January 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S75 AFFORDABLE CARE ACT work of implementing our laws, keep- cuses to process these nominees in a Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, first, I ing our Nation safe from terrorism, fair but thorough fashion. It certainly appreciate the remarks of my col- protecting the environment and civil shouldn’t be the case, as seems to be league the Republican leader. I under- rights, promoting clean energy and af- planned now, that six hearings—several stand the Republican leader’s discom- fordable housing—on and on. Every on very important nominees—all occur fort. There is a cry from his side to re- facet of public life is governed by a on the same day and on the same day peal, but it has been 6 years and they very powerful Cabinet official. as a potential vote-arama. That is have no plan to replace. Repeal with- It is only right that we in the Sen- mostly unprecedented in the modern out replace leaves 20 million Ameri- ate—and by extension the American era of Cabinet considerations, hap- cans who have had health care in the people—get to thoroughly vet their pening only once in history. That is not the standard, but right now that is lurch; leaves college students who are baseline acceptability for these jobs. the case on January 11. 21 to 26 and have been on their parents’ That means getting their financial There are Members who sit on mul- plan in the lurch; leaves women who records to make sure they don’t come tiple committees. One of our Members are now getting equal health care into public office with standing con- chairs one of the committees, Judici- treatment to men in the lurch; and flicts of interest, and if potential con- ary, but has been very active on the In- leaves those who have families who flicts of interest are found, making telligence Committee—both nominees have preexisting conditions, and now sure they have a plan to divest the as- in a single day. That is unfair, not only can get insurance but without sets in question, making sure the FBI to her, with her great knowledge, but ObamaCare couldn’t, in the lurch. has had the time to complete a full to the American people. Each member I understand the Republican leader’s background check. It means making deserves plenty of time to question discomfort. Replace is not available be- sure the independent ethics officers of each nominee, and if questions remain, cause they can’t come up with a plan. each agency can sign off on them. All of these benchmarks are standard they should be brought back for a sec- I appreciate his request to work with protocol. All were done by about this ond day of hearings. us. He has two choices. Our Republican time 8 years ago by the Obama admin- After all, they are going to hold in- colleagues have two choices: Either, istration. They are not onerous re- credibly powerful positions for poten- once they repeal, come up with a re- quirements. They are necessary re- tially the next 4 years. To spend an placement plan, and we will give it a quirements to prevent conflicts of in- extra day or two on each nominee, if it look—they haven’t been able to do it terest. takes a few weeks, several weeks, to for 6 years; they are squirming right I remind my colleagues again, every get through them all in order to care- now because they don’t have one; they Obama Cabinet nominee had an ethics fully consider their nominations, that are leaving so many Americans who agreement in before their hearing. is certainly worth it to the American need health care in the lurch—or don’t Every Obama Cabinet nominee under- people and, I would argue, to the new repeal and come talk to us about how went a full FBI background check be- administration. to make some improvements. We are fore the Senate considered their nomi- I have made these points to the ma- willing to do that. nation. For such positions of influence jority leader, and I must say he has re- I will note that yesterday the vote to in our government, it is the responsi- spectfully listened. I am hopeful we repeal without replace was totally par- bility of the Senate to guarantee that can find an agreement that alleviates tisan. My colleagues decried that the we have all the information we need on the crunch and gives Senators and vote originally for ACA was partisan. each nominee and in a timely fashion. committees the opportunity to process This is equally partisan, and it is going Truth be told, the slate of nomina- these nominations with the proper care to create huge trouble for our col- tions selected by President-Elect and oversight, with all of the proper leagues. Again, I will say to my Repub- Trump has made this process—stand- paperwork in place, thoughtfully and lican colleagues, your job is not to ard for nominees of Presidents of both thoroughly. name call but to come up with a re- parties—immensely difficult. There are I yield the floor. placement plan that helps the people several nominees who have enormous f who need help—people who are now wealth and own stock of enormous helped by the ACA but who will be left CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON value. We have a CEO of one of the THE BUDGET, FISCAL YEAR 2017 in the lurch once it is repealed. largest oil companies in the world, a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The f billionaire financial services executive financier—oh, and another billionaire clerk will report the concurrent resolu- CABINET NOMINATIONS financial services executive. tion. The bill clerk read as follows: Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I have Leaving aside for a moment what another subject I wish to talk about, that says about the President-elect’s A concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 3) and maybe this one will be a little setting forth the congressional budget for priorities for his incoming administra- the United States Government for fiscal year more constructive right now in terms tion, these nominees have potential 2017 and setting forth the appropriate budg- of my Republican leader’s response be- conflict of interest challenges of epic etary levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026. cause he and I yesterday had a con- proportions. At the very least—at the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The as- structive meeting on the matter of very least—they owe the American sistant Democratic leader. processing the President-elect’s nomi- people the standard paperwork, and in Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, the nations to the Cabinet. We are still fact we believe many of these nomi- pending business in the U.S. Senate is working out several details, but on this nees, given their financial holdings, to set the stage procedurally so the Re- issue I want to express my appreciation should go one step further and provide publican majority of 52 to 48 can repeal for the majority leader’s willingness to their tax returns. ObamaCare, the Affordable Care Act. have a dialogue and work in good faith The minority only has ethics agree- That is what we are about. That is the toward a process both sides of the aisle ments in for four of the nominees so business of the day, the week, and can live with. far. We only have financial disclosure probably the weeks to come. So we are Our caucus thinks it is absolutely es- forms from four of the nominees so far. addressing that issue and others re- sential that the Senate has a chance to We only have tax returns for four of lated to the budget. appropriately vet the nominees, and the nominees so far. None of our com- I would like to start by sharing a the American people deserve to hear mittees has been notified that any story that was told to me by a family their views and qualifications in public nominees’ FBI background check has who I represent, Richard and Mary hearings, especially for the most pow- been fully completed. Briefings have Laidman, who live in Naperville, Illi- erful Cabinet positions. We all know started, but they are far from com- nois. They told me a story, and I will Cabinet officials have enormous power plete. recount it to you. and influence over the lives of every- As I said earlier, I hope the majority My 13-year-old son Sam was diagnosed day Americans. They run massive gov- leader and I can work out an arrange- with leukemia one day after the ‘‘no pre-ex- ernment agencies that do the actual ment that works for both of our cau- isting conditions exclusions for children’’ VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:59 Jan 05, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05JA6.002 S05JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S76 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 5, 2017 protection went into effect [under the Af- aisle and even some House Republicans America needs companies to make the fordable Care Act.] The good news is that the are saying publicly: You know, we real- decision to keep jobs here. We need all form of leukemia has, so far, been effectively ly ought to have a replacement. the good-paying jobs we can get, par- controlled by a magic-bullet drug. My son is It is not fair for us to say to America: ticularly in manufacturing.
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