■ I B i l ii I t Cathedral High Addition Completed ! i Fighting men of the United + + + + + States, forces in Korea will Archbishop to Bless soon be using spiritual wea­ Rosary Makers at Heights' pons sent by the Rosary-Mak­ ing clubs of Denver. Last New $130,000 Annex week 300 rosaries were mailed to Catholic chaplains in the war area The new Monsignor McMenamin Memorial annex to by Brother Sylvan, Xavier high school, Louisville, Ky., the foun­ Cathedral high school, 19th and Grant streets, Denver, will der of the Rosary-Makiiig^ clubs. be dedicated by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr on Monday, Feb. Loretto Heights college is the 5, at 4 o’clock. The new addition, which brings to a total of regional headquarters *with Miss 18 the classrooms in the Grant street building, has already Margaret Daly, alumnae executive secretary,' as the director. Eleven been put to use by the 600 Cathedral high school students. roSary-making clubs in the Denver Total cost of the building and furnishings, according to area have contributed more than the Very Rev. Mfensignor Walter J. Canavan, will be 600 rosaries to home and foreign $130,000. More than $100,000 of this amount has already been paid. missions. Priests of the Cathedral parish and pastors of surrounding par­ The rosary club was started in ishes will be present at the ceremony of dedication. Open house will Denver last September when be held Sunday and throughout the week for all who wish to view Brother Sylvan came here at the the new building. invitation of a group of persons Completion of the building has enabled the school authorities who became interested in the to move the speech classes from the Holy Ghost Youth center, where project through an article in the they were formerly held because of lack of space, to the Cathedral Denver Catholic Register July 6. ----------------------------------------- --------- high school building. Mor.,7Many of Since that time the movement has the high school classes are also floi^shed and, in addition to the GECERGIA WINTER, 41^7 Eliot street; Pauline Arm­ l|i held in the Logan street school 11 flubs already functioning, five strong, 2750 West 34th avenue; and Shirley McNamara, Bishop Marling building. are in the formative state. One 2500 Raleigh street, all of Denver, belong to one of the three rosary­ A science laboratory complete of these is « t Fitzsimons General making clubs at Loretto Heights college. Here they are looking at with all the latest in equipment is hospital with a group of war the finished product in the setting of the necessary wire, beads, on the first floor of the new veterans as members. and pliers. Rosaries made by the Heights girls have already been To Be Speaker at annex. A large lecture room is New Monsignor McMenamin Memorial Annex (at left) to Cathedral High School, Denver In the year and a half that the shipped to army chaplains in Korea. connected to the laboratory. The club has been organized, several equipment for the science labora­ hundred men and women have Solution to Labor Shortage tory and the commercial rooms Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation learned to make rosaries. ’The to­ Men's Breakfast was made by Henry Abromeit of Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1950— Permission to Reproduce, Except on tal output could not now be esti­ Denver. (Pictures on page 6). Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue. mated, but it runs into the thou­ Homesand Jobs Requested Soundproof Music sands. In the past six months ma­ terial for 9,000 rosaries has been Room Provided distributed through the headquar­ The second floor contains a ters at Louisville, Ky. By Archbishop to Aid DPs room for classes in typing, There are three types of member­ equipped with 50 typewriters; a ship for A rsons interested in Persons in the Archdiocese of Denver are asked by Arch­ . !i health room for physical check­ furthering ^ i s crusade for peace. bishop Urban J. Vehr to provide more job and home assur­ i ii ups for the students, and a con­ DENVER CATHaiC The first consists of saying the ances for the many DPs who remain in the misery of : i' ference room. On the third floor Rosary daily for peace and for the is a soundproof music room large success of the club; the second, Europe’s refugee camps. There have been 396 persons re­ enough to accommodate the school contributing motaey for the pur­ settled in the archdiocese through the Displaced Persons if !. band, and a shorthand and book­ chase of materials; and the third, program so far, and all but a very and the great percentage of these keeping room. making rosaries. Voluntary con­ few are doing well. NCWC War Relief Services have immediate unfortunate people have made re­ In the basement there are a tributions are the only means of ,• I* need for home and job assurances markable adjustments after their locker room and showers, A the club’s maintenance. i ‘S REGISTER for 60,000 DPs. terrifying experiences in Europe. Individuals and groups inter corner of the basement is also New opportunities in America have given over to a boiler room to ested in this work of Catholic The letter of Archbishop Vehr rekindled their hopes and given augment the present heating VOL. XLVI. No. 24. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1951 DENVER, COLORADO Action should call Miss Daly at on the subject follows; them new inspiration in life. facilities. » Loretto Heights, SUnset 1-6654. The immediate concern of our The new addition extends north resettlement office is the need for to the sidewalk on the east side of more jobs and homes for the DPs the entrance to the school. Its Engagements who are still in the camps. Our dimensions are approximately 56 Monsignors' Honors Are Tribute national organization, NCWC War by 35 feet. Relief Services, has immediate The architect for the project is Of Archbishop need for enough assurances to take Bitkop Marling Johfl K. Monroe of Denver. The Archdiocese of Denver care of 60,000 people. It is re­ contractor is James B. Kenney. Sunday, Feb. 4, St. Thomas’ Chancery Office ported that the majority of the Auxiliary Bishop Joseph To Church's Record in Colorado seminary, ordinations to subdia- DPs remaining in the camps are The building, started late in 1536 Logan Street conate. Catholics. M. Marling, C.PP.S., of Kan­ 1949, was to have been completed Paul’s seminary, St. Paul, Minn., Denver 5, Colorado ALMOST ALL THE MONSI- that promises to surpass the ac­ Law Expires sas City, Mo., has accepted an by September, 1950. Labor and GN0RS of the archdiocese were complishments of the early history and in S t Thomas’ seminary, Den­ Sunday, Feb. 11, Cathedral, Jan. 30, 1951 In June, 1951 invitation to be the principal material shortages, however, present in the Denver Cathedral of the archdiocese. The full text of ver, where he was ordained to the Boy Scouts’ Ad Altare Dei awards, Reverend Dear Father: caused considerable delay. Sunday, Jan. 28, for the investi­ His Excellency’s sermon is printed priesthood by Bishop Nicholas C. 4 p.m. ^ Moiuignor Elmar J. Kolka, speaker in Denver at the Matz June 5, 1912. He worked as According to the latest report aitociate director of tha loehl Men’s Archdiocesan Communion Monsignor McMenamin ture of three Domestic Prelates, on page 5. Sunday, March 4, Colorado I have received from our Arch­ which brought additional Papal ♦ ♦ • an assistant in the Cheyenne Wells program, suggeiti tha probabil­ Sunday breakfast, March 11. Built School in 1921 Springs, St. Mm-y’s church, K. of diocesan Resettlement office, 396 ity of a graater demand for recognition to the priesthood in THE INVESTITURE of the parish and St. Mary’s, Colorado C. Men’s Communion Mass, 8 a.m.; Guests of honor who will hear Monsignor McMenamin, for displaced persons have been re­ these fine workers as a result the Denver archdiocese. The ex­ three Denver pastors was con­ Springs, and was in charge of St. Confirmation, 4 p.m. settled within our area. These Bishop Marling’s address at the whom the new annex is named, ceptional nature of the event was ducted to the accompaniment of a Joseph’s parish, Leadville, before of our own national defense ef­ breakfast in the Shirley-Savoy people represent all nationalities served as rector of the Cathedral pointed up by Archbishop Urban magnificent musical program di­ going to the Denver parish. Wednesday, March 7, St. fort. A labor shortage is now i 1 hotel will be Archbi.shop Urban J. from 1908 until his death in 1947, Thomas’ seminary, Patronal Feast from Western Europe. All of predicted for the spring and 1 ) J. Vehr in his sermon reviewing rected by the Rt. Rev. Monsignor * * « them,have entered this country Vehr, Governor Dan Thornton, and was one of the best known Joseph J. Bosetti, V.G. The Mon- of St. Thomas. summer of ’51 in various occu­ . the history of the comparatively MONSIGNOR MORAN, pastbr under the Displaced Persons Act I and Mayor Quigg Newton. The and most beloved priests in Den­ signorial robes were blessed by Saturday, March 10, St. Thomas’ pations. AppUaations for farm, young Denver see. o f S t John the Evangelist’s'par­ tA 1948 and came directly from I event will follow Mass offered by ver. Within four years after he The “ splash” of purple from •tte ^Archbishop and then the seminary, ordinations. industrial, or other types of I ish, Denver, since 1940, previously the DP camps in Germany, Aus­ workers among tha DPs should Archbishop Vehr in the Cathedral, was named rector he "had brought the robes of the many Domestic prelates were invested.
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