
PRESS KIT PHOTO GALLERY www.fotocru.it/cottini Studio Cru, Vial V rona 98, Vicen#a (Ital%) | Ph +39 335 729 8712 | pr 0010tudiocru.co2 Monte Zovo wines are produced exclusively with grapes of the Estate owned by the Cottini family. The 14 hectares develop over three areas! in Caprino "eronese (on Zovo hill$% where the winery is located% Tregnago in "al d&'llasi, where the (ruttaio drying facility is located% and in the area of Desenzano% where the Lugana vineyards grows. The portfolio includes classics of this land such as "alpolicella% Amarone% "alpolicella Ripasso% "alpolicella .uperiore% -ecioto% representing the best local production with great /uality% together with a huge respect for the traditional wine0ma1ing. The 2"igne Alte3 selection ta1es also part of the range% among which the uniqueness of Calinverno -osso igt and Oltremonte .auvignon igt stand out the result of the high-altitude 5 mt.a.s.l. vineyards. They represent the constant research and the sense of innovation of Diego Cottini% who has been able to create innovative and successful wines in an area that has not been much appreciated until recently. All Monte Zovo wines are intended for national and international mar1ets% among the high- end references. Monte Zovo is also the location of the head/uarters. 6ere a modern and sustainable cellar is placed% which was renovated in 1557 with a really eco0friendly approach. Nowadays% this is among the most ecological cellars in Italy. "'NEYARDS AND :'NER9 (or four generations the Cottini family has been cultivating a tradition that can be traced far back in time. 't is a story of love and determination% that inspired every their action. :here the most priceless legacy is called “the experience3. .tudio Cru% "iale "erona 98, "icen*a (Italy) | Ph +39 335 729 8712 | [email protected] 't all started in 15A7% with the family founder Carlo Cottini, and it germinate in the 157 s with his son% Raffaello. Diego and his wife Annalberta now 1eep going with their wor1% accompanying the familyCs s1ills with research, originality and a production chain certifed at every step. :ith their sons% Michele and Mattia% they are now bringing to bear their talent and commitment, and their wealth of experience of the land. Eeginning by the earliest A family0owned hectares% purchased by -affaello Cottini in 15F7 in the Estate of Caprino "eronese in the DOC Eardolino and Chiaretto /uality designations% today the company ends up with 14 hectares situated in different )OC appellations of the province of "erona #"alpolicella DOC% Eardolino and Chiaretto DOC % +ugana )OC$. (urthermore% they also collaborate with historical wine0growers along over A4 hectares and they being direct managed by the Cottini’s through a qualitative protocol. =6'+4.4=69 AND SU.T,'8,E'+'T9 Care. Consciousness. Constance. Concreteness. The 4 letter C represent the 1eystones of our eco0sustainable philosophy% of our way of ta1ing care of the land% vineyards% environment and places where we live and wor1 every day. Earth and 8atureCs resources% cultivated with wisdom, experience and a touch of enterprise% are representative /ualities of the company&s harmony in the mind of the Cottini. Our way of doing business aims to be a model of sustainability% able to inHuence other companies through the /uality of our products and an economic-productive model which respects the Environment and the local community. .tudio Cru% "iale "erona 98, "icen*a (Italy) | Ph +39 335 729 8712 | [email protected] Cottini was one of the Drst and is still one of the very few companies with a complete production chain% covering everything from grape to glass% including mar1eting% logistics and administration. ,nd Cottini has chosen to certify not Iust the end product, as most companies do% but also the entire production chain% obtaining BRC and I(. certifcation. Addresses and contacts Azienda ,gricola Monte Zovo +ocalità Zovo - 3@ 1? Caprino "eronese (Vr$ Tel. 047.FA; .17@ www.montezovo.it Cottini Spa +egal address! "ia Maestri del Lavoro 7 - 3@ A5 San Pietro in Cariano (Vr$ www.cottinivini.com .tudio Cru% "iale "erona 98, "icen*a (Italy) | Ph +39 335 729 8712 | [email protected] CALINVERNO A UNIQUE WINE Undoubtedly, Calinverno is Cottini family’s aassii $ine% It is a true ambassador tsat s#ea&s tse local lanaua!e and re#resents tse family’s daily efforts in ensancin! tse environment tsrou!" a sustainable viticulture% Caliverno embodies local $inema&in! traditions, bots for tse ara#es used as $ell as for tse tecnique emiloyed% )sis allo$s for Calinverno to re#resent tse lon!*lastin! bond tse Cottini family sas establissed $its tse surroundina environment, turnina it into a lifetime job, a dream come true, a unique wine% ),E I-EA Calinverno orainates from -ieao Cottini’s intuition% It $as ./00 and Dieao $anted to create a $ine able to fully e1#ress tse terroir of 2onte 3ovo estate, located in Ca#rino Veronese, Verona% Relyina on tse e1#erien'e aained $its tse raisinina 4a##assimento) #rocess, Dieao $as able to create an alternative metsod, a 6two*sta!e raisinin!7% 8ra#es are 9rst left to surmature on tse vine * $itsout cuttin! tse sto'& * until tse 9rst soarfrost a##ears% )sey are tsen manually selected and laid do$n in small bo1es to underao tse most common a##assimento ty#ical of Verona $ine reaion% )sis elaborated #rocess re(uires a #erfect combination of suman effort and natural conditions and is tserefore carried out only in tse best vintaaes, in order to offer tse consumer a unique taste wits a sense of ilace% ),E )ERROIR )sis 6two*staae raisinin!7 is #ossible tsan&s to tse favourable !eoara#sic #osition $"ere :tudio Cru, Viale Verona 98, Vicen<a (Italy) | Ps +39 335 729 8712 | [email protected] Calinverno vineyards are located% )se vineyards devoted to tse #roduction of tsis #e'uliar $ine are located on tse ba'& of tse $inery at 3DD metres asl, on tse slo#es of Monte Baldo% 2onte Ealdo, &no$n as tse Fardin d’Euro#e for its imiressive biodiversity, #rotects tse vineyards from tse cold Nortsern currents, allo$in! at tse same time tse vines to bene9t from a costant $ind blo$in! do$n from Valle dell’Adiae% Nearby La&e 8arda sel#s mitiaatin! local temieratures $its $arm re!ular $inds% )se $sole area, $sics is #art of Rivoli natural amisiteatsre, $as created over B million years aao, $sen Atesino alacier melted a$ay% )se morainic soil features dee# alacial substrata and a aravel*#ebble*sand te1ture, and irovides local wines wits an intriauina sa#idity% ),E NAME Calinverno is a true ambassador tsat s#ea&s tse lo'al lan!uaae% Literally% It sas been named after calinverna, $sics in tse local dialect indicates tse soarfrost. 6We decided to call tsis $ine Calinverno to #ay soma!e to tse lanaua!e on'e $idely s#o&en in tse valleys around Verona% Calinverno is an intense $ine, $its a #recise identity and sistory, and $e $anted to convey tsis all wits a name dee#ly rooted in our life7 e1#lains Dieao Cottini. ),E 8RAPES Calinverno is a blend made of 0DG Corvina and Corvinone, BDG Rondinella, AG Cabernet :auvianon and AG Croatina% 8ra#e varieties are aro$n se#arately in tse vineyards, based on tseir s#ecifc needs and in order to allo$ a ierfect riienin!% :tudio Cru, Viale Verona 98, Vicen<a (Italy) | Ps +39 335 729 8712 | [email protected] :U:)AINABLE VI)ICUL)URE Calinverno vineyards, as $ell as all tse vineyards of 2ontezovo estate, save been certifed oraanic sin'e BD.;% )se #eculiar location of tse vineyards, alon! $its tse constant $inds blo$in! tsrou!" all year round sel# aettin! rid of e1tra sumidity, tsus #reventin! tse formation of moulds and diseases% )se oraanic certifcation reaards bots tse ara#es and tse $ine and is #art of a mu'" $ider a##roa'" $sics aims at a fully sustainable viticulture% >recision viticulture, zero*sul#site $ines and 'ertifcations su'" as tse Eiodiversity Hriend by WEA, ERC and IH: all come from tse same stron! $is" ssared by all tse Cottini family, tsat of a lo$*imiact viticulture% 8RAPE 8ROWIN8 )se trellisin! system csosen is tse auyot, $sics allo$s to better control tse vine% ,ias density 4I%ADD vines #er sectare5, a limit of ; !ems #er #lant and redu'ed amounts of fertilizers all lead to a balance bet$een tse #lant viaour and #roduction% 8reen #runin! and, if necessary, manual fruit tsinnin! is carried out in order to furtser imirove tse (uality of tse ara#es, wsics need to be ierfectly sealtsy in order to undeao a correct raisinin!% ,ARVES) On'e tse !ra#es are suitably surmatured, tsey are selected and sarvested by sand% ,arvest is done between tse end of October and tse beainnin! of November, about one monts after tse ara#e sas reacsed ideal riienin!% Yield #er "ectare is e1tremely lo$, $its only . K .%B &! of ara#es #er vine, $sics means about ;D (uintals #er "ectare% After savin! been #icked u# and laid do$n in small bo1es, ara#es are raisined for additional BD*@D days, :tudio Cru, Viale Verona 98, Vicen<a (Italy) | Ps +39 335 729 8712 | [email protected] $sics results in a weiast loss of a##o1imately 1D*BDG% WINE-2AKIN8 All ara#es are destemmed and #ressed to!etser in tse local 'ellar in Ca#rino Veronese% Hermentation, carried out tsrou!" selected yeasts, usually ta&es a $sole monts to be fully accomilissed due to cold temierature and sias suaar concentration% Lon! ma'eration allo$s for a better develo#ment of aromas and structure and sel#s tse e1traction of antio1idants from !ra#e s&ins% Wine is tsen a!ed #artially in small barrels 4BBA*litre barrique5 and #artially in biaaer tonneau1, bots of Hren'" oa&, ADG 9rst use, ADG second use% Aaein! lasts for
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