An Interview with Tennyson on Poe

An Interview with Tennyson on Poe

W&M ScholarWorks Arts & Sciences Articles Arts and Sciences 11-1975 An Interview with Tennyson on Poe Terry L. Meyers College of William and Mary, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Literature in English, British Isles Commons Recommended Citation Meyers, Terry L., An Interview with Tennyson on Poe (1975). Tennyson Research Bulletin, 29, 167-168. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Arts and Sciences at W&M ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Arts & Sciences Articles by an authorized administrator of W&M ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TENNYSON RESEARCH BULLETIN INDEX TO VOLUME II (1972-1976) Con1piled by Lionel Madden NOTE This index lists in one sequence: \ AUTHOR of papers, reviews, statements and miscellaneous items. Titles of poems and books discussed or to which signi£cant reference is made . .,I Subjects and persons referred to in paper , reviews, statements and announce­ ments. ,e1l, Arthur M. 150-4. Bradley, Isaac. 78. 3EY, RICHARD. 212-14. BRASHEAR, WILLIAM R. 24. Jiilles Over the Trench. 38-9, 8 . Bratton, J. reviewed 164. �ams, Francis. 148. BRINEY, JOHN 0. 24, 64. 1.ams, Robert Dudley. 132-4. Brook£eld, William Henry. 137-8. ICKS, RICHARD. 200. Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. 177-80. !)LER,JOSHUA. 160-1. Browning, Robert. 53, 177-83, 190. :>LER, THOMAS P. 128-30. Bucke, Dr. Richard Maurice. 200.'s Dream. 12-13. Buckle1, Jerome. 45-6, 51. lworth. 193, 215. Burne-Jones, Edward. 178-80. Ill along the valley, stream that lashest white". 147. � EN, STEPHEN C. 171-2. Cameron, Julia Margaret. 65, 83, 159, L LENTUCK, MARCIA. 64. 173. _ LI1gham, Helen. 82. CA PBELL, A IE H. 118-19; . ;obrook, ian revie ed 6 . reviewed 117-18. ., phion. 62. CAMPIO , . EDWARD. 212-14. .-slavery movement. 35. Carlyle, Thomas. 46, 50, 101, 145-6, MSTRONG, KARE . 24. 178, 211-12. 1 .old, Matthew. 104. CARTER, DU A A. 204-7. ffey Court. 201. Catullus. 6 . tralia. 131-4. Central Literary 1agazine (Birmingham). 76-8. don, Francis. 99-101. Charge of the Light Brigade The. 75. :iehot, Walter. 181. Church, R.W. 181. i ey, Philip James. 160. CLUBBE, JOHN. 115. i and Bala11. 27, 29-30, 161. COATES, J. D. 63-4. ,ng, Ro a. 201. Coleridge, Hartley. 37- . , 1ard, Jonathan Gross. 2 4-7. Coleridge, S. T. 160-1. , et. 174-5. COLLINS, PHILIP. 131-4. c;on, E. F. 35. COLLINS, WINSTON. 115, 126-8. I, Sir Arthur. 174. "C ome, w 1 1en no graver cares emp1 oy " <kin, Maud. 107. 61-2. 221 Coming of Arthur, The. 27,68-72, GRAY,J. M. 29-30, 36,64, 73-4,117, 160,203. 119-20,164, 172, 210-11. COPLEY,I. A. 160,209-10. GRIFFITHS, DAVID N. 1-5. Cotton, Tiny. 187-8. Grose,Francis. 172. Crossing the Bar. 64, 152. GROSSKURTH,PHYLLIS. 44-54. Guinevere. 172. Dakyns,Henry Graham. 86-7, Gully,James Manby. 27. 92,147. GUNTER,GARLAND 0. 160-1. Daniel,Samuel. 128-30. HAFEZI, FARIFTEL V. 115. Darwin,Charles. 150-1. HAGEN,JUNE STEFFENSEN. 62, Devil and the Lady, The. 190. 64,74-5, 116, 201. dialect poems. 160. HALL, PETER E. 35,215. DILLIGAN,ROBERT. 200. Hallam,Arthur Henry. 25,96-8, 117, Dowden, Edward. 181. 145, 160,200. Doyle,Richard. 216. HARRIS,JEANETTE M. 62,159. DYSON, HOPE. 117; reviewed 162; HARRS,REYNOLD. 124-6. reference 174. HASLUCK,LADY ALEXANDRA. 24,28-9, 116. EBBATSON,J. R. 160. "Here often, when a child, I lay EHRENPREIS, ANNE HENRY. 200. reclined". 121-3. EIDSON,JOHN 0. 115, 200. HICKS,EDWARD LEE. 20. ELIOTT,BRENT. 160. Higher Pantheism, The. 150-1. ELVIN,LAURENCE. 82-3. HILL, SIR FRANC! . 117-18, 162 Emerson,Ralph Waldo. 178. 201-2. Enoch Arden. 106-15. HILL, ROBERT W. 27. ESCH,ROBERT M. 200. HIXSON,JEROME C. 145-9, Eyre,Governor. 87,161. 190-9,216. HOGE,JAMES 0. 55-7,65, 160; Farringford. 82-3, 193, 198,200. reviewed 118-19. FERRELL, MARY KEY WYNNE. Holy Grail, The. 91. 161. Hopkin , Gerard Manley. 115. FIELDING,K. J. 168-71. Horace. 60-2. FitzGerald,Edward. 96, 98,101, 104, Horncastle. 83. 116,193, 200. HOWARD, GEOFFREY. 81. FLEISSNER,R. F. 64. Hugo, Victor. 214. FORD,COLIN. 159. Hull, Edward. 82. Fox,Caroline. 65. Hunt, Holman. 179. Frater Ave atque Vale. 60. Hunter,W. 134-5. FREDEMAN,WILLIAM E. 26. HU SAIN, SYED MUZAFFER. 6- FRICKE,DOUGLAS C. 106-15. Froude,James Anthony. 44-54,115. Idylls of the King. 25, 27,36, 62-6, FULWEILER, HOWARD W. 62. 68-72, 91,103,115,117,119-20, 124-6,159, 161-3,172, 203-4. Gareth and Lynette. 25. In Memoriam. 11-12,35, 62-5, 115-1 Gladstone, William Ewart. 1-5,87-8, 147,151-3, 160-3, 180, 191,200. 92,200. In the Valley of Cauteretz. 147. GOSLEE, DAVID. 24,161. Irving, Henry. 44-5,52-3. 222 1 ' .�HN,E. M. 82. MASTERMAN,DODIE. 62-3. ·mes,Henry. 44, 46, 51. Maud. 62-3, 75,103,115-16, 126-8, RVIS, A. CLIFFORD. 73. 153,160,162-3, 180-1. NKINS, ELIZABETH. 27. Maurice,Frederick Denison. 27. ,achim,Joseph. 150-4. MAZZENO,LAURENCE W.204-7. NES,DENIS H.214. MEINHOLD, GEORGE D. 25. SEPH, GERHARD. 24,27. Meredith,George. 178. ,wett, Beajamin.86. Merlin and the Gleam. 24. mp,Jo hn D.201-2. Merlin and Vivien. 36, 120. NDELA, MRS. 25. MEYERS, TERRY L. 167-8. plan, Fred reviewed 120. Mill,J. S. 97-8. eats,John. 115 . MILLER,JOHN C. 165-6. eble,John. 191. flt[iller's Dat�'!,hter, The. 31-4. Mitchell, W.W.74-5. 0nyon,John. 177-8. · caid,James R. reviewed 162-3. MOLESWORTH, GILBERT. 135-6. ·ng Lear. 207-9. MOORMAN, MARY C. 35. · gsley, Charles.135-6. Morris, William. 179-80. OLB,JACK. 25, 65, 117, 160, 201. Moxon & Co. 62, 64, 116, 201. Jran. 25. NASH, W. 27. OZICKI, HENRY. 116. Nettle hip,John. 181. dy of Shalott, The. 25, 161, 171-2, OAKES, VIVIEN. 160. 174, 201, 210-11. "Now sleeps the crimson petal". 214. "O mother Britain lift thou up".35. 1UDLAW,R. P. 116. URD, ROBERT G. 201. CEnone.146. �NDOW, GEORGE P.25. 27, 31-4, OKA, ABURO. 201. 37-8, 160-1. ORGAN,DEN IS.207-9. st Toumament, The. 27. Owen, Richard. 79. A CH, TERENCE.155-9. PALGRAVE, F.T. 15-24; ar,Ed ward. 159-60,2 00. reference 79-81. raries of Tennyson farrul . 190-9. PALMER, D. J. 65, 202. :igard, John. 46-51. Parkes, Sir Henry.131. cksley Hall. 62, 64, 161. PARTRIDGE, MONICA A. 116. 1ngfellow,HenryWadsworth. 184-9. Passing of Arthur, The. 27,161, 203-4 . .. ver's Tale, The. 24,64. PFORDRESHER, JOHN. 203-4; 1)ZYNSKY, ARTEM. 200. reviewed 65-6. cretius. 58-9, 89-90. Phillips, Mary E. 167. · shington, Edward Law. 160. philosoph , Tennyson's. 150-4. 1 shington, Franklin. 126-7. Poe,Edgar Allan. 27, 167-8, 214. :zblethorpe. 121-3. Poems by Two Brothers (1827). 190. 3.Caulay,Thomas Babington. 99-100. Poems, Chiefly Lyrical (1830).97. l:CLAIN, FRANK MAULDIN. 27. Poems (1832). 62, 97, 184. !:SWEENEY,KERRY. 161. Poems (1842). 62. ..,ill DEN, LIONEL. 66-7. POLLARD, ARTHUR. 58-62, 116 . tlory. 36, 91, 210-11. PRIESTLEY,F. E. L. 161; �i\RTIN,ROBERT BERNARD. reviewed 66-7. l60, 162-3. Princess, The. 63, 103, 115, 130-1, 160, lssingberd family. 155-9. 162-3,184, 204-7, 214. 223 Promise ofMay , The. 207-9, 216. Hallam, Lord Tennyson). 24, 28-9, 116, 215. Queen Mary. 44-54,148. QUIGLEY,MARION R. 63. TENNYSON, SIR CHARLES (grandson). 43, 78-81, 96-105, 117, reading,Tennyson's. 190-9. 121-3, 139-41, 150-4, 161,200, REED,JOHN R. 200. 211-12; reviewed 162. RICKS, CHRISTOPHER. 26, 68-72, Tennyson,Edward (brother). 137-8. 121-3. Tennyson, Emily,Lady (wife). 55-7, Rizpah. 161. 65, 118-19,160, 209-10. Rosenberg,John D. reviewed 119-20, Tennyson,Rev. Dr. George Clayton 164. (father). 116,190-3, 198. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. 64, 178-9. Tennyson, Hallam, Lord (son). 44-5, Ruskin,John. 127,180. 55-6,65. Saintsbury, George. 181. TENNYSON,HALLAM (great- SAIT,JAMES E. 25, 137-8, 184-9. grandson). 161. Sappho. 171-2. Tennyson,Lionel (son). 15-24. SCOTT, P. G. 26, 38-9, 65-6, THAMES, BONNIE L. 160. 85-95, 135-6, 164,190-9. TILLOTSON, KATHLEEN. 177-83. Sellwood House (Horncastle). 83. Timbuctoo. 165-6. SENDRY,JOSEPH. 65,161. TIMKO, MICHAEL. 200. Shakespeare,William. 207-9. To the Rev. F. D. Maurice. 61-2. SHARPE,R. D. 25. To Virgil. 59-60. SHATTO, SUSAN. 116, 200. T IGAKOU, FANI-MARIA. 159. SHAW, MARION. 116,200. Turgenev, Ivan. 116. Shepherd,Richard Heme. 73. Tun1er, Charles (Tennyson). 104, 160. SHIMANE, K. 116. Turner, Paul reviewed 201-2. Sidgwick, Henry. 89-90. Twickenham. 78-81. slavery. 35. TYREE, DONALD W. 75. Smith, Raymond Ferguson. 43. Llysses. 62, 128-30,161, 201. Somersby. 40-1,117, 137. VAUGHAN, LORNA E. 25. Spasmodics. 74-5. Victim, The. 201. Spedding,Jame!). 96-105, 116. Virgil. 59-60. STAINES, DAVID M. 65, 117, 160. Voyage of lv!aeldune, The. 214. Stephen, Leslie. 181. Wales. 139-41. Sterling,John. 145-6. vValkiug to the Mail. 73-4. STEVENSON, CATHERINE WALLER,JOHN 0. 160. BARNES. 130-1, 160. Weir, Robert Walter. 204-6.

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