IN YOUR MEMPHIS WORLD COPY • ■ - ri ri’1 VOLUME 20, NUMBER 116 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 5; 1952 PRICE SIX CENTS / Charges Ultra-Left-Wingers To Run Stevenson Campaign By International News Service that his difference with Taft on DENVER — Republican Na­ foreign policy was the major issue □etween them. tional Chairman, Arthur Sum­ merfield charged Saturday the appointment of Wilson Wyatt as Gov. Stevenson's campaign man­ Powell Attacks ager means the "ultra-left-wing­ ers" will run the Democratic Pre­ sidential campaign. Both Parties On The GOP chairman, who doubles as Gen EisenhoWera campaign manager, hurled the charge as the republican high command continu­ Rights Stand ed its conferences with Ike in Den. NEW YORK— Rep. Adam Clay­ ver, ton Powell,. Jr., JD) N. Y. de­ CITIZENS FOR IKE nounced Sunday the Civil Rights The major issue at the GOP plank adopted In the platforms of council of war still was over what both parties and bitterly assailed part the "amateurs” - the citizens- KING AND QUEEN CONTEST—This picture shows Seen in picture—center front—Shes Rod Ty­ the "uncle Toms" who spearhead­ for-Eisetfhower movement-will play ed the planks. 10 of the boys and girls in the race for the Crown rone Jackson. Front row—left to right—Bettie in the General’s campaign for the The Negro congressman charged of King and Queen of the 3rd Annual Picnic of Jean Smith, Jacquelyn B. Nesbit, Delores John­ presidency; that Representative William Daw­ the Unity Cash Grocery Association. The Win­ son, Robert lee Miles. Second row — William son, (D) Ill.; "sabotaged" the De­ ners will reign for a Day, and will receive a 1952 Summerfield was reported today to mocratic Civil Rights plank pre­ Jean Robinson, Crawford Scott, Wm. E. Nelson, have flatly rejected the demand of model Bicycle a.nd many other valuable Prizese. sented by liberal leaders of the Ornie Massey, Arthur Jean Galloway. the cltizns group for equal status party. The Picnic will be August 13 at Lincoln Park 12 12 others in the contest were absent at the with tlie regular Republican-organi­ NEGRO VOTERS noon to 6 p. m. time of the declaration. Who will be the winner? zation. ■. Speaking before a crowd of some 5,000 persons, in Harlem’s Golden COMPLETE SOCIALISM -Gate Ballroom, Powell declared The GOP chairman declared that' the Negro voter of America Wyatt’s appointment “should serve cannot "swallow" either the Ste­ left is Mrs. Lewis, Jr. and standing to Elder Pat. venson-Sparkman nor the. Elsen­ PASTOR CONGRATULATED ON NEW CHURCH- notice to all Americans” that Gov. In the scene above, Rev. J. O. Patterson (third terson's right is Mrs. R. S. lewis, Sr. holding her Stevenson would have an- adminis­ hower. Nixon tickej. He said: from left) is shown receiving congratulations granddaughter, Sharon Roberta Lewis. Mrs. tration that would “out-Truman Patterson is at extreme right standing behind her tlie Truman machine in leading “You can cram the candidates from R, S. Lewis, Jr, on the completion, dedica­ down our throats but . you cannot re the nation down the road to com- tion and opening of Elder Patterson's new church, daughter, Janet. make us vote for them." plete socialism.” As the only Other Negro congress­ Pentecostal Temple on Wellington St. At extreme By Ci M. HAMPTON The “Eisenhower" group, spon­ Summerfield blasted Wyatt’s man In Washington, Powell assert soring Miss Roberta Church Amid cries the current pre-primary election campaigns are “socialist” record as housing ex- ed:. • ■ going into their final phases accompanied by speakings, picnics among its four, candidates, adopted “For eight years I have held my the name of the Republican presi-' pedlter, and declared his appoint­ and jug band "music." ment as Stevenson’s campaign chief peace about Congressman William dential nominee by right of prior Dawson of Illinois but I can do it Despite the fact that the gubernatorial race—between Demo­ claim. clearly demonstrates that the “ultra left wingers of the country-not the no longer. I charge now that the crats Gordon Browning and Frank Clement—is, perhaps the most They state that- they constitute democratic party-will have charge of sabotage of the civil rights plank significant locally, considerable attention has been drawn to the the local group who supported Stevenson’s campaign.” ■ of the National Democratic Con­ fight between the "Eisenhower" Republicans and the "Old Guard" General Eisenhower prior to his vention plaform was due directly to for state committee posts. nomination and are,, therefore,' the AGREE ON FOREIGN POLICY the “uncle tommlng’ of Dawson on logical persons who should control the platform Committee.” the Republican State Committee to Meanwhile, Utah’s Gen. Watkins, KEFAUVER—HARRIMAN BY JOHN BOOTH . continue work, in his behalf. who has been labeled an "Isolation- The Democrats,Civil Rights plank (;• ' A LT. LEE’S LETTER .... nlst,” made a surprise announce- he sald,-;is virtually nothing."-> .' WASHINGTON — A group of-re­ This statement detw* cdnflil«rable “mefit alter’'a ’meeting with Eisen­ Despite hisDIast at both parties, publican leaders insisted Sunday NON-PARTISAN GROUPR Charles 0. Spaulding Passas; hower that he and the General are that a compulsory FEPC and simi­ support by Its vei’y logic. Street­ the' congressman from New York's in “pretty full .agreement” on 22nd District indicated . lie might lar civil rights legislation "will be corner strategists were Inclined to foreign policy. agree that there seemed to be a support. Stevenson if the Illinois accelerated” by a GOP victory In very strong moral case far the Watkins, who backed Sen. Taft Governor announced the follow­ the November elections. PAYS TRIBUTE TO LEE M President And Co-Founder Of of Ohio for the GOP presidential ing: . “Fitzhugh-Wellford’ group who fi­ 1. If elected, Averell Harriman ' The statement was issued by Gev, guratively ‘died” ■’for ' their Eisen­ nomination, said Elsenhower - told him there is “very little difference will ..be appointed Secretary of, Driscoll of New Jersey and more hower principles earlier this year than a dozen senators and house- By JAMES H. PURDY, JR. j R. C. Mutual Life Insurance Co. in the noted Shelby County Repub­ between his foreign policy views State; ' and those of right-wing Republ­ 2. Crime-busting Senator Estes members, all vigorous supporters of "The Federal Constitution must be re-written", charged Dr-i J. lican Committee meeting. Gen. Eisenhower's successful, driva DURHAM, N. C. — <SNS) — From plowboy to the president Lieut, George Lee, however a icans.” Kefauver will be named Attorney H. Jackson as he spoke to an inter-racial group assembled,at , f The Utah Senators said Taft was General. for 'the GOP presidential nomina­ of one of the largest business institutions in America is the story member of the "Brenner-Lee” fac­ Booker T. Washington Stadium last Wednesday Night, July. 30»,¿ not mentioned by name, but told re­ 3. Dr. Channing Tobias or Dr. tion. • of the career of Charles Clinton Spaulding, who died Friday tion, drew an ace. by receiving a to pay a tribute to Hon. Lt. George Washington Lee. » letter from General Eisenhower, porters he understood Ike to be. re­ Ralph Bunche will be named Am­ morning in Durham, North Carolina after a month's illness. Mr. bassador to Soviet Russia. The group declared: “the Repub­ himself; disclaiming affiliation with ferring to the group which normal­ lican party has the tradition and MORE THAN 600 HEARD sands of dollars to defray the tra- ' Spaulding was 78 years old. The top insurance executive, whose any. local group for any state post ly lines up behind Taft on foreign Powell said Stevenson has invit­ ed him to meet with him in Spring the capacity to take great strides More than 600 persons , heard the vellng expenses of the locallocal-- High father was a slave, died on his birthday, August 1. and praising Lieut. Lee’s activity policy'. field, Hl., in two weeks and that he forward ill federal laws against dis­ silver tongued orator as he,called School Bands to New- York City and In the Republican party. (See large Eisenhower referred privately to other large cities it .was the.pòi- . He was co-founder of the North prove far' more remunerative and and a delegation from Harlem will crimination and segregation and we upo'h his listeners for the contin­ Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Co. socially useful than his success as advertisement eleswhere in this is­ Taft in the heat of the nomination pledge our every effort toward the uance of a “Two-party system" and formane« of this unit -on the, Side sue.) battle as an "isolationist” and de­ accept the invitation. ■which now has, more than $131.000, a gocery man could possibly haw He also said that he will meet attainment of that objectivé.” . blasted the do nothings and those walks of New York that - lead- clared. before the GOP convention, Dwight “Gatemouth” Moore.to 000 worth of insurance In force. BELIEVED IN AMERICA This development once more with Sparkman in Washington The statement was in sharp con­ who promise you the world, and. been." everything in it.. Stardom, laterhè- turned to ti»; threw the contest ‘wide open” and shortly and characterized the Ala­ flict with charges made' two c|ays Born one of 14 children on a it’s now anybody’s' guess which The limitation of time prevented ministry. small cotton farm in the -Eastern Mr. Spauiomg, like his father, COST OF LIVING bama Senator, as a “charming; ago by Sen, Morse (R) Ore., who faction will be victorious, (most The cost of living reached a new warm, sweet individual, but he the world traveler from great elab­ In 1944 Lt.
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