Arts and Sciences Fellows Page 2 CORNELL Chimes Engineer-Historian Page 3 CHRONICLE Final Exams in Pictures Page 5 Shows, Exhibits page 6 Vol. 6 No. 33 Thursday, May 22, 1975 Libraries Summer Schedules Page 6 Commencement Moves To Schoellkopf Field For the first time in three de- Dale R. Corson, the Board of bachelor's degrees cades Cornell University's Trustees, other officials and simultaneously by the formal Commencement exercises, guests. language provided. Monday, June 2, will be con- All members of the faculty Master's degrees will be con- ducted in an outdoor ceremony will sit in a designated area of ferred in the same manner. at Schoellkopf Field. It will be the Crescent. Trustees, deans Doctoral candidates will the University's 107th Com- and administrators will sit on wear their hoods in the pro- mencement. More than 10,000 the center platform in cession and will be called to students and friends are ex- Schoellkopf field, facing the the platform by name and pected to attend as 3,200 stu- Crescent. greeted by the dean and the dents receive degrees. After a musical prelude, president. In case of bad weather, the President Corson will deliver ceremonies will move inside Music for Commencement the Commencement address. for an abbreviated ceremony in will be provided by the Cornell After another musical number, Barton Hall, scene of Commen- Wind Ensemble, directed by he will confer 3,200 degrees — cement since the early 1940s. Marice W. Stith, and the 2,507 bachelor's and 693 The change was made this year Cornell Glee Club, directed by master's and doctoral degrees. to accommodate better the Thomas A. Sokol. larger numbers taking part in In accordance with Cornell In addition to Commence- and attending the exercises. tradition, no honorary degrees ment ceremonies on June 2, In case of inclement weather, will be awarded. Cornell has commissioning exercises for the decision to move Commen- awarded only two honorary about 51 graduating members cement inside will be made by degrees in its history, both in of the Cornell Reserve Officers 9 a.m. and announced over 1886. They went to Andrew Training Corps (ROTC) will be local radio stations. In this Dickson White, Cornell's first held in Alice Statler Auditorium case, the procession will start president, and David Starr at 8:15 a.m. The commission- in Lynah Rink instead of the Jordan, an alumnus who ing speech will be given by Ma- Arts Quadrangle. If the weather became the first president of jor General Laddie L. Stahl, should change for the better, Stanford University. Commander of U.S. Army the procession will proceed Bachelor's degrees will be Reserve Division, New York. from Lynah Rink to Schoellkopf awarded in the same manner On May 28, Corson will con- Field instead of Barton Hall. they were last year. The deans fer 225 degrees in New York Ci- Many wildflowers are now in bloom in the Cornell Plantations' will present their degree can- ty at Commencement exercises Wildflower Garden dedicated to Muriel B. Mundy and her At 9:30 a.m. the faculty will didates to the president and as for graduates of the Cornell husband, Floyd W. Mundy Jr. in a ceremony last Saturday. march as a body behind the students from the respective each group is presented, it will Medical College, the Cornell schools and colleges, with rise and remain standing until Graduate School of Medical each degree group led by stu- all undergraduates have been Sciences and the Cornell Plantations Wildflower dent marshals. The cap and presented. At that time, the University-New York Hospital gown will be optional attire for president will award all of the School of Nursing. students again this year. Ap- Garden Is Dedicated proximately 90 per cent of last Cornell University Planta- degree thesis, Shauger pre- year's graduates chose to wear tions dedicated a wildflower pared a guide to the garden the traditional academic garb. Black Students Plan garden to Muriel B. Mundy and which lists plants in order of At 9:55 a.m. the procession, her husband, Floyd W. Mundy bloom and by color to aid in led by Blanchard L. Rideout, Jr. of Scarsdale, N.Y. last identification, said Lewis. The University marshal, will begin Freshman Preparatory Saturday afternoon. The six- Mundy Wildflower Garden is moving to Schoellkopf for the and-a-half acre garden, located located near the central Cornell 11 a.m. Commencement. As it Summer Program in the Cornell Plantations, was campus between Forest Home passes the Olin Library terrace, Black Americans, long ex- named The Mundy Wildflower Drive, the Rockwell Field the procession will be re- and administrators. Cooper is a Garden. President Dale R. Laboratory and Judd Falls Rd. viewed by University President cluded from the medical and senior in the College of Arts Corson accepted the gift of the veterinary professions, will and Sciences; O'Brien is a garden from the Mundys on potentially have their numbers sophomore in the New York behalf of Cornell. An open Cornell A Co-sponsor increased in these fields State College of Agriculture house on Sunday followed the through the efforts of Cornell and Life Sciences. official dedication ceremony. University's student Black Bio- Cooper said, "It is our belief Medical and Technical Associa- "The garden is an outdoor that black students do not lack Acid Rainfall Problem tion (BBMTA). the ability to conceptualize the laboratory in which students Specifically, the efforts of can examine the native flora of material placed before them. Robert Cooper and Dennis the region while enjoying a The difficulties lie in their in- Triggers Conference O'Brien, currently president adequate preparation in note- less formal, more recreational Theconference, sponsored by "What have they done to the and president-elect of the as- taking and study skills, as well natural setting." according to the Center for Environmental rain?" asks a folk song made sociation, have made it possi- as their lack of previous ex- Richard M. Lewis, director, Quality Management and the popular in the late 1960s by ble for 20 black pre-freshmen posure to the basic concepts Cornell Plantations. "Plants of Water Resources and Marine Joan Baez. students to spend the summer and terminologies used in the Cayuga Lake Basin are em- Sciences Center at Cornell "They've mixed it with sulfur on campus in an intensive six- many introductory and ad- phasized. Many species occur University, Region II of the U.S. dioxide and nitrogen oxides — week program to strengthen vanced biological and physical naturally and others have been Environmetal Protection Agen- products of fossil fuel combus- their backgrounds in biology, science courses. introduced for wider variety," tion — and in some places cy (EPA), and the New York he said. chemistry, mathematics and "It was with this in mind, that made it as acid as weak State Department of Environ- English language. The selected Development of the area, a the BBMTA developed the vinegar," was the reply of mental Conservation, was de- pre-freshmen were among project of the Plantations since Summer Enrichment Pro- many participants at a recent signed to inform selected en- those indicating an interest in 1964, was made possible by gram." conference on acid precipita- vironmental agencies, in- the bio-medical and technical the establishment of the The summer program will tion. dustries and public interest fields on their application Cornell Plantations Wildflower consist of an academic and a The increased acidity in rain groups of the phenomenon forms. Garden Fund, a gift from Mrs. clinical science component, and snow documented in the and current knowledge of its Cooper, a College Scholar, Cooper said. Pre-freshmen will Mundy. The fund also provides northeastern United States, in effects. for the maintenance and opera- and O'Brien, an independent participate in lectures on the Canada and in Scandanavia Participants in the con- subject matter, and then apply tion of the garden. major, conceived the Summer over the past 25 years or so ference included Herbert this knowledge immediately af- R. Stephen Shauger, educa- Enrichment Program idea in was linked to changes in lake Posner, chairman of the As- January and have implement- terwards under supervision. tional coordinator for the Plan- chemistry and fish popula- sembly Environmental The pre-freshmen will also tations, is in charge of the ed it within the past four tions, and to adverse effects on Conservation Committee, months in conjunction with work in clinical settings such as garden. As part of his master's buildings, soils and vegetation. Continued on Page 6 University faculty, students Continued on Page 2 2 CORNELL CHRONICLE Thursday, May 22, 1975 American Academy of Arts and Sciences Three Cornellians Elected Job Opportunities The American Academy of Cornell faculty since 1960, has since 1947, specializes in the At Cornell University Arts and Sciences has elected published many papers in the philosophy of mind. He is the The following are regular continuing full-time positions author of "Ludwig three Cornell professors as field of solid state physics. He unless otherwise specified. For information about these Wittgenstein: A Memoir" fellows. They are among 121 has also been concerned with positions, contact the Personnel Department B-12 Ives Hall. scholars, scientists, public national science and (1958); "Dreaming" (1959); Please do not inquire at individual departments until you figures and writers elected by technology policy for many "Knowledge and Certainty" have contacted Personnel. An equal opportunity employer. the Academy. years and in 1966-67, while on (1963); and "Problems of The Cornell professors are leave from Cornell, was a Mind" (1971) and has POSITION (DEPAR TMEN T) Raymond Bowers, professor member of the Office of the contributed to numerous Administrative Aide I (Human Development and Family of physics and director of the Science Adviser to the journals and volumes of Studies) Program on Science, President in Washington, D.C.
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