Arthropoda Selecta 18(12): 7780 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2009 Spiders (Aranei) new to the fauna of Turkey. 3. Genus and species records of Hahniidae Ïàóêè (Aranei) íîâûå äëÿ ôàóíû Òóðöèè. 3. Íàõîäêè íîâîãî ðîäà è âèäîâ Hahniidae Yuri M. Marusik1 & Kadir Boðaç Kunt2 Þ.Ì. Ìàðóñèê1, Ê.Á. Êóíò2 1Institute for Biological Problems of the North RAS, Portovaya Str. 18, MAGADAN Russia. E-mail: [email protected] 2Turkish Arachnological Society. Eserköy Sitesi 9/A Blok No:7 TR-06530 Ümitköy, Ankara Turkey. E-mail: [email protected] 1Èíñòèòóò áèîëîãè÷åñêèõ ïðîáëåì Ñåâåðà ÄÂÎ ÐÀÍ, Ïîðòîâàÿ 18, Ìàãàäàí 685000 Ðîññèÿ. KEY WORDS: Spider, Hahniidae, new record, Turkey, scutula. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: Ïàóêè, Hahniidae, íîâàÿ íàõîäêà, Òóðöèÿ, ñêóòóëÿ. ABSTRACT. One genus with two species, Hahnia During the joint Turkish-Russian arachnological montana (Blackwall, 1841) and H. ononidum Simon, expedition in MayJune 2009, we collected two spe- 1875 has been found in Turkey for the first time. Both cies of Hahnia C.L. Koch, 1841. The main goal of this species are illustrated. A new structure, scutula (pair of paper is to report on these species from Turkey. small sclerites posterior-lateral to the epigastral fur- row) is reported for H. ononidum and Hahniidae for Material and Methods the first time. All specimens were collected during the Turkish ÐÅÇÞÌÅ. Âïåðâûå äëÿ Òóðöèè îòìå÷åí ðîä Russian Arachnological expedition in May 27June 14 Hahnia C.L. Koch, 1841 è äâà âèäà H. montana 2009. Eight provinces: Ankara, Bolu, Kastamonu, Bur- (Blackwall, 1841) è H. ononidum Simon, 1875. Îáà sa, Ýzmir, Aydýn, Antalya and Artvin provinces were âèäà ïðîèëëþñòðèðîâàíû. Îáíàðóæåíà íîâàÿ ìîð- visited during the collection trip (Map 1). The speci- ôîëîãè÷åñêàÿ ñòðóêòóðà ó H. ononidum: scutula (ïàðà mens were collected by litter sifting with the help of íåáîëüøèõ ñêëåðèòîâ çà ýïèãàñòðàëüíîé ùåëüþ), aspirator and preserved in 70% ethanol. Specimens ðàíåå íèêîãäà íå îòìå÷àâøàÿñÿ ó Hahniidae. were photographed using an Olympus Camedia C-5050 camera attached to an Olympus SZX12 stereomicro- Introduction scope. The images were montaged using "Combin- eZM" image stacking software. Photographs were tak- The present paper is the third in a series on the new en in dishes of different size with paraffin in the bot- spider records from Turkey, and is devoted to Hahni- tom. Different sized holes were made in the bottom to idae. In previous papers [Marusik & Kunt, 2009; keep the specimens in the right position. Each species Marusik et al., 2009] we reported six genera and 12 is supplied with the most appropriate identification species of Theridiidae. references (chiefly well known identification books). Hahniidae is small, globally distributed family with Material treated herein is deposited in the Turkish 238 species belonging to 26 genera [Platnick, 2009]. Arachnological Society collection and in the Zoologi- The actual number of species in this family may be cal Museum of the Moscow State University. lower because some of the genera assigned to this group (Cryphoeca Thorell, 1870, Dirksia Chamberlin & Ivie, 1942 and few other) have an entirely different Results palp and unmodified spinnerets. Until now five species of Hahniidae belonging to Hahnia C.L. Koch, 1841 two subfamilies Hahniinae (Antistea elegans (Black- wall, 1841) and Cryphoecinae (four species of Crypho- Hahnia is large genus with 95 species distributed al- eca Thorell, 1870: C. brignolii Thaler, 1980, C. pirini most worldwide [Platnick, 2009]. Members of this genus (Drensky, 1921), C. silvicola (C.L. Koch, 1834) and C. are unknown in Australia and New Zealand. Judging from thaleri Wunderlich, 1995) have been reported from the morphology of the male palp, this genus seems para- Turkey [Bayram et al., 2008]. phyletic, and can be split into several genera. Type species 78 Yu.M. Marusik & K.B. Kunt Map 1. Localities studied during Turkish-Russian Arachnological trip in 2009. Arrows show localities where two Hahnia species have been collected. Êàðòà 1. Òî÷êè â êîòîðûõ áûëè ñîáðàíû ïàóêè âõîäå ñîâìåñòíîé Òóðåöêî-Ðîññèéñêîé ýêñïåäèöèè â 2009 ã. Ñòðåëêàìè ïîêàçàíû ìåñòà ñáîðîâ äâóõ âèäîâ ðîæà Hahnia. of the genus is H. pusilla C.L. Koch, 1841 distributed in H. o.: Roberts, 1998: 272, f. (#$). Europe. H. o.: Almquist, 2005: 277, f. 261ae (#$). MATERIAL EXAMINED. 2 $$ [T-01] Ankara Province, Kýzýl- Hahnia montana (Blackwall, 1841) cahamam, Soðuksu National Park, Göllü, 40°27.359N 32°35.602E, Figs 12, 5, 910. 1800 m, dead litter in pine-spruce forest, 27.05.2009 (Yu.M. Marusik); 2 #$ [T-01a] Ankara Province, Kýzýlcahamam. Soðuk- su National Park, Göllü, 40°26.794N 32°35.476E, 1608 m, stony H. m.: Harm, 1966: 354, f. 2328 (#$). debris on steep slope among pine forest, 27.05.2009 (Yu.M. H. m.: Roberts, 1985: 168, f. 74c (#$). Marusik); 17 ##, $$, 4 juv. [T-03] Ankara Province, Kýzýlcaha- H. m.: Roberts, 1995: 254, f. (#$). mam, Çamlýdere, 40°32.709N 32°30.547E, 964 m, litter in pine H. m.: Roberts, 1998: 270, f. (#$). stand, 28.05.2009 (Yu.M. Marusik); 1 $ [T-07] Kastamonu Prov- H. m.: Almquist, 2005: 275, f. 259ad (#$). ince, Between KastamonuÇankýrý road, 29 kilometers from the MATERIAL EXAMINED. 2 ##, 15 $$, 1 juv. [T-04] Bolu Ilgaz District, 41°05.862N 33°44.844E, 1520 m, stones in pine Province, Abant, 40°40.656N 31°28.313E, 1308 m, litter in Pi- forest, 31.05.2009 (Yu.M. Marusik). nus and mixed PinusFagus forest, 28.05.2009 (Yu.M. Marusik); 4 $$, 1 juv [T-04a] Bolu Province, Abant, 40°39.611N COMMENTS. This species has a Circumholarctic dis- 31°24.989E, 888 m, litter in mixed forest, 28.05.2009 (Yu.M. tribution. It occurs in most of the European countries includ- Marusik); 15 $$ [T-06] Kastamonu Province, Azdavay, ing Greece and Bulgaria, so finding of H. ononidum in 41°41.938N 33°25.971E, 975 m, litter in oak forest, 30.05.2009 Turkey is not surprising. It is likely that H. ononidum repre- (Yu.M. Marusik); 7 $$ [T-09] Bursa Province, Uludað National sents a group of sibling vicariating species. Species from Park, 40°06.970N 29°03.283E, 648 m, mixed oak, Fagus, pine different populations in northern Europe, Siberia and North forest, 1.06.2009 (Yu.M. Marusik). America have different number of spines in the tegular brush. COMMENTS. This species has a European distribution, This species can be easily distinguished from another Turk- and is known in most of European countries north to south- ern Sweden and Norway [Helsdingen, 2006]. Although it is ish species by its larger size, epigyne with two dark small very common in Europe, it is not known in adjacent Bulgar- dots, and the presence of a tegular brush and a membranous ia or Greece, but only in Romania. H. montana does not conductor (see Fig. 7). reach the Caucasus or the Urals in the East. This species can While photographing the epigyne we recognised that H. be easily recognized by smaller size, large receptacula, round ononidum has postepigastral scutula (sclerotized parts) (cf tegulum, lack of a conductor, and the lack of a brush of Figs 6, 8). This character was not documented in Hahniidae. spines in prolateral side of tegulum (Figs. 5, 910). All Such a feature is known in Scytodes s.l. and the term scutu- specimens of H. montana were collected in forest litter with la was applied by Brignoli [1976]. Besides H. ononidum, presence of Pinus. scutula are present in several Asian species, such as H. maginii Brignoli, 1977, and several undescribed species Hahnia ononidum Simon, 1875 related to H. barbata Bosmans, 1992. Scutula most proba- Figs 34, 68. bly serve for fixation of the palp during copulation, and is H. o.: Harm, 1966: 362, f. 4650 (#$, S). likely a palpal hook catch. H. o.: Opell & Beatty, 1976: 426, f. 8993 (#$). Spiders new to the fauna of Turkey. 3. Hahniidae 79 Figs 14. Habitus of Hahnia montana (12) and H. ononidum (34): 1, 4 female, dorsal; 23 male, dorsal. Ðèñ. 14. Ãàáèòóñ Hahnia montana (12) è H. ononidum (34): 1, 4 ñàìêà, ñâåðõó; 23 ñàìåö, ñâåðõó. Discussion 2003; Helsdingen, 2006]. Another species that may occur in Turkey is H. nava (Blackwall, 1841). It is Although only two species of Hahnia have been known from adjacent Bulgaria, Greece [Helsdingen, found in Turkey, occurrence of additional species is 2006] and Azerbaijan (personal data). Several other very likely. For example Hahnia candida Simon, 1875, species that occur in Greece in Bulgaria are likely to be is known in adjacent Bulgaria, Greece and Israel [Levy, found in Turkey. 80 Yu.M. Marusik & K.B. Kunt Figs 510. Copulatory organs of Hahnia montana (5, 910) and H. ononidum (68): 56 female abdomen, ventral; 7, 10 male palp, ventral; 89 epigyne, ventral. 6 from Mongolia; 7 from Yukon Territory. Abbreviations: Co conductor; Sc scutula; Tb tegular brush. Ðèñ. 510. Êîïóëÿòèâíûå îðãàíû Hahnia montana (5, 910) è H. ononidum (68): 56 áðþøêî ñàìêè, ñíèçó; 7, 10 ïàëüïà ñàìöà, ñíèçó; 89 ýïèãèíà, ñíèçó. 6 èç Ìîíãîëèè; 7 èç Òåððèòîðèè Þêîí. Ñîêðàùåíèÿ: Co êîíäóêòîð; Sc ñêóòóëÿ; Tb òåãóëÿðíàÿ ù¸òêà. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. This work was supported in Helsdingen P. 2006. Fauna Europaea: Araneae. Fauna Europaea. part by the RFFI grant # 09-04-01365-a. We would like to On: http://www.faunaeur.org Levy G. 2003. Spiders of the families Anyphaenidae, Hahniidae, thank Altuð Kýzýltuð, Ersen Aydýn Yaðmur, Dr. Rahþen S. Ctenidae, Zoridae, and Hersiliidae (Araneae) from Israel // Kaya, Dr. Hakan Durmuþ and Dr. Abdullah Bayram for their Israel Journal of Zoology. Vol.49. P.131. valuable helps during field studies. The English of the final Marusik Yu.M., Kunt K.B. 2009. Spiders (Araneae) new to the draft was checked by Robin Leech (Edmonton, Canada). fauna of Turkey. 1. Genera of Theridiidae // Turkish Journal of Zoology, in press.
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