uch phlets mdlcates lh:naJ !.hough sOlak­ In closing, Melanie Samueli.3n en! failhs. dif­ ArchlAJO_'1 Staff W,iler ingas a ""hole IS down on the aver- ptaycdun Iffiponant role In organll­ (crenl ethnic 3!>'t-, the number of female gno~er!. tOg the SmokoouLShe ~ m(.h.ug~ JuJiJJArOUCMfI background<;~ and the unity of the Just. before 'Tl\anksg:iVI break hM IOtrtllilletf ftl\Other Imf'l')tUlnt of attractlng s l uden~ . l uhy Wld and Lisa Lucchesi Bryamcommunity." BryaOl held their annual Great note is lhm ~mck ing while lllkmg other volunteers to help in mai..ing Archway Staff Wrl/us Truehca.n concluded by cocour· American Smokeout sponsored by blMh cooU'OI pillsc:m be vel')' harm­ lheSmokeouu3uccess. UIlJmatcl}·. agingeveryontlOremembcrthesense the Amencan Cancer Society, The: f uI to your hcah.h. onecan only hope theseSmokcoul5 'This is really one of our most of commumty and "find strength and eveOl lOOk place in the Rotunda A survey of freshman laken lhis will no longer be neces!tary, joyoustraditionsastheSUl1enISOOfTIc understanding to go forward 10- together lOcelebrale the holiday (m­ gelhcr." dition," commented President WiII­ Before lighting the Menorah. al draiser lor Homeless irun Truehean at last nighl! 16th an· Rabbi Lawrence Sil verman reo nual FestivaJ of Lights. counted !he tustory and tradition of The holiday celebration held in Hanukkah.Hee,;plained,''Thename the RotUflda was sponsored by the 'festival onights' hasbeen appointed SlUdeol Alwnni Association andthe to the Jewish fcast of Hanukkah for OffICe ofSluclcnl Activities. more than 2(xx) years." The evening kicked off with the Inaddition,RabbiSilvcrmanadded lighting of the tree in the Bryanl "In times of stiuggle such as these, Center and then moved 10 the Ro­ we should help lhosc in need of our tunda for a oon-denominational ser­ help in all walks of life." vice. Oergy representing IheCaIho­ The ROlullda became illuminated lie. Protestant and Jewish faiths led as the candle light passed form per· the scnicc. son 10 per.llO. Following the candle Father Douglas Spina was unable lighting ceremony, local guitarist to au.eod the ceremony due 10 an Dave Binder provided music and led illness. bUIa! Rabbi Silvennan stated the singing throughout the celebra· he was "with us in spirit." tion. Holiday Toy Drive Katrina Pfannlcuch Toys collected will be orga­ Archway SlajfWritt!r nized into holiday gift bundles and distributed 10 low Income Not all flltnilics lake for grnnted fam ilies at the Nickerson Com· the gifts they receive during the munily Center in Providence. If holiday season, Sume fam ilies can· you do not have any toys to give, not afford 10 exch3ngc gifts at aiL monetary donations arc also In lightofthe traditional meaning gladly accepted. of girt'giving, it is beuer to give There are donation boxes located Julia Arouchon they bundled up and stayed by the Phi Kappa Sigma member, An­ lhan to receive. In an effort to share the in UnistrUClure including the Archway Staff IVrlter bon-fire outside of the Bryant Cen­ thony Anzellotu Staled Slaying out­ with those who cannot afford 10 Rotu nda, Faculty SuiIC A, and the ter. side in the cold made him more celebrnle the holidays wough gift· Faculty Dining Lounge on the sec­ The brothers of Phi Kappa Sigma The brothers solicited money sympathetic to the homeless. "We giving, the Student Alumni Asso­ ond floo r. The Bryam Center and he1d their third annual cardboard from lhc Bryant communily and realized how fonunate we arc, es­ ciation is sponsoring a to y dri ve. residencehaJl s 14, 15 , and 16have city fund -raiser on November 18 local businesses. Each brother ob~ pecially when we wenlinside whe re The dri ve will take place from bo,;es as well. and raised approximately $2000 for tained a mi nimum of fi fty dollars in i( was \Yann ," said Anzellotti. Un­ November 30th through December For further infconation about the the McCauley House, a homeless donations. fOctonatel y, the homeless don 't have 13th. SAA wi ll accept new as well toy drive, call the Studem Alumni shelter in Providence. The holiday season can be a par· the option of escaping the cold. as used toys, wrnppedorunwrapped. Associati on at 232·6040 or Kevin The thirty-nine "ho meless" broth­ ocularly difficult time forthe home­ Other chapters or Phi Kappa If a toy is too large, the Student Monahan at 232·8038. Any help ers braved the cold weather for a less, The fraternity'S fund- raiser Sigma are also plan ni ng similar Alumni Association will arrange to you can give wis holiday season twenty fOUI hour period aod slept in was intended 10 raise awareness of cardboard cities on other co ll ege collect it. would be greatly appreciated. card board boxes. To keep wann, the homeless issue. campuses. - ----- - ---_._-- 2 THE ARCHWAY oPINI 0 N-------=T=-=H:-:U=-RS=-=O:-"CA-'-Y'-, =-OE=-C=-=E:-MB""'ECC-R-:-3-, 1-:-99:-:2 ANew Perspective 'Tis the Season to Sell Back Books This year saw the binh of a new pubHealjon at Bryant To the Editor. the ne w book price or as low as 7.cro. College. Faculty Forum. a publication of the Bryant College 4. Half·price is paid for books which have been Faculty Federation ANetO, began in May 1992. Yes ii 's Ihtl[ time of year again; IJ me 10 put up the Ordered by facult), for the next semcSlCr-up to the Since it~ inception, Faculty Forum has indeed been a forum holly and mistletoe, time to pour a cup afOOt chOool,ne amount needed. The wholesale price is paid for books fo r very interesting exchanges of ideas. In the very first issue, atdinner.lime to takeexams (yuck!).and time lodepan that the bookstore already hasenoughofor that have not with our beloved Iext books. Da:ember is supposed to Paul Dion, a professor depaning for Susquehama University. been reo rdered, Old editmns and other obsolete books be a month of joy and happiness bUI man)· students may have no resa1e value. I prophesied: "As tleave Bryant College 1 see it coming to a fork bocomedishcartened when they receive twelve dollars 5. Because prices can change when new book orders in the road whc.rc dWicuJl decisions with long lasting or less for books that cost them at least thin)' doUars. are receIVed and when wget qu:lfltilics are reached, consequences must be made." Being one of these studcnl'l, I lOOk advantage of the some swdenlS may receive more or less money than And, as Faculty Forum's editorial board has repealedly opponunit)' that t have as Chair of the Bookstore other studems with the same book. pointed OUL Bryant re311y has come to Ihal fork. nO", .1t has Committee 10 inquire .about the Bookslore's buyback thIS arttcle cannot change !he amou nt a student will taken great courage fo r lhe editorial board of Faculty Forum to policy. I learned that the book scllinglbuying business receive for h,S/lIer books, but pemaps ,t will bring a say the things other people have been grumbling. They shou ld is QUite complicated and costly; however, here are the better understanding 10 buyback prices. However, every be applauded for giving lheir co-workers a forum 10 voice thei r basics of what the manager of the BookstOre had to say: student shouW realize that he/she does have II say In opinions year.round. And me)' should be congratuhucd on I. The bookstOre buys books from students nny day m:mer1 on campus.
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