• Friday Enter rtse September 28, 1984 Volume XV Captain Shreve High School, Shreveport, La. Number 1 Close Up deadline nears; Naylor to be crowned; $15 due by Oct. 4 others get positions by Sara Benecke who was also treasurer her Assistant Editor sophomore year, has been as boys' vice-president and Oct. 4 is the date set for this year includes an over­ Class Officers and Home­ re-elected to that position. Mindy Hopkins is girls' vice­ registration and a $75 deposit night stay in Williamsburg, coming Election results for Courtney Hanna will lead president. Jennifer Thomas is for students who plan to Virginia. the 1984-85 school year are the junior class , as well as Freshman Class secretary and attend Close Up in Washing­ History teacher Georgia in! put together the Junior­ Missy Longino is treasurer. ton D.C., on Dec. 9-15. Lee (Room 109), coordinator This year's voting did not Senior Prom , with the help of Of the 12 g iris running for Close Up, an intensive first for this year's group, en­ follow the regular method of girls' vice-president Jeanie girls' senator, Catherine hand study of the government, courages interested students using the voting machines. Sullivan, and boys ' vice­ Pringle was elected to serve cost $813, a price that in­ to seek tax deductible con­ Ballots were used by the president Steven Booras, who on Student Council with the , eludes the deposits, lodging, tribution from businesses to method of marking a "V" or has served in that position freshman boys ' senator, food, transportation, and en­ help defray the cost of the "X" by your choice. Votes for the past three years. Trey May. tertainment. An added trip trip. were counted, tallied, and Secretary for her third term On the 1984-85 Home­ announced by members of the is Karen Fertitta and Dawn coming Court , Senior Myra Bi-Racial Committee on Hodges will be treasurer. Naylor will reign as queen Friday, Sept. 21. In case you The new sophomore presi­ with 12 maids. did not hear the final results, dent is Caranza Pryor. Seniors on the court include here is a complete rundown. Michael Smith will serve as Jan Brasken, Leatha Brown, Starting with the graduat­ boys' vice-president and Beth Kim Snelling, and Anita Increased enrollment ing class, Terri Bush, who Bain is girls' vice-president Strode. ran unopposed, will serve as for her second year. Nancy Underclassmen maids in­ president of her class for the Googe will be secretary and clude juniors Demmye Booras, fourth year in a row. The two Kevin Cunningham will be Margaret Bundrick, and causes overcrowding vice-presidents are Dede Wil­ treasurer for his second term Stephanie Fuller. Sopho- burn, girls' vice-president; this year. mores Beth Bain and Nancy and Abb Jones, boys' vice­ Out of the eight students Googe and as the result of a by Sara Benecke alleviate the problem. Fresh­ president. Teri Simpson, running for Freshman Class tie there are three freshman and Melissa Abney men schedules were changed who was secretary her sopho­ president, Mike Craddock maids: Mindy Hopkins, Assistant Editor, Reporter to rei ieve the number of more year, has recovered her has been elected to that Krista Law, and Tammy students in certain classes. title this year. Lauren Hayes, office. Trey Cox will serve Nehring. Enrollment at Shreve is up Rosemary Farabaugh, a ~----------------- ------·-·-------------1 this year, torping last year's special education teacher, was total of 1,560 with this year's added to the regular teach­ 1,612. ing staff to teach civics It's wild, exciting--anything but 'prep' The largest group is the classes and a business math. by Stephanie Brown used as bracelets. Still others Jones and Ferrare think the Freshman Class with 433 English teacher Jenny Casillas Reporter carry on the traditional preppy new casual look that can be students. Sophomores run a lost her civics class to Fara­ Trends. The latest fads or look which none of us can dressy will be here to stay. close second with 400 stu­ baugh, but picked up an fashions. The dictionary defi- forget. These new looks are About how long the new dents, and juniors are third Eng I ish I to take the over­ nition has been the same for something different and trends will last, well who with 391. This year's grad­ load of freshmen from other many years but at Shreve growing very rapidly among knows? So, don't blink your uating class has only 360 classes. Following these two trends have gone every which the students. eyes - you may miss a new students. (Special Education teacher changes, other way (and loose). "Weird is the beginning of trend. students are not computed in problems were easier to In past years Shreve's everything," replied Santo with regular classes.) solve. halls have been regarded as Ferrare, popular area hair Last year's largest class was According to Powell, he "fashion shows" by outsiders, designer, about the new the sophomore's (this year's had to consider asking stu­ and rival schools have often trends. Ferrare, who has now juniors), with 420. The larg­ dents to drop English I class labeled Shreve a "Prep's" been cutting and styling hair est drop in students from last to take it in the summer. school. But, change is in- in Shreveport for seven years year to this, is this year 's However, this method did not evitable and Shreve fashion believes Shreve is the most seniors who lost 50 students have to be used because this proves it. More and more up-to-date school in fashion. over the summer. This year 's problem was resolved using students are branching out Ferrare explains that hair juniors lost 20 students, other methods. into their own concepts of design is now coming to while the sophomores lost only clothes,hair and makeup.Few severe extremes as far as Enrollment 13 students. have continued to follow any overall length. "People get Classrooms overcrowded one fashion pattern, but many used to seeing themselves Freshmen With the tremendous 433 have tried to become unique, one way and then when Sophomores increase of students, there 400 bringing forth what others change takes place they freak. Juniors has been a major overflow in 391 have dared to think about. It's kind of psychological. Seniors the freshman classes and for 360 This new style that is hitting People are jumping out of the the first time in years, over­ Shreve is very much a varia- lzod anq Polo look because crowded classrooms were a lion of past trends put to- they are expressing more major problem at Shreve gether to develop this new individuality. They no longer during the first two weeks. look. feel the need to wear certain Tommy Powell, assistant The look includes many clothes tht say 'Hey, I can principal, said that at the be­ different combinations of afford these clothes. ' The ginning of school , Shreve clothes and accessories. There unique look is definitely makes a projected enrollment, is the "Esprit" look, which coming out." Ferrare believes and after the estimate has features bold colors of over- hairstyles follow clothes been produced, teachers are sized shirts, cropped jeans or styles. hired on the same basis . pants, flat shoes , and tank Amy Jones, salesman at But this year was a different tops worn under other shirts. Gung Ho, agrees with Ferrare story, he said. Much of the It wouldn't be quite complete because of the "less-kept­ problem was caused by late without the copper jewelry, looking hair" and the "big, registrants to the school . bright makeup, and the short, over-sized clothes." Both Freshmen were the hardest decorative, mousse-filled agree these new trends are a hit by overcrowded classrooms hair. Others prefer a com- part of the past, updated with with as many as 38 in one pletely different look which what we now call the "new class. Because of the large includes the latest concert look." "Time repeats itself and Freshman Jennifer Thomas classes, Powell, Principal t-shirts, blue jean jackets, so do clothes," Jones said. sports a new look in hairstyles Sandra McCalla, and many fingerless gloves, dog collars, Ferrare believes the new and Junior Cassie Sherwin others put in extra hours to dark makeup, and bandanas trends are from the past, and models a new style in clothes. Enterprise September 28, 1984 2 .--- Editorials ------------. Bring letters to the editor Freshman We need more spirit to Room 202 okay r-~~'-IMI!!!~ Ll5iEN. If You DC»>'r WfAf. Dear Editor, .SOCKS 1 YOU vE.I AfHLE'fE'.S We need more spirit. O'f..f:....VJI'\f.. ~f'.S, Why are people always &~rs INfEc.l~, How many times are we going to be told this before WHE.RE'-5 YOI)R. r:-oor; rr criticizing the actions of the someone finally gives us the chance to promote it? It is CRAWLS uP '(ouf.. LECr freshman? Have they forgotten 6oc.K~? 1 obvious there has been a lack of school spirit, but many of AND 1HEN You KNOw that they too were once fresh­ the problems can be attributed to the way the administration men? I see nothing they are WijA( .z Al"\PUfAiiON5 ! doing that seniors don't do. is handling the various spirit-oriented programs. 1~·a~.r~ I'm a junior and like most, I The spirit in pep rallies has decreased considerably in was once a freshman . I didn't the last year with the new policy of assigned seating. The wander around the halls like spirit would definitely build if, at least, football players they claim the freshmen do! were allowed to sit together.
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