P)C LEGAL PAPER OF THF TOWN OF NUTLEY Vol. XI. No. 15. NUTLEY. N. ^ATUHDAY, JANUARY 28, 1905. ONE DO LAR PER YEAR T helav provides an open season for Th« Iloyal Arcanum. NUTLEY DAY BY DAY partridges, under certain conditions,- THE GREAT STORM WITH TBE BOWLERS O'l Monday nteht 'the recently Otherwise the game laws are firm,, elected officers of Kempton Council rigid and fixed. ; . Nutley Gets a ti*'u«roiu I’ortio j The storm had its depressing Royal Arcanum,' were installed by The ground hog is due February 2. The dog warden complains that he ! o f It effect, (in bowling as well as most Grand hupervising Deputy Andrews Strawberries are nearly as cheap is having troublers of his own at S h is ot her th i rigs during t he past, week. The blizzird. wl\ich on Wednesday and Gr.m * Secretary Alberts, of the as eggs. - time. Dog owners, however, must Iri i he tournament played last Fri­ covered a large poi'Aon of > !;eUnited step up to the captains office and ll1. i.y evening, the 20v.lt inst , on tlie order, as follows: Regent, W. D. fejj It, is said that the egg-makers’ .States, was leit ab'iit, hk settle, and the sooner done the better j inV.Nutle> Fortnightly alleys, ihe Knights of Bell; vice-regent, II W. St. John; t : strike will end next month. severe as anywhere in this pari, of fEs for all bands. Pythias bowlers won three straight orator, W. J. Kinsley; past regent, m The ice man and the coal man are the country. Vv'ilhur Ackerman; treasurer, J. The Confectionery Store in the games from the Independents. The 1 aughing at this strenuous bit of Tbe snow began falling T u e sd a y . ... Feltus; collector, B. C. Brown; chap­ West Nutley Masonic Hall building, , I alleys hav been well patronized dur- w eath er. afternoon and on lain, E W. King; guide, Clarence P. YOUR SCALE is the place to get a good smoke and . e nef- 'iy Dll,r" : iogi.be week and some good scores mg a bl1ZZard of pronounced prePor-ihrtiebeenmude_ Reynolds; warden: Frederick Lepple: According to the 5aw, 'poll taxes you can also get the best kind of lio n s w as id progress and it continued j ,, ... , .. j _ ,v,„ sentry, O. B. Rusby; tru ste e for th ree OF WAGES have, to be paid, or the delinquents Candies and Fruit Oysters can be .I.- - ,, I On 1 uesday ufternood next the uutil alter nightfall., . • !j TL.iclies’Bowlinw . n ,. Clubt will ubegin roll-„„i, years, Thomas H. Ritchie. Previous will be sent no jail. had at any time.—Adv. ■ The trolley cars began running tu ■ . ■ - „ will t." he higner note—bank u i j • * J i l! K on the alleys.- , • to the installation ceremonies, tbe The increase in women who are The big snow storm stopped al­ bunches during the forem on and no I ° council initialed ils two hundredth no tes—i f you ad verti se in 1 h e N i t - doing men’s work has been 40 per most everything in Nutley except cars ran at ai t through Nui iey after j On Masonic Alleys. member, the grand officers partici­ lky Sun want columns. cent, in lhe last ten years. 12 o’clock Wednesday. Those who I the delivery wagons of the Nutley The Kuiglus ol thi Pins have hao pating In the ceremonies. A happy The people who wan t helD read THE Coal & Supply l a. W ith four horses were dependent on the trolley tit ^et: h. busy week on the new alleys. Last The Nutle} Realty Company is incident of the evening was the pre­ Nu t ie y Su n want column's. If you 'cing plans to erect a large num- attached to the load orders were to their homes on Wednesday riimht>| Friday night ihe members of the se n tatio n . by form er O rato r St, John, are looking for work of am kind, you o£r of buildings this coming season. attended to as soon as they were had'a very unpleasant time. Onei Nutley Club iudulged in a number of of asilver headed walking stick and handed in. > car composed principally of Nutl.:>- high scores, five of which ran over umbrella to retiring Regent Acker­ can get it promptly and satisf rctorily Mr. II F. Morse expects to occupy ites was finally sent as far up the The I!utley Library Association, the 200 mark as follows: man , The lodges membership has through “a N utlk y Sttn want ad. ; . i;is new ttore iu the Masonic Hall line asi! was possible. Ii stow i d at of Nutley, has contracted with John O. Leyser, 210, 211. been increased by sixty newmembers E m ployers should u.*e 'i bk Is' u t ^ ky b alding the lirst of the coming Greylock Manor, stuck in a iiugh M utch for th e sum of $1,347 to per­ Dr Van Hiper, 211. during the ye .r. m onth. drift The occupants ot tbe car Su n want ads. All cio'ses use them. form the mason, painting, tinning, J A. Wiley, 207, 219. 'J'he lodge will give a Ladies’Night walked tbe rest of the waj. The. The cost is slight—-t he returns, are, Drifts of snow, fifteen feet highlit. plumbing and gasfltting work on In ihe open games the 200 mark at Fortnightly Club House on Mon service was not fully resumed uni il sure ■ : j» alleged, at the Delawanna car their new buildingon Passaic avenue. has also been-passed several times as day evening, Jan u ary 23. From 8 to Thursday evening. Thetrain.sei vi-e barns, tied the trolley service up William Stroms is the architect. here noted: : 9.30 o’clock progressive euclire, for aii day ihursr!ay. on the railroad was was also paraly­ G P. O liver, 204. A vaudeville entertainment made priH'-s, will be played, a fte r w hich County. Kxitiniiiations. zed. On Wednesdaj afternoon the O K irkeby, 231. The monthly meeting of tlieNut- up of local artists and out-of-town there will be dancing. The Coon y Board of School Ex­ last i raip fro„ New York reached Dr, Van Riper. 216. 231. iey Boaid uf Education will be held talent, undei tbe direction of Mrs. On Monday evening, February 33, aminers will meet at the Nutley Nutley between 4 and 5 o’clock W. A. L am bert, 233. on 1 uesday night at its rooms in the Guy J. Edwords. will be given on the a Valentine Surprise Party will be High School February 3 and 4 for This was a double train as the early- The Nutley Club is arranging for a liign Sell, ol building. ev en in g :if Ja n u ary 30. a t th e house given jn Ihe lodge room. On the the purpose of examining candidates' one had become stall' d between here home and home series of games with of the Nutley Field Club, for the same evening a lecture will be given for '■teachers’- c< ri ilicales. ; On the Some persons residing in Nutley and Newark and it required the com ­ the Park Colts, of tl e Park A. A. of benefit of the library building fund. by Judge Allred F. Skinner. Ib is former da i e ; i>eoimUfship,: orthogra­ lb ink that the millennium and the bined efforts of both locomotives t.o Newark. The Colts have defeated te.ephone service will reach this expected >hat many visitors from phy. aritiinie! i<-, geography, gram­ push through the snow drifts. At some of the best junior teams in this The pre-ennial attempt to tie other lodges will be present at this mar and rearin g w iii be taken up. town about the same time. midnight another train also reached section and at present are bowling in Bloomfield to Newark by annexation, time, and ihat it will be ah occasion On the following day the subjects re­ The regular monthly meeting of is again agatating the sorebaad Nutley from Jersey City. great form in the Globe Free Tourney Many commuters remaimd in the o; much intere't to tbe members of quired t'.r the mffereut grades of cer­ Avoi.daie Hose Company Ho. 1, will contingent in the former town. The in New1 York <City. Tlie Nutley th e order. city all night on being told at the tificates will be in • •rder, , , \ be held at the ^m pany’s head- outcomeof the effort will no doubt Club, however, can be depended upon New York teiminal that it was quraiers next Thursday evening. be the same as it has been each time to give a good account of itself. practically impossible to reach their The dates have not yet been fixed. There are many candidates, it is it has been tried. homes. As business was paralyzed They will be» announced as soon as said, for the seats that will become The snow storm tied the Town in the big city on Thursday in con­ agreed upon. This will afford a good vacant this Spring in the Board of Council up on Wednesday night and sequence of the storm many of them opportunity for the Nutley rooters ]p | Education and the Town Council there was no session held. Town arrived home Thursday at a much to trive the club a good send off.
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