NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL th UN Special Suspect in Rakhine 65 Anniversary of Rapporteur tours Kayah State held Rakhine State attacks detained in Loikaw PAGE 3 PAGE 2 PAGE 2 Vol. III, No. 275, 4th Waning of Pyatho 1378 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Monday, 16 January 2017 President attends Naga traditional New Year festival THE Naga Traditional New Year festival kicked off in Lahe, Sagaing Region yesterday, with President U Htin Kyaw and wife Daw Su Su Lwin in attendance. The President expressed his delight to see the unspoiled natural environment in the hilly region, pledging that the Union Government is committed to the socio-economic development of the ethnic people in the area. In his speech at the open- ing ceremony, President U Htin Kyaw also called for cooperation from all ethnic people in making efforts for development of the country with the aim of building a federal union without separat- ing the mainland and hilly areas. The Naga Self-Administered Zone has seen progress to a cer- tain extent, as the responsible ministries have built necessary infrastructures in the zone yearly, said Union Minister for Border Affairs Lt-Gen Ye Aung. However, there is a limit to development in the region be- cause the hilly areas are not easi- ly accessible, he added. The incumbent government allotted more than Ks 9 billion to Men and women in Naga the zone in the nine months since traditional dress wait to take part it took office and provided 3,758 in the New Year Festival held bags of rice, said Sagaing Region in Lahe, Chin State yesterday. Chief Minister Dr Myint Naing. PHOTO: MYANMAR NEWS AGENCY SEE PAGE 3 >> Camp for retired elephants in Pathein now a tourist attraction THE Thitgatoeaing Elephant tourists, who can also feed them Road, only about one hour away ma Timber Enterprise (MTE), reportedly carry 2,000 logs a Camp in Pathein (South) of the and wash them as well as trav- from Pathein, the region capi- which falls under the Ministry of year through Ayeyawady Re- Myanmar Timber Enterprise in el on them short or long trips to tal, by car. It is also on the way Natural Resources and Environ- gion’s Sin Mon forest. Ayeyawady Region was turned study the natural environment of to Ngwe Saung Beach, Goringi mental Conservation (MNREC) The number of elephants into an elephant conservation the camp. Beach Resort and the Mawtin- and are now retired from their from Bago and Ayeyawady re- camp for tourism earlier this It is also learnt that safety sun Pagoda. logging activities. gions are reportedly depleting month. measures for tourists have also Local and foreign tourists The retirement of the ele- as hunters target the animals Among the 18 elephants in been taken during such experi- have already begun to visit the phants reportedly comes as part for their ivory and skin, which the camp, six have been chosen ences. camp. of efforts to curb the deforesta- is exported to China for a high for tourism as they are clever The camp is located at mile- The elephants at the camp tion of Myanmar’s wildness. price.—Maung Maung Myint enough to pose for photos with post 21/6 on Pathein-Mawtin once belonged to the Myan- Elephants of the MTE could (IPRD) 2 LOCAL NEWS 16 January 2017 Suspect in Rakhine 65th Anniversary of Kayah State held in Loikaw attacks detained WHILE conducting security operations in Buthidaung, Ra- khine State Saturday afternoon, a combined team of Tatmadaw columns and the police border guards captured Swedu Larmi, who is suspected of involve- ment in the violent attacks in Rakhine State last year. The suspect was handed over to a local police station in order to take legal action against him in accordance with the law. — Myanmar News Swedu Larmi. PHOTO: MNA Agency 157 fire accidents in Bago Region last year THE number of fires that oc- part of people who used stoves curred in Bago Region last year and electronic devices carelessly, reached 157, an increase of seven said U Aung Myint, director of cases compared with the previous the department. Forest fires also year, according to the Bago Re- occurred in the region twice last Kayah ethnic people traditional 65th Anniversary of Kayah State Day. PHOTO: MNA gion Fire Service Department. year. According to the figures of THE 65th Anniversary of Kayah ficials, Commissioner Mr own speeches. The majority of fire acci- the Fire Service Department, a to- State Day, 2017, was held at Suebsak Eaimvijarn of Mae The chief minister also dents happened in Bago District, tal of 150 fire cases occurred in 28 Granite Square in Kandahay- Hong Son Province and delega- delivered an address and the which tops the list of regions townships in the region in 2015. wun Park in Loikaw yesterday, tion, members of peace groups, commissioner extended greet- with 56 cases, followed by Pyay The region has over 70 with the presence of Amyotha ethnic leaders, officials and res- ings. District with 40 cases, Taungoo fire stations, 159 fire engines, Hluttaw Speaker U Man Win idents. The chief minister and of- District with 31 cases and Thay- 148 water tankers, 20 aux- Khaing Than, Union Minister The Kayah State Agricul- ficials then presented prizes to awaddy District with 30 cases. iliary vehicles and 22 oth- for Ethnic Affairs U Naing Thet ture, Livestock and Irrigation winners in vegetable and fruit Last year’s fires in Bago er vehicles. The fire stations Lwin, Chief Minister of Kayah minister read out the message competitions, traditional wres- Region killed five people and de- are staffed by nearly 800 officers State U L Phaung Sho, Speak- of the president at the ceremo- tling, traditional paddy shelling, stroyed more than Ks150 million and other ranks of the fire service er of the State Hluttaw U Hla ny before the Amyotha Hluttaw tug-of-war and other tradition- worth of properties, including department and more than 23,900 Htwe, the deputy speaker of the Speaker and the Union Minister al sports held at the square. — 185 households. Most of the fires auxiliary members. — Myit- State Hluttaw, state-level of- for Ethnic Affairs gave their Kayah State IPRD were caused by negligence on the makha News Agency Camp for retired elephants in Pathein Mandalay Trade Fair and Car Show on 15-18 February now a tourist attraction A TRADE fair and car show of entertainment programmes ed accessories, communications is planned to take place next including a model show and mu- devices, healthcare equipment, month in Mandalay under the sical entertainment. construction materials, clothing arrangement of Top Y Interna- About 50 companies will and cosmetics will also be dis- tional Co Ltd, said U Kan Zaw, take part in the event, plan- played for sale during the exhi- managing director of the host ning to showcase their products bition. company. that include auto parts and ac- Companies which provide The new event will be cessories, electronics, house- wedding service and education held from 15 to 18 February hold utensils and kitchenwares service will also be participating from 9am to 9 pm at the City Hall through over 100 booths. in the new trade fair. — Myit- of Mandalay, with a wide range Mobile handsets and relat- makha News Agency Taungoo District IPRD of Bago Region creates happy world for children Tourists ride elephants at Thitgatoeeaing Elephant Camp. 40 pupils and three teachers (News on page ). PHOTO: MNA from the Shining Star Pre- School in Taungoo, Bagon Re- gion on Thursday visited the NEWS NEWS Taungoo District Public Library of Information and Public Rela- Yaba pills and heroin seized in Myeik, Lashio tion Department (IPRD) under POLICE from Myeik, Tanin- gate, the entrance of Kharsho the Ministry of Information. tharyi Region, searched a house village in Lashio Township on The children told stories, owned by Hnin Maung Lin and 11 January. Police seized 33 ki- recited poems and played with his father Khin Win residing at los of raw opium from the two toys in the reading room of the library. Myat Lay Street, Satwun Ward motorcycles. On the same day, The Taungoo District in Myeik on 10 January and police searched a passenger IPRD has arranged a reading discovered 15.54 kilograms of vehicle near Oriental toll gate, room in the library with the opium powder in the house. Myoshaung Street in Lash- aim of developing the intel- Similarly, Anti-narcotics io Township and discovered lectual curiosity of children, Squad 24 from Lashio searched 10,000 yaba pills in the sling supporting their creativity, ex- a motorcycle ridden by Eik Tun bags of passengers Ma Cher- panding their knowledge and and another motorcycle ridden ry Kyaw and Ma Pyae Pyae providing relaxation.—Shwe Children being seen at the Taungoo District Public Library of IPRD. by Eik Pan near Maungtan Mon.—Myanmar News Agency Win (Pyay) PHOTO: SHWE WIN (PYAY) 16 January 2017 NATIONAL 3 President U Htin Kyaw and wife, centre, visit a booth in Lahe displaying traditional President U Htin Kyaw, right, accepts a spear from a leader of the Naga Self-Administered ornaments and utensils of the Naga people. PHOTO: MYANMAR NEWS AGENCY Zone at the Naga Traditional New Year Festival. PHOTO: MYANMAR NEWS AGENCY 15th January after their harvest. held with the assistance of the President attends Naga New Year festival The Naga ethnic tribes have government. The festival has be- held the New Year festival in in- come a state-level festival since >> FROM PAGE 1 U Kay Sai, Chairman of the ministers, regional ministers and dividual villages, but since 1956- 2001, celebrating in Layshi, Lahe At the ceremony, Chair- Naga SAZ, presented New Year donors presented aid to local au- 57, chieftains of the ethnic tribes and Nanyun alternatively.
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