Growth of rare-earth single c.rystals by mo~ecuiar beam epitaxy: The epitaxia~ re~ationship between hcp rare earth and bec niobium J. Kwo, M. Hong, and S. Nakahara AT&T Bell Laboratories. Murray Hill. New Jersey 07974 (Received 13 May 1986; accepted for publication 17 June 1986) High-quality rare-earth (RE) single-crystal films of yttrium (Y) and gadolinium (Od) were successfully grown with the metal molecular beam epitaxy technique on a bcc Nb single-crystal film which serves as a buffer layer to the sapphire substrates. With reflection high-energy electron diffraction, the hcp RE (0001) was found to grow epitaxially on the (110) Nb in the Nishiyama-Wasserman orientation. The regrowth of Nb on this RE (000 1) surface yielded the (110) orientation with 120· in-plane domains. These epitaxial relationships suggest the possibility of fabricating an ultrathin, coherent crystalline superlattice in the Nb ( 110) / RE (0001) system. Recent advances on thin-film preparation techniques deposited from individual electron beam evaporation have stimulated much interest in the synthesis of artificially sources. The feedback-loop controls formed with the rate layered superlattices in which the two alternating compo­ monitors maintain constant deposition rates with fluctu­ nents may have different crystal structures. 1 Most materials ations less than 2% for the rare earths and 8% for Nb. RE produced to date, referred to as layered ultrathin coherent sources of high purity were used. The background pressure 11 structures, 1.2 are largely textured poly crystalline films with during growth was maintained as low as 2 X 10- Torr in an ordered stack of thin crystals along the growth direction. order to achieve the growth of high-purity RE films. The However, there is rarely long-range registry or coherency growth rates ofRE were kept low, typically 0.1-1.0 J.../s for between two successive components in the film plane of the interfacial epitaxy studies. In situ RHEED (10 kV) with these materials. Recently, with the newly developed metal a glancing angle less than 10 at the substrate was used as a molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) technique, we have synthe­ major structural characterization means. The overall struc­ sized the first coherent singel-crystal rare-earth Od-Y super­ tural perfection of the crystal was subsequently examined by 3 3 lattices ,4 for investigating thin-film and interfacial magne­ x-ray diffraction. ,4 tism,3 and long-range coherent magnetic structures.s The In contrast to the field of III-V semiconductor and Si success of this single-crystal growth ofrare-earth (RE) su­ epitaxy, one of the major difficulties in achieving single-crys­ perlattice is largely due to a novel invention of inserting a tal growth of metals is the lack of homoepitaxial substrates. single-crystal Nb buffer layer, which prevents perverse RE metal surfaces with optical-grade polishing and free of chemical reactions between rare earths and most substrates, contaminants are extremely difficult to prepare. Direct de­ and further induces the epitaxial growth of hcp rare earths position of the rare earths onto commercially available sub­ on bcc Nb. strates including Si, sapphire, and RE garnets resulted in The observation of forming an epitaxial interface polycrystalline films. A typical spotty ring pattern of between an hcp rare earth and bcc Nb is rather surprising, RHEED is shown in Fig. 1 (a) for a polycrystalline Y film considering their entirely different crystal structures and an grown at 300 ·C on commercial sapphire substrates with an exceedingly large lattice mismatch. In this work, we examine unspecified orientation. this interfacial growth between the RE and Nb crystals. Nevertheless, the polycrystalline growth could be im­ With in situ reflection high-energy electron diffraction proved to become a textured growth by choosing a sapphire (RHEED) characterization, these unique in-plane epitaxial substrate with an orientation parallel to the preferred orien­ relationships occurring at the interfaces of RE (like Y and tation of the rare earths, namely, the c axis (0001). In this Od) grown on Nb, and Nb grown on RE were determined. case the RHEED pattern [Fig. l(b)] starts to exhibit The most densely dose-packed plane RE (0001) grows epi­ streaks after the film thickness exceeds 2000 J..., indicating a taxi ally on Nb (111) of similar symmetry as well as on the smoother, two-dimensional-like growth. The fact that the most densely close-packed plane Nb (110) in the Ni­ streak pattern appears to be the same for any azimuthal di­ shiyama-Wasserman orientation. In both cases the in-plane rection of incidence further suggests a nearly perfect poly­ axis ofhcp RE [1010] is aligned with bcc Nb [110] with a crystalline texture. The mosaic spread of the preferred orien­ 3:4 superceH commensuration in their nearest-neighbor dis­ tation (000 1 ) is about 2· wide, as measured from the rocking tances along these axes. However, at comparable tempera­ curves by x-ray diffraction. The limiting factor that prevents tures the Nb crystal grows epitaxially on (0001) RE only in this textured film from further ordering into a single crystal the (110) orientation forming three 120· in-plane domains. is the relatively low substrate temperatures 5 300 ·C used. These findings suggest a promising possibility of producing a Deposition at higher temperatures (;;;.300 ·C) caused a coherent layered ultrathin crystal in the Nb (110) IRE strong chemical reaction between RE and the sapphire sub­ (0001) superlattice system. strates (AI20 3 ), which then forfeited the single-crystal All the crystals studied in this work were prepared in a growth. 3 versatile UHV deposition system ,4 designed for metal epi­ This difficuhy can be circumvented by an intervening taxy and superlattice work. Rare earths and Nb films were buffer layer which does not react with the sapphire or with 319 Appl. Phys. Len. 49 (6),11 August 1986 0003-6951/86/320319-03$01.00 @ 1986 American Institute of Physics 319 Downloaded 16 Dec 2010 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see FIG. I. RHEED patterns of (a) polycrystalline Y film on a non-c-axis sap­ phire. (b) textured (0001) Y film on a c·axis sapphire (0001). rare earths. yet induces an ordered growth of (000 1) RE films. A single-crystal Nb film was chosen as the buffer layer based on two major considerations. Of all the elements in the periodic table only the group V B and VI B elements (V, Nb, Ta, Cr, Mo, and W) react very little with the RE.6 Further­ more, single-crystal Nb films were known to grow epitaxial­ lyon sapphire substrates with crystal orientations depending on the choice of the sapphire substrates,7 specifically, (110) Nb on (1120) Al20 3 and ( Ill) Nb on (0001) A1 20 3 • In the following, we will first discuss the growth of ( 110) Nb, and subsequently, the growth of RE on this Nb surface. The optimal temperature for epitaxial growth of (110) bee Nb single crystal on the trigonal (1120) sapphire is 900 ± 50°C. The in-plane epitaxial relationship for two or­ thogonal axes is [111] Nbll[OOOI] A120 , and [112] 3 FIG. 2. RHEED patterns along azimuthal directions of (a) [OOOI} of Nbll [1010] A1 20 3• The mismatch of the nearest-neighbor (1120) AI,O,. (b) [Ill) of (110) Nb. (c) [OO2} of (110) Nb. (d) [liiO} distances along the latter two axes is about 2%. RHEED of (0001 ) Y~f2/3 monolayer coverage on (110) Nb. (e) [l210} of (0001) patterns along azimuthal [000 1 J Al20 3 and [111 ] Nb direc­ Y of I monolayer coverage. and (f) [hlO} of (0001) Y of 8 monolayer tions are shown in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b) respectively. A Nb coverage. crystal 0.3 J1-m thick exhibits a high degree of crystallinity morphism of conforming the nearest-neighbor distance of Y with rocking curves of 0.1° and 0.15° perpendicular and par­ to that ofNb does not occur, even at this submonolayer cov­ anel to the plane, respectively. The in-plane coherency 3 4 7 erage. Furthermore, a 4:3 commensuration of the streak length is 'about several thousand angstroms. • • spacings along the azimuthal direction ofY [1210] and Nb A RE film was deposited onto this Nb surface with little [002J is observed. Upon the completion of one monolayer time lapse. The close-packed plane (0001) of hcp RE is coverage of Y on Nb the RHEED pattern exhibits the sym­ found, unexpectedly, to grow epitaxially on the (110) plane metry expected for a hcp (000 1) Y surface [Fig. 2 (e)]. The ofbec Nb crystal of entirely different symmetry. The epitaxy sharp streak pattern accompanied with Kikuchi arcs seen in structure at the interface follows the so-called Nishiyama­ the pattern for a Y film only 8 atomic layers thick indicates Wasserman (NW) orientationS; namely, the most densely that a highly smooth and ordered surface has been obtained packed row [1210] of hcp RE is parallel to the densely [Fig. 2(f)]. packed row [002 J of bec Nb, and correspondingly in the The temperature dependence of this epitaxial growth orthogonal direction, the [1010J axis ofRE is parallel to the was studied from 100 to 700 The optimal substrate tem- [T 10] axis ofNb. In the simple rigid lattice picture an epitax­ 0c. ial orientation usuaIly occurs when the distances between the correspondingly densely packed rows, or the corre­ Nb I 110) REIOOOI) sponding perpendicular rows are similar in the two crystals. However, in the present case for RE and Nb these situations do not occur.
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