396 FO~DYKE. LINCOLNSHIRE. (KELLY's dyke Fen allotment with I!:l3 inhabitants, was transferred to Church School, erected by the late Rev. B. Beridge, with J3rothertoft parish. house for the schoolmistress; the school will hold ISO . children ; average attendance, 95 ; Miss Grace Hand, PosT 0FFICE.-Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, rece1ver. Letters mistress · from Spalding at I0.30 a.m.; are dispatc~ed at 4 p.m. CARRIERS TO BosTON.-John Barton & James Coles, wed­ The nearest money order & telegraph office IS at Sutterton I nesday & saturday Bett William, Fosdyke house Bett Frederick, farmer Hall Samuel, fisherman & boat owner Kingston John v.E Bowden James, officer in charge of R;ingston John c.F.:. surveyor to the SingletonRev.Ed.B.A.[curate in charge] Coast Guard Welland trustees COMMERCIAL. Coles James, carrier Lloyd William, beer retailer Atkin William, farmer Cutforth John, miller (wind) & baker Rothwell Tj:wmas, pig dealer, Bridge Barton John, carrier Cutforth William, farmer Smith Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper~ Bedford Michael, shopkeeper Field Henry, beer retailer & coal dealr & post office Bett William, farmer & landowner, Houghton Henry, farm bailiff to Wilkinson Ellen (Mrs.), Fosdyke inn Fosdyke house William Munton Lawrance esq Wilson Henry, wheelwright, Bridge FOSTON is a parish and village, in the Southern division to a pension of £I20 to the late vicar, in the gift of the of the county, parts of Kesteven, Loveden wapentake, Duchy of Lancaster, and held since 1878 by the Rev. Newark union, Spittlegate petty sessional division, Gran- William Barker, of King's College, London, who resides at tham county court district, rural deanery of North Gran- Long Bennington. Here are Wesleyan and Primitive tham, archdeaconry and diocese of Lincoln, 3 miles west- Methodist chapels. Andrew Macdonald Grote esq. is lord by-south from Hougham station and 3 north from Sedge- of the manor. The Earl of Dysart is the principal land­ brook station and 6 north-west from Grantham, on the owner, but there are several freeholders. The soil is a road from Grantham to Newark. The church of St. Peter strong loam; subsoil, clay. The chief ·crops are wheat, is an ancient structure in the Norman and Perpendicular beans and oats. The area is 2, I8o acres; rateable value, styles, having chancel with south chapel, nave, porch, aisles £2,941; the population in I88x was 357· and a tower surmounted by four pinnacles and containing Parish Clerk, Joseph Lawson. 3 bells: in I858 the north side of the church was rebuilt, Letters through Grantham. Benningt.on is the nearest a porch added, the interior re-seated and a new pulpit money order & telegraph office. PILLAR LE'ITER Box, set up. There are sittings for 300 persons. The register cleared at 5·45 p.m. week days only of baptisms and burials dates from the year I623 to 1799, National sChool (mixed), built. in I8 , for 6o children, with and that of marriages till I766 is included in those of 47 Long Bennington : the separate registers of this parish an average attendance of 43, & supported by volun- begin from these dates. The living is a chapelry annexed to tary subscription j Miss Lydia Edwards, mistress the vicarage of Bennington, joint net yearly value £356, CARRIERS.-Johnson & Dickinson, to Grantham, saturday; including corn rent £349, glebe and residence, but subject to Newark, wednesday; & Foster, to Grantham, saturday Alcock Thomas ' Dickinson George, carrier North John, farmer Alcock Mrs .P"oster Henry, smallware dealer Quant John Thomas, saddler Beckitt Miss Harwood John, farmer Ryder John, miller (water) & baker Barrand George, carpenter Hutchinson Thomas, farmer Smith George, baker & grocer Baxter Joseph, farmer Jackson Robert, baker & grocer Speed John & Stephen, carpenters Brown John, shoe maker Johnson George, carrier, jobbing gar- Speed Stephen, grocer & draper Bull.William, market gardener dener & shopkeeper Stanliland James, farmer Bullimore Edward, assessor & col- Johnson William, butcher Walton Carter, Black Boy, & wheel- lector of income, property&land taxes Kemm Samuel, Black Horse P.H wright Burgess Matthew, Duke William P.H Knight John, farmer Wilkinson Tobias, blacksmith Burton Joseph, farmer Mattock William, farmer Willows Richard, farmer Copeland William, smallware dealer Neale John, farmer Winter Robert, farmer FOTHERBY is a village and parish, in the Northern flannel; this £250 is now invested in £26o ns. £3 per division of the county, parts of Lindsey, wapentake of Lud- Cents. in the names of the vicar and Mr. Joseph Bratley, borough, union and county court district of Louth, rural churchwarden. Six almshouses were erected in I866 on deanery of Louth Esk and Ludborough No. :r, archdea- the site of the old glebe house by the late Everitt Allenby conry of Stow and diocese of Lincoln, 3 miles north from esq. : they are for six poor people, who receive nine shillings Louth, and situated on the road from Louth to GreatGrimsby. weekly from an endowment left by the above; they also The East Lincolnshire railway passes through the parish. receive beef, flour and coals, from the interest on endow­ The church of St. Mary, entirely rebuilt in I863, under the ment left by the late John Allenby esq. The view from the direction of Mr. James Fowler, of Louth, is an edifice of top of the wold towards the east, disclosing the German dressed chalk, with clressings of freestone and other por- Ocean, the Humber, the Middle Marsh, the Yorkshire tions of green sandstone, in the Early English style, and coast abutting on the Humber, the Spurn Light 11nd the consists of chancel, nave, south porch and a western tower, Grimsby Tower, is very fine. Mrs. Hall, wife of the Rev. with broach spire, containing 3 bells, all cast in :r6o8, and E. Hall, of Myland Rectory, near Colchester, is a lady of the bearing rhymed inscriptions: the interior walls are lined manor. Miss Gertrude Alien by, a minor, of Louth, is also with the best faced red brick and stone bands, and there is said to be a lady of another manor in this parish. The a very effective altar-screen of plain and glazed tiles: the trustees of the late Everitt Allenby,John Lewis ffytche M. A., st<me pulpit was given by Henry Isaac Fotherby esq. M.D. n.r.. , J.P. and J. S. Foster esqrs. and the vicars of Fotherby, of 3 Fmsbnry square, London, in memory of his wife: the Little Grimsby and North Elkington are the principa1 land­ chancel was restored at the cost of the late Mr. Everitt owners. Part of the soil is clayey and loamy, and part Allenby, of Glenmore House, Surbiton, Surrey, then lay chalky; the subsoil is clay, gravel and chalk. The chief impropriator. The register dates from 1568, but the crops are wheat, barley, oats, turnips, seeds and beans. earlier portion is barely eligible. The register of Bracken- The area is 1,400 acres; rateable value, £I,920; the popu­ borough is ineluded with that of Fotherby. The living is a lation in I881 was 237. discharged vicarage, consolidated with Brackenborough, Parish Clerk, Anthony Kemp. joint yearly value £no including 77 acres of glebe, in the PosT QYFICE.-Jephtha Holmes, receiver. Letters arrive gift of the Lord Chancellor, by whom it is vendible, under through the Louth office at 7· IS a. m. : dispatched at 4.40 the Augmentation of Benefices Act, and held since 1857 by p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at the Rev. Thomas Jacob Freeth M.A. of Christ's College, Louth Cambridge, and senior LL.D. of the University of London. I There is a Day & Sunday school: this is one of the six The inhabitants of Brackenborough, which has no church, I parishes entitled to the benefit of the Covenham National use that of Fotherby; Here are places of worship for Wes- school, which is under the superintendence of a certificated leyan, Primitive and Free Methodists. There is a charity master. The Wesleyans & Free Methodists have each a of £250 left by the will of the late Everitt Allenby esq. who Sabbath school rlied in 1868, the interest of which is laid out in coals and Day & Sunday School, Miss Emma Gilbert, mistress Freeth Rev. Thomas Jacob l'd.A., Harrison Henry, blacksmith Plaskitt James, farmer LL.D. [vicar] Harrison Mark, farmer Swinn Benjamin, shopkeeper Street Mrs Hay John, farmer Smith John Coulbeck, farmer, land, Barton Ann (Mrs.), farmer Holmes Jeptha, shoe ma. & post office owner & machine owner Bratley Jsph. carpenter & wheelwright Lucas Christopher, farmer Smith John, butcher Cocking Stephen, farmer Maddison Thomas, farmer Waite George, farmer . Hallgarth John, shopkeeper Newcombe Misses, farmers Wilkinson Thomas, builder FRAMPTON is a parish, extending to the shores of the K1rton, parts of Holland, Boston union and 'county court Wash, in the Southern division of the county, wapentake of district, rural deanery of North Holland No. I 1 and arch-.
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