Critical Labor Issues Depend on 2nd Congressional District Race he West Virginia T2nd Congressional District race between Democrat Jim Humphreys and Re- publican Shelley Moore Capito will make a big difference for construction work- ers. At stake are prevailing wages, project labor agree- ments, a tumbling stock mar- ket and rising health care costs. With only a six vote Repub- lican edge in the House every seat is critical to maintaining VOLUME 11 NUMBER 10 Davis-Bacon protections in OCTOBER 2002 federal spending. “The current Republican ma- jority in the U.S. House of Volunteers from the trades help paint signs in support of Jim Humphreys 2nd Representatives attacks Davis- Congressional District Race at the Operating Engineers training facility. Bacon wage protections on collectively provided by the Na- which would have clearly de- The suspension of these rules every spending bill,” said tional Labor Relations Act. fined reasons why a contractor means criminal contractors Raymond “BB” Smith, ACT Bush has also suspended re- could be banned from bidding who mistreat workers and mis- Legislative Representative. sponsible contractor rules, on federal contracts. Continued on p. 4 Evidence of the attack can A PUBLICATION OF be seen in the debate over the ACCIDENT OCCURRED AT WILLOW ISLAND SITE THE AFFILIATED T A Homeland Security bill. CONSTRUCTION “They stripped out Davis- TRADES FOUNDATION Bacon protections and other TTwwoo PPainterainterss MemberMemberss longstanding workers right in The ACT Foundation is a division the Homeland Security bill,” of The West Virginia State said Smith. DieDie inin ManliftManlift AccidentAccident Building and Construction Trades moving the equipment to start what happened. Council, with offices in Charleston “To use that bill to attack wo members of and Clarksburg. Steve Burton, Painters District painting a new section with the The men worked for Uni- President; Roy Smith, Secretary- working families is wrong.” T Treasurer; Steve White, Director. boom extended 45 feet in the versal Inc. of Moundsville, a Senator Robert C. Byrd has Council 53 were killed air when the machine hit an painting subcontractor for pledged to stop the Republi- in a construction acci- Charleston - (304) 345-7570 incline making the manlift top- Almega, Inc. based in Pittsburg Clarksburg - (304) 624-0682 can power grab but in many dent at the Allegheny www.actwv.org heavy, which caused it to topple Pennssylvania. instances it is already too late. Energy’s Pleasants over. “We are deeply saddened by President Bush has already Power Station at Wil- OSHA is also investigating. this tragedy,” said Clarance destroyed or weakened sev- low Island on Friday, The accident occurred adja- Mitchell, Business Manager of eral laws designed to protect Oct. 4. Fred Burkle, 55, and Joe cent to the site where 51 work- Council 53. “Our thoughts go INSIDE workers. Spiker, 26, an apprentice, fell ers lost their lives in 1978 at the out to the families of these He signed an executive or- Trades News Pg. 2 45 feet to the ground when the Willow Island Power Station. members.” der banning project labor agree- Election Pg. 2 Genie Manlift they were oper- There were no witnesses to Contributions to the Burkle/ ments on all federal projects Amendment 1 Pg. 3 ating tipped over. the accident, according to Spiker Memorial Fund can be and any other project involv- Endorsements Pg. 3 According to a story in the Stanley Elliot, area director for sent c/o Painters DC 53, 2301 ing federal funds. Boilermaker Pg. 4 Parkersburg Sentinel, State OSHA in Charleston. It may 7th Ave., Charleston, WV The order stomps on the WV Works Pg. 4 Troopers suspect the men were be hard to determine exactly 25312 or call 304-343-8250. rights of workers to bargain PAGE 2 THE ACT REPORT OCTOBER 2002 Around the State Union Members Assist A new monthly news summary from local building and construction trades councils Labor-Friendly Candidates harleston Build- North Central is talking with CCing and Construc- Dominion Power and Ned he general elec- tion Trades Power to work on each Ttion is just around • The Charleston Building company’s Grant County the corner and many Trades, in conjunction with projects. building trades unions Iron Workers 301, and Plumb- “We think both of these com- are doing their part to ers and Pipefitters 625, have panies will support our local help labor-friendly agreed to help Kanawha workers,” said Natalie Stone, candidates. County School children light Executive Secretary for the The tasks are many includ- up Coonskin Park this holiday North Central WV Building ing voter registration, door- season. Trades. to-door campaigning, making Union members will super- “In return we will provide and placing signs, manning vise the kids while they build the highest quality work for phone banks and educating the displays. them.” members. Before this project can get • North Central has moved For example, the Mid-At- off the ground, construction to another office -- in the same lantic Regional Council of Car- materials are needed. building. According to Stone, penters (MARRC) is doing sev- “We are asking our contrac- the new office space is bigger, eral things to get the endorsed tors and suppliers to donate and has a conference room. candidates’ names out so the the materials and funding for • The leadership would like public can make an informed In the State’s tenth Senatorial District Mary Pearl this project,” said Mike to thank all of the members decision on November 5. Compton is in a tough race. Carpenter Local 1911 Matthews, Business Manager who participated in this year’s MARCC members have member Dexter Bragg is helping place signs in for the Charleston Building clay shoot. planned to go door-to-door in- Greenbrier County made by Painters District Trades. “Our members are the rea- forming the public in targeted Council 53. • Members of the Charleston son we are here,” said Darwin areas of Kanawha County of year. Parkersburg Area Labor Coun- Building Trades are joining Snyder. “We’re glad to pro- about endorsed candidates The labor council didn’t cil and Plumbers and Pipefitters forces with West Virginia vide an event where we can such as Jim Humphreys, who is waste any time getting started. Local 565 member. teachers and business leaders come together and have some in a fierce battle with Republi- A reception for the endorsed Everything is tied to poli- to support the Kanawha fun.” can incumbent Shelley Moore candidates was held in Sep- tics,” said Schaffer. “If you County Excess Levy. Parkersburg-Marietta Capito, for the 2nd district con- tember. aren’t active in the political The group has come together Building and Construction gressional seat. The members were able to process you have no influence as the Kids Education Yes or Trades The Carpenters also want to meet the candidates and the on issues that will without a KEY Committee. • The Parkersburg-Marietta ensure their members are fully leadership of the council pre- doubt affect you.” According to the literature, Building Trades office has a informed about the candidates. sented each one with a $250 Many of the locals around KEY is going to dispel rumors new home at 3100 Dudley Ave. “We invite candidates to campaign contribution. the state are doing their part to about the levy and spread the in Parkersburg. speak at union meeting, ac- The council has also sched- help the AFL-CIO endorsed word about how important it The new office has eight cording to Scott Brewer,” uled going door-to-door in se- candidates. Another good ex- has been since 1937 and will rooms instead of two like the Business Representative for lected areas in support of the ample is Iron Workers Local continue to be in the future. previous one, According to MARRC. endorsed candidates. 301, which had Jim Humphreys “The levy pays for school Sam Davis, Business Manager, “In addition to educating They are going to put up as a guest speaker at its Sep- repairs and vital support staff Parkersburg Marietta Building our members and the public signs and send a mailing to all tember meeting. that the regular budget will not Trades. about the candidates we are of the members with a list of Humphreys talked to the cover,” said Matthews. It also has a more central also going to make sure all of endorsed candidates. members about his agenda and North Central West Vir- location between the Interstate our members who wish to reg- “We will be available for disproved the myths that Capito ginia Building and Construc- and downtown. ister to vote do so.” anything a labor-friendly can- has been spreading with her tion Trades “It is the first building the The Carpenters are not the didate may need whether it be campaign commercials, ac- • North Central is currently Trades has ever owned and we only ones preparing for the pounding the pavement talk- cording to Bubby Casto, Busi- in negotiations to bring even love it,” said Davis. “It is election. Members of the ing about the candidates or ness Manager for Iron Work- more wind power construc- brighter and bigger with a Parkersburg Area Labor Coun- manning a phone bank,” said ers Local 301. tion jobs to its members. Continued on p. 4 cil are also very busy this time Dick Schaffer, President of the Continued on p. 4 OCTOBER 2002 THE ACT REPORT PAGE 3 Say Yes On One! WV AFL-CIO Endorsed Candidates Dear Members: AMENDMENT ONE: 2nd: Jack Yost 27th: Virginia Mahan; The Executive Board of the West Virginia State Building and Vote Yes ! Randolph McGraw; Sally Construction Trades would like to take this opportunity to urge 3rd: Rick Altman; Tal Susman you to vote yes on Amendment One.
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