8/17/78 Folder Citation: Collection: Office of Staff Secretary; Series: Presidential Files; Folder: 8/17/78; Container 89 To See Complete Finding Aid: http://www.jimmycarterlibrary.gov/library/findingaids/Staff_Secretary.pdf WITHDRAWAL SHEET (PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES) FORM OF DOCUMENT CORRESPONDENTS OR TITLE DATE RESTRICTION MellD James Mcintyre to Pres. Carter, 6 pp., re:Defense Appropriations 8/16/78 A MeiTO Kraft & G�ill to Pres. carter, w/attadhments 13 }?p., re:Overseas Investment 8/16/78 c ' '\' o, ,. FILE LOCATION carter Presidential Papers-Staff Offices, Office of Staff Sec.-Presidential Handwriting File, 8/17/78 Box 100 RESTRICTION CODES (A) Closed by Executive Order 12356'governing access to national security information. (B). Closed by statute or by the agency which originate<:! the document. (C) Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in the donor's deed of gift. ADMINISTRATION. NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS NA FORM 1429 (6-85) •" ,;,. I .• .... : j ... ·•. I THE PRESIDENT'S SCHEDULE Thursday - August 17, 1978 8:00 Dr. Zbig_niew Brzezinski - The Oval Office. I 9:13 Mr. Jack Bass, Congressional Candidate, (2 min.)2nd-District, S.C. (Mr. Frank Moore). The Oval Office. 11:30 State Constituent Briefing/Louisiana. (20 min.) (Mr. Tim Kraft) - The State Dining Room. 12:30 Lunch \vith Hrs. Rosalynn Carter - The Oval Office. (60 mi.n.) 4:00 Nm.;rs Conference.· (Hr. Jody Pmvell). (30 min.)· Room 450, OEOB. 4:45 Vice President Walter F. Hondale, AdMiral (30 min.)Stansfield Turner, Dr. Zbigniew Brze�inski and Mr. Hamilton Jordan - The Oval Office. ....-u� CoprMade ............... ...... H.'· ·ll<l.;).j.t!LIII dli\11.1 ·l-1\l;llt' ,pRESS CoNFERENCE SJATEMENT THURSDAY , AUGUST 17, 1973, 4:00p.M. OF THE UNITED STATES, MY ULTIMAJE RESPONSI·BILITY IS' TO As PRESIDENT =--=- PROTECT OUR NATION'S-- SECURITY, .As COMMANDER IN (f:IIEF OF OUR ARMED FORCES, IT IS MY OBL·IGATION TO - FORCES ARE AlWAYS OPERATIONALLY �y, FULLY EQUIPPED, SEE TllAT THOSE - AND PREPARED FOR ANY CONiflNl!tt GENCY ,, THOSE OBLIGATIONS, • • • ,) (--OVER--HBECAUSE- ( TJ!:KE 2 BECAUSE TAKE THOSE OBUGATI ONS SERIOUSLY, I si.JBMITTED THIS SPRING A DEF�ENSE BUDGET DESIGNED TO IMPROVE OUR M.ILITARY PR�NESS -- AND CALUNG• FOR INCREASED SPENDING - IN REAL TERMS, ESPECIALLY FOR Et'UIANCED-- READ·IINES.S- AND FOR tHE URGENT REQUIREMENT OF.. STRENGTHENI•NG OUR NATO FORCES, BECAUSE---- OF THOSE SAME OBLIGATIONS, AND WITH THE CONCURRENCE---- OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE, l HAVE DECJDED TO VETO THE --- DEFENSE .AUtHORIZATION BILL --- � THE. CONGRESS PASSED- LAST WEEK, THIS I:S. NOT A QUESTION OF MONEY, � THE C ss HAS REDtiCED-- ONLY SLIGHlLY THE AMOUNT OF MONEY RECOMMENDED FOR OUR NATION'S DEFENSE, (--!;!2 CARD--HIT lS A QUESTION OF HOW,,,) 3 IJ IS A QUESHON OF HOW THAT MONEY- WILL BE SPENT -- WHEJHER I.T WILL BE CONCENTRATED IN THE AREAS OF MOST VITAl NEED OR DIVERTED 1'0 LESS CRUCIAL PROJECTS, WE MUST HAVE HiE STRONGESiT POSSIBLE DEFENSE WITHIN· THE BUDGET - ...c.-- LIMITS SET BY CONGRESS, WE CANNOT AFFORD TO ----WASTE OUR NAT---IONAL DEFENSE---- DOLLARS, WE NEED BETTER- :rn&:t:ttttfS.,. MA.I- NTENANCE AND LOGI SHCAL SUPPORT, MORE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, , , , A MORE :FLEXIBLE NAVY -- AND WE NEED ·- - THESE IMPROVEMENTS NOW,,,,NOT 8 OR 10 YEARS IN THE FUT<URE, THE DEFENSE Au�AHON�L DOES � MEET THESE REQUIREMENTS, Y ( --n\/I:'D--' f.T.trnr- ant- .• -.............. 4 . THERE ARE FOUR PARTICULARLY D•I;STURBING AREAS IN WHICH THIS BILL, ·BY CUTTING INTO THE MUSCLE OF OUR Ml Ll TARY ·REQUESTS, WOULD WEAKEN OUR - - DEFENSES AND ERODE OUR CONTRIBUTION TO NATO: -- THIS �L CUTS $800 MILLION; FOR WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT FOR OUR ARMY FORCES -- UNDERMINING OUR CO�ENT TO NATO AT A HME WHEN OUR ALL.IES RECOGNIZE THE URGENT NEED TO I'MPROVE THE POWER AND READINESS OF - ..___ -- OUR FORCES IN EUROPE, - -- THIS Bii'LL CUTS $200 MILLION FOR AIR FORCE WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT, WHICH WO.ULD ADD FLEXIBILITY AND STRENGTH TO OUR MILITARY FORCES IN NATO *-- - THROUGHOUT---. THE WORLD, ( -- !i2L CARD--}CfHIS BILL WOULD CAUSE,,,,, ) 5 /�co n.ll/m., .WOULD UT OF HALF A BlLUON D�ARS FROM -- T:HIS BILL �E A � A FUNDS -- JHE UNGLAMOROUS BUT NECESSARY EXPENDiliURES FOR SHIP READINESS -- -- - -- NG, AND THE OVERHAULS, WEAPON REPAIRS, SPARE PARTS, PERSONNEL TRA I N.l ES WHERE LOGISTICAL SUPPORT .WHICH GUARANTEES THAT WE CAN � OUR � THEY ARE NEEDED, NDS, -- THIS BILL CUTS H� FROM tHLlTARY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT__f!:! SUSTAIN I HAD REQUESHD A SUBSTANTIAL INCREASE I.N THOSE FUNDS, TO - EXCELLENCE 1 N A. WORLD WHERE WEAPONS ARE OUR POS•ITTON OF T'ECHN:ICAL -- - -- --- INCREASINGLY DEPENDENT ON TECHNOtOGY, ----:r;E B ILL--:;:;T HAS PASSED THE CONGRESS GoULD LEAD TO AN ACTUAL ·- -- - ---..... DECREASE IN THOSE FUNDS, - - ( -- -- ?HHE ULTIMATE EFFECT oF Tl:lt.s•• ,,, ,) _ � 6 T�tE UUTIMATE EFFECT OF ,;HIS BILL WOULD ALSO WEAKEN OUR NAVY, BY AGGRAVATING THE DANGEROUS TREND AWAY FROM A LARGER NUMBER OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF SHiiPS -- WHii'CH: CAN MAINTAIN OUR :MILITARY PRESENCE ON THE HIGH SEAS -- AND 'TOWARD A DISTURBINGLY SMALL NUMBER OF EXCESS'IVELY ·COSTLY SHIPS, - - WHAT THE CONGRESS HAS DONE WHH THE MONEY BE lNG CUT FROM THESE VITAL - -· . Flf'·nr- AREAS IS TO AUTHORIZE A � NUCLEAR-PO.WERED AIRCRAFT CARRI'ER., - THIS WOULD ·BE THE MOST ·EXPENS'IVE SH:IP EVER BUILT, Its 'PURCHASE PRICE WOULD BE AT LEAST $2 BILLION, AND l.HE AIRCRAFT IT WOULD CARRY AND THE EXTRA SHIPS THAT WOULD ESCORT AND DEFEND IT WOULD COST BILLIONS MORE I·N YEARS TO COME, - -- ( N ORO R TO USE OUR DOLLARS I I I I) "'· ...,.,.,, . .,, .. ;.;Willlli!IM ': I , far.... unal8osiiPiaw •' 7 l:N ORDER TO USE OUR DOLLARS FOR THEIR MAXIMUM EFFECT, WE MUST - CHOOSE THE ARMOR, ARTILLERY,. AIRCRAFT, AND SUPPORT THAT WILL IMMEDIATELY - - BOLSTER OUR STRENGTH� PARTICULARLY IN NATO, BY 'DIVERT! NG FUNDS AWAY FROM MORE IMPORTANT DEFENSE NEEDS 'IN ORDER TO BUI.LD A VERY EXPENSIVE NUCLEAR AI RCRAFT CARRIER, THIS B:U:.L W.OULD REDUCE OI!JR COMMITMENT TO :NAliQ,,,,.WASil!E THE RESOURCES A�BLE FOR DE FENSE,,,,,AND W.EAKEN OUR NATION'S MILIT.t\RY CAPABILITIES IN THE FUTURE,. - -- (--OVER:--) (I WILL BE GLAD TO COOPERATE,,,,,) - ... ............_. ...... "'WlS lii'Wade fcrrf'rMI&NicM ,..,....... ·: 8 I L WIL BE GLAD ro €OOPERATE WITH CoNGREss IN PASS•ING A �10RE. -- ----:-- RESPONSIBLE BILL AND l URGE THE MEMBERS OF CONGRESS 110 FACE THAT DUTY AS SOON AS THEY RETURN FROM tHEIR RE€ESS; THE NATION'S tNTERESTS', AND MY m.UiH OF OFFICE, REQUIRE. ME TO VETO THIS BILL, 4 -J-.o !iEGt<, A Jr;f!o.VGC� 1/?F��G-. - # # # , ; THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON MEETING WITH SENATOR AND MRS. WARREN G. MAGNU SON Thursday, August 17, 1978 6 :.JO, p.m. The Residence From: Frank Moorejl""/d'J. I. PURPOSE To provide you an opportunity to d'iscus:s a few key Appropriations Committee matters with the Senator in a low-key social setting. II. BACKGROUN.D, PARTICIPANTS & PRESS PLAN A. Background: The Senator can be a strong ally on the Appropr1ations Committee. He is trying to adopt a policy of fiscal restraint, but such an attitude runs counter to many of the policies he has espoused over the years. With the proper encouragement, he can be a forceful and effective spokesman on the major issues before his committee. His staff can be particularly effective. allies in undoing exces·si ve spendi:r1g and encroachment on executive authority perpetrated at the subcommittee level. They will be more willing to act if they see that the Chairman is helcit in.high personal regard by you and is a socialr as well as a business friend. Finally, the dinner is important to Mrs. Magnuson. She has been frequently entertained by previous Presidents. She has a high personal regard for you and Mrs. Carter and would like to get to know you better. Her in.fluence over operations in the Appropriations Committee and the Senator's personal staff is. not insubstantial. B. Participants: The President, Rosalynn Carter, Senator Magnuson and Jermaine Magnuson. C. Press Plan: White House photo only. IV. TALKING POINTS ., ., . Thank the Senator for his attitude of fiscal restraint and his active role a.t holding down spending in his Labor�HEW �ubcomrnittee and on other bills. Also thank him f.or the cooperation from his staff in working with· the Administration. Tell him that you remain concerned with the discretionary increases in major pending pieces of leg.islation-...;both author1.zation and appropriations bills--and will look a.t these bills· very closely when. they come _to you for · · signature. Urge Semator Magnuson to strongly support your .decision to disapprove any bil.ls. Regarding appropriations bills, tell him that you are particularly oppo·sed to the language in several· bills· . which mandate increa·sed hiring of Federal. employees where they are not needed. This prCi;ctice infringes 0r1. your prerogative to manage the Federal work force and .con­ tributes to unnecessary growth in the size of the · government. Discuss with Sena.tor Magnuson your serious concern with the Public Works �ppropriation bill. In a·ddition, tell. him- that_ the Administration see$ serious problems -with. the Agriculture· and 'Interior Appropriations bills·,· which. both contain significant discretionary increases·and other problems. OMB. will he.. writing to the conferees on .these . 1ast two bill·s �- · Urge his. support in conference-. $enator Magnuson's bill, the Labor-HEW bill,· still con­ ·t·ains. major budg.et increases tq NIH., health· manpower · progr.ams, and other ·areas despite.. the Chairman's. attempts· to support lower levels at various stages· of- mark-up •. Tell the Senator that you are -relying on-him to .hang tough with the House.
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