Indian Joumal of Chemistry Vol. IotA. Autust 1976. pp. 519·58:J Ce(IV) Oxidation of Cyclopentanone, Cyclohexanone, Cycloheptanone, Cyc1ooctanone, Acetone, Butanone, Acetoacetic Ester & Benzoylacetone G. P. PANIGRAHI & PRAFULLA K. MISRO Department of Chemistry. Berhampur University. Berhampur 7 Received 28 July 1975; accepted 5 NOIJembeY 1975 Kinetics of oxidation of a series of cycloalkanones such as cyclopentanone, cyclohexanone, cyc1oheptanone and cyc1ooctanone and of aliphatic ketones like acetone, butanone, acetoacetic ester and benzoylacetone by Ce(IV) in HCIO, medium are reported. The order of reactivity among the cyclic ketones is cyclohexanone > cyclooctanone > cycloheptanone '" cyc1openta- none, and among the aliphatic ketones is benzoylacetone > acetoacetic ester> butanone > acetone. The oxidation of cyc1ohexanone and the aliphatic ketones involve. a free-radical mechanism. INETICS of oxidation of cyclohexanone by of the reaction is two at a constant (H+]. The first Ce(IV) has been studied earlier by Littler! and second order rate constants for the cyclic K who postulated that the keto-form is directly ketones are given in Table 1. attacked after if forms a complex with Ce(IV). Under the experimental conditions the reaction Shorter and ooworkerss-s and Santappa+ have shown mixture in the case of cyclohexanone developed a the formation of Ce(IV)-ketone complex while pink colour which is probably due to the formation studying the kinetics of oxidation of certain aliphatic of a complex of 2-hydroxycyclohexanone, an inter- ketones. However, no attempt has been made so mediate compound formed in the oxidation process. far to correlate structure and reactivity of these Hence, it can be safely presumed that the reactions substrates. Hence, it was thought worthwhile to are clean one-step processes and the kinetics are not investigate the oxidation of a series of cyclic ketones such as cyclopentanone, cyclohexanone, cyclo- heptanone, cyclooctanone as well as of acetone, TABLE 1 - RATE CONSTANTS FOR THE OXIDATION OF butanone, acetoacetic ester and benzoylacetone in CYCLIC KETONES aq. acetic acid containing 0·05, 0·1 and 0'15M HCIO, to establish correlation if any, between structure {[Ce(IV)) = 5·0 x 10-IM; [HClO,l = 0·05M; solvent. and reactivity of the ketones and to throw light on HOAc-water (40: 60, v/v); temp., 35°C} the mechanism of the reaction. l [Substrate] 10 kl 10'k. M (min-1) (litre mole=J. Materials and Methods (min+)" Ceric ammon,ium nitrate and perchloric acid used CVCLOHEXANONE were of T. Baker (analysed) grade. Acetic acid (analar BDH) was used as the solvent. The 0·075 23·0 30·7 ketones were of either AR or GR grade. For each 0·1005 33·9 33·9 0·2002 66·1 33·0 run about 0'02M Ce(IV) solution containing the 0·2512 81·9 32·8 required amount of HCIOt was prepared and standardized by adding a known excess of the CVCLOPENTANONE standard ferrous ammonium sulphate solution followed 0·06425 3·78 5·88 by back-titration of the unused Fe (II) against 0·0753 4·35 5·77 standard dichromate using Nvphenylanthranilic acid 0·1001 5·6 5·63 as the indicator. The substrate solution was prepared in aq. acetic acid. Ce(IV) an,d the substrate CVCLOHEPTANONE solutions (50 ml each) were equilibrated for 2 hr at 0·06505 3·50 5·40 the required temperature and mixed. Aliquots 0·07505 4·20 5·6 (5 ml) of the reaction mixture were taken out at 0·1001 5·62 5·60 different intervals and treated with 10 ml of standard CVCLOOCTANONE ferrous ammonium sulphate. The unused Fe (II) was determined as described above. 0·01534 2·40 15·90 0·024895 3·34 13·50 Results and Discussion 0·03833 5·14 13040 The oxidation reactions are first order each in *k. = kl/[Substrate]. substrate and the oxidant, and hence the total order 579 INDIAN J. CHEM., VOL. 14A, AUGUST 1976 complicated by any subsequent steps which. might occur due to oxidation 01 the 2-hydroxy ketone. TABLE 2 - SECOND ORDER RATE CONSTANTS (II a) FOR However, in the presence of excess Ce{IV), the pink OXIDATION OF ALIPHATIC KETONES colour of the reaction mixture is not observed. This [Solvent, hOAc-w •.tor (40: 60 v/v); ternp., 35°J is~derstandab~e as the .2-hydroxy compound im- medla~ely after Its fo~mahon IS oxidized further by [hCICJ4J the oxidant. the presence of excess ketone M Hence.In Acetone Acetoacetic Benzoyl- the oxidation product is 2-hydroxy ketone. ester acetone 2-Hydroxy ketone has also been obtained as the product in the oxidation 01 cyclohexanone by Mn{III) 0-025 0-0164 0-0424 3-13-1- 112-~6 0-050 0-01~2 o-os.i 3-674 124'YO pyrophosphate- . 0·100 4·366 152-70 Effect of varying [substrate) - Plots of 1/k1 versus 0-150 0·022 0-0725 1J(ketone] are Iinear and pass through the origin indicating that no complex is formed initially be~we~n cyclic ketones and Ce{IV), unlike in the TABLE 3 - SECOND ORDER OXIDATION H_ATES OF CYCLIC KETONES oxidation ot acetone by Ce{IV). Effect of structure on the reactivjty of cyclic ketones [Solvent, hCJAc-w ..tor (40: 60, v/v); temp. 35"J - An examination of Table 1 reveals that the order [h.CIO.] of reactivity among the cyclic ketones is cycle- k. (litre mole'? mirr") for M hexanone > cyclooctanone > cyclopentanone ,...... Cyclu- Cyclo- Cyclo- Cyclo- cycloheptanone, The higher reactivity of cycle- hexanuno peut.vnone hept.mone oct.mone hexanone requires explanation. It is quite possible 0-05 0-341 0-0576 0-0553 0-143 that the terminal hydrogen of the nearly strainless 0·10 U-441 0-1OS 0-U9~S 0-205 puckered residue (CHII). in cyclohexene fulfils 0-15 1-303 0-15~ 0·1700 0-377 the stereochemical irequrrements for hyperconjuga- tion with the cyclic C=C better than does the ~erminal hydrogen of the nearly flat residue, (CHII)a in cyclopentene, likely to be formed in a rapid step depends on two The order observed shows that even membered factors: (a) the inductive effect of the electronegative carbethoxy or benzoyl group which loosens the cyclic ketones (C and C ) react much faster than the II 8 adjacent proton thereby reducing the relative ther- odd membered ketones (CII and C7). It is interest- ing to recall the similar differences between the modynamic stability of the keto-form, and (b) the spectra of the even and odd membered ketones. conjugation effect of the unsaturated carbethoxy For even membered ketones, the spectrum changes or benzoyl group demanding a suitably situated suddenly at the melting point, while in the rest of double bond and thus increasing the relative the temperature range only slight changes are ob- thermodynamic stability of the enol-form. The served. For odd membered ring ketones the spectrum greater reactivity of the benzoyl group over the also changes, not at the melting point but at carbethoxy group is mainly due to factor (b). Hence a transition point which lies lower than the melting the stability and the percentage of enol-form are point. The change in spectrum may be attributed the highest in the case of benzoylacetone with the to the possible disappearance of one or more result that it has a maximum reactivity. In simple conformations at a given temperature. It is aliphatic ketones, an increase in the number of alkyl generally presumed that the most favoured confor- groups increases the rate as alkyl groups are known mation of cycloheptanone is the twist chair formf to increase the equilibrium enol contents. This which is responsible for the lowest rate of oxidation. indicates a dominating hyperconjugative effect of Similarly the lower reactivity of cyclopentanone alkyl groups. can be attributed to the existence of cyclopentanone P-G* plot for aliphatic series - Employing the in the half chair form (stable conformation) which Taft substituent constants (G*) as given below, an has greater symmetry", However, the reactivity attempt has been made to correlate structure and of the medium-sized rings are known to alternate reacti vit y : as is evidenced from the process involving Spa~Sp2 Substituent G* (Taft) conversions, such as solvolysis of cycloalkyl chlorides, -CH COO- 0·50 acetolysis of cycloalkyl tosylates and reactions of 2 cycloalkyl bromides with lithium or potassium -CHaCOC6HIi 0·60 -CHa 0·00 iodides", Strictly speaking the observed reactivity of a series of medium-sized cyclic derivatives depends Using the second order rate constants (ka) for mainly on their conformations. acetone, acetoacetic ester and benzoylacetone, a Reactivity of aliphatic ketones - The second order linear plot was obtained between log k2 and G* rate constants (k2) for Ce(IV) oxidation of aliphatic which gave a P value of +1·2. The data for ketones, namely acetone, butanone, benzoylacetone butanone could not be used as there was no Taft and acetoacetic ester in aq. acetic acid (40% v/v) substituent constant which could take into account are given in Table 2. The order of reactivity is the conjugative ability of the alkyl group. benzoylacetone > acetoacetic ester> butanone > Effect of varying acidity - The rate of oxidation acetone. In the aliphatic ketones studied, it can of cyclic ketones increases with increasing [HCIOJ be presumed that the stability of enols which are as seen from Table 3. The plots of log kg versus 580 PANIGRAHI & MISRO: Ce(I\') OXIDATION OF CYCLOALKANONES & ALIPHATIC KETONES [H+1are fairly linear but the plots of log k'/, versus Ho are better with unit slope. In the case of aliphatic ketones the increase in rate with increasing FAST acidity is marginal in 40% HOAc as seen from Table + CeiJYI ¢= COMPLEX 2.
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