i Appendix E Cocckburn Coast Cultural Heritage Strategy v _E Document Set ID: 7598972 \\hps002\data2\pro\pla\02\PPP0235\12 Reports\ROBB JETTY Local Structure Plan - Planning\Appendicies\Appendicies.indd Version: 1, Version Date: 29/06/2018 COCKBURN COAST CUlTURAl heRiTAge STRATegy 711-228 OctOber 2012 Document Set ID: 7598972 Version: 1, Version Date: 29/06/2018 ii CoCkburn Coast Cultural Heritage strategy OCTOBER 2012 DOCUmeNT CONTROl Document ID: PLANNING/PG 2011/711-228 cockburn coast Heritage counsultancy/Final Documents/Amended/14 August 2012 cockburn coast Heritage Strategy.indd Issue Date Status Prepared by Approved by Name Initials Name Initials 5 20.10.2012 Final -updated Nerida Moredoundt & Nerida Moredoundt Susannah Kendall this report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the client, in accordance with the agreement between the client and tPG (‘Agreement’). tPG accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever in respect of any use of or reliance upon this report by any person who is not a party to the Agreement or an intended recipient. In particular, it should be noted that this report is a qualitative assessment only, based on the scope and timing of services defined by the client and is based on inf ormation supplied by the client and its agents. tPG cannot be held accountable for information supplied by others and relied upon by tPG. copyright and any other Intellectual Property arising from the report and the provision of the services in accordance with the Agreement belongs exclusively to tPG unless otherwise agreed and may not be reproduced or disclosed to any person other than the client without the express written authority of tPG. tPG reports are printed on: Document Set ID: 7598972 Version: 1, Version Date: 29/06/2018 CoCkburn Coast Cultural Heritage strategy OCTOBER 2012 iii eXeCUTiVe SUmmARy cockburn coast is located on the coastline Australia in October 1833 and the beach between the Port coogee and South beach has also been used for exercising racing developments, to the south of Fremantle in horses from that time to the present. Western Australia. Planning is underway to guide the transition of this area from its former • Feeding the State - the area was an integral industrial use to a vibrant, mixed-use urban part of the agricultural industry of the environment. this cultural Heritage Strategy State, particularly through the development has been commissioned by Land corp, to inform of robb Jetty, the abattoir and associated the development of the cockburn coast District industries from the mid-1850s through to Structure Plan Part 2 and associated Local the early 1990s. Structure Plans. It provides the basis for the Power Generation - the area contains ongoing management, care and interpretation • the South Fremantle Power Station, a of the indigenous, historic and maritime ‘cathedral of Power’, which played an heritage sites located within in the project area. integral part in the development of power the cockburn coast coastline and the limestone generation in the State from the 1950s ridge behind it contains a diverse range of heritage Defence – the South beach battery is a places that provide an insight into the story of the • remnant of a larger military complex that history and development of the area, with the most has associations with the military defence visually prominent being the South Fremantle operations of Western Australia during Power Station and the robb Jetty Abattoir chimney. World War two. the area also includes significant shipwrecks, landscape plantings, sculptures, the South beach the cockburn coast study area has been divided Horse exercise Area and robb Jetty camp, an into three precincts: the Power Station Precinct, the Aboriginal site of historical significance. robb Jetty Precinct (and Foreshore) and the Hilltop/ emplacement Precinct. this Strategy provides a the recognition and incorporation of the distinctive management framework for the identified heritage heritage of the area is a significant component of sites in each of the three precincts; setting out how the urban renaissance of cockburn coast and is to protect and transmit their heritage values, in integral to creating a distinct and meaningful place. accordance with relevant legislative requirements. Key themes, stories and associations identified with A summary of the Heritage Management Strategies the heritage of the cockburn coast area include: for each precinct is outlined on the following pages. • Survival of Indigenous People in the post- colonial economy - prior to settlement the coastal dunes are thought to have been used for burial purposes, the last finding being recorded in 1885; from about 1910 until about 1985, an Aboriginal camp was located near robb Jetty. • Shipping - Owen Anchorage was used as an early mooring/anchorage area for ships arriving at the newly settled colony. • Horse racing - South beach was the site of the first official horse race in Western Document Set ID: 7598972 Version: 1, Version Date: 29/06/2018 iv CoCkburn Coast Cultural Heritage strategy OCTOBER 2012 1. POweR STATiON PReCiNCT 1.1 South Fremantle Power Station • retain, conserve and adapt the South Fremantle • Integrate interpretation of the site in the Power Station for new uses. cockburn coast project to communicate the • Any future conservation, management and/or tangible and intangible values and history of the adaptation works to the South Fremantle Power wreck to the community. Station are to be undertaken in accordance with State and local policies and procedures. 1.4 inDian Ocean Site • Maintain the visual setting of, and • Integrate interpretation of the mythological interrelationship between, the significant story of the site into the cockburn coast project contributory elements of the South Fremantle to communicate the tangible and intangible Power Station. values of the site. • ensure all opportunities to generate awareness • Should any development be proposed in Owen and public interest in the building are Anchorage, conduct a maritime survey. capitalised upon. • Acknowledge the significance of high quality 2. hilltop/emPlACemeNT PReCiNCT urban art, which has been informally applied on the walls of the Power Station since its closure. 2.1 South Beach Battery (remainS) • Integrate interpretation of the site in the • retain and conserve the remaining South beach cockburn coast project to communicate the battery. tangible and intangible values and history of the • Views from the South beach battery to the place to the community. Indian Ocean should be retained in future planning. 1.2 the Diana ShiPwreck • Integrate interpretation of the site in the • retain in situ and do not disturb. cockburn coast project to communicate the • Any future conservation, management and/ tangible and intangible values and history of the or adaptation works to the place are to be place to the community. undertaken in accordance with commonwealth • consideration should be given to the partial and State legislation, policies and procedures. reinstatement of earth embankments to allow • Integrate interpretation of the site in the an appreciation of its original form. cockburn coast project to communicate the tangible and intangible values and history of the 3. ROBB jeTTy AND fOReShORe PReCiNCT wreck to the community. 3.1 robb Jetty CamP 1.3 the JameS ShiPwreck • Any future conservation, management and/ • retain in situ and do not disturb. or adaptation works to the place are to be undertaken in accordance with State and local • Any future conservation, management and/ policies and procedures. or adaptation works to the place are to be undertaken in accordance with commonwealth • Integrate interpretation of the site in the and State legislation, policies and procedures. cockburn coast project to communicate the tangible and intangible values and history of the place to the community. Document Set ID: 7598972 Version: 1, Version Date: 29/06/2018 CoCkburn Coast Cultural Heritage strategy OCTOBER 2012 v • Acknowledge that skeletal material has should ensure it retains its landmark qualities. previously been unearthed in the general • Integrate interpretation of the site in the vicinity. cockburn coast project to communicate the tangible and intangible values and history of the 3.2 South Beach HorSe ExerciSe Area place to the community. • South beach should continue to be used for the horse training, a use with which it has had a 3.5 wyola anD Barge (remainS) long association. • Investigate the heritage value of the Wyola and • Any future conservation, management and/ barge (remains). or adaptation works to the place are to be • Any future actions (including conservation, undertaken in accordance with State and local management and/or adaptation works) to the policies and procedures. place are to be undertaken in consultation with • Integrate interpretation of the site in the key stakeholders. cockburn coast project to communicate the • Integrate interpretation of the site in the tangible and intangible values and history of the cockburn coast project to communicate the place to the community. tangible and intangible values and history of the wreck. 3.3 robb Jetty • remnants of robb Jetty should be retained 3.6 moreton Bay Fig TreeS undisturbed. • retain and conserve the Moreton bay Figs. • Any future conservation, management and/ or adaptation works to the place are to be 4. PUBliC ART undertaken in accordance with State and local • retain, conserve and include in any overall policies and procedures. interpretation strategy the Human race Artwork • consideration should be given to providing and the c Y O’connor statue. historic statutory heritage protection to robb • encourage new forms of Public Art in the Jetty in its own right. project area that interprets the cultural heritage • Integrate interpretation of the site in the of cockburn coast. cockburn coast project to communicate the tangible and intangible values and history of the place to the community. 3.4 robb Jetty Chimney • retain and conserve the robb Jetty chimney. • Any future conservation, management and/ or adaptation works to the place are to be undertaken in accordance with State and local policies and procedures.
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