INTRODUCTION edition of this publication, that ACBAR Database for1994.This is now the seventh I am very pleasedto make available the ACBAR has compiled,since 1988. future,we have decidedto publish theDatabase in two separate This year, in order tocontrol the size andrelated costs for the parts: Part A: Closed andDiscontinued Projects, as atend 1994: -presented in four separatevolumes: Volume I Location - Province/District Volume II Sector Volume IIIAgency Volume IVRefugees in Pakistan. -this will NOT bereprinted. Part B: OngoingPmjects; and Proposedand Surveyed activities: Refugees; and Proposed &Surveyed Activities. Volume V Ongoing Projects - byLocation; Sector; Agency; - thiswill be updated during1995. 1400 pages, have takenconsiderable time and effort to prepare. The five volumes of theDatabase, which total some (NGOs) working for Afghanistan. of the activities asreported by 272 Non-Government Organisations They provide a compilation also reported for agencieslocated in Islamabad,Quetta and inside Whilst most agencies arePeshawar based, activities are Afghanistan; provides as confirm the informationprovided, I am confidentthat this publication Whilst ACBAR has nothad the ability to refugees over the period to1994. accurate a picture aspossible of NGO activitiesrelated to Afghanistan and providing the data. However, mostof all I should thankMohammad Zakir, I would like to express mygratitude to agencies for Department. They much of the work; togetherwith the other membersof the ACBAR Programme who, by himself, has done and prepare this publication. have spent considerabletime, including freetime, to compile, check the Afghan Governmentand Provincial users, the agencies themselves,the donor community, We hope that the various informative, useful and ofsignificant value. authorities, as well as thePakistani authorities andall others will find the data Charles A MacFadden Executive Director 20 February 1995 INDEX VOLUME I: Completedand Discontinued Projects - by Geographical Location for Afghanistan PAGE PROVINCE DISTRICT BADAKHSH Baharak 1 Dazwaz. Eshkashem Faizabad. 4 Jurm 6 Keran Monjan 6 Keshem Khwahan Raab 7 Shar Bozurg 8 8 She¢hnan 8 Wakhan Zebak 8 9 BADGHIS Ghozmach 9 Jaw and 9 Kushk Kohna 9 Morsrhab Qades 9 Qala Nau 10 BAGHLAN Anderab 10 Baghlan 11 Burka 12 Dahna Ghori 12 13 Doshi Khenjan 13 Khost Fring 13 Nahrein 14 Pull Khumri 14 Tala Barfak 16 PAGE PROVINCEDISTRICT 16 BALKH Balkh Char Bolak 16 Char Kant 17 17 Chenital 18 Dehdadi 18 Dowlatabad. 19 Keshende 19 Mazar Sharif 20 Nahr Shahi 21 Sholgera 21 Shortepa 22 BAMYAN Bamvan 22 Kalunard 23 Panjab 23 Saìghan 24 Shibar . 24 Waras 24 Yakowlang 25 FARAH Anar Dara 25 Bakwa 25 Bala Balouk 26 Farah 27 Farsi 27 Gulistan 27 Khak Smid 27 Lash Jaween 29 Purchaman 29 Qala Kah 30 Shindand 30 FARYAB Almar 30 Andkhoy 31 Belcherag.i 31 Darzab 31 Dowlatabad_ 32 Khan Charbag 32 Kohistan 32 Mavmana 33 Pashtoon Kot. 33 Qaramqul 33 Qarghan 34 Qavsawr 34 Shirin Tagab PAGE PR4`7NCE DISTRICT GHAZNI Ab Band. 34 Andar 34 Deh Yak 35 Gelan 36 Ghazni 36 Giro 38 Jaghatu 38 40 Jaghori 42 Khwaja Omri Malestan 43 Moqor 45 46 Nawa 46 Nawor Qarabagh 46 lena Khan ti 1 51 GHOR Chaghcharan Lal Surjangal 52 52 Pasaband. 52 Saghar 52 Shahrak 53 Taywara Toulak 53 54 HELMANDBaghran Bust 54 Deshu 55 Garmser 56 Helmand. 56 56 Ka] aki Musa Qala 57 Nad-Ali 57 Nahr Saraj 58 Nauzad. 59 Nawae Barakzai 59 Reg 60 60 Sarban Qala 60 Washare PAGE PROY7IYÇE DIS7RIC7' HERAT Adreskan Chesht Sharif Enjeel 60 Ghorvan 62 Gozarah 63 Gulran 63 Herat 63 Karokh 65 Kohsan 65 Kushk 65 Obey 65 Pashtun Zarghoon 65 Ze.ndaj an 66 JAWZJAN Acicha 67 Balkhab -- Faizabad 67 Khamyab Khanaqah 68 Kohistanat 68 Mardyan 68 Mengajek 68 Qarqin 68 Sang Charak 69 Sari Pul 69 Sheberghan 69 69 KABUL Bierami Charasyab 70 71 Chardehi 71 Deh Sabz. 72 Istalef 72 Kabul 73 Kalakan 73 Khake Jabar 73 Mir Bachakot Paghman 74 Qara Bagh. 75 75 Sarobi Shakar Dara 76 PRGYTNCE DISTRICT PAGE KANDAHAR Arghandab 77 Arghistan 78 Daman 79 Dand. 80 Ghorak. 82 Kandahar 83 Khakraiz . 84 Maruf 85 Maywand 85 Nesh 86 Panjwai 87 Reg -- Shahwali Kot 88 Shega 90 Shorabak. 90 Spin Boldak. 91 KAPISA Alasay -- Kapisa 92 Kohband. 93 Kohistan 93 Nejrab 94 Panjshare 94 Panjsharel 96 Panjshare2 97 Tagab 97 KUNAR Bar Kunar 98 Barg Matal -- C.haghasarai 100 Chapa Dara 102 Chawki 102 Dongom 105 Kamdesh 105 Khas Kunar 105 Kunar 107 Narang 107 Naray 109 Nour Gul 109 Pech 110 Sirkanav 112 PROVINCEDISTRICT PAGE KUNDUZ A[íabad 113 Archi 114 Char Dara 115 Hazrat Imam 115 Khanabad 116 Kiinduz 119 Qala Zal 120 LAGHMAN Alingar 121 Alishinz 123 Dawlatsha 124 Laghman 124 Mehterlam 124 Nooristan 127 Qarghaie 127 LOGAR Azra 130 Baraki 131 Charkh 134 Khoshi 135 Logar 137 Mohd Agha 137 Puh Alam 140 NANGARHA Achin 142 Bati Kot 143 Behsud 146 Chaparhar 148 Darae Noor 150 Deh Bala 151 Dorbaba 153 Goshta 153 Hesarak 154 Jalalabad. 156 Kama 162 Khogiani 163 Kouz Konar 167 PROVINCE DISTRICT NANGARHA Lalpur 168 Mohmand Dam 170 Naziyan 172 Pachier/Agam 172 Rodat 173 Sherzad. 178 Shinwar 180 Surkh Rod. 182 Unspecified. 186 NIMROZ Chakhansur 187 Char Boxjak 187 Kang/Kurki 187 Khosh Rod 188 Nimroz 188 Zaranj 189 ORUZGAN Ajrestan 189 Chorah 189 Dai Kundi 190 Deh Raud. 190 Gezab 191 Kajran 191 Oruzgan 191 Shahristan 192 Thin 193 PAKTEKA Barmal 194 Dila 195 _(layan 195 Gomal 195 Jani Khel 196 Katawaz 196 Mata Khel 197 Neka 198 Omna 198 Sarhawza 198 PAGE PROVINCEDISTRICT 199 PAKTEKA Sarobi Sharan 200 Sultan Khan 201 201 ; Urgoun 205 Wazakhwa 206 Wol-Mamav_ 206 Yusuf Khel 2elok. 206 208 Bak PAKITA 208 Chamkani Dand Patan 210 Dam Darang 210 211 Gard2i7 213 Gurbuz 215 Hasan Khel Jadran 215 216 Jaji Jaji Maidan 217 Jani Khel 218 219 Khost 227 Lajmangal Mandozi 227 Musa Khel 230 Nader Shah 231 Paktia 232 Qalandar 232 Sabari 232 Sayed Karam 235 Shamal 236 Shawak 236 Sperah 237 Tani 238 Trayzai 240 Wolma Zormat 242 PROVINCE DISTRICT PAGE WARDAK Chak 262 Day Mirdad. 264 Gardandewal 265 Jaghatu. 265 Jalrez. 267 Markaz Besud. 269 Maydan Shar 269 Nerkh 271 Syed Abad... 272 ZABUL Argfiandab 274 Atghar 275 Dai Chopan 275 Jaldak 277 Mizan 277 Qalat 277 Shah Joy 279 Shemal7ai 279 Shínkai 278 F I RST REPORT SORTED BY 7-OCAZ' T ON j ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATIOK tACTIVITYDESCRIPTION> AGENCY SECTOR ---- VILLAGE(S)- -- -- STATUS -- --BY -- Begin- -End BadakshanBadakshan Training the religious leaders (Molavies) to preach against drug crop cultivation & uses. RAFA HEALTH: Education Various villages Completed UNDCP 9 9411 94 Distribution of 47556 textbooks & other instructional materials. UNO /EPA EDUCAT: Other Various villages Completed UNO 3 94 4 94 Badakshan Baharak A -AID AGRIC :. Fruit Treee Baharak Completed DCP 5 92 4 93 Tree tríale A -AID AGRIC: Reeearch Baharak Completed DCP 5 92 4 93 Wheat variety & fertilizer trials. A -AID WATER: Canal Baharak Completed ODA 8 9211 92 Rehabilitation of Dashte Earaq canal. ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Baharak Diecontin ARCON -- 2 93 Construction of health unit. ATC MINES: Clearance Baharak Completed UNOCHA IO 92 10 92 Destroyed 54 devicee, cleared 4395 So agri.land. MCPA MINES: Survey 1 minefields Completed UNOCHA 9 91 9 91 4,175 SU agri. land. MSH HEALTH: Dletrct Hoep Baharak Diecontin AID 9 91 4 94 2 MD /2 nurses / 1 puree helper / 1 admin assistant / i pharmaciet /3 medical tech /1 BHW /1 lab tech (malaria )/1 anaesthesia tech aeaietant /1 lab tech assistant /1 dental tech aeeletant /1 dispenser /1 X-ray tech assistant /in- patient beds /eurgery /lab /dental /pharmacy /7( -ray & immunization.. MSH HEALTH: Basic Poet Mirdad Diecontin AID 8 88 4 94 2 BHWe MSH HEALTH: MCH Mirdad Diecontin AID 12 92 4 94 1 MD, 2 Diploma Nurses -Women /children under 5 care, health education and Dai training programs. MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Baharak Diecontin AID /UN 7 92 4 94 13 vaccinators (8 additional vaccinators will be hired) /1 Cold Chain supervisor /2 Cold Chain technicians operate under an MD doctor eupervision in Baharak district of Badakehan coveringabout 236 villages in 10 dietricts of Badakshan province. Target groups: children 0 -2 years and women 5 -45 years. NAC AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed INDP 12 90 8 91 Application of 750 liter Decis in 12 villagee. NAC CONST: Pub.Building Warduj Completed NAC -- 93-- 93 Repairing of secondary school. NAC CONST: Pub.Building Warduj Completed NAC -- 93 9 93 Repairing of primary school. 7TH EDITION IA C B A R DATABASE OF EGO ACTIVITIES # Page: 1 ZakirR1 Date: 04 /02/95 ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY SECTOR ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- - --BY -- Begin --End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Badakshan Baharak NAC CONST: Pub.Building Zardieo Completed NAC 6 94 12 94 Repairing of 8 rooms primary school. NAC RELIEF:Other Completed NAC 6 94 12 94 Emergency relief. FRB CONS ?: Pub.Building Center Completed UNDCP 7 91 12 91 Construction of 8 rooms girls secondary school, material used cement & other local material. RAFA CONST: Pub.Building Center Completed ICHC 4 92 11 93 Reconstruction of girl High school (15 rooms). RAFA WATER: Canal 2 villages Completed ARCON 4 92 9 92 Rehabilitation of 2 canals - total length 2 km - irrigate 300 hectares of land - benefit 1000 families. RAFA WATER: Canal !hair Abad Completed DCP 5 93 1 94 Cleaning Ehair Abad canal / construction of intake & retaining wall. SCA AGRIC: Other 1 village Completed SCA /BONE 5 93 8 93 Agricultural survey titled (utilization of remote sensing for inventory & monitoring of agricultural land) conducted for FAO /ROME. UNO /EPA EDUCAT: Primary Discontin AID 3 88 5 93 11 schools in lhusdarab, Dasht Farakh, Baharak(2), Pichoch, Maghiab, Patkhwab, Mahmodan, Bosht Razdiu & Dinha Razdio villages. Badakshan Darwaz NSA HEALTH: Basic Post Sangarleech Discontin AID 6 88 4 94 3 BHWs NAC RELIEF:Other Completed NAC 6 94 12 94 Emergency relief.
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