Sacred Heart University DigitalCommons@SHU Government and Politics Newsletter Government, Politics & Global Studies 2007 Government and Politics Newsletter, Issue 3 Sacred Heart University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.sacredheart.edu/gov_news Part of the Political History Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Sacred Heart University, "Government and Politics Newsletter, Issue 3" (2007). Government and Politics Newsletter. Paper 5. http://digitalcommons.sacredheart.edu/gov_news/5 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Government, Politics & Global Studies at DigitalCommons@SHU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Government and Politics Newsletter by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@SHU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Government &Politics ewsletterSpring 2007/Issue 3 N Constitution Day Lecture” in September EAR of 2006. Our guest speaker was Mr. Todd Gaziano, J.D. Mr. Gaziano is a Senior Fel- We hope that life is treating low in Legal Studies and the Director of the Center for Legal and Judicial Studies you well and that your summer will at the Heritage Foundation in Washing- be both productive and relaxing. ton, D.C. His lecture, presented in the Edgerton Theater before a large audience, Once again, we are sending you was titled: “Separation of Powers in War- our political science newsletter to time: Shared and Divided Powers.” The Emeritus at the University of New Haven lecture was quite timely and provocative in and teaches in the Master’s in National Se- keep you up to date on develop- light of the Iraq War and the War on Ter- curity Policy Program. Dr. DeNardis’ guest ments within the Department of ror. Prior to his guest lecture, Mr. Gaziano lecture focused on a possible realignment conducted an informal seminar for the De- of the American electorate. Parents of in- Government and Politics. Main- partment’s Pre-Law Club. Preparations are ductees were present for the event and a taining a close relationship with underway for our next “Constitution Day” reception followed. Thirteen outstanding lecture scheduled for September 17, 2007. students were inducted this year. political science alumni is one of Congressman Christopher Shays is sched- our major goals, and we sincerely uled to be the guest speaker. Academic Medal Winners hope that our newsletter contin- The 2006-07 Gold Medal of Excel- Pi Sigma Alpha ues to serve this purpose. We en- lence in Political Science was presented to Induction Ceremony Ms. Lauren Black, while the Silver Medal joy corresponding with you and The fifth Political Science Honor So- of Excellence in Political Science was pre- learning about your personal and ciety induction ceremony was conducted sented to Ms. Amanda Zavagnin. Lauren on the evening of April 16th. Our guest is currently working for Haiti Lumiere de professional accomplishments. We speaker this year was Dr. Lawrence DeN- Domain, Inc., a relief organization for the will be sure to list your accomplish- ardis, the father of Dr. Lesley DeNardis children of Haiti. Amanda will be attend- who joined our department as a full-time ing law school in the fall. ments in future newsletters. Please faculty member in the fall of 2006. Dr. stay in touch. Lawrence DeNardis has a very long re- Model United Nations sume which includes Chair of the Political Constitution Day Science Department at Albertus Magnus Sixteen Sacred Heart students par- College, election to the Connecticut state ticipated in the Model United Nations The Department of Government and legislature, and election to the United Program directed by Dr. Steven Michels. Politics once again hosted the “Annual States Congress. He is currently President Sacred Heart students represented the Re- Government & Politics Newsletter ð Spring 2007/Issue 3 ð Sacred Heart University 1 public of Uganda and received Honorable Tocqueville on the Democratic Peace” in are now required to take Senior Seminar in Mention for their excellent performance. Essays in Arts and Sciences (Winter 2005): Political Science. The seminar focuses on a Sacred Heart’s Andrew Rowan was elected 23-36. He continues to make progress on a specialized topic of the instructor’s choice. to chair the World Tourism Committee. major research project regarding the phi- In lieu of the seminar, students have the losophy of Thomas Hobbes. option of writing a 35 page senior thesis. Law School Forum Dr. Gary L. Rose completed a second edition of his textbook on Connecticut Adjunct News Ms. Cathy Alexander, the Director government for the Sacred Heart Uni- of Admissions at Pace University Law Mr. Christopher DeSanctis has been versity Press. The text has been updated, School, met with twenty pre-law students nominated by Governor M. Jodi Rell to reorganized and features two new chapters during the month of April. Ms. Alexander serve as a Commissioner in the Connecticut on Connecticut politics. Dr. Rose also sur- provided helpful advice regarding the law Department of Transportation. Mr. DeSanc- veyed more than 550 Sacred Heart students school experience, and discussed strategies tis was a candidate for State Representative during the spring 2007 semester to gauge for gaining acceptance to law school. in 2006. He continues to teach a section of the political values and voting behavior of Introduction to American Government. the student body. The results of his survey Faculty Research and Scholarship will be presented in a fall forum. Dr. Rose’s Ms. Louise DiCocco-Beauton, a lob- survey is one component of a larger project byist for the New Haven Chamber of The full-time political science faculty which focuses on the “Catholic vote” in Commerce, continues to offer her special- were active scholars during the 2006-07 American politics. ized course on lobbying and the legislative Academic Year. process each spring semester. Her course Dr. Lesley DeNardis co-authored two More Faculty News includes an array of guest speakers and a professional articles. Her first article “Ex- field trip to the State Capitol. She and her amining the Performance of Competition Dr. DeNardis was recently appointed husband just gave birth to a baby boy on Policy Enforcement Agencies: A Cross- by the Mayor of Hamden, CT to serve on June 4. Country Comparison,” was published in the the town’s Planning and Zoning Commis- In addition to offering South Asian Journal of the New England Business and sion. She will also assume the position of Politics, African Politics, and International Economics Association. Her second article Advisor to the College Republicans at Sa- Organizations, Dr. Alka Jauhari was an ac- “Decentralization, Local Governance and cred Heart University in the Fall of 2007. tive scholar during the 2006-07 Academic Service Delivery: A Comparative Analy- Dr. DeNardis and her husband just gave Year. Dr. Jauhari presented two conference sis of Mexican Municipalities” is forth- birth to a baby girl on June 16. papers: “Africa’s Economic Resurgence: coming in International Review of Public Dr. Michels was appointed Director Is it Possible?” Annual Conference of the Administration. Dr. DeNardis authored a of the University’s Thomas More Honors African Studies Association November, manuscript which is pending publication: Program on July 1, 2007. 2006. She also presented “Political Con- “Democratizing the Municipal Budget in flict in Africa: A Heritage of Colonialism Porto Alegre, Brazil and Santa Catarina, After serving sixteen years on the Uni- and Cold War Politics” at the Annual Mexico.” She also presented a paper “Ap- versity’s Faculty Athletic Committee, and Conference of the New England Political praising the Performance of Connecticut’s ten years as the University’s Faculty Ath- Science Association, April, 2007. Municipalities” at the Annual Conference letic Representative, Dr. Rose has stepped of the New England Political Science As- down from his work with the University’s Ms. Kate O’Gara continues to offer sociation in April, 2007. Athletic Department. In recognition of sections of Introduction to American Gov- his work with student-athletes, the ECAC ernment at both the Fairfield and Stamford Dr. John F. Kikoski is updating and re- Scholar-Athlete Award has been renamed campuses. Her work in conjunction with vising his previous two books on diversity the Dr. Gary Rose ECAC Scholar-Athlete the University’s Academic Incentive Pro- management and knowledge creation. He Award. Dr. Rose received his 25 year ser- gram (AIP) is truly remarkable. also is preparing one journal article which vice award at the Annual Founder’s Day focuses on optimal conditions for knowl- Captain Eric Refsnider, the director Ceremony this past Spring. edge creation, and is researching the topic of the University’s ROTC program, now of university e-education in the 21st cen- teaches the political science elective titled tury’s Information Era with a member of New Course Offerings War. Students in ROTC along with many the business faculty with an eye toward a political science and history students en- Three new courses on political econo- second journal article. roll in the Captain’s course which traces my are now being offered by the Depart- American warfare from the Revolution to Dr. Steven Michels co-authored a ment of Government and Politics. Stu- the war in Iraq. chapter titled “Can The Daily Show Save dents who wish to explore the interface Democracy?” His chapter will appear in between politics and economics can take Mr. Robert Russo
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