', ~ .~ 3 Sections THE INGHAM COUNTY NEWS 24 Pages --~Ntlin~e;ty;..~fi~ra;t,Y~e~a~~-::~N~o.~2~9~-------~------------------------------~------~MUAVS~O~N~,1M~IC~tiiiiKG~A~N~,:TnHHUURRSSDDAA~Y~,jJUULL~Y~lU9~,}19ms~1~-------------------------------------11 j@h~R~IN~G~P~OiR~T~;;~~ YOUNGSTERS ~~E .CITY SIGHTS SprlngpOI't Blndory Mayor Names Bathing Party '·4- ·- - ~ .. J­ Boys· and Girls Ride Train, ' AIIen Regains Three mnln n:l trl!ctlonR ltll'cd 4001 Wednesday mOl'nlng. It b1•ought Study Group Inghlfm 4-rf boys . nnd glrla nnrl Its load bncl> ngnln Wednc~clay lcndera · ·lo Detrqlt . Wednesrlny. evening, renehlng Leslie n t 7::10, Ends in Death The.v WCI'c the tl•tlln •·Ide, the De. Mason at 7:45 nnd Lansing at 8:00, Seat on Leslie lrolt 'l,gers llllrl GJ•eenflcld Village, Upqn an·Jvnl in Dcli'Oit tho Ma- On Tax Va.lues The oxcui'Blon tmln m11de slops son yollngstera nnri lcaderR wont. at Lansing, Ma~on and Lcnlle early to Grecnflelrl VIllage. Elarly In the For GI' s Wife Five-Mnn Committee Will afternoon most of the boyfl and n School Board Study Property Vnluntionn, lnt of the girls went to Reo tho OfficerB Continue Probe Tigers play the Phllndelphln Ath- Repm·t Will Go to Council Census Ch ec k Ie tics, Howcvm·, thel'e were others Of Gravel Pit Drowning Dwight Henderson Loses who vlsllerl Dett·olt atoms and look Near Lansing Wednesday Because of Faulty Stickers Mnyor C, H, Hnll nHlncd ,, ell!- In downtown shows. ' Used at School Election zen's committee Monrlny night to r TllO Ingham lOUI'IRlR f!RI'l'led Mrs. Linus Parks, 19, o[ OXIllllillC flSSCSScrJ VIIIUHlions on w.· 1I Gov e n packn[C lunches for theiJ' noon J·cnl nnrl personal p1·opct'ly In tho meal. They were acrvcd supper Lansing. drowned in the Sab­ Clyde . Allen regained his city of Mason, He nppointcd How- RPIJnrd. the 'train, Mrs. Annette lain gravel pit pool about 1 :30 seat on the Leslie school board in a sea-lawyer's recount fll'd Selbm'i. who will I'CPI'C.~cnt School Study Sc:haeffer, home demonRtl'ation Wednesday morning. State manl!facllll'lng- interests In Milson, lmtdcr, Mrs. Verna Dayton and meeting Wednesday night. Alton Slt'Oilfl who will rcpr·escnt Mrs. Oncz Trumbull hnd chru·gc of police reco,rered her nude the (:tty eoune11, JJylc Howlelt who the prepamlion and se1·vlng of the During the first counting of will represent the city nt lnl'ge, School Study Group Agrcen supper. body about five o'clock the ballots July 9, Allen lost Nm·nutn Dart ft om the ChrunJ>er To Make Fa·eoh Approach to By hus next Tuesday 100 mom- Wednesday morning. to Dwight D. Henderson in a of Commerce nnrl Dcnn 'raylor Building Needs of District bers of the extension clllbs will go Mrs, Pnrks, who before hea· mar- 92-88 vote. Allen contested the WIHJ Js the city assesso1', to Grcentlelrl Vlllngc for the rlay. rlagc was Maxine Guthrie, went to Maym· Hall pointer! out thnt the Mason's committee on The bus is scheduled to mnl<e sl.ops the pit south of Lansing with Mrs. election on four counts. When asscssmcnb on p1·opet·ty n1·c 11n- school needs is scanning the Ill Mar;on, 7:45; Dansville, 8!00; Joyce Nichols, 17, and three men, the votes were recounted ,lust in many cnHcs Hnr! shoulcl bo child census. At its first meet- and Stockbridge, 8:30. Willard Peterman, 24, Robert L. Wednesday night, Allen was rovalucd. The comJnltlce1 whiclt . M d . I . ------ Richmond, 34, and Robert Junior the victor by an 82-64 vote. was appl'over! by the cotmcil Man- mg on ay mg 1t the SIX f d Hall, 21. The five had been drift· rlny nig-ht, will dcte•·mlne If the1·c members present agreed that Typl"ng O B OO ing m·ounrl drinl!lng Tllcsday night, Henderson has not decided nrc mnny CIIHcs of unjust assess- the initial step would be to find . , Sheriff Willard P. Barnes said. The what he will do about the l d I 1 men s an ma <c a l'CJlor l l o th c out where Mason youngsters five also took bottled beer to the change of events, he said cO!lncll gravel pit south of Lansing off Wednesday night. • · live. After that is charted, the MllyOI' Hnll snld it will cost . W"llI start Here Irvington avenue, according to the Henderson w11s a sticltcl' candi­ se~ernl thou:mnd dollars to rend- committee will determine what sheriff. date for the three-year tc1·m. But just present assessed valuations. kind of a building should be Mrs. Parlm' husband Is in Korea, his stickers were unique because Bond~ Am Sd provided and where it should due to return soon on rotation a cross' in n. box was also p1·inted 'rhe new charter l"C(jUircs that b C erec t e d • Ch a11·man• Al R'ICC 0 n Nex t F"'rl •d ay lcnve. Mrs. Nichols' husband Is on t h e sllclrcrs. The first the clel'l<, ll·casut·el· and superin- said. finishing a term in the county jail. boanl of canvassers held that the l I t f 11I voters' intent \VIIs evident and the emden Ao P >lie Mlnst,ruction ·be At the 11nnua1 meeting- last we cit onHe anwas assault jailed andseveral battery wcelts charge, ago b011 1 1 ballots IVCI'c valid. However, At­ cc · t t te onr ny night the electors chose four men and Nurses Will Type 300 with Peterman the complnining tomey Albert ThOI'b\11'11 adviserl ~otMmctl18 Dmeeting bonds were set. two women to serve with a school Persons Each D.ay for witness. Neither Peterman npr the board Wednesday nig-ht of an ' • oris Austm, ci ly trcasur- board nppointec on a committee to Hall nrc married, Richmond Is er, will be bonded for $10,000. Geo, study school needs. The school Civil Defense Program mal't'ied. atlomcy general's optnion of a Kellogg, city clerk, will be bonded hoa•·d named Raymond H. McLean, Last th h d printed Cl'Oss on the ballot. Sla l­ f $2 ()00 1 W C l utes specificnlly sla tc that n m~rk WI or . , anr aync ur 1s,. su- Bcslries Rice and McLean those on M ason 11J oo d '11 b e t ype d A ccordl ng t a th e accoun t the Rasp berries . d . yearh m.ore an a t o.usan quarts were (lnHhom County N•w• Photo) With fl. pencil 01' pen must be made perinlcndcnt of publlc WOI'I<s, will the committee arc M•·s. Hugh J. on July 27, 28, 30 and 31 un- four survivors gave Sheriff Barnes pte 1te ·~ t e Batley patch at Fitchburg. This year by the voter, he snid. be bonded for $1,000. Bartley, Mrs. Wi!llnm El. Clark, der present plans of the civil and Detective Joseph Pearce of the Are Ready the.re Will be more. Grace Bailey, 13, Richard Allen contester! the election. His Cltlzfllt l'l'nlcst.s Richard Demlow, Dr. D. R. Leth- d f Michigan Rtate pollee, the five de- . Batley, 5, .and Dave. Bailey, 14, help with the fo11r reasons fo1· askmg fo1· the re­ Ivan Wcthy nppearcd befo1·e the bridge and Nelson Brown. Demlow e ense program. cided qn the spur of the moment ptcktng. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Higley of Detrot't own the count WCI'C: Illcgfll stickers we1·e bl b ' p to go swimming so they drove ollt Alaiedon Splits council Mondny nig-ht to a~l< that was una c to e present at the or- eople in Mason and the of Lansing on Aurelius road to raspb~rry patch. They, along with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bailey, ;n·inted, illegal sliclccl's were used, something be clone about the g~niza.tion mectl,ng held . Monday surrounding area will .have 'Irvington and over to the pit. They also p1ck. Cl'l'or:; were made tn co11nting the speeding cars on Oltemos sll'cet. mght m McLean s law offwe. th · b! d 'fi d J l 1 b h t 1 ballots and illegal ballots were e1r oo c ass1 e on u y said they md een t ere frequen - H' 1 1 · h 1 · L h b $10,000 Among counted as valid voles. He snid that on Monday rooming Prn11oMals Itcvlewod ' 27 d 28 h . ly, At the pit, the four said, the 1g ey c .atms t at liS at am crries are the best. They his clog was l<illcd by a hit-run At its opening session the com- ~n . a~ t e LegiO.n Me- make good shtppers and the branches are loaded with fruit. Hcnclcl·son Wf\S bacl,cd by lhc car. mittee reviewed the three pl'Opos- mortal buildmg, accordmg to Th B 'I h . I ' Rural Schools Leslie Local-Republican and Pub­ "It could have been a child," als previously submitted to and Les Palmer, who heads the l'WO AltE AlmESTED . e at ey p.atc Is t lree years old. Raspberries must be lishel' Richard Fo11sl. The people's Wetlry sHirl. He tole! the council- turned down by the electors. The civil defense program in Ma- Rohcrt L. ltielunond and tnmmecl every year for top production, Higley said.
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