-L ll. Apple'llc Plus ftnrer's Guide LIMmD WAIRANIY oN MEDIA AND REPIj,CEMENT If you discover physical defects in the manuals distributed with an Apple product or in the media on which a software product is distributed, Apple will replace the medie or manuals at no charge to you, provided you return the item to be replaced with proof of purchase to Apple or an authorized Apple dealer during the 9G day period after you purchased the software. In addition, Apple will replace damaged software media and manuals for as long as the software product is included in Apple's Media Exchange Program. Vhile not an upgrade or update method, this program offers additional protection for up to fwo years or more from the date of your original purchase. See your authorized Apple dealer for program covenge and deails. In some countries the replacement period rmy be different; check with your authorized Apple dealer. AII IMPIIED \TARMNTIES ON THE MEDIA AND MANUAIS, INCLUDING IMPI,JED WAXMNTIES OF IIERCIHNTISILITY AI{D FITNDSS FOR A PARTICTJIAR PURPOSE, ARE IIMMD IN DURATION TO NIMTY (90) DAYS FROM THE DATT OT TIIE ORIGINAI RETAIT PURCIIASI OF TIIIS PRODUCT. Even though Apple has tested the software and reviewed the documentation, APPLE MAKES NO VARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EITHER EXPRXSS OR IWLIED, WITII RESPECT TO SOTTWARE, ITS QUAIXTY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHAMABILITY, OR FTII\IESS FOR A PAXIICT]IAR PIJRFOSE. AS A RESULT, TIIIS SOITWARE IS SOID 1AS Is," ATID YOU, THE PI]RCTIASER, ARE ASSUMING TIIE ENTIRE RISK AS TO ns QUATXTY Ar{D PERFORMANCf,. IN NO f,\IENT VIII APPI.E BE I.IABI..E FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQ{IENTIAL DAMAGES RISULflNG FROM ANy DEFECT IN TIIE SOFTWARE OR rrs DOCUMEMATION, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In particular, Apple shall have no liability for any prograrns or data stored in or used with Apple products, including the costs of recovering such programs or data. TIIE WANRANTY AND REMEDtrS SET FORIII ABOVE AXE EXCIIJSIVE AND IN IIEU OF AII OTTIERS, ORAL OR WRIIIEN, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. No Apple dealer, agent, or employee is authorized to make any modification, extension, or addition to this warranty. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warrenties or liability for incidenhl or consequential damages, so the above limihtion or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranfy gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have.other rights which vary from state to stzte. WARNING This equipment has been certified to comply with ttre timits for a Class B computing device in accordance with the specifications in Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC rules. Only peripheral devices (compurer input/output devices, terminals, plintels, and so on) certified to comply with Class B limits may be attached to this computer. Operation with noncertified peripheral devices is likely to result in interference to radio and television recePtion. DOC Class I Compliance This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apParatus set out in the radio interference regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications. Observation des nornes.{lassc B Ie pr6sent appareil num6rique n'6met pas de bruits radio€lectriques d6pasant les limites applicables aux appareils num6riques de la Classe B prescrites dans les rdglements sur le brouillage radio6lectrique 6dictds par le Ministdre des Communications du Canada. Downloaded from www.Apple2Online.com 3. Apple. IIc Plus Owner's Guide Downloaded from www.Apple2Online.com I epprn coMpurER, INc. @ Copyright 1987, Apple Computer, Inc., for all non-texmal material, graphics, figures, photographs, and all computer program listings or code in any form, including object and source code. All rights reserved. Printed in Singapore. IBM is a registered trademark of Intemational Business Machines @ 1988 Apple Computer, Inc. Incorporated. 20525 Mariani Ave. Cupertino, Califomia 95014 ITC Zapf Dingbats is a registered (408) 996-1010 trademark of International Typeface Corporation. Apple, the Apple logo, Applelink, ImageV/riter, LaserVriter, Macintosh, Linotronic is a registered trademark of and PToDOS are registered trademarks of Linotype Co. Apple Computer, Inc. Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered APDA and Unidisk are trademarks of trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Apple Computer, Inc. POSTSCRIPT is a registered trademark, AppleCareis a registered service mark of and Illustrator is a trademark, of Adobe Apple Computer, Inc. Systems Incorporated. AppleVorks is a registered trademark of Pacman is a registered trademark of Bally Apple Computer, Inc., licensed to Claris Midway Manufacturing Corporation. Corporation. The Source is a registered trademark of CompuServe is a registered trademark of Source Telecomputing Corporation, a CompuServe Corporation. subsidiary of the Readers's Digest Association, Inc. Dialog is a registered trademark of Dialog Information Services, Inc. Varityper is a registered trademark, and W600 is a trademark, of AM DowJones and DowJones International, Inc. News/Retrieval are registered trademarks of DowJones & Company. Simultaneously published in the Unired States and Canada. GEnie is a registered trademark of General Electric Information Services Company. Downloaded from www.Apple2Online.com Contents Figures and ables ix Radio and television interference xii Introducing the Apple trc Plus xiii Unpacking yourApple IIc Plus xv teamingbydoing xvii Xsd map to the manuals xviii tcarfigAbdYourApph IIc fu 1 llecprApptellcPhs 2 lb^lpplelhPhts 2 fufhenldnirs 3 Seningup 1 Creaing a gmd rvortiog eovirooment 5 Ph4ginginthepowaod 5 Ioding6etnn&inplace 6 Conneciog a monitor 7 . Usingatelevisionsetasamonitor 8 Cmnecingdiskdrives 9 Compatibility with other Apple II computers 9 Caring for your computer system 11 Downloaded from www.Apple2Online.com Disl$ 12 Documents 12 The training disk 13 Before you begin 14 Sarting up 15 Problems sardng up 18 Stopping 19 Sarting up applications 21 Switching applications 22 Iflhatyoudonow 23 Appllcafion Programs 25 Choosinganapplication 25 \fordprocessing 27 Companion applications 28 Daabase 28 Spreadsheet 30 Communications 32 Information services 33 Bulletinboards 34 Education 35 Adult education 36 Ieaming by programming 36 Gnaphia 38 For business 38 For fun 38 Forart 39 Homefinance 39 Accounting 40 Reaeation 41 Specialinterests 42 Free software 43 Shareware 43 Specialty applications 44 Education 44 Religion 46 How-to's 46 Hobbies 47 Home 47 Self-help 47 Contents Downloaded from www.Apple2Online.com Once Over Iightly 49 Sarting up an application 50 Communicating with an application 50 The user interface 51 How information is displayed 51 Creating a document 53 Scrolling 54 Formatting a disk 54 Savingadocument 55 Making a backup copy 55 Editing a document 56 Printing a document 57 Some essential iargon 58 the Keyboard and the Mouse 51 The Apple IIc Plus keyboard 63 The Keyboard switdr 66 Typing a document 67 TheRetumkey 68 The Shift and Caps tockkeys 69 TheTabkey 69 Keys that canbe confusing 69 TheSpacebar 70 the auto+epeat feaore 70 Using keyb@d$ased applications 70 Usingtbffiolkevs T2 MoYingbequsu Z Using mose{ased applicatims 72 Poinring 73 Clicking 73 Selecting 74 Dngging 74 Pulldown menus 75 Choosing 76 Vindows 7 Changing the size of a window 78 Movingawindow 78 Activatingawindow 78 Changrng ttre view through a window 79 Closing a window 79 Contents Downloaded from www.Apple2Online.com Saving Documents 81 Introducing disla 82 The 3.5-inch disk 83 Caring for 3.5-inch disks 84 How 3.5-inch disks work 85 Puning a 3.5-inch disk into a drive 86 Ifrite-protecting a 3.5-ind disk 87 The 5.25-inch disk 88 Caring for 5.25-inch disks 89 How 5.25-inctr disks work 89 Putting a 5.?5-in&disk into a drive 90 \trrite-protecting a 5,25-nch disk 91 Formatting a disk 92 Savingadocument 93 Saving to a disk in a certain disk drive 94 Naming a document 94 Saving with a pathname 95 Creating subdirectories 96 Seningaprefix 97 Otherwaysto save 97 Disk operating systems 98 Apple II disk operating systems 98 Peripheral Devices 101 Connecting peripheral devices 102 Shielded cables 103 Reuining screws 103 Symbols on the back panel 103 Ports on the back panel 104 Choosing peripheral devices 105 Printers 105 Dot-matdx printers 106 Daisy-wheel printers 107 Thermal transfer printers 107 Modems 107 Monitors 108 Using a television set as a display device 109 Contents Downloaded from www.Apple2Online.com Disk drives 109 The 3.5-inch disk drive 109 The 5.25-inch disk drive 109 Memory expansion cards 110 Otherdevices 110 Appendix A AskApple 113 Appendix B Guide to Servlce and Support 121 Service 122 Support 122 AppleCare 123 Appendix C Troubleshooting 125 General troubleshooting tips 125 Finding and solving a problem 127 Problems safting the computer 127 Problems switching between applications 128 Problems quiuing an application 128 Problemswidra diqplay device 129 Problemswirh di* &ives-in8eo€ral 130 ProHemswih 3.fu disk drives 130 PrcHems wi& 5-25.inch di* &ives 131 ProHemssaving hb 133 kobl€msxriftapinto 134 Prcbl€mswiltamodem 135 Twoommmenormesages 135 Problems under*anding an enor message 136 AppendtoD S@ffcations of the Apple trc Plus 137 Contents vii Downloaded from www.Apple2Online.com Appendlx E Apple tr Famlty Dtfferences 141 Keyboard 144 Slots, pors, and built-in devices 144 Display 145 .., Glossary 147 Ind€x 161 TellApple card viii Contents Downloaded from www.Apple2Online.com Figures andtables Introducing the Apple trc Plus xiii Figure P-l TheApplel xiv Figure P-2 Making the most of your
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