The Pickering 36 PAGES ✦ Pressrun 48,600 ✦ Metroland Durham Region Media Group ✦ FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 2005 ✦ Optional delivery $6 / Newsstand $1 CLEARED UP BIG WIN HIDE AND SEEK Good Neighbour Panthers dump De Niro’s search lends a hand Oshawa reaches theatres Page 12 Page 26 Page 25 Funding boost W here the MAN’S BEST FRIEND helps foreign trained streets have teachers living in Durham special names By Mike Ruta Pickering agrees Councillor Doug Dickerson at a Staff Writer Jan. 17 meeting instituting a policy DURHAM — Durham Continuing to honour veterans of naming City streets in memory Education is receiving $77,000 from with Seaton roads and in honour of veterans. the Ontario government to help in- “I don’t know that those of us ternationally-educated teachers on among the living could ever do the road to employment here. By Danielle Milley enough to honour those who gave Potential clients of the new bridge Staff Writer their lives so that we could be here training program are invited to one PICKERING — The planning today,” said Coun. Doug Dicker- of two orientation sessions on Mon- may not be finished for Seaton yet, son. day in Oshawa. but the City already knows who its “By doing it in the new com- The Province announced $5.8 streets are going to be named for. munity of Seaton it will be the first million in funding for 15 programs Pickering council unanimously time a community is named in Tuesday. Mary Anne Chambers, the passed a motion from Ward 2 City honour of those who allowed us to minister of training, colleges and have that community.” universities, said in a press release “Our soldiers, our military do a the programs would “provide the in- lot when they are called on by the ternationally trained with the skills world and sometimes we need to they need to be licensed to practice step back and remember that,” he or work in their chosen profession said. in Ontario, without duplicating the Nominate Pickering Ward 3 Regional Councillor Rick education and training they have Community Leaders Johnson agreed. already received.” Forms available at City “By including this in Seaton DCE, a division of the Durham facilities or at we’re including a new portion District School Board, operates at cityofpickering.com of the City with our heritage, the three sites in Durham, two in Os- Nominations due by Feb. 10 names of our veterans,” he said. hawa and one in Pickering. Monica 905.683.2760 Those honoured through the McClure, DCE’s head of language street naming process are to be programs, helped create the Teach those men and women who were in Durham program and the suc- Thinking of residents of Pickering when they cessful pitch to the Ontario govern- enlisted with Canada’s military ment. Hardwood? forces and who served overseas in “This is a pilot project,” she said in Give your home a new active duty during the Boer War, an interview. “We’ve targeted teach- look for Winter the First World War, the Second ers who have a university degree World War, the Korean conflict in math, science, computer science We are Durham’s fl ooring experts! and the Crimean War, as well as Jason Liebregts/ News Advertiser photo and French... but all internation- those who lost their lives in any PICKERING — Wayne Reid found himself in an all too familiar spot ally-trained teachers are invited to >>`>Ê>À`Ü`Ê recently. The Pickering resident was out clearing snow on Glenanna peacekeeping action initiated by apply.” À}ÊV° Road as another storm dumped a load of snow on the city. 1547 Bayly St., Pickering the United Nations or NATO. Offered at the E.A. Lovell Con- 905-420-3285 ✦ See Pickering, Page 2 ✦ See Durham, Page 5 P PAGE 2 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, JANUARY 28, 2005 durhamregion.com Pickering wants to leave legacy ✦ Pickering from page 1 obviously going to know the attach- ment to it,” he said. “I can’t think of any better way for us Ward 1 City Councillor Kevin Ashe to keep their memory alive,” said Ward pointed out 2005 has been proclaimed Conseil scolaire de district du Centre-Sud-Ouest 2 Regional Councillor Bill McLean. the year of the veteran. Have your say about public French language schools in your area “To make sure we never forget those “The City of Pickering can follow that who made our country great and who lead and pass unanimously this motion Conseil scolaire de district du Centre-Sud-Ouest invites you to one of the following consultation helped secure our freedom.” tonight,” he said. “It is a great opportu- sessions to provide your input into the opening of new elementary and secondary French language Those veterans who were killed or nity for us to honour our war heroes.” public schools in the Ajax-Whitby-Pickering-Oshawa area. Please note that the sessions will be missing in action are to be honoured Mayor Dave Ryan also expressed his held in French. first, then veterans who have passed support for the motion and wanted away and veterans still living would be staff to compile a registry so people can First Session Second Session honoured next. be educated on the history behind the Date : February 1, 2005 Date : February 2, 2005 The roads named in honour of veter- name of each street. Time : 7:30 p.m. – 9 p.m. Time : 7:30 p.m. – 9 p.m. ans are to be identified with street signs “I want to see it so that when young Location : École élémentaire Location : École élémentaire displaying a poppy. people drive down the street and ask Antonine Maillet Laure-Rièse Ward 3 City Councillor David Pickles their parents ‘why do we live on such said the policy instituted in Ajax to and such a street,’ their parents may 615 Ridgeway Avenue, Oshawa ON 1375 Morningside Avenue, Scarborough ON name streets after veterans brings back not know, but they would have a way a lot of memories for the community to find out,” he said. To confirm your attendance or for more information on the consultation, contact Denys Giguère, and preserves the heritage. He believes Communications Director, at (416) 614-5913. For more information on our schools, visit our web this will do the same in Pickering. site at www.csdcso.on.ca . “If there is a poppy on it people are JANUARY Catch a bus in Pickering SALE to tsunami fundraiser CANADIENNE durhamregion.com Just one more way to get your news from the Metroland Durham Region Media Group AJAX — Leave the cars at home SaveSave Durham, urges the Ajax-Pickering Transit Authority (APTA). $40$40 LAST In an effort to contribute to the Dur- CHANCE ham Community Tsunami Relief event AT tomorrow (Saturday) at Deer Creek Genuine Golf and Banquet Facility, the APTA Leather, THESE has announced it is running free shut- waterproof PRICES ! tle rides for citizens planning to attend with a the fundraiser. non-slip sole 22004004 22004004 Buses to the event will be collecting IIMMPPALAALA A ALEROLERO passengers at the Pickering Town Cen- tre, both Pickering and Ajax GO sta- tions, as well as the Ajax Plaza. Buses depart the Pickering Town Centre at 25 minutes past the hour from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and proceed in order to the Pick- ering GO station, Ajax GO station, the Ajax Plaza, and then on to their final Sizes 4-15 Widths AA-EEE destination of Deer Creek. This trip is estimated to take 40 minutes from the PICKERING TOWN CENTRE • UPPER LEVEL start to finish with buses returning to • SEARS WING • WE’VE GOT YOUR SIZE the town centre after each Deer Creek drop-off. For more information, call APTA at $ $ 905-683-4111. 115,8885,888 1 12,8882,888 FromFrom FFromrom 4),% 22004004 2 2004004 *"/ / ° VVENTUREENTURE TTRAILBLAZERRAILBLAZER EXTEXT 4),% *"/ / ° SALES / INSTALLATION RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL GRAND OPENING SPECIALS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9:00 am - 7:00 pm PORCELAIN CERAMIC SLATE $ 99OVER 20 COLOURS $ 99 $ $2 26,8886,888 ¢ FFromrom 116,8886,888 FromFrom 1 sq. ft. 99sq. ft. 1 sq. ft. Tile Installation from $2.99 sq. ft. Basic tile installation. Some conditions apply. Free estimates. No restocking fees. 50LB. BAG MULTI 785 WESTNEY RD. SOUTH PURPOSE UNIT #24, AJAX THIN SET $ 99 ROB HOUSTON DICK SHINN JOE NIRO GREG CRUMP JOHN WAKALUK WAYNE SIBERRY MOTOR 10 905-686-9666 + PPluslus ttaxes,axes, llic.ic. & aadmin.dmin. ffee,ee, fformerormer ddailyaily rrentalsentals durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, JANUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 3 A/P Ajax, Pickering Iraqi-Canadians head to the polls Three GTA polling voters, offering two informa- Durham residents can cast For more information on tion nights in Durham in the a ballot between 7 a.m. and local polling stations and the stations open last month. 5 p.m. on Jan. 28, 29, and 30 out-of-country electoral pro- this weekend “We had hundreds of peo- at the polling station where cess, visit www.iraqocv.org or ple come, so that shows this they registered. call 1-800-916-8292. is something people are tak- By Jillian Follert ing very seriously,” he says. Holland talks environment in California Staff Writer “I am hearing of people driv- DURHAM — For Omar ing hundreds of kilometres Alsadoon, casting a ballot to register, and planning to DURHAM — Mark Hol- I thought,” Mr. Holland said. in this weekend’s landmark make the trip again to vote... land’s interest in the environ- “The ability of car manufac- Iraqi election is more than they see that this is a his- ment led him to California turers to reduce emissions is just an exercise in democ- toric chance for us to change last week.
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