Public Document Pack SCRUTINY BOARD (CITY DEVELOPMENT) Meeting to be held in Civic Hall on Tuesday, 18th December, 2007 at 10.00 am A pre-meeting will take place for ALL Members of the Board in a Committee Room at 9.30 am MEMBERSHIP Councillors R Pryke (Chair) - Burmantofts and Richmond Hill G Driver - Middleton Park J Dunn - Ardsley and Robin Hood P Ewens - Hyde Park and Woodhouse J Harper - Armley M Lobley - Roundhay J Monaghan - Headingley R Procter - Harewood B Selby - Killingbeck and Seacroft A Shelbrooke - Harewood N Taggart - Bramley and Stanningley Please note: Certain or all items on this agenda may be recorded on tape Principal Scrutiny Adviser: Agenda compiled by: Janet Pritchard Richard Mills Governance Services Telephone No: 2474557 Civic Hall LEEDS LS1 1UR Telephone No: 247 4327 Produced on Recycled Paper A A G E N D A Item Ward/Equal Item Not Page No Opportunities Open No 1 APPEALS AGAINST REFUSAL OF INSPECTION OF DOCUMENTS To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 25 of the Access to Information Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded). 2 EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC To identify items where resolutions may be moved to exclude the public. 3 LATE ITEMS To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration. (The special circumstance shall be specified in the minutes.) 4 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS To declare any personal/prejudicial interests for the purpose of Section 81(3) of the Local Government Act 2000 and paragraphs 8 to 12 of the Members’ Code of Conduct. 5 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 6 MINUTES OF LAST MEETING 1 - 6 To receive and approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 20 th November 2007. 7 EXECUTIVE BOARD MINUTES 7 - 18 To receive the Executive Board minutes of the meeting held on 14 th November 2007. B Item Ward/Equal Item Not Page No Opportunities Open No 8 MEMBERS' QUESTIONS 19 - 20 To receive a report from the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development which gives Board Members the opportunity to ask questions of the Executive Board Member with portfolio responsibility for Development and Regeneration and the Director of City Development, who have been invited to attend the meeting. 9 CITY CENTRE AREA ACTION PLAN 21 - PREFERRED OPTIONS CONSULTATION 116 RESPONSES To consider a report from the Director of City Development providing Members with a summary of the scale and nature of representations received on the City Centre Area Action Plan Preferred Options. 10 HOUSING MIX, CITY CENTRE VACANCY AND 117 - CITY CENTRE INFRASTRUCTURE 130 To consider a report from the Director of City Development outlining some of the trends affecting the supply of flats and houses in Leeds, the level of vacancy of dwellings in the city centre and of the availability of infrastructure to support a mixed population in the city centre. 11 TRAFFIC CONGESTION - KEY LOCATIONS 131 - 142 To consider a report of the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development attaching a report of the Director of City Development in response to the Board’s request for information concerning the locations of traffic congestion on the major highway network. 12 THE LOCAL ECONOMIC IMPACT OF 143 - STUDENTS IN LEEDS 144 To consider a report from the Director of City Development outlining the work currently underway to assess the economic impact students, at the two universities in Leeds, have on the local economy. C Item Ward/Equal Item Not Page No Opportunities Open No 13 TOWN AND DISTRICT CENTRE 145 - REGENERATION SCHEME 152 To consider a report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods providing information on the development of the Council’s Town and District Centre Regeneration Scheme, highlighting key achievements and progress in Leeds since 2005. 14 THE CURRENT POSITION WITH S106 153 - PLANNING AGREEMENTS AND S278 164 HIGHWAYS AGREEMENTS To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer outlining the current position with S106 Planning Agreements and S278 Highways Agreements. 15 BV165 PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 165 - 168 To consider a report of the Director of City Development setting out the current position of the BV165 performance indicator (% of pedestrian crossings with facilities for disabled people) in response to this Board’s request for information arising from the recent external audit of this indicator. 16 WORK PROGRAMME 169 - 184 To consider the attached report of the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development regarding the Board’s work programme, together with a copy of the Forward Plan of Key Decisions pertaining to this Board’s Terms of Reference for the period 1 st December 2007 to 31 st March 2008. 17 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING To note that the next meeting of the Board will be held on 22 nd January 2008 at 10.00am with a pre- meeting for Board Members at 9.30am. D Agenda Item 6 SCRUTINY BOARD (CITY DEVELOPMENT) TUESDAY, 20TH NOVEMBER, 2007 PRESENT: Councillor R Pryke in the Chair Councillors G Driver, J Dunn, P Ewens, M Lobley, J Monaghan, R Procter, B Selby, A Shelbrooke and N Taggart 46 Declaration of Interests Councillor Monaghan declared a personal interest in Item 10 – Performance Report Quarter 2 2007/08 – as a Member of Plans Panel (City Centre). (NB: See also later Minute No. 50) 47 Minutes of Last Meeting RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 16 th October 2007 be confirmed as a correct record. 48 Overview and Scrutiny Minutes RESOLVED – That the minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings held on 11 th September and 9 th October 2007 be received and noted. 49 Executive Board Minutes RESOLVED – That the minutes of the Executive Board meeting held on 17 th October 2007 be received and noted. 50 Requests for Scrutiny - Former Miles Hill and Royal Park Schools The Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report outlining the requests for scrutiny made by Councillor Jane Dowson and Councillor David Morton regarding the former Miles Hill School and Royal Park School respectively. Attached to the report was a report from the Director of City Development which set out the general procedures and processes, including consultation, that applied when school buildings and land were declared surplus to requirements. Councillors Dowson and Morton attended the meeting to detail to the Board the reasons for their particular requests for scrutiny. Paul Brook, Chief Asset Management Officer, City Development, Martin Farrington, Head of Asset Management, City Development, and George Draft minutes to be approved at the meeting to be held on Tuesday, 18th December, 2007 Page 1 Turnbull, Resources Team Leader, Education Leeds were in attendance to respond to questions from the Board. Councillor Dowson advised the Board that her main concerns were whether the “ Narrowing the Gap " agenda had been taken seriously into consideration when reviewing the fate of the former Miles Hill School building, which had now been demolished. The building was situated in an area of acute deprivation, and she was of the view that the whole process of consultation that took place when any school building closed needed to be reviewed. Councillor Morton wanted to know what lessons could be learned from the redevelopment of the former Royal Park School site which had taken four years from the Executive Board decision to retain the building in 2003 to the present scheme. The original aspirations for community use of the building had not been fully realised and it was now substantially a commercially based scheme. He thought delays in implementation and rising refurbishment costs had contributed to this change in emphasis. Councillor Hussain also attended the meeting to add his concerns regarding the disposal of Royal Park School , particularly with regard to lack of consultation within the local community. Officers agreed that both schools were in areas of deprivation. It was reported that whilst the Miles Hill School had been demolished, a decision on whether to dispose of the site had been deferred pending submission of a report by Area Management on possible community uses. With regard to the former Royal Park School , officers briefly explained the background of events leading to the present scheme. Paul Brook explained the pressures that Asset Management were under to achieve capital receipts and the fact that only service departments consulted with the public and acted as the “sponsoring department”. The Board, after lengthy questioning of officers, agreed that consultation processes as applied when school buildings and land were declared surplus to requirement should be scrutinised by joining this issue with Item 11 on the Agenda – Inquiry to Review Consultation Processes in the City Development Department - (Minute No. 52 refers). RESOLVED – (a) That Councillors Dowson, Morton and Hussain be thanked for bringing this matter to the attention of the Board (b) That the Board scrutinise the consultation processes that are undertaken when school buildings and land are declared surplus to requirements , using this as a case study within the Inquiry to be held on Reviewing Consultation Processes in the City Development Department (Minute 52 refers). (Note1: Councillor Lobley declared a personal interest in this item as Chair of North East (Inner) Area Committee.) Draft minutes to be approved at the meeting to be held on Tuesday, 18th December, 2007 Page 2 (Note2: Councillors R Procter and Taggart joined the meeting at 10.45am and 11.10am respectively during the consideration of this item.) 51 Performance Report Quarter 2 2007/08 The Head of Policy, Performance and Improvement submitted a report which outlined the key performance issues considered to be of corporate significance identified for the City Development Scrutiny Board as at the end of September 2007.
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