INVESTMENTS WITH ADDED VALUE IN KÖTHEN (ANHALT) www.koethen-anhalt.de1 JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH BRANDENBURG CONCERTS THE WELL-TEMPERED CLAVIER THE FRUITBEARING SOCIETY CARNIVAL SAMUEL HAHNEMANN INTERNATIONAL HOMEOPATHIC MEDICAL SOCIETY FIRST GERMAN EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHER ANHALT UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES 2 INNOVATIVE BY TRADITION KÖTHEN (ANHALT) Lord Mayor Dear entrepreneurs and readers, and trade. This active networking results in syn- Bernd Hauschild ergetic effects, which strengthen enterprises, I would like to take this opportunity to inform especially regarding digital transformation. businesses and start-ups about the exceptional economic and tourism developments that have Our unique town – been occurring in the town of Köthen (Anhalt). a creative place to work and live in Köthen (Anhalt) is the most innovative center Köthen (Anhalt) can look back on a remarkable of the district of Anhalt-Bitterfeld and home to history where culture, science, and entrepre- approximately 26,500 people. The town convin- neurship have always been preserved. World-fa- ces through its central location and ideal wor- mous figures such as the composer Johann king and living conditions. The Anhalt University Sebastian Bach or the founder of homeopathy, of Applied Sciences and the proximity to the Samuel Hahnemann, once lived and worked here. Halle-Leipzig metropolitan area are particularly In Köthen (Anhalt), people of all ages feel at sustainable location factors. In recent years, a home. Our town has developed into a creative well-positioned employee potential has led va- and active place – always in search of new ideas rious companies to settle in Köthen (Anhalt). and people who change the world for the better. Come and allow yourself to be convinced of how An investment location charmingly appealing Köthen (Anhalt) can be, with a high potential for research which I am very proud of. My team and I look for- At the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences ward to supporting you to the fullest extent with campus in Köthen, around 3,500 students study your investments and projects. in practice-oriented technical subjects that re- present innovative future fields of global eco- Bernd Hauschild nomic development. Under the slogan “Fasci- Lord Mayor nation Science” the Anhalt University of Applied of the Town of Köthen (Anhalt) Sciences closely cooperates with companies in Köthen (Anhalt), be it innovative software deve- lopers or companies in the areas of agriculture 3 The recipe for every investor’s success – astute minds and excellent infrastructure 4 A LOCATION WITH POTENTIAL KÖTHEN (ANHALT) Overview We’ll do everything in our power to Federal State Saxony-Anhalt support you and your investment! District Anhalt-Bitterfeld Elevation 80 m ASL Anyone who is looking for an attractive location Area 78.4 km2 for their investments and a place of dynamic Population 26,519 growth will certainly find it in Köthen (Anhalt). The town has been shaped by entrepreneurs and Population density 338/km2 has a great potential for innovation. For example, sectors closely related to Köthen (Anhalt) are: IT, agribusiness, mechanical engineering and logis- tics. They support each other and celebrate together. One of the reasons why many enterprises from Investors are offered an exemplary welcoming these sectors opted for Köthen (Anhalt) is its package of benefits such as innovative networ- modern infrastructure. Due to great transport king, optimal funding policies provided by the accessibility and a close proximity to science and state of Saxony-Anhalt and professional corpo- research, investors can expect an outstanding, rate service. sustainable location. Furthermore, highly quali- We can, therefore, assure you that the town of fied specialists can be found as a result of the va- Köthen (Anhalt) will always do everything at its rious educational institutions of higher learning. disposal to competently accommodate you, as a Entrepreneurs are supported by a dedicated founder and entrepreneur. team of administrators. Through quick adminis- trative action and cutting through red tape, the optimal framework conditions for successful Picture above: The impressive panorama of the town of businesses can be established. The secret of Kö- Köthen (Anhalt) with its landmark, the 75 m tall pair of then (Anhalt) entrepreneurs is cohesiveness. towers of the St. Jakob Church. 5 Hamburg A7 Berlin A2 Magdeburg A9 A14 Köthen Halle A38 Leipzig Erfurt A14 A4 Dresden A5 Frankfurt A9 Autobahn Federal Highway B6n München ICE/IC route 6 WELL CONNECTED TO THE WORLD FAST AND COST-EFFICIENT Hamburg A7 Berlin A2 Magdeburg A9 A14 Köthen Halle A38 Leipzig Erfurt A14 A4 Dresden Accessibility A5 Köthen (Anhalt) has been a railway junction for more Autobahn A9 20 km Frankfurt than one hundred years and today it is still well connected Autobahn A14 15 km Federal highway to the Deutsche Bahn network. direct A9 183, 185, 6n Railway junction The central railway station, which first Köthen (Anhalt) is connected to the with IC accessibility opened in 1840, still functions as an im- waterway network by the port of Aken Leipzig-Halle airport 45 km Autobahn portant stop for regional and long-dis- at the Elbe river, which is about 12 km Port of Aken tance rail traffic. away. From there, the Hamburg over- 15 km Federal Highway at the Elbe river The globally operating freight airport seas port can be reached via the wa- B6n Leipzig/Halle can be accessed quickly in terway network. Halle (Saale) 32 km München around 40 minutes. It serves as a cen- The distances to the autobahns A 14 ICE/IC route Leipzig 70 km ter for international business. Köthen and A 9 are 15 and 20 km, respectively. (Anhalt) also has access to internatio- Starting in 2020, Köthen (Anhalt) will be Erfurt 140 km nal airspace through its airfield (special directly connected to the A 9 through Berlin 150 km airfield with ICAO code “EDCK”). Single the B 6n. It offers an excellent basis for and multi-engine aircraft weighing up transportation via the road network Dresden 170 km to 5,700 kg are permitted to take off and the fast accessibility of metropoli- Hamburg 340 km and land there. tan cities. Frankfurt/M. 430 km München 460 km 7 3,500 STUDENTS FROM 90 DIFFERENT NATIONS ANHALT UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES Anhalt University of Applied Sciences provides an Students are taught and trained in a practi- ce-oriented way. This type of practically ap- excellent factor for locating here. In Köthen (Anhalt), plied research provides excellent preparation innovative research and education on an international for students starting out on their careers. With level are offered in the STEM subjects taught here. the help of project instruction, practice-orien- ted semesters, and application-related theses, students become familiar with the issues faced by companies early on in their studies. Further- Since its foundation in 1991, the Anhalt Universi- more, at the Landesstudienkolleg, around 600 ty of Applied Sciences with its locations in Des- students from over 40 different countries have sau, Köthen, and Bernburg has developed into a come here to study and learn German. renowned educational institution in Germany. The university has maintained multiple coope- As a result, Köthen (Anhalt) has become a per- rative projects with regional companies and fect location for education and science. business partners and also maintains an excel- In three departments at the Anhalt University lent network of associations in Central Germany of Applied Sciences in Köthen (Anhalt), approxi- and other European economic areas. In particu- mately 3,500 students and 55 professors study lar, small and medium-sized enterprises bene- and conduct research. These are innovative en- fit from this because they are often unable to gineering sciences such as electrical enginee- maintain affordable research departments. This ring, mechanical engineering and industrial en- powerful source of innovation based on applied gineering. In addition, subjects such as Applied research is a great advantage for companies. Biosciences and Process Engineering as well as Computer Science and foreign languages are offered. 8 In addition to the start-up center, three Ego.-incubators are available. These serve as a practical environment for the • Incubator augmented- und virtual reality laboratory Here, hybrid environment and product visuali- development of entrepreneurial zations are realized by augmented, mixed and virtual reality technologies. thinking at Anhalt University. • Interdisciplinary excellence incubator Image. Knowledge. Design This incubator realizes devices, processes and applications for data acquisition and image The Anhalt University of Applied Scien- In addition, further certifications and capture. ces is characterized by its cooperation qualifications can be obtained – and all • User experience and resilience It enhances the development and improvement with other universities in Saxony-An- this at the cutting edge of science. The of the quality of technical products and systems. halt in the so-called Competence Net- Anhalt University of Applied Sciences This is done with regards to sustainability and work for Applied Transfer-Oriented has set up a business incubator called user-friendly operation. Research (KAT), thus expanding its own “FOUND IT!” for the sustainable pro- opportunities for knowledge transfer. motion of business start-ups, which is This close cooperation between the re- funded by the state of Saxony-Anhalt gional enterprises and institutions re- and the European Social Fund (ESF). sults in synergies. This is the foundation Incubators promote the development for new, future-oriented workplaces in and improvement of the quality of Köthen (Anhalt). technical products and systems. This Whether one chooses to study full-ti- is done particularly with regards to sus- me, enroll in a dual program or career-in- tainability. tegrated programs, various Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees can be obtained. 9 THE GOAL IS IN SIGHT FROM THE UNIVERSITY TO THE MARKET BitBooster Business start-up at the Dr. Dmitry Kachan is head of the start- Hochschule Anhalt BitBooster Anhalt University – up enterprise “BitBooster”.
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