DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2020, PUNE, LATE CITY, 16 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00 WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM Pune WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM 2 CALENDAR THEINDIANEXPRESS,FRIDAY,OCTOBER23,2020 OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry &TLewis CROSSWORD 4257 DAYTODAY BYPETERVIDAL ARIES (Mar 21 -Apr 20) LIBRA (Sep 24 -Oct 23) It’s timetodwell on It’s time to consider life’s deeper your physical well- mysteries and being again, hidden truths. checking up on Mystical musings mayseem matters likedietand exercise to be awaste of time, but if andgettinginshape forthe youcome closer to future.Workwill be building discoveringjustwhatitisthat up over thenextmonth, makesother people tick, it anditwillbeimportant to will be time well spent. You pace yourself, finding might alsosee that you relaxationwhen and overlookedessential facts. whereyou can. TAURUS (Apr 21 -May 21) SCORPIO (Oct 24 -Nov 23) Powerful social Your stars are stars insistthatlove looking highly affairs be pursued sociable and CALVIN &HOBBES by Bill Watterson in aconstructive increasingly manner.It’stimetobeprecise passionate. It seems certain aboutwhat you’regoing to do, that your moodswillbe when you’redoingit, and who dominated by howwell you’redoing it with. youget on with other people, Punctualityiseverything, and andwhat youimagine sheer efficiencycould win they thinkofyou. But there’s ACROSS DOWN theday. reallynoneedtobetoo 1Jog with no clothes on around 1Irritated when necessity took self-conscious. Gateshead (5) firstplace (7) GEMINI (May 22 -June 21) 4Alotofimpetus is lostturning 2See 9Across Mars, symbol of SAGITTARIUS (Nov 24 -Dec 22) twodirections (7) 3Dispatchedtothe interior? self-assertion and It is your monthly 8Itmay be piercedorjust (5) allhigh-energy make-or-break time pricked(3) 4Freeadmittance? (6) activities, is moving both at home and at 9and 2Down: The Book of 5Turns up in chilly on so,fromnow,you will work.Short-term Numbers (9,9) surroundings yetwell received have to stand on your own forecasts don’t come much 10 It’s shortand possiblyconical (7) twofeet. The positive angle is moredramatic than that, but (7) 6The Roman Ihaveinmind that you’reapproachinga the point is that youmay now 11 Solicit votesinthe foyer(5) (3) phase in your life which rearrangealmostanything that 13 Manyarascal will show which 7One wantstobesodescribed should be alittle more doesn’t please you, making waythe wind blows (6) (5) relaxed,but perhaps notuntil surethat in futureitdoes. 15 Reason forbeing milled(6) 12 Unrestricted stateof next week. MARVIN by Tom Armstrong CAPRICORN (Dec 23 -Jan 20) 18 Test the patience of agood incapacitated kangaroo (9) CANCER (June 22 -July23) Youshouldbynow man at ameeting (5) 14 It’s possiblytrue, Tedsaid This is atime for have learnt to 19 Aprecious possession one is (7) inspiration, and no treasure your notbound to have (7) 16 Mother takesalong time to get doubt you’ll be imagination. You 21 Some Frenchagitation compensation(7) coming up with lots see, at times likethis, produces delay (9) 17 Pretendtohaveinfluence (6) of bright plans forthe future. If your success in virtuallyany 23 It is laid forexample on topof 18 Themain comings and goings at all possible, do give other venturedepends on your the grill (3) (5) people time to catchup. almostpoetic ability to 24 It follows us backtobed to 20 Starttopenetrate (5) Devotealittle effort to making charm other people and checkthe copy(7) 22 Deception that confuses FBI your nestmoreluxurious. persuade them that you’re 25 Is revolting (5) (3) Frankly, youdeservealittle right. That reallyisaskill morecomfort. to treasure. SolutionsCrossword4256:Across:1Enterprise,8Ceuta,9Deflect,10Turmoil,11 Nasal,12Honest,14System,17Chase,19Exploit,21Scorpio,22Drips,23First- LEO (July24-Aug 23) AQUARIUS (Jan 21-Feb 19) class.Down:2Neutron,3Erato,4Paddle,5Infancy,6Evens,7Stalemates,8Cutthe There’s no getting Forsome reason cost,13Sleeper,15Tropics,16Retort,18Aloof,20Pedal. away from the fact your self-esteem thatfinancial seems to keep queriesand slipping, but today concerns underpin is one of those timeswhen you everything,and that you can take stepstoliftyour won’tget anywhereunless morale. Youmay even realise JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel2s youdeal with themfirst.I justwhat it is that has been Instructions mean,whatgoodare dreams damaging your confidence. Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, if youcan’tpay forthem? Wasitanother person? therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 4270 Also, questionapartneron Perhaps youalso played theanswerforthegivenquip. mustappearineachofthe theirreal motives. your part. Agoodthingtorememberissomebody’sgotita______thanwedo.-JoelOsteen(3,5) nineverticalcolumns,in 271 VIRGO (Aug 24 -Sep 23) PISCES (Feb 20 -Mar 20) eachoftheninehorizontal You’reataminor Powerful emotions EGSER ASVYLT rowsandineachofthe monthly areinthe air.You U4 nineboxes. crossroads,and the areskilledinthe art SUDOKU best advice nowis of keeping your to carry on asyou are, butbe feelingstoyourself,but they OLEOS AKQUSW ready to make a180-degree areliabletobreak out sooner DifficultyLevel ION turn at anymoment.Your or later.Justbesuretofind SUDOK 1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; stars are in averypowerful the rightwords.Ambitious 3s=Medium;4s=Hard; mood, butwhen eventsmove stars arelikelytosee you 5s=VeryHard;6s= fast youwill have to decide aimingfor the top, by the way. en te Os oel -J do. we an th e ors tw lo a it got dy’s bo some is er mb me re to thing ood Ag r: we Ans Genius whichway to jump. Go forit. SOLUT K AW SQU Y, TL AS ,V OSE LO GE, SER SOLUTION: BUSINESS NECC suggested farm- My oldname Prabhavathi KARVE RD - gate price for100eggs RECRUITMENT POULTRY changed to new name as Jaya Advertising Pvt Ltd, on 23.10.2020 in Pune Prabhavati Sampat SITUATION VACANT 612/3 Anupam Darshan, without tray is Rs-535 Bhosale and my Birth KarveRd, Kothrud, Pune. Hotel Staff Wanted at (FiveHundred and date changed from Manas Enterprises, SomatnePhata,Dhaba Thirty Five Rupees only) 01/07/1950 to 02/06/1948 SanjayJaganath Indian Cook, Phone:NECC 24270724, vide Affidavit no Hagawant, 34/3, Tandoorwala, 26336377,Dealer: 2052141941268500338676 Swaroon Chhaya Apt, 24332689, 24455130, Moriwala, Waiter, Lane No 2, HappyColony, 24265787. 0090276989-1 BillingClerk. Contact- KarveRd, Pune. Ph. No. 7709443399 / 64004637, 9767428509. 0090272256-1 My name before marriage wasManjusha 8379876863 Virgo Advertising & Archana Poultry farm. Suresh Pathak and after 0090277009-1 Media Publication, Available wholesale live marriage it has changed Vivek W. Lawand, broilers 1.3-1.5kg; 2kg& to Smita Sanjeev PROPERTY Shop-5,Plot-24, above.Eggs at PadhyeAadhar CardNo Kakade Complex, Nr Bhairavnath Temple, attractiverates. Shop 451447841546 LAND FORSALE delivery available. KarveNagar, 9767101013/ 0090277021-1 2 Ropen land with Pune-52. 9552525315/ 9552525316 Julie Das old name to construction for sale @ KOTHRUD - Rani Ranjan Das new near Sai Mandir Minat Advertising, Pune Broilers Traders’ 0090272941-1 164/12 Shinde Building, name. Wrong date of Vadmukhwadi, 3.25 R Association Rate On ShastriNagar,Kothrud, A Pune Broiler Traders Birth 01/01/1987 correct open land for sale @ 23.10.2020 ForLiveBig Pune. Ph. No. Association Rate on date of Birth 22/11/1986 near Alandi Road Dighi Birds Rs-120 Live 9960111193/ 9822110193/ 23.10.2020for Livebig Affidavit no 128/2020 9822965766, 8378841133, Tandoori Birds Rs-134 66020354. birds Rs-123 LiveSmall dated 20th Oct 2020 8087642780 Momin Poultry (Asif Sneha Communications, Birds Rs-141 contact- 0090276883-1 Momin) 26336349. 869584268. 0090276988-1 Plot 39, Flat No.7, Old building with 75% Swapan Apartments, 0090273461-3 I, ShilpaVikas Surve 0090265628-21 Right Bhusari Colony, spouseofSurve Vikas land for sale 2 Vencobb today’s ex-shop Paud Road, Kothrud. Ph. OTHERCLASSIFIED Shriram resident of Nanapeth, Laxmi Road delivery rate at Pune Rs- No. 25282791/ ShaskiyaVishram Gruh, touchPune 9822965766, 92 per kg.Contact (9522) CHANGE OF NAME 9422031002. Pagmala, Chiplun, Tal. 9307586049, 8087642780 22872417, Pune (9520) Pradnya My old name was Chiplun, Dist. Ratnagiri 0090276883-2 24269414. Communications, Naseem Zahiruddin at (MAH) have changed and my new name is RohiniDnyaneshwar 0090272255-1 my NamefromShilpato Mohol, 83/165, Shastri Rehana Zahiruddin ShilpaVikas Survevide SERVICES Simra Trading rates for Sayyed Aadhaar no. nagar, NearSainath affidavit No. 2592/19 Mandir,Kothrud,Pune. 100 eggs.Selling price 465260897071. WATER PROOFING Rs- 545 Contact 0090277003-1 Without Breaking Toilet, M. 9422015746. 9922117736. 0090276956-1 Bathroom, 5years Shubhangi Ads., I, Sahil Vikas Surveson of Gurantee, Terrace 10yrs PlotNo.30, Madhavbaug 0090273863-1 I No: 2791654N, EX-HAV, SurveVikas Shriram Gurantee,All Leakage Co-Op. Soc., Shivtirth Patil Mukund Shamrao, resident of Shaskiya Sheetal Agro Traders Work, Free Visit nagar, Paud Road, Name of My Son Vishram Gruh, Pagmala, Today’sEx-Shop delivery AuthourisedApplicator Kothrud, Pune-411038 Changed from Kawshik Chiplun, Tal. Chiplun, for livesmall birds size Dr.Fixit7666729911/9225 M. 9822173930, to PatilKaushik Dist. Ratnagiri at (MAH) between1.3 to 1.5 rate at 534110. 9850965214 Mukund. Affidavit have changed my Name PuneRs. 140/-per Kg. KOREGAON PARK - No:18504. from Sahil to Sahil Vikas 0090271273-1 7776024132,7588532184 Taurus Advertising 0090277008-1 Survevide affidavit No.
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