THE CENTRAL POST VOL. VIII,^O. 8 KENDALL PARK. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 196(i Newsstand 10<J per copy Jaycees Solution Students Select To Odors Overflow Jones In Sight School Outstanding Man Rodner Named Board Shuffles 'Dream* Conies To Take Over Seventh Grade J’rue Kor \\ if’e 1*1 u mb ing l*o8t (Mass Locations By Thomas Waldron A new plumbing inspector was appointed and preliminary plans Housing plans for next year's James D. Jones, 34, of Little for the conversion of the Kendall seventh graders were revealed at Rocky Hill has been chosen South Park sewerage plant were the meeting of the South Brunswick Brunswick’ s outstanding young presented at the South Bninswlck Board of Education Monday. man of 1965 and will be honored at Board of Health meeting Monday Walter W. Chesner, principal of a banquet March 19 sponsored by night. the high school, explained to about the local Jaycees. A letter of resignation from 40 parents at the meeting that the Employed at the Princeton Post Charles .Albanese Jr., the board's present high school is not adequate Office and as store manager of plumbing Inspector, stated that to add the class of about 250 the Grogshop In the Kendall Park he had other business committ­ students next year. shopping center, he has been active ments which prevented him from Because of the space problem, In numerous civic activities. He serving the board any longer. Mr. Chesner explained four al­ and his wife Mary live on Old After the board accepted Mr. ternatives have been considered. Road with their children, Lawanda, Albanese’s resignation, Alan Has­ The alternative which will be tried 10, and Lament, 9. kins nominated a suprlsed Donald next September will have students Mr. Jones accepted news of the Rodner, the assistant plumblngln- from the Kendall Park area at­ announcement somewhat more spector, who was present at the tending classes in the Greenbrook calmly than his wife. She woke meeting. The health officer, Arthur School. him at 3:30 a.m. the mornlngafter Bartolozzl, said Mr, Rodner would Those from Dayton, Deans and the announcement to ask whether^ be a "definite asset.’’ Monmouth Junction will attend "It was really true” or had she School Holds Hootenanny Mr. Rodner agreed he would school In the Christian Education "only dreamed of his winning the work at the job for the time be­ building of the First Presbyterian award". Shelly and Paul, RCA record­ dents Liz Singer, Alan Rosenfeld ing until particulars could be ar­ Church of Dayton. In addition, Mr. Jones’ selection was an­ ing artists, highlighted Satur­ and Dot Smith fromSouth Bruns­ ranged. two classes will attend the high nounced by Edward Fiore, chair­ school. day’s "Hootenanny ’66’’ held in wick plus a number of perform­ Stanley Greess, representing the Policeman Honored By First Aid Squad man of the Jaycees Outstanding the South Brunswick HlghSchool. ers from other area schools. Municipal Utilities Authority, pre­ The question of where the young­ Young Man of 1965 committee. It was the second hootenanny to sented the board preliminary plans sters will go next year was brought The professional performers Honorary membership In the ment by squad president Gerald squad members during last The winner was chosen from assisted the school’s students In be held at the school. The pro­ for the conversion of the Kendall up by new board member Howard among some 20 nominees by a Kendall Park First Aid Squad D. Harrison, right, and Capt, month’ s blizzard when they car­ arranging the program and gram was sponsored jointly by Park sewerage plant. The author­ O. Burr at the reorganization panel of judges consisting of Mr. has been presented to Patrolman Clyde Wilte. The honor stems ried a stranded automobile pas­ meeting. served as masters of ceremony. the staff of the Viking Press and ity is putting up an additional plant Dorsey Trent, center, of the David Merrow, an associate mem­ from help "fa r beyond the call of senger through a mile of snow He said he had heard “ bits Other performers included stu­ the varsity football team. at Kingston. South Brunswick Police Depart­ duty’ ’ Patrolman Trent gave to an ambulance. ber of the Jaycees; Mr. Leo Mr. Foley explained that it was and pieces” of information on Mahony, winner of the award for unfortunate that one board had to where the seventh graders would 1964; Mr. Curtis Conover, presi­ litigate against another board on be placed, but had not received dent of the South Brunswick Lions any concrete information from the 1-95 Highway Still the sewerage problem, but Mr. Vikings Take Two Squeakers, Club; and Mr. Norman Fielding, Greess replied that it was the most board. He asked that the question president of the Kendall Park Mer­ expedient method of reaching a be placed on the agenda for the Monday meeting. chants Association. solution. He said the authority is The award will be presented by Hot Issue In Area now “ on the road to getting the Bring Season Tally To 13-5 The other alternatives explained Jaycee president Edward Plcone job done.” by Mr. Chesner included two at a banquet to be held at Fors- Committee appointments, poli­ mew intermediate school being double sessions for seventh and Mr. Foley asked Mr, Greess to BY NORMAN .MONHAIT and the Greyhounds were tripped gate Country Club March 19. Mr. tical pressure and talk on com­ planned for a tract 1,000 feet off making the score 65-62. eighth graders in the high school; assure the health board that the 61-60. The two victories gave the Flore also announced that tickets promise highlighted last week’s iAmwell Road and DeMott Lane. Two final Hoffman tallies were an extended day with staggered problem will not become as in­ Twice last week Tom Griggs Vikings a 13-5 record with two for the banquet-dance are avail­ jlnterstate Route 95 (l-95j actlvi- I They would not actually intersect insufficient to alter the outcome sessions; and pushing the class tolerable in Kingston as it now is put in winning foul shots as coach contests remaining. able through the ticket chairman |ty. [the tract, Leonard Hlrsch, build- and the Vikings emerged victori­ sizes up to 30 students and stag­ in Kendall Park. Alan Balcomb fretted and excited The Tuesday, Feb. 15, encounter for the affair, Howard M. Hasson, In Franklin Township, hopes of jlng site chairman declared, but ous. gering the periods. Mr. Greess said the odor cannot crowds roared, and twice South started with the Vikings taking a 103 New Road. I another alignment - one follow- I would possibly slice a portion off In the tight contest, Griggs wras In all cases, he noted trans­ be completely eliminated but the Brunswick High School’s basket­ 17-14 first period lead only to Mr. Jones was born Aug. 8, I ing the route proposals of the j the far end of the property. the Vikings’ third high scorer with portation costs would rise, and present odor situation wlU def­ ball team won games by the razor have the Governors establish a 1931 In Hagerstown, Md. and at­ , Mayor and Council and Somerset The main problem from the 11 points. Rose and Sklllman tied extra curricular activities would initely be corrected. He said, how­ thin margin of one point. 20-19 edge for themselves in the tended local schools through high I County planners - grew bright board’s point of view, .Mr. Hlrsch for the lead with 19 each. have to be curtailed. ever, that it cannot be assumed Hoffman and North Burlington beginning of the second stanza. In last Friday’s game, the Vik­ school there. He served with the I when news of a meeting between stated, was that the highway would there will be no problems at alL were the victims of the senior Mr. Chesner explained that by U.S. Air Force in the 22nd j state highway official: and the become a concrete barrier, mak- A nine-point Viking scoring ings ran off 17 straight points in having the seventh graders placed Mr, Foley then said he was guard’s free throw accuracy as the string, including seven points by Fighter-Bomber Squadron sta­ I Somerset County planning board on jlng the school inaccessible for a the first period to take a 24-10 In Greenbrook, In the Dayton r-vvernors lost by a 65-64 score Sklllman and a pair of foul shots by tioned in Fursten Feldbruck, I Feb. 15, came to light. : great number of students, unless (continued on page 4) lead but then had to scramble Church and the high school, the Rose, returned the lead to South through the rest of the game In Germany during the years of the Dwight R. Palmer, state highway [many overpasses were built. "It students could have a regular day Brunswick’s side of the score- order to win. Korean conflict and was discharged jeommissioner, declared in a letter (continued on page 4) with an almost full program, board. The margin was length­ The Greyhounds outpointed the as a staff sergeant. ;to the Franklin Township Board of - 0- Local Carpenter Specializes (continued on page 3) ened to 10 points, 35-25, by half­ Vikings 14-9 in the second stanza He moved to South Brunswick In [Education Monday that final align- time. g - 0- 1959, upon completion of the and 19-12 in the third to close the iment of Route 1-90 has not yet been .lOO Y Oiinjj Seemingly lulled into com­ building of the Jones’ present home In Many Unusual Products gap to 45-43.
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