Friday MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan M archi, 1968 10c Vol. 60 Number 138 RIM ID IIS COSTLY EDITOR'S NOTE: Spartacu ss is a w e e k l y column, chock full of the answers to your questions, gripes and dilemmas. Those Riot commission sees queries not appearing below will be answ ered by phone or through the mails. racially-divided nation WASHINGTON (AP)--A presidential Reporting on its analysis of the riots To what government agency do you write for information on commission said Thursday that racism that brought looting, shooting and arson immigration to Canada? Gary Roelofs, East Lansing graduate and riots will split the nation into “ two to American cities last year, the com­ student. societies, one black, one white-sepa­ mission headed by Gov. Otto Kerner of Seeing as regulations are constantly changing, the best rate and unequal“--unless massive and Illinois said: source of information is Mark Satin, the Toronto Anti-Draft costly remedies are begun at once. "The urban disorders of the summer Programme, 2279 Young St., Toronto, Canada. He will be glad The bipartisan National Commission on of 1967 were not caused by, nor were to keep you posted on all regulations and provide information Civil Disorders, after eight months' they the consequence of. any organized on immigrating. intensive study of the 1967 big-city plan or 'conspiracy'." * * * * riots, reported that bias and segre­ But the commission said that militant What can be done to correct the microphone used in Psych 200 gation "threaten the future of every Negro groups and "individual agitators" at the Vet Clinic? The hums, buzzes and changes in volume American, " butadded: helped create the hostile atmosphere that prevent sutdents from hearing the lecture. Dale Jamros, “The movement apart can be re­ contributed to the outbreaks and-with Hazel Park sophomore. versed." obvious reference to the summer ahead- The Visual Aid Dept, has been contacted and will replace added this caution: It notified President Johnson that new the microphone as soon as possible. "We recognize that the continuation of • * * * taxes on its sweeping proposals, but disorders and the polarization of the taxes must be levied if necessary to Are there any kangaroos on campus? Donna Christenson, Flint races would provide fertile ground for junior "meet unprecedented levels of fund­ organized exploitation in the future. ing" for slum housing, education, job No kangaroos, but the wallabies at the Vet Research farm The report bore down on race pre­ training, and welfare. south of Hagadorn railroad crossing prove a lively substitute. judice and the underlying poison, saying: The wallaby is a small kangaroo and, compared with the "White racism is essentially responsible The commission did not put a price latter, has a hairier tail, larger feet and a central notch in its for the explosive mixture which has tag on its sweeping proposals, but third incisor tooth. been accumulating in our cities since • * * * their magnitude made it clear that the the end of World War II." W i t h d r a w a l cost would at least approach the $2 The commission prescribed, among billion a month level of the Vietnam scores of other proposals: Gov. Romney walks past an "exit" sign fn Washington after What are Stuart Rosenthal’s past credentials as a movie war.____________ ♦-<._____________________ -Immediate action to create two announcing his withdrawal as a candidate for the Republican critic? Cliff Gabriel, Detroit sophomore. million new jobs, one million by the Presidential nomination Wednesday. He said he failed to win the According to the latest State News press release, Rosenthal state, local and federal governments and acceptance he expected. (See related stories and pictures of is a biochemistry major headed for medical school next fall. one million by private industry. Romney on page 7.) U P I Telephoto He began his career by taking dictation from Oral Roberts, Prof to head (please turn to the back page) his neighbor in Tulsa, Okla. In an exclusive taped phone in­ terview, cinema’s Joe Pyne replied: “No past credentials to speak of. However, I have two pupils that dilate nicely in the dark, a typing certificate from Tulsa Business College, Utah State use a 38-hour, antibacterial deodorant soap so that I can afford Glen L. Taggart, dean of interna­ to offend and have a German Shepard named Lance. What are tional programs at MSU was named adopts public Mr. Gabriel’s past credentials as a movie-goer and question . Thursday as the 11th president of Utah Judiciary asker? Or isn’t that relevant?” State University at Logan. Utah Further investigation revealed that Rosenthal is not, as had ■ ^ Taggart graduated from Utah once been asked, a naturalized British citizen. After checking State in 1940. In 1953 he joined the his wardrobe, he doesn’t own a bowler, nor are any of his 13 faculty at MSU as professor of so­ in student cases black umbrella s specially equipped. /( ciology. hearings * * * * "Dean Taggart has given distin­ last week about the Film Society and guished service to MSU over many public and that it was necessary to What dorms will be open for women this summer? Jackie By LINDA GORTMAKER Cinema Guild. ...... „ years, especially in the organization make a distinction between the-hearing Fouracre, Birmingham senior. State News Staff Writer Representatives from the administra­ and development of our outstanding and the decision process. Mason and North Cq^e Halls will house women this sum­ tion honored earlier this week the judiciary’ office of international education," The open hearing itself consists of mer. The Student-Faculty Judiciary decided request that the Film Society and Cinema * • * ♦ said President Hannah. "We shall presentations of argument and evidence Guild be temporarily exempt from a miss him and his leadership very Wednesday night to hold open public by both principles and periods of re­ hearings for student cases as one part of policy clarification made Feb. 7 in a much." buttal. he said. a formal set of procedures adopted. memorandum from the Student Activi­ I applied for a fee reduction Christmas break. I was informed Taggart said that his decision to Procedures also read, however, that ties Office. leave MSU was a difficult one for him at the time that I would receive a refund during February. "the Judiciary expects that proper de­ The memorandum provided for the to make "for MSU is unique in Amer­ Skip Rudolph, judiciary chairman, said corum be maintained at all times by the When will this be sent? Doug Cassidy, Detroit, junior. necessity of all organizations maintain­ ican education in the environment it the open hearings would help “judiciary parties to the appeal and by others in Relax, you’ll get your check tomorrow. You were enrolled ing accounts with the University and offers for educational development." members better realize their responsi­ fall term and should have received a Fee Reduction Informa­ attendance. the utilization of facilities for events tion sheet enclosed with your final grades. As it indicated on Taggart was introduced to the stu­ bilities." "The chairman may take any action sponsored by student organizations the Information sheet, “ Winter term fee reductions not dents and faculty of Utah State Thurs­ which he believes necessary to maintain "The open hearing is not a privilege." where money is collected. granted at early or regular registration will be refunded about day morning at an assembly on the Rudolph said, "but a right to both such behavior as is appropriate in a March 1, 1968.” A check with the University Business Office Utah campus. He succeeds Daryl principals involved that justice be car­ judicial hearing." ( »lease turn to the back page) showed that the account has been credited with the fee reduc­ Chase as president. ried out." In other business, the judiciary re­ tion. Taggart will take office on July 1. He stressed that the judiciary's decision­ viewed its "first official action," ac­ * * * * making process would be closed to the cording to Rudolph, with the request A ppropriations bill Is it possible to take the plug out of the juke box in the Union until after 10 a.m .? Mary Winter, professor of mathematics. According to Michael Dmochowski, manager of the Union. passes Senate, the morning noise is pretty popular. Toe alternatives are either breakfasting off-campus or investing in ear plugs. * * * * en route to House What is the original color of the engine block of a 1941 Cadillac limousine? Chris Humbold, Ellington, Junior. By BOB ZESCHIN The original color is dark blue. In ’41, a high-gloss, black State News Staff Writer metallic paint was used on the shrouds and on some of the The $222 million appropriations bill metal caps. * * * * granting $61.7 million to MSU that was Is it possible to bring a car up to school for a few days and have passed by the State Senate Wednesday it legally parked on campus? Where do you go about getting is now en route to the House of Rep­ a permit for this? Madeline Ross, Southfield sophomore. resentatives. A car may be brought up for a few days if it is registered The bill, which covers operating with the Public Safety Dept., Quonset 103. Registration fee is expenses for 11 Michigan colleges, has $2. been sent to the House appropriations * * * * committee, where it will be discussed before being voted on. There is a possibility that the House Is there a glass-stomach cow on campus? Leo Gruzdas, may add amendments granting more Orchard Lake senior. money to MSU than the Senate did. There are cows at MSU with their own plastic "portholes." President John A.
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