.Phillis and.Glenn '57· Sweethearts ' AM RoN during intermisison of the dance,. Vol. 34, No. 15 Monday, February 4 1957 Oregon College of Education Presentation Highlight by the two sponsoring club pres- 1 Of the Winier Formal idents, John LaFountaine and C . Phyllis Seid, brought to a climax Offlffll 11 ee To the theme, "Sweetheart the highlight of this annual af- J Plans Progress for Annual Folks' festival Serenade," Phyllis Seid, senior w~ . from Portland, and Glenn Bro­ Selected on the basis of schol­ strom, junior from Monmouth, arship, personality, service to . were chosen Collecto Coed and the school and attendanse at OCE Wolf Knight "Sweethearts" for for two or more terms, the two "Sweethearts" were unaware of their selection until the an­ nouncement was made last Sat­ urday night. Music floating across the can- 1 opy-covered gymnasium was fur­ nished by the "Stardusters," a band specially imported from Pa­ cific university. Les Birdsal, Wolf Knights' general chairman, and Mary Ann Jensen and Bonnie Newell, di­ rected decoration and clean-up activities for the dance. 'Dry' Night Club Glenn Brostrom To Open in Gym With the plans for '57 Folkswagon progressing rapidly, the Folks' Festival committee chair­ On February 16 men took time out to be photographed. Pictured are (from left to right) Shirley Kurtz, John Get­ tel, Virginia Chapman, Loretta Twombley, Audrey Arrington, Jim Beck, Gene Rosaschi, Lynn Monmouth, one of Oregon's Huston, Ruth Schweizer, Wanda Stevens, Helen Bergeron, Sumi Kobayashi and Aloha Taylor. two "dry" towns, will welcome an authentic night club when Qr. I Audrey Arrington, g e n er a 1 rangements to conduct the par- clubs will be held. Mrs. Albrecht egon College of Education stu- chairman for the Folks' Festival Ients on special tours around the IKrebs of Portland will conduct dents open the doors to the "Ta- committee, has reported that campus. These tours will be led j the MOJllS' club meeting and Mr. hitian Hut" on February 16. No plans for this year's model, "'57 1 by members of Staff and Key and Gottfried Krautscheid of Hills­ laws w~ll be broken, however, for J Fol~swagon" hav~ neared com- Colle~to ?oeds, women's service boro will hold the meeting of the drmks served in this club, plehon. Preparations for the orgamzations. the Dads' club at the same time. although bearing intoxicating event scheduled for the week-end Loret~a Twombley and Gene A talent show has been plan- names, will be strictly non-alco- of February 8 and 9, are becom- Rosasch1 have made prepara- ned to follow the business meet­ holic. ing final as OCE students pre- tions for the luncheon to be serv- ings at 3 o'clock. The show will The theme of "Tahitian Hut" pare to welcome their parents to ed to the parents following the feature special campus groups will be centered around a large J the campus and endeavor to in- pe_riod of . registration. Enter- including the OCE band and group of ente,_.tainers presenting · troduce them to the complex tamment will be supplied by the choir. Lynn Huston is chairman ~sl~nd song and dance. The ma- I routine of college life. Commit- "Octones,"· a girls' ensemble for this event. Immediately after Jonty of the troupe will be im- tee members have been meeting group. the talent show John Gettel and Phyllis Seid ported from the Hawaiian clubs I regularly for the purpose of dis- Due to limited seating space in Carolyn White have arranged for the annual Sweetheart Ball, held of the University of Oregon and J cussing and evaluating proposed the cafe~eria, all those students special athletic events and exhi­ Saturday night in the OCE phys­ Oregon State college. Hawaiian ideas for the festival. Coordina- who desire to accompany their bitions from 4 to 5 p.m. ical eduaction building. The an­ and Polynesian music, both in- tion of plans and careful prepar- parents to the special luncheon In the evening at 8 o'clock, the nouncement which was made strumental and vocal, will be ation will help to insure the par- should no_tify Mrs. Thompson in OCE Wolves will again meet the presented for the entertainment ents of OCE students a pleasant the dormitory office. These stu- SOCE Red Raiders in combat. West House Girls of the audience. A calypso group and agreeable visit. Idents will be issued special Half-time entertainment will be from the Sigma Nu fraternity at A variety of activities has been I iunche~n ti~ket~. The deadline provided by the pep club, direct­ Greet Queen Marylin Oregon State will also be featur- scheduled for the enjoyment for notification 1s Thursday, Feb- ed by its president, Mickey With Regal Throne ed. and entertainment of the parents ruary 6. All other students not Rogers. The final climax to the At 1 a.m. Monday morning the The OCE gym will be decorat, throughout this week-end pro- eating with parents are request- week-end will be the Saturday girls of West house emerged ed to carry out the night club gram. Among them are included ed to eat lunch at Maaske hall. night dance following the game. from their comfy beds to wel­ theme. Tables will be set for the I the basketball games with South- . From 1-3 p.m., business meet- Music will be supplied by the come Queen Marylin Matoon guests and all tables must be re-I ern Oregon College of Education mgs .of the Moms' and Dads' Bob Edson band from Corvallis. borne from the_Winter Carnival. served. Over 20 OCE beauties both Friday and Saturday even- Decorations for the dance will They had prepared a throne and dressed in south-sea costumes' ings. J h S h carry out the chosen theme of a crown decorated with pink will pass among the crowd a~ Both varsity and junior-varsity eac er C ool Heads " '57 Folkswagon." flowers. The honor of the crown­ waitresses and cigarette girls. teams will participate in the in- D I ch· M ,· The above is the program pre- Proceeds from the club will go ter · school competition. Beverly pared for the enjoyment of the ing ceremony was given to the 8 e IC8g0 ee lftg house mother, Mrs. Wingler. As toward financing the OCE choir's I Bluhm is chairman of the sports D . parents of OCE students. Invi- concert tour to the San Francis- dance to follow Friday's game. of ir. Roy E: Lieuallen, pre~ident tations have been mailed to the the girls serenaded the queen, co area, planned for early spring. The dance will be held in Maple . ~hCE, wi~ take ~art m the parents by the college, but all cup-cakes with her name on them Ron Martin of Honolulu Ha- hall. ~m . annua co~ve.ntion of the students should make the effort were served and a short party waii, and ·Jerry Anne B;iley Registration for the parents menc~n Association of Col· to personally invite their parents followed. I 1 Taft, are co-chairmen for th; will begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday e:;\ ?1~ Teacher. Edu~ation to .at~end the Folks' ·Festitval. The West house progressive 10 event. Assisting them as commit- in the faculty lounge of the li- ; be wi 1!e held Chica.go, This 1s a good opportunity for dance, held at 8 p.m. on Satur­ tee chairmen are Beverly Babb brary building. Parents will be . e rua~ d lo. The convention parents to view at first hand, col­ day, January 26, was very suc­ Myrtle Creek; Deanne Bauman: presented with name tags which is ~xiec e to at~ract approxi- lege life on our campus. cessful. The theme of the dance Gresham; Dolly Eclipse Kekana will be their official emblem of ma e Y 1200 presidents, deans H was "Wishing On a Star." After Hawaii; Dick Jamsgard Myrtl~ welcome. The tags are the re- and fa~ulty. ~embers of colleges onorary To Banquet dancing 20 minutes, the group Point; Lynn Huston, Ha;risburg; sponsibility of Helen Bergeron :;d u~versities .from all p~rts of Phi Beta Sigma, .national pro- proceeded to Arnold Arms, Todd and Ed Zurflueh, Beaverton. and her registration committee. tic~ na mn. Dr .Lieuallen will par- fe.ssional honorary for teachers, hall, and Maaske hall. Anyone planning to attend the Wanda Stevens has made ar- pa~e ~Y acting. as rec~rder ~or will hold their annual banquet night club should call Jerry Anne one o t e committees d1scussmg at six p.m. on Saturday, Febru- Bailey SK 7-9505 f the mutual problems of teacher's ary 9, in the Monmouth hotel OCE Junior Selected , · , or reserva- · tions. The public is invited. "MOC k I nt erv1ew. ,, co11 eges: . T~e society has invited its alum- Tom Tanner, a junior from The program will begin at 8 Scheduled for FTA · Dr. Lieuallen is also sch~duled m m~mbers to attend this event. Cornelius, has been selected to p.m. with two individual shows " to attend the annual meetmg of Prior to the banquet, neo- serve on the Associate Board of At 10:30 the floor will be cleared I A Mock Interview" is planned the Americ~~ Association . of phytes will be initiated in the Directors of the Oregon Museum for dancing to isl d . as part of the program at the School Admm1strators w h 1 c h faculty lounge of the college of Science and Industry. The mu­ an music. next FTA meeting, which will will be held in Atlantic City, N.J.
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