IL PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862.-YOL. 18._PORTLAND. SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9, 1880. PRICE 3 CENTS. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, A SEP US. MISCELLANEOUS- The Arthur Club of Union College, walked off like a croton bug? S’pose those Published everv _MISCELL _ _EDUCATIONAL | day (Sundays excepted) by the T HE PRESS. have taken their to a Schenectady, X. V., having elected General | suspenders girl picnic? PORTLAND What kind of housekeeping d’ye call this. PUBLISHING CO., Chester A. Arthur an he ART INSTRUCTION. SATURDAY honorary member, anyhow? Where’s uiy suspenders?” howled at 109 Exchange MORNING, OCT. ». | gT., Portland. lias written a letter to its President in which Mr. Hpoopcndyke, around in the soiled Mr. poking I H. G. Hewes. having had many years expe- clothes Where’s those sums: Eight Dollars a Year. To mail subscrlb- he ant hag. suspenders?” rience In teaching according to the best methods, is We do rot says: “I glad to infer from the or- «<r '-even Dollars a if In advance. N W read anonymous letters and commum- i and he pulled the bonks off the shelf and rum- Year, paid TABLE DELICACIES to receive iu the different black and prepared pupils .acinus. I he name ganization of club and its around behind the with a broom white oil and water color and address of the writer are in your from strength inaged case processes, painting, per- 1 THE handle for a MAINE~STATE PRESS spective &c. ili cases indispensable, not necessarily for publica- that now, as in my time, the Union cunicu" divining-rod. “Just let me *• •ii>2i but as a buckle them behind, published Thursday Morning at a 7o cents to lesson. guaranty of good faith. tight every $2 60 MU. FALL & WINTER Ml. Terms, $1 per him encourages the germination of stalwart said Mrs. the will hold /ear, if in advance at a Ve cannot Spoopendyke; strap paid $2.00 year. STUDIO. 507 1*3 ('ougreMK St,, Room I, undertake to return or preserve «• ra- JtTST Itepub icanism; and I sincerely site [ them.” RECEIVED Reception days the lirst Saturday in every month dr.mu snotts tuat are not used. hope Kates of Advertising : One inch of the “That’s the scheme,” shrieked Mr. Spoo- space, from 2 till 5 p. m. seplSTliS&Ttf may graduate no young until, as leugth of column, constitutes a “square.” Democrats, peudyke; “something’s got to hold them! If 1 Gen. 11.60 per square, daily first week; 76 cen„B per -A T-- Grant recently wrote me, ‘we can have was as sharp as you I’u get rich hiring out for week after; three insertions or continu hvK.KY regular attache of the PttEftS is furnished less, $1.00; * two national member of an oyster knife. All you want is to have some- ug every other day after first week, 60 cents. with a Card parties, every FASHIONS! SKGKHM'ti | certificate signed by Stanley Puller.. bod v sit cross legged on you and come home Half square, three insertions or less, 76 cents; FROM MTlIltH. which can cast their ballots as their Editor. All railway, steamboat and hotel jiulg* two weeks after to be a tai- <«ne week, $1.00: 60 cents per week after. ufanttger- you’re expected, Special one-third additional. will confer a favor upon ns ment dictates, without fear of molestation lorshop! doing to tiud those dog-gasted sus- Notices, Mr. Charles L. made a by demanding redetd'Hi. Under head of and Fox, haviug special study between now and the next wa»?” “Amusements” “Auction of >t every person claiming to our or and have them penders W. L. WILSON & CO.’S. teaching according to the methods employed by represent- journal ostracism, honestly “1 $2.00 per inser- know were on his when Sales,” square per week; three the best art academies, is to this win- they pants he put tions or less, $1.50. Wen’s prepared give counted: not in as Young. Hobby ter a course of both for be- parties differing opinion them on.'’ mused Mrs. Spooj>endyke, eut* ring Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State thorough instruction, ginners and those more advanced, in black ami to whether we are a nation, hut as to uj on a little iuductive reasoning “,He didegt Press” (which has a large circulation in every part policy of tke white drawing, in perspective and in color. take them off, and so they must ne there now," State), for $1.00 per square for first insertion, Stylish to secure the d to the anabU cents greatest goi greatest and the good woman approached her husband per square for each subsequent inser- White Terms: 75 cts. a Malaga drapes, Lesson, in Charcoal number of its citizens."’ with a smile. and Address all communications to Crayon; $1.00, in Oil. “Oh! now they're going to be iixed.” said PORTLAND PUBLISHING OO. Florida and in STPDIO, 41 ORIl MTHKKT im: public debt statement for lhe month Mr. Spoopendyke with a horrible grin. Marmalade, buckets, 0^5 eodttw “P’raps you’re going to cut button-holes in of September shows a decrease during tliat OARM NTS your hands and feet and hang over my shoul- month of "ENTERTAINMENTS. Florida Lemons, PORTLAND 88,1*74,891.68; in the three ders. ain’t ye? Want me to put ’em on over ACADEMY, a months since June SO, tlie decrease has been my head, like measly shirt with two iucks and a flounce to it, don’t ye? Maybe you think care has been taken in In Motley Bloclt. on NEW PORTLAND THEATRE. New Especial $20,378,112.68. Commenting this favor, those sus{>euders hurried down to breakfast, Figs, our to Fall Term 30tb, 18S0. selecting clothing supply begins Aug. Pupils able the New York Tribune so’s to get the tirst crack at the morning paper, Frank Curtis.Lessee and of both sexes received at the showing, says: Manager. the critical taste of the young men THD any time during don’t you?” term. Special attention given to fitting pupils for debt statement is an New for this fall and and we Every argument against But Mrs. made no Two Raisins, winter, the High School. Private pupils received as usual. Spoopendyke response. Nights—Friday and Saturday, a of Administration. Tlie the Oct. cangnow present by fur the finest For further particulars apply to the Principal. change Itepubli. Opening back of her husband's fluttering 8th and 9th. she s'aw the assortments ever shown in this ETTA A. FITE*, can has so the revenue laws shir, missing suspenders. He had New aul4 eod&f party adjusted Only appearance of the Favorite Actor In our stock will be found No. 43 Baown Street. slipped them over his shoulders before assum- Citron, city. that an enormous revenue flows into tlie all the leading styles. mg the rutisim, and bad forgotten all about F. S. RIISS Treasury each mouth, and tlie public debt them. CHANFRAU, New WESTON, “Smart as a ain t Mr Prunells, is rapidly reduced, without home whip, ye?” growled -AND- exposing Spoopendyke, as ho drew oft his shirt and lot industries to DRAWING, DECORATING CHINA. hurtful competition from the .'uspenders down. “If my head was as New Preserves and PAINTING, clear as & Hill’s Boston Theatre Presidential abroad. Under no Democratic administra- your’s I’d hire out for a church bell. Tompkins STUDIO, 043 CONG RE** ST. Election, Nov, 2, Jellies, You only need four leuses and a drop of rain (Near Head of Park tion lias it ever been found to raise Company SACK Street.) possible water to b a microscope.’’ And 13 poof km dyke Cod COATS, hurried on his which includes the Original and Veritable Cape Cranberries, Ee«*on*— Monday, Wednesday, Saturday. FOR a.larg'c revenue, even for a short time, with- clothes and scuttled down stairs PRESIDENT, to the before his wife could sep30 dim out severe prostration of home get morning paper Two Old Beats ! industry. make a clutch at it, Edam 1 et Single Breasted, High tlie largest revenue ever raised a % For the presentation of the Powerful Drama, Cheese, by Illustrative ot Life in the Southwest, entitled, Roll Frocks and Four iortland JAMES A. GARFIELD, Democratic administration, even at tlie Planets in October. Xir Will The Arkansas Neufchatel Cheese, OF OHIO. cost of serious industrial disasters, was in- [Providence Journal.] aSsA J. Button y Traveller, Cut-Away signiflant compared with that which tlie Jupiterisevoningstar.il> regular standing 5. Y. and all the Which has had ICO performances in the Boston Fancy Cream tlo. after the Till, and COMPLETE Republican secures, mouth alter will be in his best and bright- Theatre during the past nine years, where it Frocks, For further party was L. A. A.M k'OR VICE PRESIDENT. est for observation the month witnessed by nearly 450,000 people. Swiss do Gray, mouth and year after year, as a result of position through Scenes and au27 of one of the most favorable Appropriate Appointments. Usual marvellous in all brauches of October, seasons Popular Prices. Sale of Seats made prosperity in- Tuesdav, Oct. 5th. from Karris Sawyer, Web- Chester of tlie for the of the star- Doors at at Young America do. a. Arthur, year enjoying glory open 7.15; begins 8. ster, Auburn, Lippi!, and oilier Instruction in and Class- dustry and trade. oo* dtd H. A. Agent. Butter. English spangled tirmam6iit. That much-dreaded ep- McGLENEN, Fancy Creamery well known Domestic makers' OK NEW YOKE. *vw« Icr vuuavn.
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