TheSpringsStructurePlan 6 STRUCTUREPLAN With greater design flexibility, and the more recent community, local and state governmentinputintotheproject,thedesignphilosophyreflectsabalancedplanning solution,takingintoaccountthefollowingkeyinfluences: 6.1 STRUCTUREPLANFORMAT theStateGovernment’svisionforthesuccessfulredevelopmentoftheareain consultationwiththelandowners; The Springs offers exciting opportunities for urban redevelopment, as well as a number of significant challenges for both design and implementation. In formulating thestatutoryandadministrativerequirementsoftheCityofBelmontandState a planning framework to promote and successfully implement the design vision, it Government; was considered that the controlling framework needed to be comprehensive, controlling development at a three dimensional level, and should visually theresponsesoftheprivatelandownersandthesurroundinglocalcommunity; communicatetheultimatedesignvisiontothecommunity,administrators,andfuture developers. For these reasons, the overall Structure Plan comprises a raft of aneedtomaintainindependencefortheremainingprivatelandowners;and interrelatedcomponents,including: LandCorp’scorporatecommitmenttoproducingsustainablecommunities,and MasterPlan(Figure13)–aninformativeplanintendedtographicallyconvey contributingtobroaderregionalsustainabilitygoals. thedevelopmentvision,includingroadsandpedestrianmovement,landscape andindicativebuiltform;thisplanisforguidancepurposesonlyanddoesnot The vision of The Springs is that of an attractive inner urban residential area havetheformalstatusoftheStructurePlan. containingamixofmediumtohighdensityhousingtypesandcommercialuses,with highqualitypublicspacesofferingstrongconnectionstotheriver,publictransitand StructurePlan(Figures14A&B)–thecontrollingplanthatidentifiesspecific regionalroadandpedestriansystems. development requirements and controls, including land use, residential density, open space/drainage and new infrastructure (Figure14A) and NewbuildingsinTheSpringswillcomplementthestreetcharacterandpublicspaces. buildingheights(Figure14B). Housingdensityandarchitectureisintendedtokeepbuildingheighttoahumanscale at the street, to ensure that the streets and other public spaces will provide an Design Guidelines – a set of precinctͲbased standards to provide more appealing,liveableenvironment. comprehensiveguidancetoachievethestreetscapeandbuiltformobjectives oftheStructurePlan. 6.2.1 DEVELOPMENTOBJECTIVES The following is an explanation of, firstly, the design philosophy and objectives A series of development objectives were formulated early in the visioning process for underpinningtheStructurePlan,andsecondly,thekeyelementsofthePlan. TheSprings.Thedevelopmentobjectivesrecognisethebackgroundtotheplanning for the site, however, focus on the natural attributes and strategic location of the 6.2 DESIGNPHILOSOPHY precincttotransformtheareaintoahighlyliveable,appealingurbansettingandalso createsastrikinggatewaytoboththePerthCBDandtheCityofBelmont. The Springs,as an urban renewal precinct, has experienced a protracted history of structureplanninginitiatives,whichhavebeenlargelycomplicatedbyamultiplicityof land ownership. More recently, however, LandCorp has acquired a majority of the land,particularlyinthemorefragmentedareassouthofRiversdaleRoad,pavingthe way for a more flexible and comprehensive approach to the planning and developmentoftheprecinct. 04/101 37|Page NOTES 1 CRACKNELL PARK LANDSCAPING 10 EASTERN END OF RIVERSDALE ROAD TO POTENTIALLY TO BE UPGRADED. BE DISCONNECTED. PARKING EMBAYMENTS WILL BE PROVIDED WITHIN PORTION OF DISCONNECTED 2 NEW DEVELOPMENT TO PROVIDE ROAD. VIEW CORRIDORS TO THE FORESHORE AND BUILDINGS RELATE 11 HIGH QUALITY MEWS WITH A VARIETY WELL WITH CRACKNELL PARK AND OF HOUSING TYPES. THE FORESHORE. RIVERSDALE ROAD IMPROVED WITH 3 1 12 ROWE AVENUE UPGRADED AS A NEW STREETSCAPE FEATURES AND 2 MIXED-USE STREET WITH NEW 10 PEDESTRIAN-FRIENDLY DESIGN. STREETSCAPE DESIGN. HAWKSBURN ROAD WIDENED TO 4 ROAD PROVIDE A LINEAR PARK WITH 13 MIXED USE SITE WITH REAR PARKING RIVERSDALE 3 PEDESTRIAN-PRIORITY STREET ACCESS. DESIGN. 4 14 HAWKSBURN 11 SERVICE ROAD, CONNECTING TO ROWE 5 TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT IN A 12 AVENUE, PROVIDING FRONTAGE FOR MEWS, WITH PEDESTRIAN LINK TO COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT ALONG HAWKSBURN ROAD. GREAT EASTERN HIGHWAY. 5 AVENUE 13 TALLER BUILDINGS ALONG FREEWAY GRAHAM 6 15 EDGE, WITH LOW-SCALE BUILDINGS ROAD ENTRY FROM GREAT EASTERN ALONG NEW STREET. HIGHWAY FOR DIRECT ACCESS TO COMMERCIAL USES. 14 6 7 NEW STREET TO ENABLE EFFECTIVE 15 DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT 7 16 THE SOUTHERN END OF THE PEDESTRIAN-PRIORITY DESIGN OF HAWKSBURN ROAD ROAD RESERVE TO HAWKSBURN ROAD. ROAD BE DEVELOPED AS A HIGHLY ROWE PEDESTRIANISED, URBANISED PLAZA ERN HIGHWAY WITH GOOD PASSIVE SURVEILLANCE OF FARMER FREE T 8 HIGH QUALITY LANDSCAPING OF S THE ENTRY/EXIT POINT TO THE 16 A OPEN SPACE AND DRAINAGE AREA. E PEDESTRIAN UNDERPASS AND LINKAGES TO OTHER URBAN SPACES 8 WITHIN THE STRUCTURE PLAN AREA. 9 LANDMARK TOWER BUILDING AT KEY CITY GATEWAY. AT RE W G A 9 Y STRUCTURE PLAN AREA FIGURE THE SPRINGS STRUCTURE PLAN, RIVERVALE N TAYLOR BURRELL BARNETT 20m0m 20 40 60m Town Planning and Design 187 Roberts Road Subiaco Western Australia 6008 Telephone: (08) 9382 2911 INDICATIVE MASTERPLAN december 2007 | 04/101 13 Facsimile: (08) 9382 4586 [email protected] LEGEND PUBLIC OPEN SPACE R60 R80 MIXED USE R80 RIVERSDALE ROAD NORTH R 100 / R160 (refer to design guidelines) ROWE AVENUE WEST R160 (refer to design guidelines) MIXED USE R100 EASTERN END OF RIVERSDALE ROAD TO MIXED USE R250 BE DISCONNECTED PUBLIC AND/OR PRIVATE LANEWAYS* ROAD RIVERSDALE NOTES POTENTIAL FOR RESTAURANT TYPE USE HAWKSBURN ON LOWER LEVEL POTENTIAL FOR LOCAL SHOP /CAFE TYPE MAXIMUM RETAIL FLOORSPACE 320m2 USE ON LOWER LEVEL (MAXIMUM RETAIL AVENUE WITHIN MIXED USE R80 FRONTING GREAT FLOORSPACE 80m2) EASTERN HIGHWAY. GRAHAM HAWKSBURN ROAD RESERVE TO BE SERVICE ROAD TO PROVIDE LEGIBLE ACCESS WIDENED TO CREATE LINEAR PARKLAND. & PARKING FOR COMMERCIAL USES ROAD ACCESS DESIGNED FOR LOCAL MALVERN ROAD FRONTING GREAT EASTERN HIGHWAY. VISITOR ACCESS / PARKING ONLY. LINEAR ROAD CONNECTION THROUGH TO ROWE AVENUE PARKLAND TO BE DESIGNED IN REQUIRED TO PROVIDE SEMI DIRECT RETURN ACCORDANCE WITH LANDSCAPE MASTER TO HIGHWAY. DESIGN OF SERVICE ROAD TO PLAN. ROWE BE APPROVED BY CITY OF BELMONT. ERN HIGHWAY T FARMER FREE S A E NEW ROAD ENTRY FROM GREAT EASTERN HIGHWAY. PROVIDES MORE DIRECT ACCESS FOR COMMERCIAL TRAFFIC. ENTRY DESIGN TO BE APPROVED BY MRWA. DRAINAGE SUMP TO BE LANDSCAPED AND AT SOUTHERN END OF HAWKSBURN ROAD TO DEVELOPED AS AESTHETIC, USABLE OPEN RE BE RE-LEVELLED AND PAVED TO INDICATE SPACE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH LANDSCAPE W G A PEDESTRIAN PRIORITISATION, IN MASTERPLAN. Y ACCORDANCE WITH LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN. LOCAL VEHICLE ACCESS AND PARKING STILL PERMITTED. THE SPRINGS SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT *ALL LANEWAYS IDENTIFIED ON THE PLAN PRECINCT ARE PUBLIC AND/OR PRIVATE ACCESS WAYS, THE SPECIFICATION OF WHICH IS TO BE DETERMINED AT THE DETAILED DESIGN STRUCTURE PLAN AREA PHASE. FIGURE THE SPRINGS STRUCTURE PLAN, RIVERVALE N TAYLOR BURRELL BARNETT 20m0m 20 40 60m Town Planning and Design 187 Roberts Road Subiaco Western Australia 6008 Telephone: (08) 9382 2911 LAND USE october 2007 | 04/101 14A Facsimile: (08) 9382 4586 [email protected] LEGEND MINIMUM HEIGHT 6m OR 2 STOREYS MAXIMUM HEIGHT 17m AND 4 STOREYS MINIMUM HEIGHT 6m OR 2 STORYS MAXIMUM HEIGHT 27m AND 6 STOREYS MINIMUM HEIGHT 30m MAXIMUM HEIGHT PODUIM 15m TOWER AS PER SCHEDULE 9, TPS 14 MINIMUM HEIGHT PODUIM 6m OR 2 STOREYS TOWER 15m AND 3 STOREYS MAXIMUM HEIGHT PODUIM 15m OR 3 STOREYS RIVERSDALE ROAD TOWER 30m AND 9 STOREYS TO BE DETERMINED THROUGH DETAILED AREA PLANNING HAWKSBURN ROAD PRECINCTS 1 HAWKSBURN ROAD 2 GREAT EASTERN HIGHWAY HIGHWAY PENINSULA GRAHAM ROWE AVENUE 3 4 RIVERSDALE ROAD - NORTH 5 RIVERSDALE ROAD - SOUTH 6 ROWE AVENUE - EAST RESIDENTIAL 7 ROWE AVENUE - EAST MIXED USE 8 ROWE AVENUE - WEST RESIDENTIAL TOWERS FARMER HIGHWAY ERN ST A T E A E FR E GR EW A Y STRUCTURE PLAN AREA FIGURE THE SPRINGS STRUCTURE PLAN, RIVERVALE N TAYLOR BURRELL BARNETT 20m0m 20 40 60m Town Planning and Design 187 Roberts Road Subiaco Western Australia 6008 Telephone: (08) 9382 2911 BUILDING HEIGHTS september 2009 | 04/101 14B Facsimile: (08) 9382 4586 [email protected] TheSpringsStructurePlan Thedevelopmentobjectivesfocuson: Development will have a high regard for environmentally sustainable outcomes through management of energy, water, indoor air quality, landscape and Strongriverlinks–creationofhighqualityinternalparksthatcreatediversity construction. It is envisaged that The Springs will embrace the requirements for andstrongriverlinkages; energyratedbuildingsandappliancesanddemonstrateachievementofa‘fiveͲstar’ ratingagainstarecognisedsustainabilityperformanceratingsystem. Transportation linkages – developing strong transport linkages to the City, freeway,airport,cyclenetworks,busandtrainnetwork; 6.3 DEVELOPMENTPROPOSAL UrbanVillage–creatingamixeduseurbanenvironmentwithafocusonthe relationshipbetweenthestreetandbuiltform; 6.3.1 DESIGNPRINCIPLES Urban renewal – voluntary redevelopment of underutilised landuse to facilitatesustainableurbandevelopment; The final Structure Plan design represents the culmination of an extensive design processthathassoughttoembodythedesignphilosophy,LandCorp’ssustainability Metropolitan gateway – urban form to recognise and identify/punctuate objectives, and the feedback from landowners and the broader public. All of these entrancetothePerthCentralAreaandCityofBelmont;AND
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