S1132 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 13, 2006 Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. care Corporation, Cellular Technical Serv- Office Building will now be held on He then served as a lieutenant commander in ices Co., Inc., and Ladenburg Thalmann Fi- Wednesday, February 15, 2006 at 10:30 the U.S. Public Health Service at the Na- nancial Services Inc. Dr. Frost also is co-vice a.m. in the same room. tional Cancer Institute and completed a one- chairman of the American Stock Exchange’s The purpose of the hearing is to re- year senior residency at Jackson Memorial board of governors, chairman of the board of Hospital in Miami. He joined the faculty of trustees of the University of Miami, and a ceive testimony regarding S. 2197, to the University of Miami School of Medicine trustee of Scripps Research Institute. He improve the global competitiveness of in 1966 and then moved to Mount Sinai Med- previously served as chairman of the board the United States in science and en- ical Center of Greater Miami, chairing its of directors of Key Pharmaceuticals, Inc., ergy technology, to strengthen basic Department of Dermatology from 1972 to chairman of Whitman Education Group, Inc., research programs at the Department 1990. and vice chairman of the board of directors of Energy, and to provide support for While at Mt. Sinai, Dr. Frost sold a dispos- of American Vaccine, Inc. able instrument for skin biopsies to Miles mathematics and science education at Dr. Frost and his wife, Patricia, are ardent all levels through the resources avail- Laboratory. He and his partner in that ven- supporters of the arts. Sophisticated collec- ture then purchased Key Pharmaceuticals, tors of American abstract art, they gave able through the Department of En- which was later sold to Schering-Plough for their 113–piece collection to the Smithsonian ergy, including at the National Labora- $600 million. Eager to explore the then- American Art Museum in 1986. The Frost’s tories. unglamorous world of generic drugs, Dr. $33 million gift to the University of Miami Because of the limited time available Frost next founded IVAX Corporation, which for its school of music (now called the Phil- for the hearing, witnesses may testify became recognized for its consumer-directed lip and Patricia Frost School of Music) was by invitation only. However, those research, development, manufacture, and one of the largest individual gifts the univer- wishing to submit written testimony marketing of pharmaceutical products sity has ever received, and the largest ever worldwide. Since 1987, Dr. Frost has served for the hearing record should send two made to a university school of music in the copies of their testimony to the Com- as chairman of the board of directors and United States. Dr. Frost also serves as chair chief executive officer of IVAX; he also was of the fundraising initiative ‘‘Momentum: mittee on Energy and Natural Re- president from 1991 to 1995. IVAX was re- The Campaign for the University of Miami’’ sources, United States Senate, Wash- cently acquired by TEVA Pharmaceutical In- and has served as chair of the Miami Art Mu- ington, DC 20510–6150. dustries Ltd. and, according to published re- seum’s fundraising campaign ‘‘Art for All For further information, please con- ports, Dr. Frost will receive more than $1 bil- People.’’ Additionally, he is a former mem- tact Kathryn Clay or Steve lion of TEVA stock as a result of its sale. ber of the Florida International University Dr. Frost is a director of Northrop Grum- Waskiewicz. (FIU) Foundation board and the FIU board of man Corporation, Continucare Corporation, COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL trustees. FIU’s Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Cellular Technical Services Co., Inc., and RESOURCES Museum is so-named as a tribute to their Ladenburg Thalmann Financial Services Inc. longstanding support; likewise, the univer- Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, I He also is co-vice chairman of the American sity presented Dr. Frost with an honorary would like to announce for the infor- Stock Exchange’s board of governors and a degree in 1993 for his many contributions in mation of the Senate and the public trustee of Scripps Research Institute and medicine, business, and community service. that an oversight hearing has been previously served as chairman of the board He also was named the 2001 National Ernst & scheduled before the Committee on En- of directors of Key Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Young Entrepreneur of the Year. chairman of Whitman Education Group, Inc., ergy and Natural Resources on Wednes- A native of Philadelphia, Dr. Frost at- and vice chairman of the board of directors day, March 1, at 10 a.m. in Room SD– tended the University of Paris from 1955 to of American Vaccine, Inc. In addition, Dr. 366 of the Dirksen Senate Office Build- 1956. He received his B.A. from the Univer- Frost possesses significant fiscal experience sity of Pennsylvania in 1957 and his M.D. ing in Washington, DC. with matters of government oversight. from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine The purpose of the oversight hearing Residents of Florida for over 40 years, Dr. in New York in 1961, after which he com- is to receive testimony regarding the and Mrs. Frost also have been ardent sup- pleted his internship at New York’s state of the economies and fiscal af- porters of local community efforts. In addi- Montefiore Hospital and his residency in der- tion to their commitment to the visual arts, fairs in the Territories of Guam, Amer- matology at the Hospital of the University the Frosts made a $33 million gift to the Uni- ican Samoa, the Commonwealth of the of Pennsylvania. Following service as a lieu- versity of Miami for its school of music (now Northern Mariana Islands, and the tenant commander in the U.S. Public Health called the Phillip and Patricia Frost School United States Virgin Islands. Service at the National Cancer Institute, Dr. of Music), one of the largest individual gifts Because of the limited time available Frost completed a one-year senior residency the university ever has received. Dr. Frost at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami. He for the hearing, witnesses may testify serves as campaign co-chair of the fund-rais- joined the faculty of the University of Miami by invitation only. However, those ing initiative ‘‘Momentum: The Campaign School of Medicine in 1966 prior his tenure at wishing to submit written testimony for the University of Miami,’’ having pre- Mount Sinai Medical Center. for the hearing record should send two viously served as chairman of its board of trustees, and co-chaired the successful copies of their testimony to the Com- launch of the Miami Art Museum’s fund-rais- S.J. RES. 30 mittee on Energy and Natural Re- ing campaign ‘‘Art for All People.’’ He is a Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep- sources, United States Senate, Wash- former member of the Florida International resentatives of the United States of America in ington, DC 20510–6150. University (FIU) Foundation board and the Congress assembled, That, in accordance with For further information, please con- FIU board of trustees. The Patricia & Phillip section 5581 of the Revised Statutes (20 tact Josh Johnson or Steve Frost Art Museum at FIU is so-named as a U.S.C. 43), the vacancy on the Board of Re- Waskiewicz. tribute to their longstanding support; like- gents of the Smithsonian Institution, in the wise, the university presented Dr. Frost with class other than Members of Congress, re- f an honorary degree in 1993 for his many con- sulting from the retirement of Manuel L. AUTHORITIES FOR COMMITTEES tributions in medicine, business, and com- Iba´ n˜ ez, is filled by the appointment of Phil- TO MEET munity service. He also was named the 2001 lip Frost of Miami Beach, Florida. The ap- National Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the pointment is for a term of 6 years, beginning COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY AND Year. upon the date of enactment of this joint res- GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS Since 1987, Phillip Frost has served as olution. Mr. KYL. Mr. President, I ask unani- chairman of the board of directors and chief f mous consent that the Committee on executive officer of Ivax Corporation, which Homeland Security and Governmental was recently acquired by TEVA Pharma- NOTICES OF HEARINGS/MEETINGS Affairs be authorized to meet on Mon- ceutical Industries Ltd.; he also was presi- dent of IVAX from 1991 to 1995. In addition, COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL day, February 13, 2006, at 10 a.m. for a he was chairman of the Department of Der- RESOURCES hearing titled, ‘‘Hurricane Katrina: matology at Mt. Sinai Medical Center of Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, I Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Worsen the Greater Miami from 1972 to 1990. would like to announce for the infor- Disaster.’’ Nationally recognized for his business acu- mation of the Senate and the public The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without men and creative enterprise, Dr. Frost has that a hearing has been rescheduled be- objection, it is so ordered. held leadership positions with numerous cor- fore the Committee on Energy and Nat- PERMANENT SUBCOMMITTEE ON INVESTIGATIONS porations and organizations. In addition to his management of the IVAX board of direc- ural Resources. Mr. KYL. Mr. President, I ask unani- tors, he is chairman of the board of its sub- The hearing originally scheduled for mous consent that the Permanent Sub- sidiary, IVAX Diagnostics, and director of Tuesday, February 14, 2006 at 2:30 p.m. committee on Investigations be au- Northrop Grumman Corporation, Continu- in Room SD–366 of the Dirksen Senate thorized to meet on Monday, February VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:49 Feb 14, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13FE6.055 S13FEPT1 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with SENATE.
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